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Sammy, Sammmy...


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I hate Sosa, mainly because he is on the Cubs, but I think they are blowing this way out of poportion. How are they going to let this ruin the legacy of one of the top power hitters to every play the game? Unless they can prove without a doubt that he used a corked bat over most of his career, this incident shouldn't take away from Sosa's past sucess or legacy as a whole. As Hawk pointed out, he often used a corked bat and guessed that about 10% of players during his time did the same. Thats not to say that it is right, but it isn't a huge deal imo. He cheated and should be punished for it, but this is the 1st time anything like this has happened to Sosa. I am under the impression that it is not cheating unless you get caught. He hasn't been caught doing it earlier in his career, so why should that affect his past history. If a pitcher is found to be spitting on a ball during one of his starts should that take away from his career? I think not. Players are often finding ways to give themselves an edge. I think this is a minor offense that should only have an impact on the near future, ie a suspension and to make him think twice before doing it again. The idea that this single minor offense could tarnish his whole career is ludacris. Now if they find the steroids that he used that is a different story.

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Sammy, thanks for the lame excuse because now everyone knows the real you. I was listening to the baseball show yesterday night and all they talked about for 2 hours was how his career is tarnished now. The fans were calling and jumping all over him.


And then he says he was trying to "put on a show for the fans." Bulls***, leave the fans out of this. Sosa, you're a disgrace to baseball and a disgrace to Chicago :fyou


They're probably gonna give him a 10-game suspension like they did to Albert Belle. Thats bulls***, if they want real punishment, do some steroid tests on him and that will tell everyone all they need to know. :headbang

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Sammy, thanks for the lame excuse because now everyone knows the real you. I was listening to the baseball show yesterday night and all they talked about for 2 hours was how his career is tarnished now. The fans were calling and jumping all over him.


And then he says he was trying to "put on a show for the fans." Bulls***, leave the fans out of this. Sosa, you're a disgrace to baseball and a disgrace to Chicago :fyou


They're probably gonna give him a 10-game suspension like they did to Albert Belle. Thats bulls***, if they want real punishment, do some steroid tests on him and that will tell everyone all they need to know. :headbang

He has quit the roids for now, why do you think he lost 20 pounds over the winter?

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Well they found no cork apparently. Just heard on Fox Sports Radio....Sammy's clean.


Good for him, to an extent.

ShamME is pretty f***ing stupid, but do you think he'd really send a corked bat to the HoF or a sports memorabilia merchandiser? Puh-lease :nono

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Didn't get to read / hear the Chipster's comments on it... what was he saying?

1. ShamME saved baseball

2. ShamME is innocent until proven guilty

3. ShamME is an icon to children everywhere

4. ShamME would never use a corked bat..... there must be a conspiracy

5. ShamME is MLB

6. ShamME does so much for charity (YEAH..... he pilfers the coffers along with his family)

7. McClelland is the ump that ejected another HoF'er in George Brett

8. The D-Rays 1B coach (Hatcher) was ejected from a game years ago for corking a bat


Of course, excuses 7 and 8 were about 5 minutes after the ejection and Chimp ignored the incident for the rest of the night..... until the 7th Inning Stretch when Santo came into the booth to agree with everything Chimp had to say. Stone, for the most part, was very level-headed about the whole thing..... saying Sosa was cheating and would definitely be suspended. Stone pretty much let Chimp make the ass out of himself.

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I hate Sosa, mainly because he is on the Cubs, but I think they are blowing this way out of poportion. How are they going to let this ruin the legacy of one of the top power hitters to every play the game? Unless they can prove without a doubt that he used a corked bat over most of his career, this incident shouldn't take away from Sosa's past sucess or legacy as a whole. As Hawk pointed out, he often used a corked bat and guessed that about 10% of players during his time did the same. Thats not to say that it is right, but it isn't a huge deal imo. He cheated and should be punished for it, but this is the 1st time anything like this has happened to Sosa. I am under the impression that it is not cheating unless you get caught. He hasn't been caught doing it earlier in his career, so why should that affect his past history. If a pitcher is found to be spitting on a ball during one of his starts should that take away from his career? I think not. Players are often finding ways to give themselves an edge. I think this is a minor offense that should only have an impact on the near future, ie a suspension and to make him think twice before doing it again. The idea that this single minor offense could tarnish his whole career is ludacris. Now if they find the steroids that he used that is a different story.

Blowing this out of proportion? I beg to differ. This joker has built a career out of self promotion. Blowing kisses to the TV camera, doing his little hop after a home run. Hugging Mark McGwire after Mac had just homered against Sammy's own team. He did all this to bring attention to himself. Well, now he's got plenty of it. What goes around, comes around.

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Eric Chavez made the best point so far, in my mind:


"He said he was using it in batting practice to put on a show to the fans? Batting practice is used to get ready for the game, not put on a show."

What a concept! :lol:

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Blowing this out of proportion?  I beg to differ.  This joker has built a career out of self promotion.  Blowing kisses to the TV camera, doing his little hop after a home run.  Hugging Mark McGwire after Mac had just homered against Sammy's own team.  He did all this to bring attention to himself.  Well, now he's got plenty of it.  What goes around, comes around.

Now that is such a good post I will repeat it (and only change one word):


Blowing this out of proportion? I beg to differ. This asshole has built a career out of self promotion. Blowing kisses to the TV camera, doing his little hop after a home run. Hugging Mark McGwire after Mac had just homered against Sammy's own team. He did all this to bring attention to himself. Well, now he's got plenty of it. What goes around, comes around.

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Blowing this out of proportion?  I beg to differ.  This joker has built a career out of self promotion.  Blowing kisses to the TV camera, doing his little hop after a home run.  Hugging Mark McGwire after Mac had just homered against Sammy's own team.  He did all this to bring attention to himself.  Well, now he's got plenty of it.  What goes around, comes around.

I hate to defend Sosa, but show me an athlete that doesn't have some cockiness? Self promotion? I think hitting 66 HR's in one year has something to do with that. When you put up numbers like he did the media is going to be all over him. How is he suppose to handle it? Most of the guys in the majors do something after hitting a HR. Bonds stands there and admires it before taking a nice slow cocky walk. Boone flips the bat. You can go on and on, yet I don't hear you point them out. Why? Because they aren't on the Cubs and as Sox fans we are suppose to hate everything about the Cubs and hold a double standard for all other teams. You missed the point of my post. You pointed to the media aspect of things and I am talking about his production on the field. I don't like Sosa as a person, but I do respect the numbers that he has put up. One mistake shouldn't tarnish his entire career, whether you like him as a person or not. If Maddux got cut throwing a spit ball would you tarnish his legacy. Like Gammons pointed out he has voted for at least 4 pitchers that are in the HOF that he thought doctored the ball in some way. Why is this any worse? That is the question I ask and you haven't answered.

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Eric Chavez made the best point so far, in my mind:


"He said he was using it in batting practice to put on a show to the fans? Batting practice is used to get ready for the game, not put on a show."

Well aint that the showboating ShamME we all know and love...

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7. McClelland is the ump that ejected another HoF'er in George Brett

8. The D-Rays 1B coach (Hatcher) was ejected from a game years ago for corking a bat

7. Another? No, its just HOFer George Brett. Sammy aint a HOF and never will be.


8. What the heck does that have to do with anything! Crap, I dont care if the entire MLB has been ejected for corking bats at sometime, this time it was Sammy and he needs to take his punishment like a man. Just say hes a cheater and he corked his bat on purpose, no more of this BP bat crap...

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Im trying to be an optimist. Im hoping the HOF induction commitee has some common sense and that they remember this...

Sosa is pretty much a lock. THis corked s*** will be forgotten very soon. :angry:

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Im trying to be an optimist. Im hoping the HOF induction commitee has some common sense and that they remember this...

Maybe you should use some of that common sense. His bat is ALREADY there. Sosa in the hall is a no brainer.

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I hate to defend Sosa, but show me an athlete that doesn't have some cockiness? Self promotion? I think hitting 66 HR's in one year has something to do with that. When you put up numbers like he did the media is going to be all over him. How is he suppose to handle it? Most of the guys in the majors do something after hitting a HR. Bonds stands there and admires it before taking a nice slow cocky walk. Boone flips the bat. You can go on and on, yet I don't hear you point them out. Why? Because they aren't on the Cubs and as Sox fans we are suppose to hate everything about the Cubs and hold a double standard for all other teams. You missed the point of my post. You pointed to the media aspect of things and I am talking about his production on the field. I don't like Sosa as a person, but I do respect the numbers that he has put up. One mistake shouldn't tarnish his entire career, whether you like him as a person or not. If Maddux got cut throwing a spit ball would you tarnish his legacy. Like Gammons pointed out he has voted for at least 4 pitchers that are in the HOF that he thought doctored the ball in some way. Why is this any worse? That is the question I ask and you haven't answered.

How's he supposed to handle it? How about the way McGwire handled hitting 70. How about the way Ripken handled breaking Gehrig's Iron Man mark. With class and dignity and respect, instead of me, me, me. I don't dislike Sosa because he's a Cub. I dislike him because he had enough talent to be a great five tool baseball player, and he sacrificed all that to become a slugger and only a slugger. I dislike him because he's a showboat that is not interested in being the best player he can be to help his team win. And if you doubt that, go back to Don Baylor's first spring training as manager of the Cubs. He wanted Sosa to go back to being a baseball player instead of a slugger. The Cubs management backed Sosa, and Baylor lost all credibilty as manager. Which, as a result, undermined his effectiveness as manager and negatively affected the success of the team. Again, it was all about Sammy. I wouldn't care if he was a Tampa Bay Devil Ray instead of a Cub. I dislike ballplayers that are more interested in their own glory than the success of their team.

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