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One juror stopped death penalty


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QUOTE(Soxy @ May 12, 2006 -> 09:11 AM)
I heard that. I hope they continue to withhold his/her name.

Seems like, unless that person comes forward and says "It was me" they'll have to, as not even the jurors themselves know who it was.

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I'm glad this juror did this. That putz was hoping for martyrdom, and this one person denied him the privilege. Now that he's realized he's going to spend his life alone in a 7x10 box, and won't have the glory of 72 virgins, he wants to change his plea. He's basically up a creek without a paddle as he deserves to be.

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I believe it is fitting that one American was able to spare his life. One, what a powerful testimony to our society and way of life. Around the world, and especially in the Middle East, a common citizen would never weild that kind of life or death power in their hands. :usa

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 13, 2006 -> 05:43 AM)
I'm glad this juror did this. That putz was hoping for martyrdom, and this one person denied him the privilege. Now that he's realized he's going to spend his life alone in a 7x10 box, and won't have the glory of 72 virgins, he wants to change his plea. He's basically up a creek without a paddle as he deserves to be.

Concur wholeheartedly. Have you read about the place he's now in? Holy Crap!

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Reason for changing his mind


Explaining his latest reversal, Moussaoui said in an affidavit:


"I had thought I would be sentenced to death based on the emotions and anger toward me for the deaths on September 11. But after reviewing the jury verdict and reading how the jurors set aside their emotions and disgust for me and focused on the law and the evidence ... I now see that it is possible that I can receive a fair trial even with Americans as jurors."


Ha! You piece of s***, is the American President going to pardon you now? How are those visions looking from your little concrete block? Pretty scary to think that you are going to spend all that time in prison, instead of heading towards the easy way out with a needle, huh?


This is comical, I am so glad they decided to let that asshole rot in jail.


QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ May 13, 2006 -> 10:30 AM)
Concur wholeheartedly. Have you read about the place he's now in? Holy Crap!


ADX Florence is a 575-bed facility that generally houses between 400 and 500 male prisoners. About 22 percent of inmates have killed fellow prisoners in other correctional facilities; 35 percent have attempted to attack other prisoners or officers. As a result, most individuals are kept for at least 23 hours each day in solitary confinement. They are housed in a 7-by-12 foot (3.5-by-2 meter) soundproofed room, built behind a steel door and grate. The remaining free hour is spent exercising alone in a separate concrete chamber. Prisoners rarely see each other, and inmates' only human interaction is limited to that of the "correctional officers". Religious services are broadcast in from a small chapel.


Most cells' furniture is made almost entirely out of poured concrete, including a desk, stool, and bed covered by a thin mattress. Each chamber contains a toilet that shuts off if plugged, a shower that runs on a timer to prevent flooding, and a sink missing a potentially dangerous tap. Rooms may also be fitted with polished steel mirrors bolted to the wall, an electric light, a 13-inch black and white television that shows only educational programming, which not all inmates are allowed to have, and a cigarette lighter. Windows in rooms are small, set high up in the wall, and point towards the sky, confusing the prisoner as to his specific location within the complex.


The prison as a whole contains countless motion detectors and cameras, 1,400 remote-controlled steel doors, and 12-foot high razor wire fences. Laser beams, pressure pads, and attack dogs that are trained to attack silently guard the area between the prison walls and razor wire.


Prisoners have complained about excessive steps taken by officers and officials in these types of facilities to control inmates. Constant surveillance and random searches at the whim of prison staff can be humiliating, and their frequency may be used as methods of intimidation and sleep deprivation.


The maximum security facility at Marion, Illinois, which is the model ADX Florence is based on, has been denounced by Amnesty International for violating the United Nations' Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners


Boohoo. These guys are being treated unfairly, thats just too bad....


I didnt know Matt Hale was a prisoner there. I was at SIU when he was a student there, he caused all sorts of problems. But he still graduated from the Law School

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 13, 2006 -> 10:46 AM)
Ha! You piece of s***, is the American President going to pardon you now? How are those visions looking from your little concrete block? Pretty scary to think that you are going to spend all that time in prison, instead of heading towards the easy way out with a needle, huh?


This is comical, I am so glad they decided to let that asshole rot in jail.

Boohoo. These guys are being treated unfairly, thats just too bad....


I didnt know Matt Hale was a prisoner there. I was at SIU when he was a student there, he caused all sorts of problems. But he still graduated from the Law School



Uh oh. Better be careful with this guy. Next thing you know some piece of s***, whiny ACLU type will start filing lawsuits on his behalf complaining hes being "tortured".





Upon further review............I do believe he got the right sentence. Spending your life in a place like Florence is a fate worse than death.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 13, 2006 -> 11:10 AM)
Uh oh. Better be careful with this guy. Next thing you know some piece of s***, whiny ACLU type will start filing lawsuits on his behalf complaining hes being "tortured".

Upon further review............I do believe he got the right sentence. Spending your life in a place like Florence is a fate worse than death.


Its easy to kill this guy. But making him think about it, for the rest of his life, however long that is, will drive him nuts. Its a fate worse than death, and the guy just realized that, i think

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 14, 2006 -> 10:22 AM)
They should have flown him out to one of our "secret prisons" in the Middle East or Eastern Europe and let some CIA attack dogs have their way with him but I guess this will do.


Our constitution really takes away all your fun. Ironically, you would have a much better time working for the types of regimes the US is fighting.

Torture? Check.

Spying on citizens? Check.

Military patrols in civilian areas? Check.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 14, 2006 -> 10:23 AM)
Does "relucantly compliant" translate into "crying like a helpless baby who had to be dragged to the plane."?


That's what Im thinking. LOL!!!!!! I wish I could have video of it all to post on Al Jazerra. Let Muslim scum worldwide see their hero being led off in chains and sobbing like a little girl.



f***ing priceless!!!!!



QUOTE(Texsox @ May 14, 2006 -> 10:28 AM)
Our constitution really takes away all your fun. Ironically, you would have a much better time working for the types of regimes the US is fighting.

Torture? Check.

Spying on citizens? Check.

Military patrols in civilian areas? Check.



Torture: As long as its done to the deserving I have no problem with it whatsoever


Spying on Citizens: I really don't care if Michael Hayden or anyone else at NSA has my number and knows I ordered pizza last night.


Military Patrols in Civilian areas: Isin't that the role of the National Guard when state and local authorities can't handle the situation?

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Tough on crime by executing criminals for any offenses, and toss in the occassional assassination of a foreign leader, and you'd have a great day.


So why is it we try and stop other countries who do that stuff?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 14, 2006 -> 10:45 AM)
Tough on crime by executing criminals for any offenses, and toss in the occassional assassination of a foreign leader, and you'd have a great day.


So why is it we try and stop other countries who do that stuff?



Now you're putting words in my mouth. People should only receive the death sentence for the most heinous of crimes.


Additionally, if we whacked every tin pot dictator who gave us a hard time then Chavez, Evo Morales, Castro and that nutjob in Iran would all be on the receiving end of a JDAM or 3.

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