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So it's only one bat . . .


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The tests are in a MLB states that *only* one bat was corked. OK let's say Shammy only had 1 bat corked, isn't that all the more reason to believe he used it on purpose? According to Shammy, it was a special bat he pulled for bp and exhibitions. If all season you have been looking for that 1 special bat out of 75 or 100 wouldn't it stand out in your mind? Wouldn't you have kept track of it? He never answered when he had it made. If he has been pulling that 1 special bat all season or for multiple seasons he would know exactly which one was corked.


Sorry Shammy you're still screwed. The way he's been pouring on the numbers I almost hate seeing him suspended.

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Here's another question to ask yoursef. IF our baseball leaders took 70 or so of Sammy's bats and examined them privately, and IF several of them turned out to have been corked, would baseball announce the results truthfully, because this would have a huge impact on the integrity of the game.

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Or better yet does anyone honestly believe that in the 3 innings between the incident and MLB asking for his bats, that anything illegal would still be there? Hell no, SOMEONE would have cleaned that out, and stuck them in some closet somewhere. That examination proves nothing.

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1. Why would he cork so many bats in the first place? He may be an egomaniac and a wifebeater, but he ain't exactly stupid. Out of 80 bats, 3 or 4 were corked. One of them was seized during the game, and another 3 Corkmaster3000's could have easily and conveniently disappeared before the 4th inning confiscation. That simple.


2. MLB coverup theory, which is less likely.


Either way, he is f***ed in my eyes, not that I could stand him before this incident. :)

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1. Why would he cork so many bats in the first place?  He may be an egomaniac and a wifebeater, but he ain't exactly stupid. Out of 80 bats, 3 or 4 were corked.  One of them was seized during the game, and another 3 Corkmaster3000's could have easily and conveniently disappeared before the 4th inning confiscation.  That simple.


2.  MLB coverup theory, which is less likely.


Either way, he is f***ed in my eyes, not that I could stand him before this incident. :)

Why would you need more than 1 bat to be corked? If that bat breaks, you're screwed anyway. You won't get a chance to use the other corked ones.

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Why would you need more than 1 bat to be corked?  If that bat breaks, you're screwed anyway.  You won't get a chance to use the other corked ones.

Exactly what I was thinking. He only needs one bat at the park. If he breaks it, he's busted. If it is flawed, he takes it home and brings another one to the park the next day.

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1. Why would he cork so many bats in the first place?  He may be an egomaniac and a wifebeater, but he ain't exactly stupid. Out of 80 bats, 3 or 4 were corked.  One of them was seized during the game, and another 3 Corkmaster3000's could have easily and conveniently disappeared before the 4th inning confiscation.  That simple.


2.  MLB coverup theory, which is less likely.


Either way, he is f***ed in my eyes, not that I could stand him before this incident. :)

Why would you need more than 1 bat to be corked? If that bat breaks, you're screwed anyway. You won't get a chance to use the other corked ones.

I'm assuming he's going to use it in bp, etc. Why not order three or four and see which one feels best? What if one breaks during pre-game, etc.


I heard one of the talking heads say there are companies you can send the bats out to, that a player wouldn't do their own. Amazing. Do you find them in the phone book?



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the best part is how he is saying that he is a man and that he's taking responsibility for it. oh really sammee? i don't understand. what is he supposed to say? he got caught red handed using one of his model bats. is there any way to not take responibility for it? oh yeah there is, lie and say how it was a big accident and that he only uses it for bp and stuff. :rolleyes: way to be a man sammee.


if he's gonna claim that he didn't know that the bat he was using was corked than i don't see how anyone can not laugh in his face. plus i've heard reports that say he used the same bat in his final at bat in the extra inning game, the one where he struck out like four times and then in his final at bat manages to get some wood (cork) on the ball. two mistakes in a week sammee? wow what a coincidence!!!




categories=less thinking!

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Let's pretend for one second that Sosa had only one corked bat out of 77. Wouldn't that make it that much more difficult to accidentally use it in a game? If he had 10, then the accident story may be plausible. Otherwise, it's a 1 in 77 chance that he picks up the corked bat by accident. Not only are those chances bad, but then the one and only time he "accidentally" uses it in a game, the bad shatters all over the infield. He's guilty as sin.


The fact that Cub fans gave him a standing O yesterday only serves to sicken and amuse me at the same time.

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1. But he didn't take it like a man, not exactly anyway: just because there even more phoney/pathetic excuses out there (like hiding behind the agent, batboy, blaming white people, etc), doesn't mean his saying "I confess...it was an accident...now you evil media stop acting like I gased puppies between innings...I am a real man afterall, one who has enough courage to be sitting here talking to you!" should automatically reserve a berth in the Honesty Hall of Fame, know what I mean? It was very insincere and self-absorbed and I don't believe a word of it.


2. Sammy is stupid and stubborn with his power he didn't need it. To jeopardize your career because of a few extra homers a year and a few dozen feet on a homer is idiotic. I can see Royce Clayton do it (I am sure he does)...But the Freck Neck? Stupid, monumentally so.


3. Having said that, a really good corked bat (most are hack jobs, it's an art form in itself), doesn't add "less than 1%" to the flight of the ball as Steve Stone patronizingly prefers to remind the dirty masses. No, it adds between 3-10% which is the difference between a bases loaded warning-track flyout and a grand f***ing slam. It also makes a bat lighter, increasing batspeed...again, which could be the difference between being tardy on a pitch and weakly grounding out and hitting a vicious linedrive to the opposite field for a double.

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brando- we're in total agreement. i thought that the eye roll would show that i thought sammee's story was bulls***. i should have been a little clearer on that. i don't think that sammee took any responsibility at all.


disregard if your post wasn't directed to me.

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did you guys hear andy's (cubs owner) press conference yesterday? it was sickening. He was saying how sammy just LOVES the fans and LOVES making them happy so it doesn't surprise him that sammy would do this in BP for his LOVE of the fans. BS BS BS BS

my god they are glorifying him....HE SOOOOO DID IT FOR THE FANS...WHAT A GUY!!!!!!! :fyou

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Here's another question to ask yoursef.  IF our baseball leaders took 70 or so of Sammy's bats and examined them privately, and IF several of them turned out to have been corked, would baseball announce the results truthfully, because this would have a huge impact on the integrity of the game.

For fear that the cover-up would one day be revealed, you can bet your ass baseball would IMMEDIATELY tell us if there were more corked bats found. They wouldn't risk the integrity of the entire sport for 1 man, you can bet on that.

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A major sport league wouldn't? I disagree ~ they would. I still think Jordan's two year retirement was fishy.


And exactly right about just one bat. That one was "extra" special and would have stuck out in his mind. He had the entire story ready to go and I have to admit it was a dam fine story to tell. Spin us another yarn Sammy.

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