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Mexican government = hypocrites.


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Seems that while corrupt assbags like Vicente Fox are running around calling American's "xenophobic" and saying we need to open up and let him export poor people to the U.S., his own country is highly restrictive of what jobs foregin born people can hold.







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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 23, 2006 -> 03:50 PM)
Even more shocking is that Mexico and the US has different needs. Who could imagine both countries doing what is best for themselves. Shocking!


It probably isn't too bright to rail on the US policy as "xenophobic" when your administration has done much, much worse. We don't ban legal immigrants from anything but the Vice Presidency and the Presidency. To top it off they actually had to change a law because of Fox's status of not having both parents as native Mexicians just so he could get elected.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 23, 2006 -> 03:50 PM)
Even more shocking is that Mexico and the US has different needs. Who could imagine both countries doing what is best for themselves. Shocking!


What gives Fox the right to critcize the US when we are considering to change our policies based on our needs? If it's okay for Mexico to set tough immigration standards based on their needs, it shouldn't be any of his damn business what the immigration standards of the US are.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 24, 2006 -> 04:28 AM)
If it's okay for Mexico to set tough immigration standards based on their needs, it shouldn't be any of his damn business what the immigration standards of the US are.


:notworthy :notworthy


It does effect his country's citizens, he should be concerned, he should speak out, but he shouldn't be on the side of illegal immigration. He should be on the side of respecting both side's needs, and respecting the laws of that nation.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 24, 2006 -> 09:37 AM)
:notworthy :notworthy


It does effect his country's citizens, he should be concerned, he should speak out, but he shouldn't be on the side of illegal immigration. He should be on the side of respecting both side's needs, and respecting the laws of that nation.


shoulda, woulda, coulda. lets face facts, fox is just another banana republic corrupt asshole. we all know that he wants an open border because if all mexicans had to actually work in mexico he would actually have to do his job and try to fix the horrid economy there, instead of line his pockets at the expense of our border.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ May 24, 2006 -> 07:49 PM)
shoulda, woulda, coulda. lets face facts, fox is just another banana republic corrupt asshole. we all know that he wants an open border because if all mexicans had to actually work in mexico he would actually have to do his job and try to fix the horrid economy there, instead of line his pockets at the expense of our border.


I believe you are confusing Fox with the regime he replaced.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 24, 2006 -> 09:33 PM)
I believe you are confusing Fox with the regime he replaced.


im afraid you are wrong. i mean the current mexican government and the administration in place at the time. are you honestly going to deny that vincente fox is trying to keep the border porous?

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QUOTE(samclemens @ May 25, 2006 -> 07:46 PM)
im afraid you are wrong. i mean the current mexican government and the administration in place at the time. are you honestly going to deny that vincente fox is trying to keep the border porous?


You've called him dishonest and corrupt several times and I don't believe that to be the case, and what is even funnier is, Fox is the first Conservative elected in Mexico nationally in decades. PAN, Fox's party, is the Christian, conservative party which ousted the liberal PRI party. PRI had absolute power for a very long time and corruption was a way of life.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 25, 2006 -> 09:45 PM)
You've called him dishonest and corrupt several times and I don't believe that to be the case, and what is even funnier is, Fox is the first Conservative elected in Mexico nationally in decades. PAN, Fox's party, is the Christian, conservative party which ousted the liberal PRI party. PRI had absolute power for a very long time and corruption was a way of life.



And it still is. Its even worse now under this scumbag Fox.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 26, 2006 -> 02:29 AM)
And it still is. Its even worse now under this scumbag Fox.


Sorry dude, you are not even close in this characterization. There are problems under Fox, but isn't nearly as bad as the 71 years that PRI ran the country.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 24, 2006 -> 09:28 AM)
What gives Fox the right to critcize the US when we are considering to change our policies based on our needs? If it's okay for Mexico to set tough immigration standards based on their needs, it shouldn't be any of his damn business what the immigration standards of the US are.

Exactly, this is our country. We elected our congressman to decide on how policies would affect the United States. I could give a flying f*** what Fox thinks. The fact that he is being critical of our country is a joke. He should worry about his own country. High unemployment, massive poverty, and a population that is out of control. He's just another corrupt pawn in that mess they call a governemt in Mexico

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QUOTE(soxman352000 @ May 26, 2006 -> 08:52 AM)
Exactly, this is our country. We elected our congressman to decide on how policies would affect the United States. I could give a flying f*** what Fox thinks. The fact that he is being critical of our country is a joke. He should worry about his own country. High unemployment, massive poverty, and a population that is out of control. He's just another corrupt pawn in that mess they call a governemt in Mexico


The United States is Mexico's closest ally. Tourism from the US is huge part of their economy. Maquillas, many owned by American corporations, are a big industry. Mexico exports a huge portion of their oil and gas to the US. Mexicans are migrating in huge numbers to the US. And Fox shouldn't be interested, concerned, and involved in American politics?


The US is #1 in trying to solve the world's problems. Fox may be speaking out, but in reverse we would be sending in the CIA, and really getting after it. I think we can stand a little rhetoric from the President of Mexico.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 28, 2006 -> 10:18 AM)
The United States is Mexico's closest ally. Tourism from the US is huge part of their economy. Maquillas, many owned by American corporations, are a big industry. Mexico exports a huge portion of their oil and gas to the US. Mexicans are migrating in huge numbers to the US. And Fox shouldn't be interested, concerned, and involved in American politics?


The US is #1 in trying to solve the world's problems. Fox may be speaking out, but in reverse we would be sending in the CIA, and really getting after it. I think we can stand a little rhetoric from the President of Mexico.


vincente fox and his rhetoric can kiss my ass.

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I still find it amusing that people think America and Mexico should have the same laws. Why don't we do what is best for America and let Mexico do what is best for Mexico? I really don't think we need to look to Mexico for a solution in this. Mexico is struggling to create a middle class, something that was wiped out in the 1994 with the peso devaluation known as the December Mistake. They have a 40% illiteracy rate. Their country and the US is so different and faces such different struggles.


Look at the unemployment rates and underemployment rates between the two countries. Mexico has high unemployment and high underemployment. Thet have a surplus of unskilled labor and a shortage of jobs for semi and skilled workers. The US has low unemployment rates, and a skilled workforce looking for skilled and highly skilled jobs. Further the US economy has a high demand for unskilled labor and a workforce that does not desire those jobs. Doesn't it make sense that the US would want to import that labor and that Mexico would not want additional immigrants when their workforce is already over capacity?


Call it hypocricy if you like, but it seems like both countries are acting in their own best interest.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 29, 2006 -> 04:07 AM)

I still find it amusing that people think America and Mexico should have the same laws. Why don't we do what is best for America and let Mexico do what is best for Mexico? I really don't think we need to look to Mexico for a solution in this. Mexico is struggling to create a middle class, something that was wiped out in the 1994 with the peso devaluation known as the December Mistake. They have a 40% illiteracy rate. Their country and the US is so different and faces such different struggles.


Look at the unemployment rates and underemployment rates between the two countries. Mexico has high unemployment and high underemployment. Thet have a surplus of unskilled labor and a shortage of jobs for semi and skilled workers. The US has low unemployment rates, and a skilled workforce looking for skilled and highly skilled jobs. Further the US economy has a high demand for unskilled labor and a workforce that does not desire those jobs. Doesn't it make sense that the US would want to import that labor and that Mexico would not want additional immigrants when their workforce is already over capacity?


Call it hypocricy if you like, but it seems like both countries are acting in their own best interest.



I sort of agree with you. Mexico is defenitely acting in its own best interest. Its in their interest to export their poverty problem to the United States. It's in their interest to push as many people across the border as they can because the money they send back is their second greatest revenue source.


The U.S. on the other hand, does not act in its own interest. We allow Mexico to export its poverty problem to us. We allow these people to get services they dont deserve. We allow them to cost us billions of dollars a year. We allow them to come here illegally and then start making demands against our government.


It's really sickening to me how we allow a s***bag like Vicente Fox and these border jumpers to screw this country over the way they're doing.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 29, 2006 -> 04:24 AM)
I sort of agree with you. Mexico is defenitely acting in its own best interest. Its in their interest to export their poverty problem to the United States. It's in their interest to push as many people across the border as they can because the money they send back is their second greatest revenue source.


The U.S. on the other hand, does not act in its own interest. We allow Mexico to export its poverty problem to us. We allow these people to get services they dont deserve. We allow them to cost us billions of dollars a year. We allow them to come here illegally and then start making demands against our government.


It's really sickening to me how we allow a s***bag like Vicente Fox and these border jumpers to screw this country over the way they're doing.


Easy enough to stop it. Train our children to be laborers. Imagine if a couple million Americans every year would say "After college, I'm going to work for Del Monte picking crops." :usa


Describe for me how America will raise a generation to pick crops, be bus boys, yard workers, work in a chicken processing plants, etc.? Will they be drop outs? Will we encourage high school kids to set their sights lower? Will we begin paying people $40k a year to mow lawns? Immigrants have been doing these jobs for hundreds of years, now we'll change all that?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 29, 2006 -> 04:47 AM)
Easy enough to stop it. Train our children to be laborers. Imagine if a couple million Americans every year would say "After college, I'm going to work for Del Monte picking crops." :usa


Describe for me how America will raise a generation to pick crops, be bus boys, yard workers, work in a chicken processing plants, etc.? Will they be drop outs? Will we encourage high school kids to set their sights lower? Will we begin paying people $40k a year to mow lawns? Immigrants have been doing these jobs for hundreds of years, now we'll change all that?



What you're basically telling me is that you are in favor of importing a permanent under-underclass of people who we can exploit to do our dirty work for us because we're too lazy to do it ourselves. That's all you're telling me with your point of view.


When I was growing up, neighborhood kids mowed the lawn, bussed tables at the local restaurant and such. They did it to earn a few extra bucks on the side and to learn the value of a days work before moving on to bigger and better things. Unfortunately, nowadays American kids are spoiled and lazy and would rather plug their eyeballs into a TV screen or computer monitor than get out there and work.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 29, 2006 -> 04:51 AM)
What you're basically telling me is that you are in favor of importing a permanent under-underclass of people who we can exploit to do our dirty work for us because we're too lazy to do it ourselves. That's all you're telling me with your point of view.


When I was growing up, neighborhood kids mowed the lawn, bussed tables at the local restaurant and such. They did it to earn a few extra bucks on the side and to learn the value of a days work before moving on to bigger and better things. Unfortunately, nowadays American kids are spoiled and lazy and would rather plug their eyeballs into a TV screen or computer monitor than get out there and work.


As I've been saying for weeks and just a couple posts ago,


US - highly skilled workforce, low unemployment, no desire for manual labor.

Mexico - unskilled workforce, high unemployment, strong desire to improve life for themselves and their children


Mexicans help themselves by finding work. They use this helping hand to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and create a better life for themselves and their children. With legal status, which comes after a careful screening and time in this country, they do not have to remain a permanent underclass. Wow, and it benefits both countries. Immigration levels are set by US employment needs. After systems are in place, illegals receive a lifetime ban, first time is a quick trip home, second time involves jail, third strike and welcome to a federal prison. Employers are heavily fined for employing undocumented workers or employing workers off the books.


The world is now 24/7. Kids aren't mowing the local office complex, they aren't bussing tables at noon, and they aren't picking crops from Florida to Maine.


You think the agriculture industry can supports itself on high school kids? Or some high school kids walks up to Allstate Insurance and asks if he can mow the lawn? These aren't part time jobs. Immigrants have been taking these jobs for many decades. Remember Reagan and amnesty? We are just now waking up and seeing what is going on. Nice high school memories, but they aren't accurate of the total job market. I'm for traditional American values, like any good conservative. Not the liberal new fangled, Americans can do these jobs, solution you propose :D


So your solution is millions of high school kids start taking these jobs? I belive mine is better for America.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 29, 2006 -> 04:51 AM)
When I was growing up, neighborhood kids mowed the lawn, bussed tables at the local restaurant and such. They did it to earn a few extra bucks on the side and to learn the value of a days work before moving on to bigger and better things. Unfortunately, nowadays American kids are spoiled and lazy and would rather plug their eyeballs into a TV screen or computer monitor than get out there and work.



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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 29, 2006 -> 10:06 AM)
As I've been saying for weeks and just a couple posts ago,


US - highly skilled workforce, low unemployment, no desire for manual labor.

Mexico - unskilled workforce, high unemployment, strong desire to improve life for themselves and their children


Mexicans help themselves by finding work. They use this helping hand to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and create a better life for themselves and their children. With legal status, which comes after a careful screening and time in this country, they do not have to remain a permanent underclass. Wow, and it benefits both countries. Immigration levels are set by US employment needs. After systems are in place, illegals receive a lifetime ban, first time is a quick trip home, second time involves jail, third strike and welcome to a federal prison. Employers are heavily fined for employing undocumented workers or employing workers off the books.


The world is now 24/7. Kids aren't mowing the local office complex, they aren't bussing tables at noon, and they aren't picking crops from Florida to Maine.


You think the agriculture industry can supports itself on high school kids? Or some high school kids walks up to Allstate Insurance and asks if he can mow the lawn? These aren't part time jobs. Immigrants have been taking these jobs for many decades. Remember Reagan and amnesty? We are just now waking up and seeing what is going on. Nice high school memories, but they aren't accurate of the total job market. I'm for traditional American values, like any good conservative. Not the liberal new fangled, Americans can do these jobs, solution you propose :D


So your solution is millions of high school kids start taking these jobs? I belive mine is better for America.

It is not the immigrants that walk up to Allstate and ask to mow the lawn, it is the white lawn care company owner who hires the immigrants who does that. Why can't he hire high schoolers, or drop outs, or people who are on welfare? I weeded bean fields in the summers, I did lawn care one summer (ironically, the hispanics doing the grunt work didn't want me back the next year, said I didn't 'fit in'), I have bussed tables and washed dishes, too. s***ty jobs, but hey, needed the money.One of the things you always bring up is 'are we going to start paying someone $40k a year to bus tables'. Well, no. But with the decrease in social service costs, society can afford an increase in the labor rate at these types of jobs. WHile I can understand a need for some of the labor willing to do the more menial jobs, where does the lower wages paid to them stop being worth it due to the increased social services they consume?

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 29, 2006 -> 05:51 AM)
When I was growing up, neighborhood kids mowed the lawn, bussed tables at the local restaurant and such. They did it to earn a few extra bucks on the side and to learn the value of a days work before moving on to bigger and better things. Unfortunately, nowadays American kids are spoiled and lazy and would rather plug their eyeballs into a TV screen or computer monitor than get out there and work.

First Nuke, I don't know if you're old enough to play the "when I was growing up" card, I think you've gotten to be above 30 for that to work. :D


Seriously, though, I agree with you. I had a paper route until I was old enough to get a real job, got a real job and have been employed ever since. I don't know that I think it's sheer laziness that makes a lot of Americans not want to take jobs, I think it's more about entitlement. I think a lot of people's attitude is more that they're above those jobs and that they're entitled to something better. Even in class I'll see it, people think that just because they're in college they'll pass or get a B or whatver. I think the work ethic has degrade, not just because of laziness, but because people think they're owed or should just get something. I think I can be a bit lazy (although I am at work on Memorial day. . .), but I certainly don't think I am owed anything or that, in dire straights, that I would be above any job.

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Now, pray tell, where in the world did the American citizens get the idea that they were entitled to this or entitled to that? Where did this entitlement mentality come from? I wonder .... hmmmm.

Edited by YASNY
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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 30, 2006 -> 05:13 AM)
Now, pray tell, where in the world did the American citizens get the idea that they were entitled to this or entitled to that? Where did this entitlement mentality come from? I wonder .... hmmmm.


From both parties. When we were younger, Democrates would have a great new program they would like to see and would raise taxes to pay for it. The GOP would try their darndest to stop the tax and spend Democrates. Then Reagan taught America we can have the programs and actually cut taxes! Then the economy gets much stronger and we all win.


Now we have these great entitlement programs, we pay less in taxes, and a booming economy. Poor people can shop in stores, which increases the profit for the business owner who has risked everything. He pays lower taxes so he can hire more people.

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