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UN cuts food donations to Sudan


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Many donor countries appear to have tired of the long-term conflict in Darfur, despite signs that malnutrition is again on the rise among people living in squalid camps, the United Nations' World Food Program (WFP) said.


WFP said it was halving food aid from the minimum daily requirement of 2,100 calories to 1,050 calories as of May.



The United States was the largest donor at $188 million, it said, while Italy was the only major European country to contribute so far ($1.2 million).




Un-f***ing-believable. :fight

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Caption from the article:


U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle of Pittsburgh, center, addresses a rally with post cards for President Bush to plead for aid for Darfur.


Wait, what, when did I go to Washington in the past week?


I've got 10 bux that fairly soon, most major European countries donate their share after being smeared in the media.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 10:46 AM)
I'm surprised food aid can even get in there any more.  In fact, I doubt it actually is.


Then again if the UN had done more years ago, instead of wasting time arguing the definition of "genocide" things might not have gotten to this point either...

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 12:51 PM)
the UN is frickin worthless.

Well, in this case, the U.S. hasn't done much to help either. We support sanctions one day, and then the next day we prevent sanctions from hitting anyone except the most pointless, minor figures, for example.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 03:52 PM)
Well, in this case, the U.S. hasn't done much to help either.  We support sanctions one day, and then the next day we prevent sanctions from hitting anyone except the most pointless, minor figures, for example.


the US is not the UN. we contributed the most money. and i guarentee that if we took unilateral action, every lib in soxtalk (along with europe) would be screaming about a bush dictatorship, etc. what more can we do? the UN cannot make a decision without scratching their asses for 3 years. the entire organization is a joke. much of that is due to it's current leadership and the socialist tendacies of europe, in my opinion.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 12:54 PM)
the US is not the UN. we contributed the most money. and i guarentee that if we took unilateral action, every lib in soxtalk (along with europe) would be screaming about a bush dictatorship, etc. what more can we do? the UN cannot make a decision without scratching their asses for 3 years. the entire organization is a joke. much of that is due to it's current leadership and the socialist tendacies of europe, in my opinion.

I would be more than happy to admit that both sides have been a joke in this case, and Europe in particular in terms especially of their aid. I just don't want people to ignore the damage the U.S. has done here. For example, the UNSecurity Council 2 weeks ago put out a list of 8 people involved wiht the massacres that the UN at least wanted to enforce travel bans against, and the US objected to having any government officials on the list. So they reduced the list to a whopping 4, the highest of which was like a mid-level official.


Both the US, the UN, Europe, NATO, and hell any international governmental organization you want to mention has been a handicapped disaster in this case. It's just wrong to ignore how any part is playing into the creation of the international deadlock.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 02:54 PM)
the US is not the UN. we contributed the most money. and i guarentee that if we took unilateral action, every lib in soxtalk (along with europe) would be screaming about a bush dictatorship, etc. what more can we do? the UN cannot make a decision without scratching their asses for 3 years. the entire organization is a joke. much of that is due to it's current leadership and the socialist tendacies of europe, in my opinion.


Every time the US votes No on a security council resolution, it takes a unilateral action to stop any action that the UN makes.

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I wrote about this today on my website/blog, The Office of the Independent Blogger (http://officeoftheindependentblogger.com/) and I'm quite proud of it. I titled it, "To Those Whose Faith in God is Skewed."


There is a genocide going on in Sudan, along with a famine caused by that genocide. The people of the Sudan are being slaughtered, and the survivors are being starved. The rest of the world refuses to take action for a variety of reasons, each of them disheartening and all of them shameful.


The Bush White House won’t take any action over petty differences with the rest of the world over whether or not the Sudanese war criminals should be charged by the International Criminal Court. The United Nations won’t do anything because they don’t have the ability or the nerve. Europe, a continent that might as well be incontinent for all the testicular fortitude it displays to the rest of the world, simply lacks the nerve. Were this not a real tragedy, this type of farce could be a Shakespearean tragedy. Since it isn’t, it’s a peace keeper’s worst nightmare and a child’s haunting ghost.


Today, the storyline became twisted to a point that ties the mind and tortures the conscience. The United Nations had to cut food aid to the Sudan because the rest of the world is stingy. Yes, the United Nations stopped giving food to the Sudan because the rest of the world wasn’t paying its fair share into the fund set up for that purpose. The United States had, as if in an attempt to make some form of apology for its pathetic, petty response to the crisis, giving 188 million dollars to the goal of keeping human beings from starving to death after being savaged to death. In Europe, the only major country to make a contribution was Italy, giving up over a million dollars. France and Britain, the Germans? Silent. Silence is a business that the world is making a killing on.


The lingering silence in Europe, the refusal of the Bush Administration to intervene — these are sounds that combine to make a sad, sorry symphony worthy of Rwanda, of the Holocaust, of every sick nightmare you could ever wish to have never existed, and in whose victims names’ you’d swear that you’d never allow it again. The German mantra in the era after the Holocause being “Never Again,” the American President’s promise being “Not On My Watch,” the Reality of the Situation being the antithesis of their word and of everything good and moral.


To break the silence, five Congressman staged a protest today and found themselves in handcuffs as a result. The worst thing, however, might just be that there are no handcuffs for those whose faith in God is so skewed as to allow hell to burn without giving those innocents caught in its fire so much as a prayer.

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