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Charlie Haeger to likely start Wednesday


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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ May 8, 2006 -> 07:29 PM)
Behold, Soxtalk's moral compass. :headshake




I actually had to stop and think a little bit before I answered this. I'll admit my first thought was to come on here and just tear this whole thing apart in a blazing flame job. Then the more I thought about it, if you didn't get the original post, you probably wouldn't get this either, but I also wanted to explain something that other people should understand.


You used the term moral compass like a term of derision. Something you completely missed is that the admins/mods of a good website are exactly that. Especially in a situtation where you expect more out of an individual poster, good leadership steps to the plate and does something to rectify the situation. Now I now my answer should have been a little bit less bitter, and I will freely admit that. But the point of the post stands, the attacks were questionable at best. I have seen people trying to justify them by the kids attitude and the way he posed his question etc, but on the flip side of things, the guy has eight posts, and obviously has no idea of Soxtalk etiquette, so what happens? Instead of someone explaining to him what he should be doing, they rip the kid apart. Then to top it off, when all of the people who were yelling so loudly about everything were proven completely and 100% wrong, only one person had the moxie to apologize. Now many of the people who were chirping the loudest, I don't expect anything from, as they have demonstrated nothing that would indicate they would have the decency to look themselves in the mirror and admit a mistake in the first place, so why would they in this situation, right? But others I was extremely disappointed in. Some people you just expect more from. As a matter of a fact, you would expect them to be a sort of moral compass. Someone to help out new people, and be man enough to admit when they are wrong, not to further add to the embarassment by acting like they are above common decency.


Another big problem here is that I know of people personally through emails and PMs who refuse to post any new info because of threads exactly like this. Egotisitcal people is a rush to look better than someone else overreact to a situation, and immediately attack the messenger. This has led to more than a few of our "inside" sources either quitting the site, or just not posting anything edgy anymore. The funny thing is that the losers in these situations are all of the same people who are causing this problem in the first place. If you don't believe me take a look around at the people who aren't posting here anymore, and the disappearence of minor league posters and "breaking" news from certian posters anymore, then add it all up yourself.


One definate problem here, is this whole clique mentality that has developed here lately, sucks. Its like you have to be a part of the "group" or you are no one. If your opinion doesn't conform, you are driven off as somekind of outcast or idiot, which has become very reminisent of a situation that many of our posters fled other places on the internet. Many days and threads turn out like a bad teen movie with all of the little princesses fighting over who is the prom queen. Well girls, I am here to tell you that you are all snobs.


Call me the moral compass, and damn it I am proud of that. I want Soxtalk to be a FREE and OPEN exchange of information and ideas. I want Soxtalk to be a place where someone new can come and fit in, just as well as someone who has been here since day one. I don't want a situation where just because someone has a lot of posts, they can label and deride someone just because. Part of my role as an administrator at Soxtalk is to make a situation here where exactly the ideal situations for member are occuring, and sometimes that means being a moral compass. When I see a situation where I can educate someone on being a better poster, I'll will take that chance, because in the long run, it is for the good of the site as a whole.


I don't regret calling out people at all for this. People needed to hear how they were acting, and if they chose to ignore the feedback they are getting, from MANY more people than just me, well that is up to them.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 9, 2006 -> 08:13 AM)
I actually had to stop and think a little bit before I answered this.  I'll admit my first thought was to come on here and just tear this whole thing apart in a blazing flame job.  Then the more I thought about it, if you didn't get the original post, you probably wouldn't get this either, but I also wanted to explain something that other people should understand.


You used the term moral compass like a term of derision.  Something you completely missed is that the admins/mods of a good website are exactly that.  Especially in a situtation where you expect more out of an individual poster, good leadership steps to the plate and does something to rectify the situation.  Now I now my answer should have been a little bit less bitter, and I will freely admit that.  But the point of the post stands, the attacks were questionable at best.  I have seen people trying to justify them by the kids attitude and the way he posed his question etc, but on the flip side of things, the guy has eight posts, and obviously has no idea of Soxtalk etiquette, so what happens?  Instead of someone explaining to him what he should be doing, they rip the kid apart.  Then to top it off, when all of the people who were yelling so loudly about everything were proven completely and 100% wrong, only one person had the moxie to apologize.  Now many of the people who were chirping the loudest, I don't expect anything from, as they have demonstrated nothing that would indicate they would have the decency to look themselves in the mirror and admit a mistake in the first place, so why would they in this situation, right?  But others I was extremely disappointed in.  Some people you just expect more from.  As a matter of a fact,  you would expect them to be a sort of moral compass.  Someone to help out new people, and be man enough to admit when they are wrong, not to further add to the embarassment by acting like they are above common decency.


Another big problem here is that I know of people personally through emails and PMs who refuse to post any new info because of threads exactly like this.  Egotisitcal people is a rush to look better than someone else overreact to a situation, and immediately attack the messenger.  This has led to more than a few of our "inside" sources either quitting the site, or just not posting anything edgy anymore.  The funny thing is that the losers in these situations are all of the same people who are causing this problem in the first place.  If you don't believe me take a look around at the people who aren't posting here anymore, and the disappearence of minor league posters and "breaking" news from certian posters anymore, then add it all up yourself.


One definate problem here, is this whole clique mentality that has developed here lately, sucks.  Its like you have to be a part of the "group" or you are no one.  If your opinion doesn't conform, you are driven off as somekind of outcast or idiot, which has become very reminisent of a situation that many of our posters fled other places on the internet.  Many days and threads turn out like a bad teen movie with all of the little princesses fighting over who is the prom queen.  Well girls, I am here to tell you that you are all snobs. 


Call me the moral compass, and damn it I am proud of that.  I want Soxtalk to be a FREE and OPEN exchange of information and ideas.  I want Soxtalk to be a place where someone new can come and fit in, just as well as someone who has been here since day one.  I don't want a situation where just because someone has a lot of posts, they can label and deride someone just because.  Part of my role as an administrator at Soxtalk is to make a situation here where exactly the ideal situations for member are occuring, and sometimes that means being a moral compass.  When I see a situation where I can educate someone on being a better poster, I'll will take that chance, because in the long run, it is for the good of the site as a whole. 


I don't regret calling out people at all for this.  People needed to hear how they were acting, and if they chose to ignore the feedback they are getting, from MANY more people than just me, well that is up to them.



:notworthy :notworthy :headbang

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 9, 2006 -> 08:13 AM)
I actually had to stop and think a little bit before I answered this.  I'll admit my first thought was to come on here and just tear this whole thing apart in a blazing flame job.  Then the more I thought about it, if you didn't get the original post, you probably wouldn't get this either, but I also wanted to explain something that other people should understand.


You used the term moral compass like a term of derision.  Something you completely missed is that the admins/mods of a good website are exactly that.  Especially in a situtation where you expect more out of an individual poster, good leadership steps to the plate and does something to rectify the situation.  Now I now my answer should have been a little bit less bitter, and I will freely admit that.  But the point of the post stands, the attacks were questionable at best.  I have seen people trying to justify them by the kids attitude and the way he posed his question etc, but on the flip side of things, the guy has eight posts, and obviously has no idea of Soxtalk etiquette, so what happens?  Instead of someone explaining to him what he should be doing, they rip the kid apart.  Then to top it off, when all of the people who were yelling so loudly about everything were proven completely and 100% wrong, only one person had the moxie to apologize.  Now many of the people who were chirping the loudest, I don't expect anything from, as they have demonstrated nothing that would indicate they would have the decency to look themselves in the mirror and admit a mistake in the first place, so why would they in this situation, right?  But others I was extremely disappointed in.  Some people you just expect more from.  As a matter of a fact,  you would expect them to be a sort of moral compass.  Someone to help out new people, and be man enough to admit when they are wrong, not to further add to the embarassment by acting like they are above common decency.


Another big problem here is that I know of people personally through emails and PMs who refuse to post any new info because of threads exactly like this.  Egotisitcal people is a rush to look better than someone else overreact to a situation, and immediately attack the messenger.  This has led to more than a few of our "inside" sources either quitting the site, or just not posting anything edgy anymore.  The funny thing is that the losers in these situations are all of the same people who are causing this problem in the first place.  If you don't believe me take a look around at the people who aren't posting here anymore, and the disappearence of minor league posters and "breaking" news from certian posters anymore, then add it all up yourself.


One definate problem here, is this whole clique mentality that has developed here lately, sucks.  Its like you have to be a part of the "group" or you are no one.  If your opinion doesn't conform, you are driven off as somekind of outcast or idiot, which has become very reminisent of a situation that many of our posters fled other places on the internet.  Many days and threads turn out like a bad teen movie with all of the little princesses fighting over who is the prom queen.  Well girls, I am here to tell you that you are all snobs. 


Call me the moral compass, and damn it I am proud of that.  I want Soxtalk to be a FREE and OPEN exchange of information and ideas.  I want Soxtalk to be a place where someone new can come and fit in, just as well as someone who has been here since day one.  I don't want a situation where just because someone has a lot of posts, they can label and deride someone just because.  Part of my role as an administrator at Soxtalk is to make a situation here where exactly the ideal situations for member are occuring, and sometimes that means being a moral compass.  When I see a situation where I can educate someone on being a better poster, I'll will take that chance, because in the long run, it is for the good of the site as a whole. 


I don't regret calling out people at all for this.  People needed to hear how they were acting, and if they chose to ignore the feedback they are getting, from MANY more people than just me, well that is up to them.


*Stands and applauds*


Bravo, very well said. I'm with you especially on that somebody with 20 posts can be WAY smarter than some spammer with several thousand *looks around innocently*. Plus, I sit back and watch when a thread like this starts, since if somebody has the balls to post something like this and it isn't immediately closed, it usually has some legs to it.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 9, 2006 -> 08:13 AM)
I actually had to stop and think a little bit before I answered this.  I'll admit my first thought was to come on here and just tear this whole thing apart in a blazing flame job.  Then the more I thought about it, if you didn't get the original post, you probably wouldn't get this either, but I also wanted to explain something that other people should understand.


You used the term moral compass like a term of derision.  Something you completely missed is that the admins/mods of a good website are exactly that.  Especially in a situtation where you expect more out of an individual poster, good leadership steps to the plate and does something to rectify the situation.  Now I now my answer should have been a little bit less bitter, and I will freely admit that.  But the point of the post stands, the attacks were questionable at best.  I have seen people trying to justify them by the kids attitude and the way he posed his question etc, but on the flip side of things, the guy has eight posts, and obviously has no idea of Soxtalk etiquette, so what happens?  Instead of someone explaining to him what he should be doing, they rip the kid apart.  Then to top it off, when all of the people who were yelling so loudly about everything were proven completely and 100% wrong, only one person had the moxie to apologize.  Now many of the people who were chirping the loudest, I don't expect anything from, as they have demonstrated nothing that would indicate they would have the decency to look themselves in the mirror and admit a mistake in the first place, so why would they in this situation, right?  But others I was extremely disappointed in.  Some people you just expect more from.  As a matter of a fact,  you would expect them to be a sort of moral compass.  Someone to help out new people, and be man enough to admit when they are wrong, not to further add to the embarassment by acting like they are above common decency.


Another big problem here is that I know of people personally through emails and PMs who refuse to post any new info because of threads exactly like this.  Egotisitcal people is a rush to look better than someone else overreact to a situation, and immediately attack the messenger.  This has led to more than a few of our "inside" sources either quitting the site, or just not posting anything edgy anymore.  The funny thing is that the losers in these situations are all of the same people who are causing this problem in the first place.  If you don't believe me take a look around at the people who aren't posting here anymore, and the disappearence of minor league posters and "breaking" news from certian posters anymore, then add it all up yourself.


One definate problem here, is this whole clique mentality that has developed here lately, sucks.  Its like you have to be a part of the "group" or you are no one.  If your opinion doesn't conform, you are driven off as somekind of outcast or idiot, which has become very reminisent of a situation that many of our posters fled other places on the internet.  Many days and threads turn out like a bad teen movie with all of the little princesses fighting over who is the prom queen.  Well girls, I am here to tell you that you are all snobs. 


Call me the moral compass, and damn it I am proud of that.  I want Soxtalk to be a FREE and OPEN exchange of information and ideas.  I want Soxtalk to be a place where someone new can come and fit in, just as well as someone who has been here since day one.  I don't want a situation where just because someone has a lot of posts, they can label and deride someone just because.  Part of my role as an administrator at Soxtalk is to make a situation here where exactly the ideal situations for member are occuring, and sometimes that means being a moral compass.  When I see a situation where I can educate someone on being a better poster, I'll will take that chance, because in the long run, it is for the good of the site as a whole. 


I don't regret calling out people at all for this.  People needed to hear how they were acting, and if they chose to ignore the feedback they are getting, from MANY more people than just me, well that is up to them.


:headbang :headbang

I read through the first 6 pages of this thread yesterday and this is my first post. Sometimes it's better to take a wait and see approach.

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QUOTE(UC76 @ May 9, 2006 -> 08:38 AM)
I can't read the whole thread right now, but is Haeger starting on Wednesday for sure?


No, they are waiting for word on Contreras' response to treatment. We will know tonite.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 9, 2006 -> 07:13 AM)
I actually had to stop and think a little bit before I answered this.  I'll admit my first thought was to come on here and just tear this whole thing apart in a blazing flame job.  Then the more I thought about it, if you didn't get the original post, you probably wouldn't get this either, but I also wanted to explain something that other people should understand.


You used the term moral compass like a term of derision.  Something you completely missed is that the admins/mods of a good website are exactly that.  Especially in a situtation where you expect more out of an individual poster, good leadership steps to the plate and does something to rectify the situation.  Now I now my answer should have been a little bit less bitter, and I will freely admit that.  But the point of the post stands, the attacks were questionable at best.  I have seen people trying to justify them by the kids attitude and the way he posed his question etc, but on the flip side of things, the guy has eight posts, and obviously has no idea of Soxtalk etiquette, so what happens?  Instead of someone explaining to him what he should be doing, they rip the kid apart.  Then to top it off, when all of the people who were yelling so loudly about everything were proven completely and 100% wrong, only one person had the moxie to apologize.  Now many of the people who were chirping the loudest, I don't expect anything from, as they have demonstrated nothing that would indicate they would have the decency to look themselves in the mirror and admit a mistake in the first place, so why would they in this situation, right?  But others I was extremely disappointed in.  Some people you just expect more from.  As a matter of a fact,  you would expect them to be a sort of moral compass.  Someone to help out new people, and be man enough to admit when they are wrong, not to further add to the embarassment by acting like they are above common decency.


Another big problem here is that I know of people personally through emails and PMs who refuse to post any new info because of threads exactly like this.  Egotisitcal people is a rush to look better than someone else overreact to a situation, and immediately attack the messenger.  This has led to more than a few of our "inside" sources either quitting the site, or just not posting anything edgy anymore.  The funny thing is that the losers in these situations are all of the same people who are causing this problem in the first place.  If you don't believe me take a look around at the people who aren't posting here anymore, and the disappearence of minor league posters and "breaking" news from certian posters anymore, then add it all up yourself.


One definate problem here, is this whole clique mentality that has developed here lately, sucks.  Its like you have to be a part of the "group" or you are no one.  If your opinion doesn't conform, you are driven off as somekind of outcast or idiot, which has become very reminisent of a situation that many of our posters fled other places on the internet.  Many days and threads turn out like a bad teen movie with all of the little princesses fighting over who is the prom queen.  Well girls, I am here to tell you that you are all snobs. 


Call me the moral compass, and damn it I am proud of that.  I want Soxtalk to be a FREE and OPEN exchange of information and ideas.  I want Soxtalk to be a place where someone new can come and fit in, just as well as someone who has been here since day one.  I don't want a situation where just because someone has a lot of posts, they can label and deride someone just because.  Part of my role as an administrator at Soxtalk is to make a situation here where exactly the ideal situations for member are occuring, and sometimes that means being a moral compass.  When I see a situation where I can educate someone on being a better poster, I'll will take that chance, because in the long run, it is for the good of the site as a whole. 


I don't regret calling out people at all for this.  People needed to hear how they were acting, and if they chose to ignore the feedback they are getting, from MANY more people than just me, well that is up to them.


its posts like this, that make me happy i left a certain other "sox fan" site :). Kudos to you and soxtalk for steping up to the plate and not making this an elitist post count site. :cheers

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 9, 2006 -> 07:39 AM)
No, they are waiting for word on Contreras' response to treatment.  We will know tonite.


Cooper will be on the Mike North Show around 9:20am for his weekly gig. Mike stated he was going to ask Coop about Contreras. Maybe there is news, maybe there isnt.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 9, 2006 -> 09:13 AM)
I actually had to stop and think a little bit before I answered this.  I'll admit my first thought was to come on here and just tear this whole thing apart in a blazing flame job.  Then the more I thought about it, if you didn't get the original post, you probably wouldn't get this either, but I also wanted to explain something that other people should understand.


You used the term moral compass like a term of derision.  Something you completely missed is that the admins/mods of a good website are exactly that.  Especially in a situtation where you expect more out of an individual poster, good leadership steps to the plate and does something to rectify the situation.  Now I now my answer should have been a little bit less bitter, and I will freely admit that.  But the point of the post stands, the attacks were questionable at best.  I have seen people trying to justify them by the kids attitude and the way he posed his question etc, but on the flip side of things, the guy has eight posts, and obviously has no idea of Soxtalk etiquette, so what happens?  Instead of someone explaining to him what he should be doing, they rip the kid apart.  Then to top it off, when all of the people who were yelling so loudly about everything were proven completely and 100% wrong, only one person had the moxie to apologize.  Now many of the people who were chirping the loudest, I don't expect anything from, as they have demonstrated nothing that would indicate they would have the decency to look themselves in the mirror and admit a mistake in the first place, so why would they in this situation, right?  But others I was extremely disappointed in.  Some people you just expect more from.  As a matter of a fact,  you would expect them to be a sort of moral compass.  Someone to help out new people, and be man enough to admit when they are wrong, not to further add to the embarassment by acting like they are above common decency.


Another big problem here is that I know of people personally through emails and PMs who refuse to post any new info because of threads exactly like this.  Egotisitcal people is a rush to look better than someone else overreact to a situation, and immediately attack the messenger.  This has led to more than a few of our "inside" sources either quitting the site, or just not posting anything edgy anymore.  The funny thing is that the losers in these situations are all of the same people who are causing this problem in the first place.  If you don't believe me take a look around at the people who aren't posting here anymore, and the disappearence of minor league posters and "breaking" news from certian posters anymore, then add it all up yourself.


One definate problem here, is this whole clique mentality that has developed here lately, sucks.  Its like you have to be a part of the "group" or you are no one.  If your opinion doesn't conform, you are driven off as somekind of outcast or idiot, which has become very reminisent of a situation that many of our posters fled other places on the internet.  Many days and threads turn out like a bad teen movie with all of the little princesses fighting over who is the prom queen.  Well girls, I am here to tell you that you are all snobs. 


Call me the moral compass, and damn it I am proud of that.  I want Soxtalk to be a FREE and OPEN exchange of information and ideas.  I want Soxtalk to be a place where someone new can come and fit in, just as well as someone who has been here since day one.  I don't want a situation where just because someone has a lot of posts, they can label and deride someone just because.  Part of my role as an administrator at Soxtalk is to make a situation here where exactly the ideal situations for member are occuring, and sometimes that means being a moral compass.  When I see a situation where I can educate someone on being a better poster, I'll will take that chance, because in the long run, it is for the good of the site as a whole. 


I don't regret calling out people at all for this.  People needed to hear how they were acting, and if they chose to ignore the feedback they are getting, from MANY more people than just me, well that is up to them.


Excellent post Mike. This site will never grow for the better, if people are going to treat people a certain way just by their post count. Every one of the posters that was bashing wcw was a newbie with a handful of posts at one time too. Yesterday was certainly disappointing, and hopefully we don't see any other cases like this.


No one is better than anyone here, and some people certainly thought otherwise yesterday.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 9, 2006 -> 08:51 AM)
Excellent post Mike.  This site will never grow for the better, if people are going to treat people a certain way just by their post count.  Every one of the posters that was bashing wcw was a newbie with a handful of posts at one time too.  Yesterday was certainly disappointing, and hopefully we don't see any other cases like this. 


No one is better than anyone here, and some people certainly thought otherwise yesterday.


Amen on all counts. If your an idiot with a couple thousand posts, I'd much rather you leave than a very smart person who just found the site a week ago and is starting to build up a good rep as a solid poster. Posts counts be damned, in fact I've always wondered why sites like this have post counts at all, but that's a different argument for a different time.


And your right, nobody here is better than anybody else other than Gage.

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Guest JimH

Well Mike, yours is a great post, the best part of your post was stating the guy had only a handful of posts and etiquette should've been explained. A couple of people tried to ask about his source but there was all kinds of s*** flinging right off the bat so he (the guy who started the thread) probably had a bit of bunker mentality going on.


You know what, this is reminiscent of all the discussions about Bruce Levine/George Offman (or however took his place on the baseball beat :bang ). They report what they hear and sometimes it doesn't come true. They have to have thick skin because they will get criticized, and sometimes they make mistakes by going too far. But they report what they hear, hopefully from credible sources. Personally I think the ripping of those two guys goes overboard, but I have learned to accept it because some here find humor and fun in taking those potshots. And in a way I suppose that's ok.


You are right, there are people who used to post here who have more connections than the average poster. Over time, I suppose their contributions have been judged on their own merits. I can think of several of those people ... some I wish would come back, others IMO made their own bed. To me, the best way to approach it is by saying "I know someone inside the organization, it is not a peanut vendor, their information is credible, and here's what I'm hearing. Obviously I can't reveal the source but here's what I'm hearing." Personally I think almost everyone on this site would respect an approach like that.


What I have always found annoying is people who purposely like to play coy with their connections, real or imagined. To me that's the cause of the "I know something you don't know" mentality and it creates friction. As an example, quickman knows a few media types, it's not as if he has them over for beers every weekend but he does cross their path. I have dealt personally with a fairly visible long time Sox employee for many years on sports memorabilia stuff (we are both collectors). As such I hear some inside information but I choose not to post it because I know a lot of it is his (the Sox employee) personal opinion or his "slant" on things. Sometimes on this site, that insider stuff has been painted as fact, when in reality it's only one side of an issue.


Anyway ... your point is very well taken Mike and you are right, it is better to ask for clarification vs. slandering.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 9, 2006 -> 07:13 AM)
I actually had to stop and think a little bit before I answered this.  I'll admit my first thought was to come on here and just tear this whole thing apart in a blazing flame job.  Then the more I thought about it, if you didn't get the original post, you probably wouldn't get this either, but I also wanted to explain something that other people should understand.


You used the term moral compass like a term of derision.  Something you completely missed is that the admins/mods of a good website are exactly that.  Especially in a situtation where you expect more out of an individual poster, good leadership steps to the plate and does something to rectify the situation.  Now I now my answer should have been a little bit less bitter, and I will freely admit that.  But the point of the post stands, the attacks were questionable at best.  I have seen people trying to justify them by the kids attitude and the way he posed his question etc, but on the flip side of things, the guy has eight posts, and obviously has no idea of Soxtalk etiquette, so what happens?  Instead of someone explaining to him what he should be doing, they rip the kid apart.  Then to top it off, when all of the people who were yelling so loudly about everything were proven completely and 100% wrong, only one person had the moxie to apologize.  Now many of the people who were chirping the loudest, I don't expect anything from, as they have demonstrated nothing that would indicate they would have the decency to look themselves in the mirror and admit a mistake in the first place, so why would they in this situation, right?  But others I was extremely disappointed in.  Some people you just expect more from.  As a matter of a fact,  you would expect them to be a sort of moral compass.  Someone to help out new people, and be man enough to admit when they are wrong, not to further add to the embarassment by acting like they are above common decency.


Another big problem here is that I know of people personally through emails and PMs who refuse to post any new info because of threads exactly like this.  Egotisitcal people is a rush to look better than someone else overreact to a situation, and immediately attack the messenger.  This has led to more than a few of our "inside" sources either quitting the site, or just not posting anything edgy anymore.  The funny thing is that the losers in these situations are all of the same people who are causing this problem in the first place.  If you don't believe me take a look around at the people who aren't posting here anymore, and the disappearence of minor league posters and "breaking" news from certian posters anymore, then add it all up yourself.


One definate problem here, is this whole clique mentality that has developed here lately, sucks.  Its like you have to be a part of the "group" or you are no one.  If your opinion doesn't conform, you are driven off as somekind of outcast or idiot, which has become very reminisent of a situation that many of our posters fled other places on the internet.  Many days and threads turn out like a bad teen movie with all of the little princesses fighting over who is the prom queen.  Well girls, I am here to tell you that you are all snobs. 


Call me the moral compass, and damn it I am proud of that.  I want Soxtalk to be a FREE and OPEN exchange of information and ideas.  I want Soxtalk to be a place where someone new can come and fit in, just as well as someone who has been here since day one.  I don't want a situation where just because someone has a lot of posts, they can label and deride someone just because.  Part of my role as an administrator at Soxtalk is to make a situation here where exactly the ideal situations for member are occuring, and sometimes that means being a moral compass.  When I see a situation where I can educate someone on being a better poster, I'll will take that chance, because in the long run, it is for the good of the site as a whole. 


I don't regret calling out people at all for this.  People needed to hear how they were acting, and if they chose to ignore the feedback they are getting, from MANY more people than just me, well that is up to them.


It's posts like this one that make it hard to quit you... :wub:

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Ok so before reading this entire thread is my summary correct?


1. Rumor posted

2. bashing of said rumor

3. Rumor gains legs

4. Rumor gets verified by one of the radio stations

5. People react

6. Backlash to bashing of said rumor


So in closing Haeger may start on Wednesday...MERCY

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My biggest annoyance with this whole issue was that people were more concerned about proving that they either did or didn't believe this poster, instead of discussing a possible injury to the best pitcher in baseball so far this season.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 9, 2006 -> 07:51 AM)
Excellent post Mike.  This site will never grow for the better, if people are going to treat people a certain way just by their post count.  Every one of the posters that was bashing wcw was a newbie with a handful of posts at one time too.  Yesterday was certainly disappointing, and hopefully we don't see any other cases like this. 


No one is better than anyone here, and some people certainly thought otherwise yesterday.


In any social situation there is going to be a pecking order. If your first f***ing post on a site is about the Ace player going on the DL


Fact is, you will be judged by your post history just as if it was your actions in a social setting. If the first impression you make is one of controversey, and then subsequent coyness over how you came to your opinion, then you will be treated as such. That is the way of the land, and if someone takes it personal that their first post rumor isnt taken as seriously as an inside source, well welcome to the daily rejection of life. If you get so upset over something like that on a message board, I feel somewhat sorry for you when you face the same reaction in real life.


I admit i was wrong that the rumor was false, but i would never apologize for discounting a rumor that was presented in such a way. Thats the way I will react when faced with the same situation every time. You cant trust someone, when there is no basis for trust. Maybe next time he posts a rumor, we will take it more seriously, but this time, it just wasnt in the cards.

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Well, at least the injury has nothing to do with his forearm or elbow like it was in spring training but I wouldn't take any chances. Put him on the DL so that he's 100% for the rest of the year and let's cheer on the rook!

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I just hope this possible setback doesn't affect the way Jose pitches. He has been unstoppable. Even doughboy John Kruk said last night that Jose's the best pitcher in the AL right now. I'd say in the majors but what do I know?

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 9, 2006 -> 09:17 AM)

In any social situation there is going to be a pecking order.  If your first f***ing post on a site is about the Ace player going on the DL


Fact is, you will be judged by your post history just as if it was your actions in a social setting.  If the first impression you make is one of controversey, and then subsequent coyness over how you came to your opinion, then you will be treated as such.  That is the way of the land, and if someone takes it personal that their first post rumor isnt taken as seriously as an inside source, well welcome to the daily rejection of life.  If you get so upset over something like that on a message board, I feel somewhat sorry for you when you face the same reaction in real life.


I admit i was wrong that the rumor was false, but i would never apologize for discounting a rumor that was presented in such a way.  Thats the way I will react when faced with the same situation every time.  You cant trust someone, when there is no basis for trust.  Maybe next time he posts a rumor, we will take it more seriously, but this time, it just wasnt in the cards.


What was the part about teaching posting etiquette to a new poster that you didn't comprehend? A little education just may have gone farther than a pack of wolves circling for the kill. As for coming across like an asshole comment, we all have our opinions on who qualified.

Edited by YASNY
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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 9, 2006 -> 08:57 AM)
What was the part about teaching posting etiquette to a new poster that you didn't comprehend?  A little education just may have gone farther than a pack of wolves circling for the kill.  As for coming across like an asshole comment, we all have our opinions on who qualified.

You mean the 3 pages after his first post where people were asking for confirmation or a source? Come on. Circling for the kill, that really just makes me laugh. Its a message board. Are we worried someone got his feelings hurt?


First the thing to do was discount this rumor, now the thing to do is climb up on the high horse. Hilarious.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 9, 2006 -> 07:51 AM)
Excellent post Mike.  This site will never grow for the better, if people are going to treat people a certain way just by their post count.  Every one of the posters that was bashing wcw was a newbie with a handful of posts at one time too.  Yesterday was certainly disappointing, and hopefully we don't see any other cases like this. 


No one is better than anyone here, and some people certainly thought otherwise yesterday.


That's why it is the best site-

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