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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 26, 2006 -> 08:18 PM)
I can't tell if the people over in the Seismolab would laugh at that or vomit in rage.



It's about the same thing as saying that the Trade Center Towers were imploded by a gov't conspiracy. Or something. ;)

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 26, 2006 -> 02:06 PM)


It's about the same thing as saying that the Trade Center Towers were imploded by a gov't conspiracy. Or something. ;)

Yeah, but you don't have to deal with Seismologists every day.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 26, 2006 -> 01:12 PM)
Now I'll get accused of "name calling"... but who f'in cares?


What kind of crackpipe smokejob doobies are you smoking? These "conspiracy theories" have all been dismissed so many times, it's unreal. So, the stories just keep getting better and better.


Yea. Our government ORDERED this s***. Pass me the pipe, that way I can fly. :rolly


Who said that..you did not hear that from me...What I said was...there are questions from the families of the victims and others that were not addressed. This is suppose to be a discussion...not a name calling swearing contest....

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A few questions to ponder....


Zogby poll:


In the question, "Some people believe that the US government and its 9/11 Commission concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence that contradicts their official explanation of the September 11th attacks, saying there has been a cover-up. Others say that the 9/11 Commission was a bi-partisan group of honest and well-respected people and that there is no reason they would want to cover-up anything. Who are you more likely to agree with?"


* US government and 9/11 Commission are NOT covering up (48%)

* US government and 9/11 Commission are covering up (42%)

* Not sure (10%)

* 45% feel the attacks should be reinvestigated.


All these numbers so high and that is without any intence media coverage as the 911 Commission has had. Imagine if it actually got coverage!



The buildings came down at free-fall speed.

It takes 2500 degrees to melt steel and jet fuel

which is mostly kerosene burns at a maximum of 1300 degrees. Most of the jet

fuel was consumed in the huge fireball on impact. There are pictures of human

beings standing in the huge holes. Why are they not being consumed by a fire

that is alleged to have brought down the towers?


No steel structure has EVER collapsed due to fire and there are numerous

examples of high rises that burned for over 24 hours at higher temps. The core

of the Twin Towers was 47 massive steel columns. Why are they not still

sticking out of the ground? Why were they all cut into convenient 30 foot

segments in the fall? And why were they all removed from the crime scene and

shipped to China to be melted down? This is destruction of evidence.


Why did everything including office equiptment disintegrate into fine

powder? And how in the midst of all that devastation are we to believe that they

actually found the passport of one of the hijackers in the 1st day of digging?

How is it only 45% don't believe these lies???


Why did the fire commission call the investigation "a half-baked farce?"


Why did it take over 400 days to assemble a commission when Pearl Harbor,

JFK, etc all were assembled within 7 days? Why does everyone on the commission

except Max Cleland (who was shut out and resigned) have GROSS CONFLICTS OF

INTEREST? Read David Allen Griffen's book 9-11 Commission: Errors and



Why does the 9-11 Commission not even address the collapse of Bldg. 7 which

was never hit by anything and had only two small fires. Larry Silverstein,

the leaseholder who collected $7Billion in insurance is on TV saying "I made the

decision to just 'pull it'" That is an industry term for controlled



All of this evidence is out there and very nicely compiled in numerous

publications and productions.


BTW you want a conspiracy theory??? Try this: 19 Arabs w/carpet knives

overtook a military that taxpayers spend over $1Trillion a year on. Where was

NORAD? How can they fly into Pentagon Airspace OVER AN HOUR AFTER WE KNEW WE

WERE "UNDER ATTACK" and not have any pictures that show a plane when I can't

run a traffic light without getting a ticket in the mail?


This is only the tip of the iceberg people. And none of this could occur

without a complicit corporate press. If they were really the 4th Estate and

not a bunch of bought and paid for corporate lapdogs this debate would be on

every station (half the people after all, already know) instead of the

nauseating exhaustive coverage of Laci Peterson or the latest piece of gossip.


There is no religion higher than Truth and there comes a time when silence

is betrayal to quote Ghandi and King in the same breath. To quote Hearst

which perhaps these traitors in the media can relate to "News is something that

someone wants covered up. Everything else is advertizing."


You really think an American President would kill 3,000 of its own citizens. I don't care what party you are from NO president would do that.

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Iggy. Let me give you a piece of advice. Either check the whacko conspiracy theories at the door or go crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out from under. You're not going to sway anyone to your point of view ( or more realistically the point of view of those whackjob conspiracy nut websites of yours ) and you're only going to make a laughingstock of yourself.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 27, 2006 -> 02:42 AM)
Iggy. Let me give you a piece of advice. Either check the whacko conspiracy theories at the door or go crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out from under. You're not going to sway anyone to your point of view ( or more realistically the point of view of those whackjob conspiracy nut websites of yours ) and you're only going to make a laughingstock of yourself.


No need for you to give me any advice...if you are trying to spike me into confrontation...lol..let me tell ya something..it is rock heads like you that live under those rocks without any idea what is really happening around you in this world. You close your brain to what your eyes see. You loose your common since and believe what you are told like a good little bushy. The entrie world knows except rock heads like you. I am not putting out theroies, I am simply stating facts and showing actual footage from that day and surrounding events. If you cannot deal with reality you can keep watching FOX for your dose of lies. I did not attack you with name calling and threats. Yet, in your ultimate wisdom that is what you bring to a disscussion...Nothing. I had not seen any of this stuff until April 13th, I had followed the official story too until then. I did my homework and I see unanswered questions. I am not saying who did what, I am saying, something does not look, sound or seem correct about the official Theory and we need to look at it closer.


We now know that Pearl Harbor was known by our Government weeks in advance and that killed thousands of our own men...Do you think that Bush our CIA, our FBI, our DIA did not know about this? There is tesimony from many in that field that say they were stopped by supervisors from investigating some of these men. If you believe everything you are told by your Government and the News...you are gullible...


I do not know your age or background. Let me tell you a little about me. I was in the Army. When you are there you have no rights. You are owned. You follow orders, you follow procedure which are defined for everything a person does. You do not ever stray from those procedures or there is consiquences. In this instance..none were followed for almost 2 hours and not one person was held accountable...hmmm...Why?


Anyway, Happy Memorial Day to you if you are a vet...I am, so I am getting stinking drunk with a few ex-army buds.....c ya


QUOTE(minors @ May 27, 2006 -> 02:26 AM)
You really think an American President would kill 3,000 of its own citizens. I don't care what party you are from NO president would do that.


Pearl Harbor baby..it happened..our Government knew weeks in advance..how many died there????

Edited by IggyD
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QUOTE(IggyD @ May 27, 2006 -> 01:23 PM)
No need for you to give me any advice...if you are trying to spike me into confrontation...lol..let me tell ya something..it is rock heads like you that live under those rocks without any idea what is really happening around you in this world. You close your brain to what your eyes see. You loose your common since and believe what you are told like a good little bushy. The entrie world knows except rock heads like you. I am not putting out theroies, I am simply stating facts and showing actual footage from that day and surrounding events. If you cannot deal with reality you can keep watching FOX for your dose of lies. I did not attack you with name calling and threats. Yet, in your ultimate wisdom that is what you bring to a disscussion...Nothing. I had not seen any of this stuff until April 13th, I had followed the official story too until then. I did my homework and I see unanswered questions. I am not saying who did what, I am saying, something does not look, sound or seem correct about the official Theory and we need to look at it closer.


We now know that Pearl Harbor was known by our Government weeks in advance and that killed thousands of our own men...Do you think that Bush our CIA, our FBI, our DIA did not know about this? There is tesimony from many in that field that say they were stopped by supervisors from investigating some of these men. If you believe everything you are told by your Government and the News...you are gullible...


I do not know your age or background. Let me tell you a little about me. I was in the Army. When you are there you have no rights. You are owned. You follow orders, you follow procedure which are defined for everything a person does. You do not ever stray from those procedures or there is consiquences. In this instance..none were followed for almost 2 hours and not one person was held accountable...hmmm...Why?


Anyway, Happy Memorial Day to you if you are a vet...I am, so I am getting stinking drunk with a few ex-army buds.....c ya

Pearl Harbor baby..it happened..our Government knew weeks in advance..how many died there????


I think it's really funny that tin-foil hat wearers like yourself are sooooooooo convinced you're right when the overwhelming weight of evidence is against you. You simply want to believe our government is evil so you will take what happened and twist it around 50 different ways until it tells the story you want it to. Then you call it "doing your homework". LOL! You make me laugh. It is YOU that is the "rockhead" and it is YOU that has a "closed mind". Life after the service must be really boring for you because you watch entirely too much X-Files for your own good.


As for your bit about the Army..........Im currently serving in the Army and have been for almost 8 years now ( including a tour in Iraq ). What you say about the military is totally bogus and makes me wonder if you even served. Soldiers at all levels are taught to think and add their input to make the organization run better. To hear you say that you can't stray from a rule or procedure or there are consequenses is totally ludicrous. Fact of the matter is that nobody, I mean NOBODY fights according to doctrine. Written procedures serve as a guideline and small unit leaders like myself modify it as we see fit to accomplish our given mission. When not in a combat zone there are, of course, rules that need to be followed but they are in place for our own safety, not because "they own us". If you consider showing up on time, looking presentable, and doing the tasks you're assigned as being "owned" then you have some serious self-esteem issues and I wonder how it's possible for you to hold a job.


I dont know when, or even if, you ever served in the U.S Army but the Army you are describing sounds a lot like the Soviet Army to me. It is there that soldiers are mindless automotons who blindly shut their faces and follow orders regardless of how silly they might be.

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iggy, are you just trying to spark controversy here? you are honestly going to say that the president ordered the 9/11 attacks? dude how can you be serious? if you are in the military like you implied, i severely condone the admission standards of our military.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ May 27, 2006 -> 04:44 PM)
iggy, are you just trying to spark controversy here? you are honestly going to say that the president ordered the 9/11 attacks? dude how can you be serious? if you are in the military like you implied, i severely condone the admission standards of our military.

I don't think condone was the correct term to use.



You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Condone = overlooking an offense without protest...I don't know how one can 'severely' overlook something. You may want to change your word choice there, champ.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 27, 2006 -> 08:46 PM)
I think it's really funny that tin-foil hat wearers like yourself are sooooooooo convinced you're right when the overwhelming weight of evidence is against you. You simply want to believe our government is evil so you will take what happened and twist it around 50 different ways until it tells the story you want it to. Then you call it "doing your homework". LOL! You make me laugh. It is YOU that is the "rockhead" and it is YOU that has a "closed mind". Life after the service must be really boring for you because you watch entirely too much X-Files for your own good.


As for your bit about the Army..........Im currently serving in the Army and have been for almost 8 years now ( including a tour in Iraq ). What you say about the military is totally bogus and makes me wonder if you even served. Soldiers at all levels are taught to think and add their input to make the organization run better. To hear you say that you can't stray from a rule or procedure or there are consequenses is totally ludicrous. Fact of the matter is that nobody, I mean NOBODY fights according to doctrine. Written procedures serve as a guideline and small unit leaders like myself modify it as we see fit to accomplish our given mission. When not in a combat zone there are, of course, rules that need to be followed but they are in place for our own safety, not because "they own us". If you consider showing up on time, looking presentable, and doing the tasks you're assigned as being "owned" then you have some serious self-esteem issues and I wonder how it's possible for you to hold a job.


I dont know when, or even if, you ever served in the U.S Army but the Army you are describing sounds a lot like the Soviet Army to me. It is there that soldiers are mindless automotons who blindly shut their faces and follow orders regardless of how silly they might be.

I'm not sure WHAT I was expecting, but this seemed almost restrained. Iggy, say 'uncle' and stop now.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 27, 2006 -> 06:19 PM)
I don't think condone was the correct term to use.



You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Condone = overlooking an offense without protest...I don't know how one can 'severely' overlook something. You may want to change your word choice there, champ.


oh come on, first time ive used the word here i can remember...dont be an asshole, man. my bad!

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 27, 2006 -> 03:46 PM)
I think it's really funny that tin-foil hat wearers like yourself are sooooooooo convinced you're right when the overwhelming weight of evidence is against you. You simply want to believe our government is evil so you will take what happened and twist it around 50 different ways until it tells the story you want it to. Then you call it "doing your homework". LOL! You make me laugh. It is YOU that is the "rockhead" and it is YOU that has a "closed mind". Life after the service must be really boring for you because you watch entirely too much X-Files for your own good.


As for your bit about the Army..........Im currently serving in the Army and have been for almost 8 years now ( including a tour in Iraq ). What you say about the military is totally bogus and makes me wonder if you even served. Soldiers at all levels are taught to think and add their input to make the organization run better. To hear you say that you can't stray from a rule or procedure or there are consequenses is totally ludicrous. Fact of the matter is that nobody, I mean NOBODY fights according to doctrine. Written procedures serve as a guideline and small unit leaders like myself modify it as we see fit to accomplish our given mission. When not in a combat zone there are, of course, rules that need to be followed but they are in place for our own safety, not because "they own us". If you consider showing up on time, looking presentable, and doing the tasks you're assigned as being "owned" then you have some serious self-esteem issues and I wonder how it's possible for you to hold a job.


I dont know when, or even if, you ever served in the U.S Army but the Army you are describing sounds a lot like the Soviet Army to me. It is there that soldiers are mindless automotons who blindly shut their faces and follow orders regardless of how silly they might be.


Well, you have not set forth any evidence, I never said what was correct and what was not. I only put forth actual video from the news and un-answered questions that any true thinking American has a right and duty to ask. This is supposed to be a government of, by and for the people and our first document of law, (The Constitution) is the rulebook. How can we dare call ourselves the “Land of the Free and the home of the Brave?” when we are not free enough to ask questions for fear of reprisal? Or brave enough to face the truth when it surfaces? I say “My Country, Love it and Fix it!” That’s what we as Patriots are supposed to do!


Now you are moving an occurance from here in the States "NORAD" "FAA" and all the Airbases that MUST follow procedure when an event like this happens, to the field of operation where a soldier must do as you describe. My MOS was B16 " Hercules Missile crewman" not a grunt like you. We had to follow PROCEDURE to the letter!!...again you present your argument in an un-intelligent manner and do not address the issues raised you rely on vulgarity to make your feeble and meaningless points only publicly demonstrate ignorance.


BTW..here are some of our brothers that feel the same as I. Veterans for 911 Truth


Do you want to have a disscussion on the issues or not. Makes no difference to me.....

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QUOTE(samclemens @ May 27, 2006 -> 04:44 PM)
iggy, are you just trying to spark controversy here? you are honestly going to say that the president ordered the 9/11 attacks? dude how can you be serious? if you are in the military like you implied, i severely condone the admission standards of our military.


No Sam, I am not saying that. What I am saying is there are too many un-answered questions that Should be answered, reguardless of where they lead. The families of the victims deserve this and are still fighting for this some 5 years later. This is a travesty for these poor families. They were the driving force to get the commission in the first place. They are more informed thay any of us. Check their site "9/11 Family Steering Committee".

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QUOTE(IggyD @ May 28, 2006 -> 07:37 PM)
Well, you have not set forth any evidence, I never said what was correct and what was not. I only put forth actual video from the news and un-answered questions that any true thinking American has a right and duty to ask. This is supposed to be a government of, by and for the people and our first document of law, (The Constitution) is the rulebook. How can we dare call ourselves the “Land of the Free and the home of the Brave?” when we are not free enough to ask questions for fear of reprisal? Or brave enough to face the truth when it surfaces? I say “My Country, Love it and Fix it!” That’s what we as Patriots are supposed to do!


Now you are moving an occurance from here in the States "NORAD" "FAA" and all the Airbases that MUST follow procedure when an event like this happens, to the field of operation where a soldier must do as you describe. My MOS was B16 " Hercules Missile crewman" not a grunt like you. We had to follow PROCEDURE to the letter!!...again you present your argument in an un-intelligent manner and do not address the issues raised you rely on vulgarity to make your feeble and meaningless points only publicly demonstrate ignorance.


BTW..here are some of our brothers that feel the same as I. Veterans for 911 Truth


Do you want to have a disscussion on the issues or not. Makes no difference to me.....



Hercules missile system huh? You just dated yourself there. I see you've been out of the loop for a long time but the Army of the 1950's is nothing like the Army of today. We've come a long way since then and change was DEFENITELY for the better.


I think it's really amusing that you accuse me of using vulgarity towards you when I haven't. Not half as amusing, though, as reading your chicken little style rantings about how the evil government is out to get us. Frankly, you're a paranoid fruitcake. Plain and simple. There is no point to trying to engage in a rational discussion with someone like you because you have allowed the wacko, anti-American conspiracy nuts to take control of the remaining 3 or 4 brain cells in your head that alcohol or drugs haven't managed to kill off yet. People like that prey on people like you. They prey on the weak, the ignorant, the easily swayed, the mad at the world, the idiots of the world. I really feel sorry for you because you're just old and bitter and mad at everything and everybody.


Reading the drivel you write in your posts ( or more accurately, the nonsense you cut and paste from these wacko websites of yours ) people would think that the government is going around arresting and killing people who dare disagree. Unfortunately for you, that only happens in the fantasy land you live in. Your talk of people not being able to speak out for fear of government reprisals is as asinine as it is untrue ( if there were a shred of truth to what you say you would be in a holding cell somewhere ). There has never been, nor will there ever be, a society where one can voice his opinions as freely as you can here. You can stop looking under the bed and in the closet, cause there are no government boogey men waiting to arrest you.


Please do all of Soxtalk a favor and cede the 20 minutes of internet time they give you at the old folks home to someone else. You're just wasting a lot of people's time posting here.

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It really is so much easier to believe the President of the United States ordered thousands of Americans murdered, than an admitted terrorist who hates America and all we stand for. :bang
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