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Everybodys Gotta Learn Sometime


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This one is the newest featured at Tribeca Festival after Flight 93 played. "Everybodys Gotta Learn Sometime" I personally think this one connects all the dots.



If you have seen the movie "Loose Change" and want to meet the makers "Korey Rowe and Dylan Avery" you can meet and speak to them June 2-4 in Chicago.


"Chicago Conference"


If you have not seen the film Loose Change, it is a controversial film that relates to 9-11-01 and the many still un-answered questions some 5 years later. See the film here for free----> "Loose Change Link"




It will blow you away........

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It is all about the un-answered questions boys...you really think we cannot launch fighter craft in 1 hr and 28 minutes. You believe that molten Steel more than 6 weeks later is what? Pancake effect...lol...I got a bridge to sell too. Everyone just keep watching American Idol and everthing is gonna be fine. We have been fed lies since before 9-11 and are still being fed them. Someday everyone will wake...hope it is not too late though...with our 1st and 4th amendment rights in the crapper. Spying on Americans..on and on.


I wonder why, if this is such a load..why are they going to play this film in Englands parlament on June 14th and discuss the Downing Street Memos? Any of you ever heard of that? You have been lied to...time to wakeup.


Why do Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Bülow, express their serious doubts about the official version of the 9/11 story.” Video This is everywhere, Canada, All of Europe, Japan..etc. At least they still have a media that does investigative journalism and reports, unlike here in America that reports only the Consevative side.


Why did the Administration fight the victims families for more than 1 year to have the commission, when Bush promissed a few days after and then assembled a commission of administration insiders. ! commissiner quit calling it a farce and a whitewash job. Ellen Marinai Lost her husband on flight 175 see Video


All I can say is do your homework and learn.


As for me, I think all politicians are corrupt. This country needs to get back to Constitutional Rule...you know WE THE PEOPLE and not WE THE CORPORATIONS

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ May 25, 2006 -> 11:10 PM)
There is not enough tin foil in America to make the hat you are wearing.

Name calling...lol. That is your only responce? How about some facts.....I have done my homework..answers like that show how Brainwashed this country is from the media.


The people driving this are 911 Victim Families,Cops, Politicians, Authors, Engineers, Scientists, of every race, in every State of this Republic and on every continent. All we seek is a REAL commission. One that will answer the tough questions! What is wrong with asking Questions...or are you of the mentality that BUSH and his administration do not lie......We should not Question? ...You can give your rights away...as for me... I will fight for mine.

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So, just for s***s and giggles, I decided to play around with one of those claims...the molten steel part. First of all, there was no molten steel in the WTC., it only got hot enough for the steel to become ductile, but not melt, but that's beside the point.


Ok, so first, the composition of the trade center. Some simple math tells us that the trade center by mass was roughly 20% steel. The steel is important, because it's the only thing that could sabotage this calculation.


This means that the Trade Center was roughly 80% composed of things other than steel. I bring up the steel specifically, because it is basically the only major component with a high thermal conductivity, roughly 50x that of concrete.


This means that 80% of the mass of the trade center was composed of concrete, glass, and other things which are in fact very very poor thermal conductors.


Now, here's the fun part. Using the thermal conductivity of concrete, I can estimate given an initial temperature and a final temperature how long it would take for a finite amount of heat to diffuse through a barrier if the 2 sides of the barrier were held at constant temperature.


And furthermore, using the Cp of concrete (constant pressure heat capacity) I can also calculate how much energy would be given up by concrete if it were to cool a certian number of degrees.


So, given a pile of concrete held at 1800k (rough initial temperature of the Trade Center in the parts which were on fire) and an ambient temperature of 300k, and this idealized circumstance which would maximize heat flow out of the system, guess what timescale we're talking about for cooling? About a month. Greater than the 3 weeks you're mentioning up there.


Now, when we start allowing the system to become more complex, we're going to find something remarkable...the way to maximize flow across a boundary is to enforce a vertical gradient across that boundary. In the actual trade center, normal thermal diffusion would have set up. This would actually have the effect of SLOWING DOWN thermal diffusion, for the simple reason that the gradient at any point in the pile would be vastly smaller than the hypothetical infinite gradient we've set up above.


And beyond that, one of the worst thermal conductors out there is actually air. It's vastly worse than concrete. When the towers collapsed, all of the concrete, glass, and rock was twisted and broken up, creating a huge amount of air space between the grains. The only thing this is going to do is slow diffusion down immensely, by about a factor of 40 for every unit of air that the heat has to cross.


In other words, in the fastest possible setup for this pile to cool, it would still be hot after a month. Under realistic circumstances, you could be talking about keeping the pile hot for many months, depending on exactly how much air was trapped in there in pore spaces.

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You did not really look then...


So, just for s***s and giggles, I decided to play around with one of those claims...the molten steel part. First of all, there was no molten steel in the WTC., it only got hot enough for the steel to become ductile, but not melt, but that's beside the point.


The molten steel...see video here taken 6 weeks later


As for the other comments..try refuting this Physics Professor Steven E. Jones I think he knows a little more than you or I. His paper was reviewed by his peers..which means other Physics professors and was accepted for publication. BTW..this is heavy reading...if you want more...check this Site too or this one by Scholars


Outside all the WTC stuff, all the other things are too coincidental. Watch this video by Michael Meacher - Member of the British Parliment.


Or this MIT Engineer Jeff King He gives a good explanation of the pyroclastic flow.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ May 25, 2006 -> 11:10 PM)
There is not enough tin foil in America to make the hat you are wearing.


To take a rip from the Onion:




President Shot 129 Times from 43 Different Angles

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QUOTE(IggyD @ May 25, 2006 -> 10:29 PM)
Physics Professor Steven E. Jones I think he knows a little more than you or I. His paper was reviewed by his peers..which means other Physics professors and was accepted for publication. BTW..this is heavy reading...if you want more...check this Site too or this one by Scholars

Oh, so this is the same guy who detected some excess neutron emissions and declared that he had achieved cold fusion.


Just having read through his page, there's some obvious errors. Like saying that there was some sort of a problem with the fact that the needle of Tower 1 came down first, when that's actually key to understanding how the things were built and what actually caused their collapse.


(The towers were supported by their exterior structure, and the floors themselves kept th e outer structure from collapsing inwards. But if the inner floors give way, then the support for the exteroir of the structure is removed, and it would collapse...thus, the first thing to fall would actually be the inside. Interestingly enough, the weakest point in the towers would have been the connection between the inner floors and the outer walls, which was only a single connection at each side, and which just happens to be the exact point that the collapse began.)

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 26, 2006 -> 12:46 AM)
Oh, so this is the same guy who detected some excess neutron emissions and declared that he had achieved cold fusion.


Just having read through his page, there's some obvious errors. Like saying that there was some sort of a problem with the fact that the needle of Tower 1 came down first, when that's actually key to understanding how the things were built and what actually caused their collapse.


(The towers were supported by their exterior structure, and the floors themselves kept th e outer structure from collapsing inwards. But if the inner floors give way, then the support for the exteroir of the structure is removed, and it would collapse...thus, the first thing to fall would actually be the inside. Interestingly enough, the weakest point in the towers would have been the connection between the inner floors and the outer walls, which was only a single connection at each side, and which just happens to be the exact point that the collapse began.)


Geez...why didn't you do the 911 Commission studies...you better watch the Building the WTC video...The center core was the Structural support for this building.



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QUOTE(IggyD @ May 26, 2006 -> 05:51 AM)
Geez...why didn't you do the 911 Commission studies...you better watch the Building the WTC video...The center core was the Structural support for this building.



Now I'll get accused of "name calling"... but who f'in cares?


What kind of crackpipe smokejob doobies are you smoking? These "conspiracy theories" have all been dismissed so many times, it's unreal. So, the stories just keep getting better and better.


Yea. Our government ORDERED this s***. Pass me the pipe, that way I can fly. :rolly

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I can't get into a discussion about it now, as I have to hit the sack in a few, but I haven't completely dismissed the conspiracy theories. In my opinion, if you just dismiss it without keeping an open mind, you're enabling the one that would actually try to some crap like this. I don't put anything past them. This group may not be holding the smoking gun, but who knows if the next ones won't be.

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The problem with a conspiracy of this magnatude would be that waaaaaaaay too many people would have to be in on it for it to remain a secret. If SOMEONE, ANYWHERE had concrete proof that Georgie ordered this, don't you think that they would have been enticed out by now? Soros would probably hand over his fortune to whomever could bring him down. Hell, he would probably get down on his knees, too.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 26, 2006 -> 12:03 PM)
I can't get into a discussion about it now, as I have to hit the sack in a few, but I haven't completely dismissed the conspiracy theories. In my opinion, if you just dismiss it without keeping an open mind, you're enabling the one that would actually try to some crap like this. I don't put anything past them. This group may not be holding the smoking gun, but who knows if the next ones won't be.

When they come up with some that actually follow the laws of thermodynamics, I'll start paying attention.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ May 26, 2006 -> 07:23 PM)
The problem with a conspiracy of this magnatude would be that waaaaaaaay too many people would have to be in on it for it to remain a secret. If SOMEONE, ANYWHERE had concrete proof that Georgie ordered this, don't you think that they would have been enticed out by now? Soros would probably hand over his fortune to whomever could bring him down. Hell, he would probably get down on his knees, too.

That's my point as well. I'm sorry... there would have to be too many people in on the take for it to be a legit "conspiracy". See: JFK.

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A few questions to ponder....


Zogby poll:


In the question, "Some people believe that the US government and its 9/11 Commission concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence that contradicts their official explanation of the September 11th attacks, saying there has been a cover-up. Others say that the 9/11 Commission was a bi-partisan group of honest and well-respected people and that there is no reason they would want to cover-up anything. Who are you more likely to agree with?"


* US government and 9/11 Commission are NOT covering up (48%)

* US government and 9/11 Commission are covering up (42%)

* Not sure (10%)

* 45% feel the attacks should be reinvestigated.


All these numbers so high and that is without any intence media coverage as the 911 Commission has had. Imagine if it actually got coverage!



The buildings came down at free-fall speed.

It takes 2500 degrees to melt steel and jet fuel

which is mostly kerosene burns at a maximum of 1300 degrees. Most of the jet

fuel was consumed in the huge fireball on impact. There are pictures of human

beings standing in the huge holes. Why are they not being consumed by a fire

that is alleged to have brought down the towers?


No steel structure has EVER collapsed due to fire and there are numerous

examples of high rises that burned for over 24 hours at higher temps. The core

of the Twin Towers was 47 massive steel columns. Why are they not still

sticking out of the ground? Why were they all cut into convenient 30 foot

segments in the fall? And why were they all removed from the crime scene and

shipped to China to be melted down? This is destruction of evidence.


Why did everything including office equiptment disintegrate into fine

powder? And how in the midst of all that devastation are we to believe that they

actually found the passport of one of the hijackers in the 1st day of digging?

How is it only 45% don't believe these lies???


Why did the fire commission call the investigation "a half-baked farce?"


Why did it take over 400 days to assemble a commission when Pearl Harbor,

JFK, etc all were assembled within 7 days? Why does everyone on the commission

except Max Cleland (who was shut out and resigned) have GROSS CONFLICTS OF

INTEREST? Read David Allen Griffen's book 9-11 Commission: Errors and



Why does the 9-11 Commission not even address the collapse of Bldg. 7 which

was never hit by anything and had only two small fires. Larry Silverstein,

the leaseholder who collected $7Billion in insurance is on TV saying "I made the

decision to just 'pull it'" That is an industry term for controlled



All of this evidence is out there and very nicely compiled in numerous

publications and productions.


BTW you want a conspiracy theory??? Try this: 19 Arabs w/carpet knives

overtook a military that taxpayers spend over $1Trillion a year on. Where was

NORAD? How can they fly into Pentagon Airspace OVER AN HOUR AFTER WE KNEW WE

WERE "UNDER ATTACK" and not have any pictures that show a plane when I can't

run a traffic light without getting a ticket in the mail?


This is only the tip of the iceberg people. And none of this could occur

without a complicit corporate press. If they were really the 4th Estate and

not a bunch of bought and paid for corporate lapdogs this debate would be on

every station (half the people after all, already know) instead of the

nauseating exhaustive coverage of Laci Peterson or the latest piece of gossip.


There is no religion higher than Truth and there comes a time when silence

is betrayal to quote Ghandi and King in the same breath. To quote Hearst

which perhaps these traitors in the media can relate to "News is something that

someone wants covered up. Everything else is advertizing."

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