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Garlands a fluke!!!!!!!!!!&#33


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Moron. Had a great start last time but hes a fluke. Hes getting pounded today by a rather weak offense. Hes so inconsistent. We have got to trade this guy for prospects before everyone sees him for the fake he really is. Give me a bag of baseballs for crying out loud... :angry:

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I shouldn't be taking what you say serious since you aren't too bright (a bit hypocricy mixed in with little knowledge), but your saying Garland is a fluke?


first of all, he hasn't put up great enough numbers to be considered a fluke. second, he hasn't drifted too far away to warrant it.


he's a good, 23-year-old pitcher who needs time. those two runs shouldn't of crossed in the first inning and if he would've chose to lay off throwing his curveball, which wasn't working, he would've been fine.

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I shouldn't be taking what you say serious since you aren't too bright (a bit hypocricy mixed in with little knowledge), but your saying Garland is a fluke? 


first of all, he hasn't put up great enough numbers to be considered a fluke.  second, he hasn't drifted too far away to warrant it.


he's a good, 23-year-old pitcher who needs time.  those two runs shouldn't of crossed in the first inning and if he would've chose to lay off throwing his curveball, which wasn't working, he would've been fine.

how much time are you willing to give him? Mr. too bright

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how much time? like he's pitche terrible.


since he's come up, he's show progress every year, now this year, he's struggling a bit, but he's still pitching strong.


he's a guy we are gonna end up trading, then when he does good, people are going to complain and ask why we traded him.


Garland will be good, he has all the tools, he just needs to put it all together and get some consistency.

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how much time? like he's pitche terrible. 


since he's come up, he's show progress every year, now this year, he's struggling a bit, but he's still pitching strong.


he's a guy we are gonna end up trading, then when he does good, people are going to complain and ask why we traded him.


Garland will be good, he has all the tools, he just needs to put it all together and get some consistency.

when jon struggles a little, he really gets yanked around... i try to be a patient guy.... but when i see him up there getting hammered.... :angry:

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umm, usually when he struggles, he battles just enough to go 5-6 innings, giving up 4-5 runs. Not a good ERA, but he battled nonetheless.


better than what Kip Wells used to do, which was 2-3 innings, 7 runs.

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as far as ive seen with him, his success depends on him getting ahead in the count, his location, and pitching efficiently. When hes not down in the damn count the whole night, and when he can keep his pitch counts down hes pretty damn good, but he just hasnt been doing that lately. Its not matter of his stuff going good, but his head going good. You could say that for alot of pitchers, and it applies to him. Id say give him the rest of this year, and part of next year to work on it, If he doesnt get traded in the biggest white flag trade/management clearing house to ever happen in baseball, that is going to happen sometime shortly after the all-start break

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I honestly don't know what we'd get for him right now, maybe we should send him down to AAA and let Rauch come up and see what he can do.


Regardless of what anyone says, he's still too young to give up on and trade for garbage, especially at what we're paying him currently.

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He may be young in age, but he is old in experience. He has been given every chance to suceed and management has been very patient through his struggles. You have to ask yourself when is enough? When has a kid been given enough chances to improve and show consistancy? Some guy pointed out that he has shown improvement. I don't think we are watching the same Garland because he has shown no consistancy. In 2001 he posted an ERA in the 3's. Granted most of it was in the pen, but still he has regressed since then. In 2002 he posted an ERA in the mid 4's, and this year he has an ERA in the 5's. tell me how that is improvement? My patience is running thin with Garland and unless he start to show some improvement or consistancy by the end of the year I think he should be traded while he still has a little value. I thought he should have been sent down to the minors to work things out earlier in the year when he was really struggling. The Sox have been unable to develop pitchers and it is really starting to piss me off. Looks like you can add Garland an Wright to the list unless something drastic happens.

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He may be young in age, but he is old in experience. He has been given every chance to suceed and management has been very patient through his struggles. You have to ask yourself when is enough? When has a kid been given enough chances to improve and show consistancy? Some guy pointed out that he has shown improvement. I don't think we are watching the same Garland because he has shown no consistancy. In 2001 he posted an ERA in the 3's. Granted most of it was in the pen, but still he has regressed since then. In 2002 he posted an ERA in the mid 4's, and this year he has an ERA in the 5's. tell me how that is improvement? My patience is running thin with Garland and unless he start to show some improvement or consistancy by the end of the year I think he should be traded while he still has a little value. I thought he should have been sent down to the minors to work things out earlier in the year when he was really struggling. The Sox have been unable to develop pitchers and it is really starting to piss me off. Looks like you can add Garland an Wright to the list unless something drastic happens.

Well I'd consider taking a college pitcher with a high ERA (and who couldn't crack his college rotation, IIRC) and turning him into a big leaguer successfully developing a pitcher...


As for Garland, trade him. How many 23-year-olds are there with over 400 career IP? He's a very tradable pitcher right now (a GM's dream right now).

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Screw whats good for him! Get something thatll help the Sox! Hell always suck, lets just trade him before everyone else realizes it!

I highly doubt he'll always suck.


I think that at the very least he'll be a very good end of the rotation guy later on in his career.

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It probably would be smart to simply send many of these guys down and bring some up and just experiement.

What we're doing isn't working and it isn't very interesting.


We ought to send Jon down and bring somebody up. Why not?

We get 10 hits tonight which is our most in a long time, but still only three runs til the ninth.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Moron. Had a great start last time but hes a fluke. Hes getting pounded today by a rather weak offense. Hes so inconsistent. We have got to trade this guy for prospects before everyone sees him for the fake he really is. Give me a bag of baseballs for crying out loud... :angry:

lol roman.....so do tell us so were prepared... whos next on the windsock hit list??????? lmao....... :D

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he's a guy we are gonna end up trading, then when he does good, people are going to complain and ask why we traded him.


Garland will be good, he has all the tools, he just needs to put it all together and get some consistency.

Jon Garland has loads of talent. The frustrating thing about it is he canm't seem to get the two-strike out or the last out in the inning without blowing it. He needs to step it up and come after the batter with more fire. If he doesn't learn that than he might be gone in a trade. It will be just our luck that when that occurs he will suddenly become a Cy Young candidate becasue it took the trade to wake him up.


I see the same thing happening with our other young pitchers, e.g. Wright

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I'm still backing up Garland here. This guy is only 23 for gods sake. He has great stuff. He just needs to get his confidence together and he will dominate. However, if the trade of Garland for Drew comes up, I'd do it in a heartbeat because I'd have to give Drew the talent edge.

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Screw whats good for him! Get something thatll help the Sox! Hell always suck, lets just trade him before everyone else realizes it!

Garland's trade value is at an all-time low. There's no point dumping him because anything Williams will get from him won't be nearly as talented as Jon is.

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