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Listed below is the first letter I have ever written to the Better Business Bureau. This is my first dealing with this organization and I was wondering if I approached this in the correct manner.


Will I be taken seriously? Do these complaints ever truly come to fruition?


Please lend me your opinion on both my letter and what outcome I may expect.


It's appreciated.


Date Received:4/27/2006 8:49:32 PM

Primary Complaint Classification: Service Issues

Secondary Complaint Classification:


The University of Illinois extension of Lincolnland Express--Illini Express--has operated in a less than satisfactory manner since its arrival on this campus three to four years ago. Whether it is discourteous sales representatives, discourteous or downright unsafe bus drivers, or their consistent failure to make schedule, Illini Express has been offering the students of this university degrading service, knowing for many students, it is their only means of conveyance.


I, personally, have endured two to three hour tardy arrivals, countless stops in unsafe locations, and rude and, in many ways, demeaning customer service. My girlfriend has also used this particular bus service for two years to and from Champaign-Urbana and has experienced the same, if not worse, service. While traveling, her busses have run out of gas--leaving her and another female traveler alone on an oasis for upwards of one and a half hours--three hour late-arrivals, countless stops, and rude drivers. Not one to usually speak her mind, she has been reduced to tears by this bus service on not one, but three occasions.


Attempts to rectify customer complaints result in rude customer service discussions with people who genuinely do not care to do with you or your complaints. Often times, they take on a, "I deal with university students, I need not treat them with respect" attitude.


A perusal of other students' opinions of this company will result in a countless number of similar complaints and "horror stories." Traveling to and from school should not be something one loses sleep over, yet, when traveling with Illini Express, one can not help it. In my most humble of opinions, the only reason this company is still doing business is because they have a strangle-hold on the student population that needs their business to get to and from school and home.


That should not be a justification for horrific business practice.


Desired Settlement: Other (Requires Explaination)

Settlement Explanation:

The dates previously listed are approximations. If needed, I may be able to produce actual dates.


In sending this complaint, I seek not refund nor replacement, but awareness and examination. Not knowing whether or not this has been brought up to the proper authorities, I felt compelled to speak out for this student population.


I am most available for any further examination and would be able to provide scores of students with similar if not worse complaints.

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I don't know what the BBB will do to follow up your complaint, but I thought the complaint itself was excellent. Nicely worded, specific examples of recurring problems ( exact dates would have been helpful, I'm sure, but I'm not sure if they're necessary ), not an out-of-control rant.

This kind of complaint should be much more effective than a more emotionally charged one.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 07:06 PM)
Well-written, did you include anything else in more detail?


Thank you. I have since identified two grammatical errors, but, I believe the point remains.


I did not include anything else. I did not include the names of specific employees--although I do believe I may be able to replicate names if need be--or specific interactions. As I've said, this was my first dealing with something like this and I felt going in that if I detailed a certain scenario or singled out a single happening, my larger point may have gone over-looked or, more fittingly, under-estimated.


Is detail--of lack thereof--a problem, AB?

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 09:10 PM)
Thank you.  I have since identified two grammatical errors, but, I believe the point remains.


I did not include anything else.  I did not include the names of specific employees--although I do believe I may be able to replicate names if need be--or specific interactions.  As I've said, this was my first dealing with something like this and I felt going in that if I detailed a certain scenario or singled out a single happening, my larger point may have gone over-looked or, more fittingly, under-estimated.


Is detail--of lack thereof--a problem, AB?

Who knows, I've never done anything like that either.


My only thinking is that one specific incident, with times, details, names, anything pertinent to the incident....would drive your point home even stronger.


Other than that I think you did a great job and hopefully you are at least contacted regarding your letter.

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 07:09 PM)
This kind of complaint should be much more effective than a more emotionally charged one.


Thanks, Critic.


My sentiments exactly. Believe me, I could have written an obscenity-laced gripe-fest, but, felt this approach was much more civil and conducive to a response.


QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 07:12 PM)
My only thinking is that one specific incident, with times, details, names, anything pertinent to the incident....would drive your point home even stronger.



That is my biggest fear at this point. I truly wish I could have provided that, but, it is seemingly impossible, especially when I wanted to simply grab their attention first and foremost. That said, I fear that may make or break further action.


I pray I am wrong in this fear.

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 06:55 PM)
Will I be taken seriously?  Do these complaints ever truly come to fruition?





i dealt with the BBB once and got immediate results. a former landlord sent my returned deposit to the wrong address and refused to cut me a new check. i contacted the BBB and about one and a half weeks later i recieved a check. i also recieved a call from the former landlord basically begging me to drop the complaint.


so, in my case, the BBB kicked some ass.

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I do not want to sound like I am raining on your parade, but let me be the devils advocate for a second. One disclaimer is I have not dealt with the BBB personally.


From my understanding and looking at the BBB website, it seems that a BBB complaint about purely "unsatisfactory service" will not really matter to them. It looks like they are more concerned with scam artists, "unfair" labor practices, and defective products, warranties.


Although as I write this, if you tailor your repsonse not as "upset about being late" but "feeling unsafe using this public transportation", it may get them to take interest. This is entirely speculation though, but my gut feeling is that they are not there to make service better, but instead or to make customers aware of dangerous or misleading products.


As for bad service, talking to whoever runs the bus service may work. Its hard to tell, Im not sure if this is a public or private bus service, so potentially could be different laws and requirements. If they are a "common carrier" the rules are stricter.


Im really just some what burnt out of working so I dont want to start really researching. So in the end, this is all just advice and not based on any information that I have actually taken the time to make sure is correct.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 07:24 PM)
I do not want to sound like I am raining on your parade, but let me be the devils advocate for a second. One disclaimer is I have not dealt with the BBB personally.


From my understanding and looking at the BBB website, it seems that a BBB complaint about purely "unsatisfactory service" will not really matter to them. It looks like they are more concerned with scam artists, "unfair" labor practices, and defective products, warranties.


Although as I write this, if you tailor your repsonse not as "upset about being late" but "feeling unsafe using this public transportation", it may get them to take interest. This is entirely speculation though, but my gut feeling is that they are not there to make service better, but instead or to make customers aware of dangerous or misleading products.


As for bad service, talking to whoever runs the bus service may work. Its hard to tell, Im not sure if this is a public or private bus service, so potentially could be different laws and requirements. If they are a "common carrier" the rules are stricter.


Im really just some what burnt out of working so I dont want to start really researching. So in the end, this is all just advice and not based on any information that I have actually taken the time to make sure is correct.



Well, you make some excellent points and they are well taken.


That said, couldn't one make the argument that in their abhorrent and negligent service, they are, in turn, providing a service that is both unsafe and under the "false advertisement" umbrella?


When one buys a bus ticket, he or she is expecting a certain service in turn. He or she is expecting a certain degree of professionalism and respect.


For me, this is not only an issue of a misleading product/service, but safety.


And for the record, this is a private, family owned bus service.

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 08:29 PM)
For me, this is not only an issue of a misleading product/service, but safety.



Can you elaborate on the "unsafe area"? What made it unsafe?


I, too, have no idea how the BBB works, but it doesn't sound to me like it's something they can really take action on. Planes, for example, are almost always late, and rude customer service seems to be the norm nowadays.


I'd say take your business elsewhere, which may have been the nest option after you encountered problems the first time. (Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.)


The less people use their services, the less likely they'll stay in business.

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Is the company a member of the BBB? Member companies are obligated, by their membership to act in an ethical manner and follow certain rules in resolving complaints. If they are not members, it may still matter, just not as much.


The primary role for the BBB, is to mediate and keep stuff from going to court. Kind of like old school people's court only without Judge Wopner. Since you are not asking for any damages, I'm not certain what they will do.


BTW, did you also contact the company directly? IMHO I think it is always a good idea to report to the offending business first, and give them a chance to fix the problem.


Great letter, well worded, well structured, very business like.

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Offer some form of them "making it right." If you say that 7 out of 10 trips that you have taken have departed more than 10 minutes late, you're probably going to have a better result than just saying that those people are rude.


Poor customer service does get addressed by the BBB. Especially if the customer feels ripped off.

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 12:55 AM)
Listed below is the first letter I have ever written to the Better Business Bureau.  This is my first dealing with this organization and I was wondering if I approached this in the correct manner.


Will I be taken seriously?  Do these complaints ever truly come to fruition?


Please lend me your opinion on both my letter and what outcome I may expect.


It's appreciated.



I am surprised by your service complaints. My son went to the U of I Champaign and used the Illini Express for four years and in all the trips he made their service was exceptional - never a late bus (in fact often a few minutes early even when there was road work being done).



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The other thing that it does is add a complaint to the number of complaints the BBB has received regarding a company in the past few years. That can make a difference with people doing business. If they see several hundred complaints - it might make someone think twice about doing business with the company.

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 09:11 PM)
I'd say take your business elsewhere, which may have been the nest option after you encountered problems the first time.  (Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.)


First off, what do you take me for, a common moron? Do you honestly believe I would continue giving this company my business if there was an alternative? There is an alternative on campus and they are a much better service; but, there are times when scheduling conflicts do not allow travel with the better service, especially when one is coming from the Chicago-land area to Champaign on week days.


QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 10:58 PM)
BTW, did you also contact the company directly? IMHO I think it is always a good idea to report to the offending business first, and give them a chance to fix the problem.


Attempts to talk to ownership result in similar problems. It's a one-man show. Keep in mind this is a family-run operation. Many have voiced their complaints on this company's service and they have yet to make even one improvement.



QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 10:12 AM)
The other thing that it does is add a complaint to the number of complaints the BBB has received regarding a company in the past few years. That can make a difference with people doing business. If they see several hundred complaints - it might make someone think twice about doing business with the company.


Ultimately, I think that is all I was hoping for. I don't know how the BBB handles these things, but, if they open a file and keep a running tab on the kind of s*** this company tries to pull, it may start opening some eyes.

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Here's the deal, my passion on this issue is twofold.


1) I want the people out there to realize this sort of service is not acceptable, simply because we are students does not mean were concede certain rights. There is another bus service available, and while they are far from perfect, they are professional and that is a start. That is all you can ask for.


2) I want to put the ball back in a neutral-court. As it stands, the students have absolutely no leverage in regards to this issue. This company has the student population by the balls because they are fully aware that for many students, there is no other alternative. If you have to get home, you need to take the bus. (I suppose it doesn't help matters that my car is sitting in my garage. I have my own car, an awesome car, available for me at school, but, my parents would rather it stay at home for reasons I don't want to get into here)


Let's get the ball back into a neutral-court. This company shouldn't be calling the shots. This is a student population of over 30,000 and I would like to think that should count for something. On a positive note, there is a growing trend in the alternative bus company. I think as more and more students realize how unprofessional this bus service is, they will make the switch to the alternative--albeit more expensive--and never turn back.

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QUOTE(J-MAN @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 09:14 AM)
I am surprised by your service complaints.  My son went to the U of I Champaign and used the Illini Express for four years and in all the trips he made their service was exceptional - never a late bus (in fact often a few minutes early even when there was road work being done).




I'm pretty sure I always used Suburban Express, one of their competitors. That seemed to work well. My only complaints were about the stupid ticket machines that wouldn't take a bill smaller than a $10 and always dispensed change in $1 coins. I had about 40 of those suckers lying around by the end of the year, and people (especially bartenders) give you dirty looks when you try to use them.

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QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 02:00 PM)
I'm pretty sure I always used Suburban Express, one of their competitors. That seemed to work well. My only complaints were about the stupid ticket machines that wouldn't take a bill smaller than a $10 and always dispensed change in $1 coins. I had about 40 of those suckers lying around by the end of the year, and people (especially bartenders) give you dirty looks when you try to use them.


I had a hard time believing it was Illini Express.


Suburban is the way to go, despite that damn ticket machine and its Sacajawea dollars. :lol:

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The BBB report on Lincolnland Express


Complaints have been processed by the Bureau in its three-year reporting period. One complaint is unresolved.


When evaluating complaint information, please consider the company's size and volume of business. The number of complaints filed against the company may not be as important as the type of complaints and how the company handled them.


The Bureau processed a total of 5 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total 5 complaints in the last 36 months, 1 of those was closed in the past 12 months.


Complaints Concerned

Service Issues: 5

Outcome of all complaints -

Resolved: 2; Unresolved: 1; Administratively Closed: 2; reason

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As a general rule, the BBB handles complaints in the following manner:


1. Customer files complaint

2. BBB considers the possible validity of the complaint. For instance if someone complains that their Gas bill is too high, they would dismiss it unless there seems to be an error on the bill. The BBB can't do anything about pricing issues, especially in regards to regulated companies. If someone says "Company A charged me $500 when Company B would have sold it to me for $300" there is no complaint. Different companies charge differently for their services and the BBB won't get into the middle of that unless there are extenuating circumstances or something illegal going on.

3. The BBB notifies the company that a complaint has been filed against it and gives them a chance to respond.

4. After the response, the BBB will either dismiss the complaint, consider it resolved, or respond to try to help get it resolved.

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