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Opinion please?

White Sox Fan For Life

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:22 PM)
1. The Red Sox won the 2004 WS

2. The Cubs front office being historically incapable of building teams that could be compeititve for several years (no back-to-back winning seasons from 1972-2004)

3. Curses are nothing but excuses for lack of execution (Buckner, Prior/Gonzalez)


Cut out the "lack of supernatural occurance" crap and don't dwell on Buckner's move to Idaho.  The former is garbage and the latter has nothing to do with your argument.



Well thank you for that harsh criticism I appreciate it. I can sense a huge feedback of great honesty. So when I talked about Buckner at all did it makes sense at all or was it just going off the topic?

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QUOTE(White Sox Fan For Life @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 05:25 PM)
Well thank you for that harsh criticism I appreciate it. I can sense a huge feedback of great honesty. So when I talked about Buckner at all did it makes sense at all or was it just going off the topic?


The criticism wasn't meant to be harsh, but you have to realize that what you wrote was not something that would earn you a passing grade in a college course.


Make your argument in the opening paragraph and support that argument with examples in the following paragraphs. Cut out the part about Buckner's exile to Idaho, as it has nothing to do with your argument.

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QUOTE(White Sox Fan For Life @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:08 PM)
We are going to get into another long debate like my last thread were we don't really understand one another. So I will be the bigger one and not get into this arguement all over again but I will ask you in your opinion: if you were writing this exact thesis statement paper what would be your 3 main points on how to support curses don't exist in baseball?


Well, first off I wouldnt completely discount the other side of the argument, as you are right now. You dont have to believe in curses, but you also have to try to understand why people do believe in curses. And the toughest thing about your paper is that there is no concrete evidence either way. Some people will say "they were just bad" and others will say "That team is cursed". The only "evidence" I can offer you is 3 teams who are 2 of the 3 biggest markets in baseball, failing to win a championship for over 85 years each.


I wouldnt write this paper. There are too many intangibles, there is no concrete proof, it is based on belief, which you dont have. Its easy to say "I dont believe", but it isnt easy to say "Even though I dont believe, I am going to try to understand".


I understand what you are saying. But I dont think you understand how this plays into the history of this sport, and that is the tough part about this argument.

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:31 PM)
The criticism wasn't meant to be harsh, but you have to realize that what you wrote was not something that would earn you a passing grade in a college course.


Make your argument in the opening paragraph and support that argument with examples in the following paragraphs.  Cut out the part about Buckner's exile to Idaho, as it has nothing to do with your argument.



So everyone is agreeing that I should cut off the Buckner part to my paper.

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QUOTE(White Sox Fan For Life @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:35 PM)
So everyone is agreeing that I should cut off the Buckner part to my paper.


his move to Idaho has nothing to do with the curse. It had to do with the asshole fans

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:32 PM)
Well, first off I wouldnt completely discount the other side of the argument, as you are right now.  You dont have to believe in curses, but you also have to try to understand why people do believe in curses.  And the toughest thing about your paper is that there is no concrete evidence either way.  Some people will say "they were just bad" and others will say "That team is cursed".  The only "evidence" I can offer you is 3 teams who are 2 of the 3 biggest markets in baseball, failing to win a championship for over 85 years each. 


I wouldnt write this paper.  There are too many intangibles, there is no concrete proof, it is based on belief, which you dont have.  Its easy to say "I dont believe", but it isnt easy to say "Even though I dont believe, I am going to try to understand".


I understand what you are saying.  But I dont think you understand how this plays into the history of this sport, and that is the tough part about this argument.


Not to go off topic but let say for example if my thesis statement were on the topic of abortion. Let say I was on the side that abortion was wrong. You see there are many people who do not believe that the child is alive in the women's fetus until the first trimester but there are others who think differently. Now there is no say to know if the child is really living yet or if the child is just being formatted in the fetus. People can say the child is alive right after conceiving but where is the tangible proof?

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QUOTE(White Sox Fan For Life @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:38 PM)
Not to go off topic but let say for example if my thesis statement were on the topic of abortion. Let say I was on the side that abortion was wrong. You see there are many people who do not believe that the child is alive in the women's fetus until the first trimester but there are others who think differently. Now there is no say to know if the child is really living yet or if the child is just being formatted in the fetus. People can say the child is alive right after conceiving but where is the tangible proof?


Lets not even go into that. You are changing the subject again

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Hence that is why I apologized in the beginning of the last reply of kind of going off topic. I was just trying to prove you that some may say oh a child is alive/or isn't alive at conceiving because it is simple to say. We really don't have any tangible proof you may try to point abortions and all we with the small parts of a baby developing but who is to know really if the child was alive during that formation process.

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QUOTE(White Sox Fan For Life @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:45 PM)
Hence that is why I apologized in the beginning of the last reply of kind of going off topic. I was just trying to prove you that some may say oh a child is alive/or isn't alive at conceiving because it is simple to say. We really don't have any tangible proof you may try to point abortions and all we with the small parts of a baby developing but who is to know really if the child was alive during that formation process.


Listen, if you want to talk about curses and thier validity, thats fine. But you are bringing up yet another thing that has nothing to do with curses, and even moreso, is a hot button topic. If you want to start a flame war about abortion, head on over to the Filibuster and I will see you later. If you want to talk about the matter at hand, feel free.

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QUOTE(White Sox Fan For Life @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:48 PM)
Why would you say that?


probably because me and you are both hard headed on what we are trying to say, and there hasnt been one time when either of us got personal. Those tend to be the more interesting threads that I find.

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:51 PM)
If it's only a rough draft, you'll be fine.


I'm sure your teacher will proofread and give you pointers as to what he or she wants.


Yeah but I would like an honest opinion from fans that know what they are talking about. Also it is good to know what kind of grammatical errors that I wrote on my paper.

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The 2004 Red Sox are strong evidence that there's no such thing as curses in sports, given that they "overcame" one of the greatest curses/myths in the history of professional sports. I'm not sure if the Shoeless Joe/Black Sox curse is as well-documented, but the 2005 Sox offer even further evidence that there's no such thing as curses in the realm of professional sports.


You can write a halfway decent paper on this topic. You just have to do a much better job of formulating your argument.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:46 PM)
Listen, if you want to talk about curses and thier validity, thats fine.  But you are bringing up yet another thing that has nothing to do with curses, and even moreso, is a hot button topic.  If you want to start a flame war about abortion, head on over to the Filibuster and I will see you later.  If you want to talk about the matter at hand, feel free.


No I am just trying to show some correlation about how two things can relate to one statement of what you said oh it is easy to say there is no curse without any intangible proof. That is all no need to offend you.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:51 PM)
probably because me and you are both hard headed on what we are trying to say, and there hasnt been one time when either of us got personal.  Those tend to be the more interesting threads that I find.


Well we are kind of getting really caught up in the situation.

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:54 PM)
The 2004 Red Sox are strong evidence that there's no such thing as curses in sports, given that they "overcame" one of the greatest curses/myths in the history of professional sports.  I'm not sure if the Shoeless Joe/Black Sox curse is as well-documented, but the 2005 Sox offer even further evidence that there's no such thing as curses in the realm of professional sports.


You can write a halfway decent paper on this topic.  You just have to do a much better job of formulating your argument.



Thank you very much for your opinion. :D

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QUOTE(White Sox Fan For Life @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:55 PM)
No I am just trying to show some correlation about how two things can relate to one statement of what you said oh it is easy to say there is no curse without any intangible proof. That is all no need to offend you.


you arent offending, you are straying from the topic.


I agree there is no proof of curses. I have a small belief in curses, and I think they can be overcome. Just because the Red Sox and White Sox won, to me, doesnt mean that they werent cursed for however many years that they didnt win the big one. But if there is such thing as a curse, then there has to be a way to undo a curse. How is it done? I have no idea. Belief, maybe. Incredible luck maybe. I know for sure that prancing a f***ing goat around your field doesnt work.


To me, Curses just enforce my romanticized view of the sport of baseball. I love the sport, and sometimes it just seems like there are greater forces at hand. LOL, all the atheists on the site are probably pointing and laughing at this post, but I am being honest.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 08:01 PM)
you arent offending, you are straying from the topic.  


I agree there is no proof of curses.   I have a small belief in curses, and I think they can be overcome.   Just because the Red Sox and White Sox won, to me, doesnt mean that they werent cursed for however many years that they didnt win the big one.   But if there is such thing as a curse, then there has to be a way to undo a curse.   How is it done?   I have no idea.   Belief, maybe.   Incredible luck maybe.   I know for sure that prancing a f***ing goat around your field doesnt work.  


To me, Curses just enforce my romanticized view of the sport of baseball.   I love the sport, and sometimes it just seems like there are greater forces at hand.   LOL, all the atheists on the site are probably pointing and laughing at this post, but I am being honest.


This atheist is doubled over in pain laughing right now. I know you know how I feel about religion and curses. I stand by my argument from the last forum when WSFFL asked us all if we believe in curses. Curses only exist if we believe in them. If you think you are cursed, then you will be cursed. If you think you are invincible, then you will be (until you get into a car accident or get old, of course. *smile*). With that said, I guess I am making your argument for you. As defined by answer.com, I definitely do not believe in curses. However, if you look at it from my analysis, the mental stigma of a curse may actually in fact create a curse. It is like the boogieman. If you pay attention to him, he gets bigger and scarier but if you ignore him, he disappears and you fall asleep fast.


I get really caught up in discussions like this and think WSFFL is making a big mistake in using anecdotes and fan polls as a basis for his argument. To me, a thorough analysis of each franchise will clearly illustrate that futility has plagued just about every team in MLB for extended periods of time. Most teams have had brief periods of competitive glory surrounded by decades of mediocre play or at least competitive play that still comes up short of a title. Very few of the current franchises in their present cities have won more than 2 World Series in their history. Many folded or moved with one or no championship. The fact is, in the time since the AL reared its young head and the two leagues started playing for a world championship, there has been the Yankees, and then everybody else. This is especially true from 1920 to the present. To me, that is the best refute to the idea of curses. Certain fan bases are just childish and need the extra attention. I am sure we all have similar siblings whose problems are far worse than ours. That is kind of how I look at teams who like to point to a curse as the cause of their woes.

Edited by Beltin'Bill
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QUOTE(Beltin'Bill @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 11:34 PM)
This atheist is doubled over in pain laughing right now. I know you know how I feel about religion and curses. I stand by my argument from the last forum when WSFFL asked us all if we believe in curses. Curses only exist if we believe in them. If you think you are cursed, then you will be cursed. If you think you are invincible, then you will be (until you get into a car accident or get old, of course. *smile*). With that said, I guess I am making your argument for you. As defined by answer.com, I definitely do not believe in curses. However, if you look at it from my analysis, the mental stigma of a curse may actually in fact create a curse. It is like the boogieman. If you pay attention to him, he gets bigger and scarier but if you ignore him, he disappears and you fall asleep fast.


I get really caught up in discussions like this and think WSFFL is making a big mistake in using anecdotes and fan polls as a basis for his argument. To me, a thorough analysis of each franchise will clearly illustrate that futility has plagued just about every team in MLB for extended periods of time. Most teams have had brief periods of competitive glory surrounded by decades of mediocre play or at least competitive play that still comes up short of a title. Very few of the current franchises in their present cities have won more than 2 World Series in their history. Many folded or moved with one or no championship. The fact is, in the time since the AL reared its young head and the two leagues started playing for a world championship, there has been the Yankees, and then everybody else. This is especially true from 1920 to the present. To me, that is the best refute to the idea of curses. Certain fan bases are just childish and need the extra attention. I am sure we all have similar siblings whose problems are far worse than ours. That is kind of how I look at teams who like to point to a curse as the cause of their woes.


Thats a female there, so it is her argument, not his.


Like I said, I have a small belief in curses. Not too much that i believe that I need

a greek evil eye pendant to ward away all bad luck, but I see some things in the game that I just have a hard time finding an explanation for. I like small mysteries in my life, what can I say? :)

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 11:41 PM)
Thats a female there, so it is her argument, not his.


Thanks and duly noted. I never do the research to check these things.


QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 11:41 PM)
I have a small belief in curses. Not too much that i believe that I need

a greek evil eye pendant to ward away all bad luck.


Let me know if you want one of those things. I am on my way to Greektown tomorrow to pick up a few things for Easter this weekend. ;-)

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QUOTE(Beltin'Bill @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 11:58 PM)
Let me know if you want one of those things. I am on my way to Greektown tomorrow to pick up a few things for Easter this weekend. ;-)


I have a greek ex-girlfriend. She cured me of all things greek in her extreme craziness. The only thing I would ever want out of greektown is the food at Greek Islands. Thanks though :)

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