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Farmer and Singleton

Kid Gleason

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QUOTE(Jimbo's Drinker @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 04:52 PM)
Who is worse Singleton or Joe Carter??




This topic pops up every couple weeks. IMO, Singleton isn't that bad as a color guy but he can't do PBP which Farmer makes him do. That's bad enough, but on top of that THEY TALK THROUGH THE PLAY! One of them will stumble through some nearly pointless commentary then tell you later that 2 more pitches were thrown in the mean time.

I still think Farmer is the problem because I doubt he knows that there is a problem.

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like a famous mucisian once said, "if you cant be with the one you love, love the one you're with".


For the record ... Stephen Stills, background vocals Rita Coolidge, David Crosby, Graham Nash, and uncredited, Eric Clapton.

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QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 09:01 PM)
It is really a terrible, terrible duo to listen to. The game on Sunday against KC, Singleton was talking about going to dinner with Farmer, and Farmer SHOT HIM DOWN! He was being such an ass to him. It's terrible.


I miss Rooney :( :( :(



Didn't you get it? That's Farmer's sense of humor. That's funny.

Edited by LosMediasBlancas
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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 09:36 PM)
NO s***


At one point Farmer said "Babe Shelton is due up next" and he paused, waited for Singleton, then prompted Singleton "You remember, right?" at which point Chris said very plainly(I actually laughed at this one) "Yes, Chris Shelton is Babe Shelton", and then Farmer procedes to explain (for the 4th time, everytime he came up to bat) that his teammates call him Babe Shelton, because he hits like Babe Ruth(no way!), and then when he came up to bat?  "And Babe Shelton steps to the plate."


I really feel for Chris to be stuck with that man all the time.


Haha, I heard that. Although, if Farmer were to say "Babe Shelton is due up next" with Rooney in the booth, at least John would have played along after having sensed the obvious sarcasm in Farmer's tone (despite the fact that the Tigers players actually call him Babe). Singleton just ain't cut out for a radio gig, especially with a wise-ass like Farmer sitting next to him.

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QUOTE(G&T @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 09:14 PM)
This topic pops up every couple weeks. IMO, Singleton isn't that bad as a color guy but he can't do PBP which Farmer makes him do. That's bad enough, but on top of that THEY TALK THROUGH THE PLAY! One of them will stumble through some nearly pointless commentary then tell you later that 2 more pitches were thrown in the mean time.

I still think Farmer is the problem because I doubt he knows that there is a problem.

This is my pet peeve too. I got so mad at them during ST I wrote to WSCR that if Farmer and Singleton want to spend the afternoon talking softly to each other they should get them a motel room. In the mean time find somebody to tell us what is happening on the baseball field.


They have improved greatly since the real season opened and I hope the progress continues. Next test of my patience will be in booth interviews, Farmeo tends to become oblivious to the game when he gets Freddy Couples or Jesse White on, and he doesn't have Rooney anymore to slip in the little P by P bits while he's playing Oprah Winfrey.

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QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 07:58 AM)
I thought Lyons would have been a great choice! But Reiny is all about oppurtunity for his old players. DJ didn't have any experience when they hired him. And Singleton the same.


Yeah, but Lyons is an ex-Sox player with experience in the broadcasting. Its a win-win.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 10:51 PM)
Didn't you get it?  That's Farmer's sense of humor.  That's funny.


No, apparently I didn't get it. Maybe if he would have changed the tone of his voice for once, it would have clicked. But when I heard it, it was definately an evil shut down of Singleton.

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They are pretty bad. I also think Farmer is the problem. He is a pompous ass, and he treats Singleton like he's an idiot. Singleton should not be allowed to do any play-by-play, but I don't mind him as the color guy. Farmer is constantly interrupting him as though we all want to hear a story about which one of the countless number of teams Farmer played for. We've heard them all already Ed!! You're the play-by-play guy now, let Chris tell his stories, he's the color guy! On a seperate note, Chris Rongey(spelling?), is also horrible, I was listening the other day and he was just dismissing anything any caller said about what the Sox may have done wrong that day. That's the point of having people call in you idiot! To talk about what people thought was good about the game, and what people thought went bad during the game. Don't just dismiss it if someone says something negative. Oh how I miss Rooney and WMVP!

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QUOTE(soxpride77 @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 11:49 AM)
Singleton should not be allowed to do any play-by-play, but I don't mind him as the color guy.

This is what I think about Farmer, minus the "I don't mind him as the color guy" part.



And I miss MVP as the radio home of the Sox, too, if for no other reason than the rest of the MVP broadcast day is at least listenable. The Score fills me with nausea.

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 01:05 PM)
This is what I think about Farmer, minus the "I don't mind him as the color guy" part.



And I miss MVP as the radio home of the Sox, too, if for no other reason than the rest of the MVP broadcast day is at least listenable. The Score fills me with nausea.


Yeah, the Score shows are not good. Sometimes if I leave my car radio tuned to the Score at night, I have to hear Mike North's voice when I get back in the car in the morning. That guy makes my ears bleed, he's such a douchebag.

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Farmer is not the problem-he's saddled with a guy that cant get words out-Farmer spends lots of time trying to get Singleton involved in broadcast just to get comments like "we talked about that before"


I feel bad for Ed-he is trying. Singleton is terrible to the infinate power

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QUOTE(klaus kinski @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 03:44 PM)
Farmer is not the problem-he's saddled with a guy that cant get words out-Farmer spends lots of time trying to get Singleton involved in broadcast just to get comments like "we talked about that before"


I feel bad for Ed-he is trying. Singleton is terrible to the infinate power


I agree to a point that Ed is often fishing to try to engage Singlton. But he's also intentionally pushing his buttons on things all the time, and you can sense Chris just seething about it. Sure, that's the gruff sourpus persona Farmer has cultivated for himself, but I don't think it's rubbing Chris the right way.

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Either Farmer is a grumpy old bastard or he's trying to be funny, I can't really tell the difference.


I think Singleton just needs some more experience. DJ was horrible when he started out. And before you say "He's still horrible", I remember him being a whole lot worse then he is nowadays.

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Wow, I tried to listen to the radio feed for last nights game--simply terrrible. I couldn't even listen after a few minutes.


Farmer was talking when Singleton was talking, and vice versa, tons of awkward silences--stupid asides from Singleton. And frequently Chris would go off on some stupid tangent after a dumb leading question from Farmer--and the would miss the play by play just because Chris couldn't shutup when pitches were being thrown.


This is the worst radio tandem I have ever heard. It's a joke, and an embarassment that the World Champs get this.

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QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Apr 18, 2006 -> 11:33 AM)
This is the worst radio tandem I have ever heard.  It's a joke, and an embarassment that the World Champs get this.


Def. embarassing, but dare I say, I think they're getting a little bit better as the season's progressed.

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I haven't had the chance to listen to them much this year, but I had the pleasure to listen to them in the final few innings last night. It was absolutely pathetic. Farmer asks Singleton who the toughest pitching staff was that he ever faced. It took Singleton about 25 minutes to come up with an answer. Not only that, but Singleton doesn't even have cable at his house right now, so he can't watch what's going on in other games.

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QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Apr 18, 2006 -> 09:33 AM)
This is the worst radio tandem I have ever heard.  It's a joke, and an embarassment that the World Champs get this.


This is what happens when you lose a HOF play-by-play guy, put his former color partner into his slot, and fill the color slot with somebody who's completely inexperienced.


Farmer's one of those guys you either love or hate. I didn't like the monotone voice and never-ending golf stories at first, but he really grew on me over the years. Agreed that he's a much better at color commentary than play-by-play, but I don't think that he's horrible at calling games either. After losing Rooney, I couldn't imagine losing Farmer as well. He's a Sox institution.


Because Singleton is inexperienced, I don't believe is being given a fair shake here. He's not THAT bad. Like Brian Anderson's hitting, it's going to take some time for him to adjust and I think that he has the potential to do well. In fact, it's going to take some time for Singleton and Farmer to gel.


I understand being pissed off at The Score for being cheap-asses with regard to Rooney, but I don't think that taking it out on the current crew is the answer.

Edited by WCSox
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