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Global Warming, Fossil Fuels, Big Oil, Bush Family


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I was at a Southern Region training class this past week and accidentaly stumbled on Bush's plot. I let it slip and told someone, I am certain Bush will send some of the CIA operatives his Dad commanded to kill me. After all, Dubya has already ordered the murder of thousands of citizens on 9/11. So I want to get it out here as fast as possible before that happens. I can sense them coming towards me now.


This plot starts in 1959 when Alaska is admitted into the Union, making Texas the second biggest state. The Bush family takes great pride, and profit, in being Texas oil men. Bush lead a Skull and Crossbones meeting over the skull of Geronimo and decided that something had to be done, or else the Bush Family Dynasty (BFD) would be in jeopardy. They found the answer in an obscure document authored by, get this, Al Gore.


Gore, while inventing the Internet, developed a theory that fossil fuel emmissions would cause a warming of the environent and the polar ice sheet would melt. The BFD, quickly realized if they could shrink Alaska's ice, Texas would once again be the largest state. Even better, they could reap billions in profits from the sale of oil for the vehicles. So the BFD, through global mind control in the Dallas TV Series, convinced Americans to drive bigger and bigger cars, trucks, and invented the SUV. The global warming will shrink Alaska to Rhode Island proportions and Texas will reclaim it's rightful spot as the biggest state.


The government is blocking any links to the important documents that would prove this. Documentaries have been produced, but the authors suddenly disappear or received huge government contracts and a lifetime lease on Fantasy Island.

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