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Most Disappointing Sox team of all time


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I can't remember a Sox team who has disappointed me more. I wish I had followed my usual rule of not looking at baseball until the NBA playoffs are finished. That way if the team really sucks I only have to care until football season. Here it is early June and already I can't stomach another game. I can't even get pissed anymore.


Does this Sox team have the greatest drop from expectation to performance?

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I'm a Sox fan since the 57 season and if this isn't the most disappointing season so far then its damn close. As I'm typing away I think that 94 (the strike year) was most disappointing because for the first time in their history the Sox were going to make the postseason in successive years and I really think they had a good shot at the WS. This year would be second and the 73 season third. Team performance wise this is possibly the biggest letdown. The 73 team had so many DL injuries and the 94 team was stopped by the strike. The 84 team is right up there in the disappointing play category.

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Because of all the "hype" and expectations we all had on the Sox before the season, I'd say this season's been nothing short of motherf***ing disappointing. The most disappointing in my Sox fandom was '94, because of the strike; however, this is a close second in my book.

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Don't forget 1968. After collasping in the last week of '67 when we were so damn close. The '68 team just sucked. And if I got my facts straight, we traded 1966 ROY Tommie Agee for Tommy Davis, and Davis hit about as well as Konerko is this year. Of course, Agee was a solid CF for the 1969 World Series Champion Mets.

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Don't forget 1968.  After collasping in the last week of '67 when we were so damn close.  The '68 team just sucked.  And if I got my facts straight, we traded 1966 ROY Tommie Agee for Tommy Davis, and Davis hit about as well as Konerko is this year.  Of course, Agee was a solid CF for the 1969 World Series Champion Mets.

IIRC the Mets had JC Martin, Al Weis and Tommie Agee. All had big moments with the Mets that year.

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