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Farmer and Singleton

Kid Gleason

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You know, I never had a problem with Farmer, he was decent with Rooney. But now his weaknesses are really showing up. Good lord, he really is as bad as many have said. I am sitting here listening today, and what a friggin' sourpuss the guy is about everything. He seems to dislike everything about everybody on the field. He sounds like a cranky old man. The shinning spot is turning out to be Singleton, and even better yet, Singleton's willingness to call Farmer out on his mistakes and his crankiness. If there was some way of getting rid of Farmer next year and keeping Singleton, I would say they should do it.


Has anybody else also caught him on his flip-flopping on calling what the managers should do? The other day he said that BMac should stay in the game. Next inning rolls in and Jenks comes out and Farmer says that it is really the only smart move to make. :D

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I'd prefer to see a clean flush of the radio booth.

Send Singleton down to a minor-league affiliate to hone the craft. I think he shows promise to be good someday, but let him cut his teeth in a smaller market.

Farmer is brutal. Droning monotone, boring stories, bitter tone about most subjects.

He was passable as a color man, but to listen to him as the primary voice is just awful.

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Farmer is just so busy trying to develop his stories when he talks, that he completely forgets that there is a baseball game that he is supposed to be narrating. He obviously hasnt grasped that he is not the color man anymore, and thats just piss poor. Singletons problem is that he forgets that he is in the radio booth and gets caught up watching the game and forgets to narrate and add the "color".


And worst thing is that both of them compound each others problems and mistakes.

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Singleton will never be good. I don't care what kind of feel-good memory you have from the 2000 season about some cycle he may have hit or whatnot. I worked in radio for four years. The guy doesn't have a f***ing clue whatsoever.


A change needs to be made ASAP, and whatever it takes to expedite said change I will be willing to contribute time effort and possibly money to. This is atrocious, and an embarrassment to the White Sox organization, players and the fans.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 01:58 PM)
I really did give both of them a fair shot this season, but I cant do it anymore. They really are awful, and Farmer just leaves Chris out to dry, and its painful to listen to...



Is it really that bad since John Rooney left? Wow! I haven't heard a game yet on the radio and I am kind of scared to.

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I worked in radio too for a couple of years--very fun work if you can get it. Doesn't pay much, but very laid back.


That said, I agree that Singleton will never be good. He doesn't have anything going for him in the voice department--even through miles of digital processors, he still sounds like a 13 year old boy waiting for puberty. His "insight" into the game isn't anything special either.


Farmer really doesn't bother me. I agree he's a big sourpuss who probably thinks too highly of himself, however, I find his dour tone rather amusing most days.


That said, he really struggles as the play by play guy.




The Score is a joke for not paying whatever he wanted. Remember that great USA Today article in which Rooney and Farmer were ranked the best in the AL? I wouldn't be surprised if they do the same article again and Singleton and Farmer are dead last.

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I won't say that Singleton will never be any good, but he needs a lot of work and fast. The problem is that since he's new and still lacking confidence, it's difficult for him to get a word in edge wise against motor mouth Farmer. When he does try to interject, he cuts in at all the wrong times, talks over Farmer, realizes it and just goes quiet for a long while. Farmer must figure, hey if he's not gonna say anything, I'll take over the whole damn show.

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Chris Rongey had to hang up on a guy who was badmouthing Singleton in the second call of the show. I feel bad for Singleton, but the Score threw him into the fire hardcore. I just think the formula of moving Farmer to lead and Singleton, completely unproven and no experience, to Color was just asking for trouble. A very high risk, minimal effort, most likely money-driven move by the Score and I really think they will take the fall for this. JMO

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QUOTE(Sox1422 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 04:23 PM)
If I hear them say "Babe" Shelton one more time I am going to puke.  :puke


NO s***


At one point Farmer said "Babe Shelton is due up next" and he paused, waited for Singleton, then prompted Singleton "You remember, right?" at which point Chris said very plainly(I actually laughed at this one) "Yes, Chris Shelton is Babe Shelton", and then Farmer procedes to explain (for the 4th time, everytime he came up to bat) that his teammates call him Babe Shelton, because he hits like Babe Ruth(no way!), and then when he came up to bat? "And Babe Shelton steps to the plate."


I really feel for Chris to be stuck with that man all the time.

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I never liked Farmer either but I wasn't overly impressed with Rooney when I've heard him a few times in the past. I suppose that makes me a super minority.



I'm in that super-minority with you. I rarely was entertained by Rooney, and I found his pairing with Farmer pretty much overbearing.


That being said, Rooney's a professional -- through and through -- and he certainly can call a game. That seems to be lacking right now.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 04:36 PM)
NO s***


At one point Farmer said "Babe Shelton is due up next" and he paused, waited for Singleton, then prompted Singleton "You remember, right?" at which point Chris said very plainly(I actually laughed at this one) "Yes, Chris Shelton is Babe Shelton", and then Farmer procedes to explain (for the 4th time, everytime he came up to bat) that his teammates call him Babe Shelton, because he hits like Babe Ruth(no way!), and then when he came up to bat?  "And Babe Shelton steps to the plate."


I really feel for Chris to be stuck with that man all the time.



That's priceless. Zero chemistry.

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aw, give em some time to warm up to each other. theres no need to be crying "off with his head" like all of you are here. we are 8 games into the season for crying in the sink.


And if you hate it so much, why dont you pay $40 to mlb.com and listen to the other team's announcers? like a famous mucisian once said, "if you cant be with the one you love, love the one you're with". lighten up, everyone!

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QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 10:01 PM)
It is really a terrible, terrible duo to listen to. The game on Sunday against KC, Singleton was talking about going to dinner with Farmer, and Farmer SHOT HIM DOWN! He was being such an ass to him. It's terrible.


I miss Rooney :( :( :(


i remember that, i felt bad for chris. i just think we are jumping to conclusions here. give them some time, like at least a month.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 09:04 PM)
i remember that, i felt bad for chris. i just think we are jumping to conclusions here. give them some time, like at least a month.


I did feel really bad for Chris too. Atleast he is TRYING to open up to Farmer. hes got a better voice too.

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