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2006 White Sox Catch-All Thread

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QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 05:26 PM)
Anyone hear Levine say Pods is a goner and he heard his replacement just may be Juan Pierre? This is for next year BTW.

That would be a horrid move IMO. The team would actually be worse off.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 07:43 PM)
Um, what ever happened with Jeff Nelson?


I know he went on the DL and that he'll never pitch for us again, but shouldn't he have been DFA'd or something like that?



Nope. He can stay on the 15 day DL, or be shifted to the 60-day DL if we need a 40-man roster spot.


He's probably sitting at home, surfing Soxtalk.

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I love you SportsPickle (this was up before the Detroit series:


Tigers running out of time to start their collapse

With less than 50 games left on their schedule and a commanding 10-game lead in the American League Central, the Detroit Tigers have to begin the historic collapse that was predestined for them as soon as possible or they’re going to disappoint a lot of people.

“It’s do or die time now,” said Tigers outfielder Magglio Ordonez. “If we’re going to fall out of first we have to start losing and fast. We’ve dug ourselves this hole and now we have to climb out of it.”

New first baseman Sean Casey says he is confident the team can come through.

“I’ve played for the Reds and Pirates my whole career,” said Casey. “I know what it takes to lose. If I have to put this team on my back and carry them to the cellar, I’ll do that. But it’s time for all of us to step up and play poorly or we’re going to make the playoffs. And no one wants to watch the Detroit Tigers in the playoffs.”

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 11:33 PM)
Join the Sox Pride Club if for no other reason than the discounted GameDay Audio.

I probably will do that. They just opened up a buffalo wild wings on campus so I'm probably going to be spending a lot of nights there to watch games.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 11:36 PM)
I probably will do that. They just opened up a buffalo wild wings on campus so I'm probably going to be spending a lot of nights there to watch games.



I didn't need to think long and hard about it. I'm in Ames in April, a week in May, two weeks in August and September. I'll spend 10 bucks to listen for 3 months.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 11:28 PM)
So starting tomorrow I have to start following the games on gamecast again. :(


And when football starts, you get all Rams junk.

I miss those parts of SIU.

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There was a report on Larry King Live tonight outside USCF regarding terrorism at sporting events.





AMANPOUR: Sean, we're going to move on now to Brianna Keilar who's in Chicago, at the stadium there where the White Sox are playing. I think they're playing tonight. Brianna, what are people feeling there about this issue?


BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We talked with some people, and most people, it's not even on their mind at all. They're really not concerned about security despite this latest terror plot. It's perhaps fresh in their mind if they're traveling by air. But when it comes to coming into this ballpark tonight, they are just all about having fun, they're all about seeing the White Sox play, and they're not really concerned, Christiane.


AMANPOUR: There seems to be a lot of noise behind you. But obviously, this has happened once before at a stadium, and it happened in Atlanta during the Olympics. What kind of security measures are there, and what are the people there responsible for security saying to you today?


KEILAR: Well, here at U.S. Cellular Field to get into the park you need to go through a bag search. You're only allowed to have small bags. You're only allowed to bring small bags in. There's security at every gate. There are also armed security guards who generally are off-duty state troopers as well as police. But there are no metal detectors.


In talking to one terrorism expert, he told me that this is not going to be enough to deter terrorists, that mostly this is to deter crime, things like theft, things like people who are just going to get rowdy, perhaps trying to bring their own beer into the stadium or something like that. Even so, he said that could help deter some terrorism, but he said the real way to deter terrorism would be through intelligence, that you couldn't rely on something like what you see visibly outside of a sports arena to really be that last line of defense. He said that would be a very poor choice and that intelligence is the answer.


AMANPOUR: And a stadium like that takes how many people? What are the challenges for securing that many people?


KEILAR: This stadium in particular holds about 40,000 people, and this game tonight between the White Sox and Kansas City is sold out. So obviously, tens of thousands of people. Some of the challenges obviously when you think of how many people are coming through with bags. How do you check that many bags thoroughly? And you can tell that perhaps they're checking for something like a firearm, perhaps they're checking for something like beer. But you couldn't necessarily see everything in someone's bag.


And also, people here, in particular this ball field, do not go through a pat down search. We did speak with one terrorism expert who said, well, it seems like, in terms of soft targets, terrorists are turning away from sports arenas, they're more interested in mass transit and large public gatherings like religious ceremonies but not necessarily inside stadiums. He did say that, pardon me. He did say that while big events are very attractive that they're moving away from something like stadiums. Christiane?


AMANPOUR: Well, that's good news. Brianna, we're going to take a break, and we will come back with more of the big picture with Governor Thomas Kean.

Edited by knightni
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I hate that they went out there and did this report, considering

that network is seen all around the world.

It's like we're telling terrorists how smart it would be to suicide

bomb our stadiums.

I love the media but sometimes I think we are our own worst


I mean for whatever reason the terrorists have passed on stadiums

where if a big bomb suceeded they might change sports as we know

them. I hate to have them realize we think them blowing up arenas

probably would work, which it would.

Wake up CNN. Bad show tonight.

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Before Count's brilliant outing verus the Tigers on August 11th, our last pitcher who actually pitched a game where he didn't allow a run/earned run was Jon Garland. He did it on July 23rd against Texas. Before that, it gets worse though as far as our pitchers.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 18, 2006 -> 08:58 AM)


But Cooper had a remedy for Garcia's problem on Tuesday.


''I didn't like hearing that from Freddy,'' Cooper said. ''I mean, don't convince yourself of something like that. And if that is true, if you are 'Big Game' Freddy Garcia, then ... ''


Cooper then cupped his hands around his mouth as if he was yelling, '''Hey Freddy, they're all big now.'''

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QUOTE(greg775 @ Aug 16, 2006 -> 11:10 PM)
Can you believe Big Hurt is having this kind of year?

He ain't done yet.


The Big hurt isn't done by any means he can still pound out the home runs. Makes me sick thinking of it becaue we had him.

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QUOTE(3E8 @ Aug 19, 2006 -> 12:25 PM)


LawnMauer: oh that's good, good good. Oh by the by there's a game going on right now and we're beating the crap out of you and the Tigers are going to win the division and we're going to take the wildcard


BuehrleBrawl: Aw man if I weren't totally half-assing it this year I'd kick that guy's ass


They really nailed the team's behavior this year.

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You know who would be a perfect fit for White Sox right now? Aaron Rowand, he'd be the absolute perfect 4th OF for this team seeing how he can play above average defense at all 3 OF positions while at the same time supplying that right handed bat off the bench with a little pop.

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