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Spring Break in Alaska


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Well, I had such a fantastic time in Alaska that I decided to share it with all of you. I was visiting my Godfather and family in Anchorage for a week. My flight left O'Hare on Saturday the 8th at 7:45 PM and I arrived in Achorage via Alaska Airlines at 12:20 AM, their time (3 hours back).


Woke up the next morning and left to go snowmachining at my Godfather's friend's cabin about 2 hours north of Anchorage past Talkeetna.




Cabin building still in progress:



And I must say, for a first time snowmachiner, I was a natural. The blue one is a beast. I was going over 80 on that b****....



On this lake:



On the way back home, I was so amazed with the mountains I had to take some snapshots. These are part of the Chugach Mountain Range...





Spending all day snowmachining was great but it takes a lot out of you. We went home, slept, and the next day, we headed South down the Cook Inlet towards Seward (low tide):






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The sign entering the Kenai Peninsula (my favorite place in the world):



Once we arrived at Seward, we took some pictures and stopped at the Harbor where the world famous Halibut are caught and hung:



Some of the great sights in Seward:









One the way back, we stopped at Kincaid Park in Anchorage to see The Sleeping Lady:



The next day, the real fun started...ice fishing on Sand Lake. It's right down the block from the house so we tried it out and ended up with one Dolly:




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We woke up early the next day to check out the view on the hillsides in Anchorage when we came upon these:





We headed up the hillside and low-and-behold, the clear skies boasted the tip of Mt. McKinley across the inlet:





Then we headed up north again past Wasilla at this little lake that is loaded with Rainbow trout. We caught quite a few and limited out easily:




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The next day we decided to check out the lakes up in the mountains and we decided on this piece of work, Bonnie Lake:



The ice was so thick, we had to drill holes around the main hole to gt through. It was about 6 1/2 feet of ice:



The wind was howling and the fish were slow so we decided to head out after only catching a few Rainbow.


Later that day, we headed down to Girdwood, about 30 miles away from Anchorage, where my godfather was doing some things at this guy's house. The guy happens to be rich and own a ski resort right in Girdwood:



We spent all of Friday at Girdwood waiting for a big shipment to come in. While we waited, we took some pictures of some cool stuff the guy had at his house...


Kodiak Bear Skull:



An engraved whale gill or something like that:


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After the shipments arrived, we packed up and headed from Girdwood to the other side of the inlet towards Homer...



We saw parts of the Kenai River:





The unusual color of the river made it quite unique. It derives from glacier passages so the color of the water is a bluish-greenish but the wierd part about it is that the river passes through a small lake which is clear but the river stays the same color and the lake stays clear. Very awesome.


We left realtively late so we caught the sunset on the way to Homer:





For the record, it is impossible NOT to see moose from Saldotna to Homer. Impossible.



Finally, after a 4 hour drive, we had arrived at Homer, Alaska. The Halibut Fishing capital of the world and also the last town before the ocean. Wanna drive past Homer? Better have a flotation device on your truck...



And with that, I left back to Anchorage and then flew to Denver, and then flew to Chicago. And now, I am in the flatlands of the midwest. :puke


So, I leave you with this....let the pictures do the talking:




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Also, while in Denver's airport, I got a view of the Rocky Mountains and they are NOTHING compared to the mountains in Alaska. Nothing.


Oh, and finally, I got too see the Northern Lights 4 times. The first was on the plane ride to Anchorage. The other 2 were Friday night in Homer. And the bext was on the ride from Homer to Anchorage when we saw the most beautiful display of green and pink in the world. We literally had to pull over to enjoy the mass beauty of it. We were so damn amazed that we didn't even have the sense to get the camera and take pictures but it looked EXACTLY like this




but with more green. :cheers

Edited by SoxFan1
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