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Agriculture in America


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A spin off of the immigration thread. I am surprised that the agriculture industry isn't more in the news "up north" but based on a couple commments, I guess it isn't. I guess farming isn't all that interesting to city folks.


A disturbing trend in agriculture, is we have begun importing more food then we export in some months. The US has been a huge exporter to the world and to have to become balanced, and then tilt to the other side, is a dangerous trend.


Why has that happened? A few things. One reason is agriculture is an industry like many others. Every industry that involves large amount if unskilled labor has moved out of the US. The best example I can offer is textiles. Not too many shirts being sewn in the US anymore.


How many of your local high schools offere Ag programs anymore? Our local school has gone from a staff of 6 to 2. These are not high demand careers.


The land values make selling out attractive. Once they sell out, there isn't the desire to purchase more land and restart the farm.


Food choices. We want melons in January. This can only be done by farming closer to the equator.


Environmental laws are not as strict which allows for more pesticides than in the US.


Another trend in the remaining US programs are more and more large scale corporate farming. That is an encouraging trend because of economies of scale. There are some practices that need to improve, like planting a variety of one crop in case of disease or insects which may be strain dependent.


Is there a danger for future generations to have be dependent on other countries to feed them. I believe so. As we lose capability we are more dependent on foreign supplies which is not in our national security interest. Of course this isn't a problem that will happen next year, but we are heading down a path that will effect our grandchildren. I guess it depends on your vision and how important leaving behind a better America is to you.

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