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Mark Buehrle Contract Talk


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Some interesting statements here;


It would seem that Ken Williams is done joking around with Mark Buehrle.


The White Sox' general manager didn't find Buehrle's latest tarp-sliding incident very funny, and Williams is showing even less humor concerning all the St. Louis Cardinals talk that has come out of Buehrle's mouth the last four years.


While Williams considers Buehrle a "core player,'' talks about a long-term contract have yet to begin. Whether it's because Williams doesn't feel the time is right or doesn't feel Buehrle is a realistic investment possibility because of the pitcher's St. Louis ties, he isn't saying.


Williams mentioned the Cardinals talk late in spring training after the club announced Jose Contreras' contract extension, but it was passed off as kidding. He made it clear Tuesday, however, that he wasn't.


"[buehrle] mentioned it once at that annual [st. Louis] dinner -- OK, that's funny,'' Williams said of the left-hander expressing a desire to pitch for his hometown Cardinals in the future. "He mentioned it twice the next year. ... You mention it three times like he did, and you have to start thinking he's serious.


"I wasn't completely joking with what I said [in spring training]. With that said, the one thing ... we've tried to do for a number of years now is lock up the core players. He certainly embodies everything of what we are trying to be about. If I further try to speak on the subject when it's not appropriate, it's not consistent with us trying to get things done under a confidential basis.''


But Buehrle confirmed there have been no talks concerning his future past 2006. The Sox have a $9.5 million option for next season that they almost certainly will pick up, but Buehrle is all for getting something longer done.


In fact, for the first time since the Cardinals talk began, Buehrle went out of his way before the game Tuesday to let the organization know how he feels.


"The whole Cardinals thing, I don't really know if I could sign with them, to be honest with you,'' Buehrle said. "If the Cardinals and White Sox came in and said, 'Here, five years for the same amount of money' or slightly apart, I don't know if I could sign with the Cardinals. There's a lot of stuff that comes with that, a lot of distractions. I've talked to people that play in their hometown, and they say it's almost too big of a distraction.


"Not to say that it won't happen or I won't go somewhere else, but the St. Louis stuff was all a joke. I did it the one time joking around, it got back here and was made into such a big deal, so I did it again just because everyone made such a big deal about it. That's the kind of guy I am. I like to screw around and have fun.''


And if the Sox decide to wait, at least this year, to begin talks?


"That's up to them,'' Buehrle said. "If they want to wait until the end of the year, wait until the end of next year or start doing it right now, I don't think it will bother me one way or the other, or affect the way I pitch.


"I'm going to go out there and give it 100 percent whether I'm under contract for a year or for five years.''

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QUOTE(thedoctor @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 08:42 AM)
although i'd like to see less of the cardinals talk, i'd also like to see kenny ease up. is he on the rag this week or something?




Ever since he got to pop off on Frank, he's been coming off as such a hard ass in the media, with every issue.



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QUOTE(thedoctor @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 07:42 AM)
although i'd like to see less of the cardinals talk, i'd also like to see kenny ease up. is he on the rag this week or something?


Oh my god, I was just about to say the same thing after reading it. Jeez Kenny, though it might be annoying to hear him say it, its still no suprise about his feelings for his hometown team. Does that mean he "wants" to go there, no, but in his mind it "might" be cool. I don't think it takes away from his efforts, his place on this team, or the respect of any of the fans. In my mind, its really not that big of a deal. Its not a reality, and if it becomes one, I will worry about it then.


That being said, lets kick the s*** out of KC one more time today!!



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I'm not saying anything controversial here, but if there's one guy they absolutely must lock up, it's Buerhle. As good as the rest of the staff is, he's the one guy who pitches a solid game EVERY time out and is as solid a guy as you can want. We all realize we are not the Yankees and can't keep everyone. But Buerhle is someone you don't take a chance on. If it means someone else walks, so be it. Sign Buehrle now. Tomorrow. Yesterday. Just do it already.

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QUOTE(FlaCWS @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 09:22 AM)
I'm not saying anything controversial here, but if there's one guy they absolutely must lock up, it's Buerhle. As good as the rest of the staff is, he's the one guy who pitches a solid game EVERY time out and is as solid a guy as you can want. We all realize we are not the Yankees and can't keep everyone. But Buerhle is someone you don't take a chance on. If it means someone else walks, so be it. Sign Buehrle now. Tomorrow. Yesterday. Just do it already.


I agree about keeping Mark, although nothing surprises me any more.

However, I think Kenny's beef is that Mark is making it look like he has KW and the team by the balls. Whether it's a joke, or intentional or not on Mark's part, I can see KW's point here.

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QUOTE(FlaCWS @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 09:22 AM)
I'm not saying anything controversial here, but if there's one guy they absolutely must lock up, it's Buerhle. As good as the rest of the staff is, he's the one guy who pitches a solid game EVERY time out and is as solid a guy as you can want. We all realize we are not the Yankees and can't keep everyone. But Buerhle is someone you don't take a chance on. If it means someone else walks, so be it. Sign Buehrle now. Tomorrow. Yesterday. Just do it already.


Not to mention he is our only lefty starter and you must go in the "Way-back Machine" to find the last World Series Champ that won without a lefty in the rotation.

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Buerhle is our ace! And a fun loving team leader. He has been our most consistent pitcher over the past 6 years, if KW was smart he would lock him down now! You know what you get with MB. With Konerko it was different because he has a poor season in 2003 and he bounced back nice in 2004. KW wanted to make sure he didn't have another 2003 type season before he locked down Pauly longterm. With Buerhle you know your going to get 15+ wins every year and 200+ innings pitched. I say he's worth a 5 year $50 million contract. Get it done soon KW!

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QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 10:11 AM)
Buerhle is our ace! And a fun loving team leader. He has been our most consistent pitcher over the past 6 years, if KW was smart he would lock him down now! You know what you get with MB. With Konerko it was different because he has a poor season in 2003 and he bounced back nice in 2004. KW wanted to make sure he didn't have another 2003 type season before he locked down Pauly longterm. With Buerhle you know your going to get 15+ wins every year and 200+ innings pitched. I say he's worth a 5 year $50 million contract. Get it done soon KW!


5 years $50 million? Mark would laugh at that contract, and justifiably so. When all is said and done, Mark Buehrle is looking at a deal in the $15 million/yr range, not $10mil. Chicago might be able to get him in the $13-14 range just for a home town discount, but if he hits the FA market, he is looking at 5/75, and maybe a 6-7 year deal. s*** an injury prone Burnett just got 5-55, Mark is looking at much more being a lefty and never missing any starts.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 08:15 AM)
5 years $50 million?  Mark would laugh at that contract, and justifiably so.  When all is said and done, Mark Buehrle is looking at a deal in the $15 million/yr range, not $10mil.  Chicago might be able to get him in the $13-14 range just for a home town discount


There's no way that JR will sign Buehrle to a deal of 6 or 7 years at $15 mil per. Even 5 years at that rate is unlikely.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 09:15 AM)
5 years $50 million?  Mark would laugh at that contract, and justifiably so.  When all is said and done, Mark Buehrle is looking at a deal in the $15 million/yr range, not $10mil.  Chicago might be able to get him in the $13-14 range just for a home town discount, but if he hits the FA market, he is looking at 5/75, and maybe a 6-7 year deal.  s*** an injury prone Burnett just got 5-55, Mark is looking at much more being a lefty and never missing any starts.


After seeing what Contreras signed to, I would not be very surprised at all for a 5 year/50. These guys love being here.

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KW needs to shut his hole.


Why in the f*** is he even talking this out in the media? On the one hand I can see why Buehrle would dream about playing close to home in St. Louis, but on the other hand, in a town where he is so beloved and has had such great success and has won a World Series... I highly doubt he would just leave us at the drop of a hat.


And he just said as much.


I respect KW for his thinking and thank him for bringing us a Series, but all this swingin' dick stuff is starting to make him look Steinbrenner-like. And this kind of distraction--just as the season begins--is the LAST thing this team needs.


The tarp-sliding thing should have been handled privately and it could have been no more than "Look we know it's fun and the fans love it but it scares the s*** out of us, so no more." Instead, Buehrle was publicly chastised for something that was innocent and fun, even if it was inappropriate for the star pitcher.


Time for KW to take his rightful place "behind the scenes," where he belongs.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 09:33 AM)
Kenny Williams, behind the scenes?  Have you been in a cave since 2002?


No, I know what you mean.


But I'm seeing, it seems, a lot more of KW these days than we need to see. I can understand, maybe, his little blowout with Frank, but when he starts talking s*** about our #1 starter--in public--he needs to shut up.


It's not helpful. It's bellicose.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 10:37 AM)
No, I know what you mean.


But I'm seeing, it seems, a lot more of KW these days than we need to see.  I can understand, maybe, his little blowout with Frank, but when he starts talking s*** about our #1 starter--in public--he needs to shut up.


It's not helpful.  It's bellicose.


Its not going to happen. Its like asking Ozzie to get into Sabrmetrics, and meditate. Kenny is Kenny, and Mark is Mark... neither of them is going to change.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 08:32 AM)
KW needs to shut his hole.


Why in the f*** is he even talking this out in the media?


Agreed. However, if Mark hadn't spoke about going to the Cardinals THREE TIMES in public, this would never have been an issue.

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QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 10:54 AM)
Not to mention he is our only lefty starter and you must go in the "Way-back Machine" to find the last World Series Champ that won without a lefty in the rotation.


You mean all the way back to 2004?


(I think they definitely need to extend him, though. He's a great pitcher.)

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