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ACT Jitters


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QUOTE(3E8 @ Apr 25, 2006 -> 11:16 AM)
If I remember correctly, you narrowed your choice of schools down to a few that weren't even close to the upper echelon.  In which case you have no reason to be nervous about an ACT score.  Spell your name correctly and you should be alright.




You still wanna do well for scholarships and placement...

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ACT has more grammar, SAT has more vocab is one of the big differences.


Now on to the suggestions.


The first thing that you should do with any question is to cross out the answers that are not right. If you can get it down to 1 of 2 answers, statistics show that your odds are vastly increased. Also note that the ACT does not have the 1/8 point penalty for guessing that the SAT has, therefore taking a guess will not hurt you.


Second, although this is some what unorthodox, is to skip a question you are having trouble with. At the start of the test try and break down how much time you have per question. I go through and answer all the ones I know first, making a notation on those that I am not sure about. I then go back through and slowly reduce the amount that I have skipped over. It will leave the questions that you are the least sure about till last, meaning that you will at worst be making a guess. This is important in timed tests, especially if you feel time will be a factor. If you do not get to the final 5 questions and have to just guess on them, you may be missing a question you could of easily answered. If you have gone through every question, then you will have a better chance.


Remember, you can take the ACT as many times as you want with there being no penalty. So just relax and do your best.

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Thanks for all the tips guys. I find that our game tonight is helping me get my mind off it. But then again, I may be wrong because I am still posting and reading this thread. My plan is to eat right now, take a shower, and go to bed by 10. Get some good rest, wake up early, have a nice breakfast, read some of the paper, then go to school and take the test. And 3e8 is right, my choices are not top echelon colleges but they arent s***ty colleges either. I plan on attending GVSU and from my knowledge, they want at least a 22. Considering I got a 23 on the mock and that I am confident in myself, I think I can achieve that relatively easily. I'm shooting for at least a 25 because I need some college money!

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 25, 2006 -> 11:59 AM)
seriously, the ACT and SAT are easy.  You will have no problem, its all about confidence and making quick decisions.


Something I never had.. :lol: Hell I did below average on them, but it didn't really make a difference for me. It really depends if you want your sights set on a particular college, if not, any college can except you if you at least have good grades. You can't have bad grades, and have a bad score on the ACT. Then you can basically label yourself a "bum", "hustler" or my personal favorite "mcdonalds worker."

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QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Apr 25, 2006 -> 09:00 PM)
I'm taking the practice ACT tomorrow sweet...what cool picture should I draw with the bubbles?


I'm thinking Sox logo


EDIT - this test better have f***ing bubbles

i f***ing love this kid.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Apr 24, 2006 -> 11:47 PM)
Smoke some marijuana, a couple shots of vodka, and you'll be good to go.  :)


Oh Keith, where'd you ever get that idea...? I'll tell your parents on you.


I think I could have done better if I didn't go out the night before. I took the test feeling "under the weather."


I think one of the worst things you can do is try to "prepare mentally." Most, if not all of the stuff is stuff you should have seen before and studying is a waste of time. Like most people said, just eat a decent breakfast beforehand, you'll do alright.

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QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Apr 25, 2006 -> 09:00 PM)
I'm taking the practice ACT tomorrow sweet...what cool picture should I draw with the bubbles?


I'm thinking Sox logo


EDIT - this test better have f***ing bubbles


My P-ACT scores helped me to qualify for some very good college scholarships...I'd try to take it more seriously if I were you...

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Well, that blew. It was pretty much what I expected but I think I was so wrapped up in how this affects my life that I forgot to figure out if it was easier or harder than I expected. I think I did pretty darn good/well (which was not in the English section). I was able to stay focused but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Contrary to the mock test, I thik I did better on the reading portion this time. 4 weeks sound sooo damn long.

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QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Apr 26, 2006 -> 12:31 PM)
:huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:

:huh:  :huh:  :huh:

:huh:  :huh:


I would try to spell out "BETTER" with the smileys but you cant use that many and it would take a long ass time.


EDIT: See, I couldn't even put 1 smiley in!


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probably the best thing to ever come out of willie's keyboard.


A quote from an AIM conversation


(11:59:04) ChiSox7546: i have the best stratgey ever

(11:59:07) ChiSox7546: if i dont know an answer

(11:59:09) ChiSox7546: i do C

(11:59:10) ChiSox7546: for Crede

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