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Doesn't the home team take batting practice before the gates open to the public?

Weren't the Cubs the home team last night?

Who was Sosa trying to impress if there were no fans in the park yet?



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Doesn't the home team take batting practice before the gates open to the public?

Weren't the Cubs the home team last night?

Who was Sosa trying to impress if there were no fans in the park yet?



Haha, hadn't thought of that!


One more thing that baffles me about this whole thing...I was talking to my mom this morning, and she told me that Baker claims that he's NEVER seen a corked bat in his career (that is like 30 years worth of baseball). That, in itself is laughable. But, then, Sammy said that he uses a corked bat during BP (presumably more than just 1 time, right?). You mean to tell me that Sammy uses a corked bat on a regular basis to "poot on a shoe for dee fans", yet Dusty has no knowledge of it? :lol:


Sammy and Dusty should have had a little meeting before speaking to the media so they could get their stories straight.

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Doesn't the home team take batting practice before the gates open to the public?

Weren't the Cubs the home team last night?

Who was Sosa trying to impress if there were no fans in the park yet?



That is why Shamme is a f***ing liar , Sox are always done before I can get into park :huh:

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Yeah, you would think it would common knowledge. If I have a corked bat for BP - I'm telling everyone on the team so they can help me make sure I don't make a mistake and use it during the game.

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He had this dog and pony show rehearsed for when he got caught. I took at a peek at his career numbers and he did something in 98. He basically hits 30+ more homeruns?! That aint because he was working on his fundamentals. Some talking head (Dibs?) said he was just voted most popular player in MLB?! I can't believe that but I guess it could have been true, not anymore.


If anyone really believes this was the one and only time he ever used an illegal bat and it just happened to be the time it shattered you'll also believe


"It wasn't mine I was holding it for a friend"

"Really it was the one and only time I had sex"

"Really officer I only had two beers"

"The checks in the mail etc :rolleyes: "


I'm figuring 8 games or they make an example out of him.

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I'm going to start voting for him. That clubhouse would be a lot of fun. Sitting next to the guys he screwed by cheating . . .


:headbang  :headbang

f*** Sammy it was a rip off that he was second before he got busted. Now it is even more of a crime. I could name a half dozen NL OF's who deserve to be on that team more than that no talent ass clown.

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Call me a purist, but I don't think corked bats should be allowed for anything in a big league park, including batting practice. This is especially so in a semi official exhibition like the stupid Home Run Derby prior to the All-Star Game. If those no neck, juiced up bozos use illegal bats in the Derby, 'fess up beforehand. Why do they think it is so important to bull s*** the public.

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Call me a purist, but I don't think corked bats should be allowed for anything in a big league park, including batting practice.  This is especially so in a semi official exhibition like the stupid Home Run Derby prior to the All-Star Game.  If those no neck, juiced up bozos use illegal bats in the Derby, 'fess up beforehand.  Why do they think it is so important to bull s*** the public.

Jim.. or anyone else, correct me if I am wrong, but aren't they NOT allowed in any form of baseball?

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Steff, I thought so too, before the incident. But then Sam kept referring to the bat as a batting practice bat, so I had second thoughts.


I really think that Bud Lite Selig should put the word out now that corked bats will not be allowed anywhere during All-Star festivities.

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Steff, I thought so too, before the incident.  But then Sam kept referring to the bat as a batting practice bat, so I had second thoughts.


I really think that Bud Lite Selig should put the word out now that corked bats will not be allowed anywhere during All-Star festivities.

I can't find any where anything stating that there are allowed in any facet of the game. I think he was just trying to divert attention.

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Wouldn't you want to "practice" under somewhat normal game conditions, anyway?  So by using a lighter corked bat in BP and then switching to a heavier bat duing a game... wouldn't that throw you off a bit?

I agree. Wouldn't you want to hit a heavier bat during BP as opposed to a lighter one?

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Do not be suprised if it is only 3 or 4, they will kiss Shamme's ass.

No they won't. Baseball already has lost some credibility by having one of their premier players getting caught cheating. They aren't going to risk losing more credibility by simply giving him a slap on the wrist. I figure it'll be 10 games at least.

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Jim.. or anyone else, correct me if I am wrong, but aren't they NOT allowed in any form of baseball?

I've heard Hawk talk about corked bats a few times in the past.


He's always maintained that there was always a corked bat or 2 around during BP that the guys could use just to "show off" as Sammy said. Of course, this was 25-30 years ago, but to think that there aren't corked bats in every clubhouse is just naive.

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I bet he doesn't get voted to the All Star game now..


Anyone have the lead vote getters as of right now?

Sammy is 2nd in the NL OF balloting. Vlad is 120,000 votes behind and Pujols is 125,000 votes behind.



Another case in point of why fans shouldn't be able to vote for All-Star starters. ShamME couldn't wipe Vlad's or Albert's ass this year. Yet stupid f***ing casual baseball fans vote, mostly, purely on name recognition alone. If you put McGuire's name on the '04 ballot as a joke, he probably be voted a f***ing starter at 1B..... most casual baseball fans probably don't know that he has retired.

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