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And you Thought It was Only you Phone Records


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Why resort to the tinfoil hat crap? That was an AP news story. Most of the centrists and left of center posters in here were livid about the phone records thing, when it's just a list of numbers calling numbers. Library records make it very easy to conclude they are interested in who is reading what. That doesn't raise a red flag in your eyes?

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 04:33 AM)
Why resort to the tinfoil hat crap? That was an AP news story. Most of the centrists and left of center posters in here were livid about the phone records thing, when it's just a list of numbers calling numbers. Library records make it very easy to conclude they are interested in who is reading what. That doesn't raise a red flag in your eyes?

I think the "GESTAPO" remark qualifies it for tinfoil hat status.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 06:32 AM)
I think the "GESTAPO" remark qualifies it for tinfoil hat status.






Plus again if they want to know what I read from my last library visit.


Da Vinci Code - Much better than the movie

Hacking Exposed IV Edition - Skoudis does a better job in his books than these guys do

Reverse Engineering Malware - Lenny Zelster has a nice approach on decompiling encrypted binaries

Perl Bible - Good Reference

And a few Tom Clancy books I like the Tom Ryan character.

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I actually don't mind the government having the power to look at library records, I just want them to have to go before a judge to do it, and allow Congress to know when and how the power is being used (so that if any administration abuses that authority, Congress will have the ability to take it away). As I understand it, very little of that has happened thus far, which is the one thing that disappoints me. It'd be a dynamite law enforcement tool though, if handled the right way.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 03:33 AM)
Why resort to the tinfoil hat crap? That was an AP news story. Most of the centrists and left of center posters in here were livid about the phone records thing, when it's just a list of numbers calling numbers. Library records make it very easy to conclude they are interested in who is reading what. That doesn't raise a red flag in your eyes?


QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 10:54 AM)
I actually don't mind the government having the power to look at library records, I just want them to have to go before a judge to do it, and allow Congress to know when and how the power is being used (so that if any administration abuses that authority, Congress will have the ability to take it away). As I understand it, very little of that has happened thus far, which is the one thing that disappoints me. It'd be a dynamite law enforcement tool though, if handled the right way.



I agree with you both


It seems to me, when a person does not have a point of view on an issue, regardless of where it was reported, they resort to name-calling. Maybe, it is because they cannot connect the Dots. All this stuff is spinning out of control. People can call me what ever they want.


We are losing our rights by the day; our only form of power against the executive branch is being attacked. Laws by the religious radical right (a minority) are being passed that are racist, anti-American and in my opinion non-Christian. Elections have and will continue to be tampered and fixed to support that radical right. Regular Conservative Republicans are jumping ship, but it may be too late as the radical right (Who have commandeered the party) are in areas of control in many states.


The Republican vote-counting corporations that massaged the numbers in previous elections and disenfranchised people around this Nation are still in business. Their only reason for being is to keep the Neo- Conservatives in power.


Good Republican and Democratic governors have no choice now but to raise taxes to offset the lack of funds coming from the Federal side, for schools, police, and other services because that money has gone to the top 1%, heck the money is so tight now they even cut money for National Security. Whoever is president for the next 12 years will have to raise taxes to balance the budget after this last 8 years of increased Government and Military. IMAO, we will be lucky to get to the next presidential election before a depression happens.


I have a question for some of you thinkers, what is going on here? First we have Bush giving intelligence czar John Negroponte the authority to exempt businesses from reporting requirements to the SEC in the interest of national security. Then on the other hand we have a cease-and-desist order against Los Angeles brokerage firm Crowell, Weedon, in its first action under the USA Patriot Act. The law was enacted in 2001 to crack down on money laundering.


Does that make any sense? On the one hand if you do the (dirty?) deeds of the Administration “ For National Security”, they get paid with our tax dollar, they do not have to report it to share holders or even keep valid records which allows a company to do other things outside of the initially paid function from the administration such as money laundering. Now, on the other hand you do not do business with this administration, you are then taken to task under the Patriot Act to crack down on money laundering. Huh?


And through all this, not one media outlet has done a full in-depth analysis in a time line fashion for the non-thinking, non-reading public who are addicted to that boob tube.





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Geez...I don't know if you're really this nuts or if you're just a parody.


You don't even stick to the topic in YOUR OWN DAMN THREAD. You go off on wild conspiracy theories that have jack-s*** to do with libraries, etc. How you can write "The Republican vote-counting corporations that massaged the numbers in previous elections and disenfranchised people around this Nation are still in business. Their only reason for being is to keep the Neo- Conservatives in power" and not break down laughing, I don't know.


When you outdo Miller's spoof of anarchists, I have to wonder.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 01:57 PM)
Here is the only way your phone conversations are private. You can use this state of the art technology marvel that keeps your conversations point to point.



You fool! That's not private -- those cans were made by corporations! There's bound to a microchip feeding all conversations back to Karl Rove's cell phone.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 01:04 PM)
You fool! That's not private -- those cans were made by corporations! There's bound to a microchip feeding all conversations back to Karl Rove's cell phone.


The ironic thing is that people assume that the phone system is the old 1950s hardwired system that sits on a closed network and no one can crack it.


A lot of the traffic is bounced off of a bird in space. Some of the traffic is send on point to point microwave. Some of the traffic is over a carrier network using data lines.


People act like its some FBI guy with an aligator clips on a phone line running a jumper, when you can just use a spectrum analyzer and pick up the same thing in your backyard. In fact I was at an Infraguard meeting where someone showed the FBI that they could break into the local Cell Tower using some parts they got from Radio Shack. The kit cost under a grand, and it was able to hijack cell phone communications. BTW their "encryption' was cracked in about 15 minutes.


Again if you are sooooo paranoid that someone is listening to you, have you and your friends use Skype which is encrypted by a AES cipher. Make sure you pull down the shades in your house, because they might employ lip readers with binoculars. Use a spectrum analyzers to identify all sources of electronic radiation in your house, make sure there are no bugs. Sweep daily. And if you can pull the covers over your head and close your eyes and chant "its all ok, the boogy man cant hear me"

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 12:48 PM)
Geez...I don't know if you're really this nuts or if you're just a parody.


You don't even stick to the topic in YOUR OWN DAMN THREAD. You go off on wild conspiracy theories that have jack-s*** to do with libraries, etc. How you can write "The Republican vote-counting corporations that massaged the numbers in previous elections and disenfranchised people around this Nation are still in business. Their only reason for being is to keep the Neo- Conservatives in power" and not break down laughing, I don't know.


When you outdo Miller's spoof of anarchists, I have to wonder.


Get a grip..I was replying to the 2 quotes in my reply..topics flow from input of others...are you that dense? :lolhitting

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QUOTE(IggyD @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 07:43 PM)
Get a grip..I was replying to the 2 quotes in my reply..topics flow from input of others...are you that dense? :lolhitting

Lololololololol...etc. The ONLY thing that related your adorable little tirade to those posts was a tangential relationship to the executive branch. Replying, BULLs***. You're looking for any excuse to spew the same stuff that matches every satire of liberals in the Bush years. You're straight outta South Park. YAS expanded it to the phone records debate, but only as a contrast to the original post. Balta referred to nothing BUT the library issue. Clearly, that gave you carte blanche to discuss the whole record of the Bush administration in sweeping generalizations.


Now, as for "dense" -- look in the f***ing mirror. Or the lake by your hippie pseudo-kibbutz, since mirrors are often produced by corporations. If this isn't some neocon parody of liberals, that is. You know, it's pretty rare for me to disagree with Dems nowadays, but you are the faroutiest nutjob that's visited this place in....forever. Some of the most liberal posters here have labelled you a whacko copy-and-paste job. Be sane or stfu.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 02:27 PM)
The ironic thing is that people assume that the phone system is the old 1950s hardwired system that sits on a closed network and no one can crack it.


A lot of the traffic is bounced off of a bird in space. Some of the traffic is send on point to point microwave. Some of the traffic is over a carrier network using data lines.


People act like its some FBI guy with an aligator clips on a phone line running a jumper, when you can just use a spectrum analyzer and pick up the same thing in your backyard. In fact I was at an Infraguard meeting where someone showed the FBI that they could break into the local Cell Tower using some parts they got from Radio Shack. The kit cost under a grand, and it was able to hijack cell phone communications. BTW their "encryption' was cracked in about 15 minutes.


Again if you are sooooo paranoid that someone is listening to you, have you and your friends use Skype which is encrypted by a AES cipher. Make sure you pull down the shades in your house, because they might employ lip readers with binoculars. Use a spectrum analyzers to identify all sources of electronic radiation in your house, make sure there are no bugs. Sweep daily. And if you can pull the covers over your head and close your eyes and chant "its all ok, the boogy man cant hear me"


Although the ability to snoop others' phone calls is somewhat easy to do, it doesn't make the action of doing so right - and nor should we expect our government to be snooping without cause to begin with.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 10:47 PM)
Lololololololol...etc. The ONLY thing that related your adorable little tirade to those posts was a tangential relationship to the executive branch. Replying, BULLs***. You're looking for any excuse to spew the same stuff that matches every satire of liberals in the Bush years. You're straight outta South Park. YAS expanded it to the phone records debate, but only as a contrast to the original post. Balta referred to nothing BUT the library issue. Clearly, that gave you carte blanche to discuss the whole record of the Bush administration in sweeping generalizations.


Now, as for "dense" -- look in the f***ing mirror. Or the lake by your hippie pseudo-kibbutz, since mirrors are often produced by corporations. If this isn't some neocon parody of liberals, that is. You know, it's pretty rare for me to disagree with Dems nowadays, but you are the faroutiest nutjob that's visited this place in....forever. Some of the most liberal posters here have labelled you a whacko copy-and-paste job. Be sane or stfu.


I do not know why I am even bothering to reply as you have nothing to add to a discussion. This is about thought and this s*** hole we now find ourselves currently deployed.... :finger


As for being a Democrat, They lost me a long time ago. Neither party deserves ANY Dedication or support. I am sick of this " Lesser of 2 Evils" option.


As for South Park, those programs were the only MSM that spoke and still Speaks the truth except for a few liberal shows that are only beginning to surface again now because of the up coming elections. Sounds like you are a right winger that cried with everyone else from the brainwashing Fox and this Neo-Con administration pumped into your head 24/7. Liberals or anyone with an once of compassion or real patriotism that speaks about what is really happening you give cute little names. Your mission is to try and degrade true thought without reasoning and discussion just like every other Neo-Con zombie.


Hey, let me ask you. Where you will be working (Like a Good Little Neo-Con) this election season to help massage the voting numbers in November?


As for copy and paste. That is done when I am trying to bring information to the forum for DISCUSSION! If you had even engaged me in discussion you would see my replies are not cut and paste. I do try to give links for reference of my thoughts about the findings in the media.


BTW, not a hippie. I was rasied in the Back of the Yards. Wanna take a walk with me there someday? 48th & Throop.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 12:48 PM)
Geez...I don't know if you're really this nuts or if you're just a parody.


You don't even stick to the topic in YOUR OWN DAMN THREAD. You go off on wild conspiracy theories that have jack-s*** to do with libraries, etc. How you can write "The Republican vote-counting corporations that massaged the numbers in previous elections and disenfranchised people around this Nation are still in business. Their only reason for being is to keep the Neo- Conservatives in power" and not break down laughing, I don't know.


When you outdo Miller's spoof of anarchists, I have to wonder.


I suggest you read "Was the 2004 Election Stolen? in Rolling Stone Magazine". I don't find it very funny or a theory when a Political Party subverts the Constitution and Voting LAWS. It happened. Face it, your party has been hijacked.


Oh, I did not know it was a rule that a person must stick to the topic. I guess YOU only formulate discussion and do not change the topic by trying to berate a person....HUH

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QUOTE(IggyD @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 03:31 AM)
I do not know why I am even bothering to reply as you have nothing to add to a discussion. This is about thought and this s*** hole we now find ourselves currently deployed.... :finger


As for being a Democrat, They lost me a long time ago. Neither party deserves ANY Dedication or support. I am sick of this " Lesser of 2 Evils" option.


As for South Park, those programs were the only MSM that spoke and still Speaks the truth except for a few liberal shows that are only beginning to surface again now because of the up coming elections. Sounds like you are a right winger that cried with everyone else from the brainwashing Fox and this Neo-Con administration pumped into your head 24/7. Liberals or anyone with an once of compassion or real patriotism that speaks about what is really happening you give cute little names. Your mission is to try and degrade true thought without reasoning and discussion just like every other Neo-Con zombie.


Hey, let me ask you. Where you will be working (Like a Good Little Neo-Con) this election season to help massage the voting numbers in November?


As for copy and paste. That is done when I am trying to bring information to the forum for DISCUSSION! If you had even engaged me in discussion you would see my replies are not cut and paste. I do try to give links for reference of my thoughts about the findings in the media.


BTW, not a hippie. I was rasied in the Back of the Yards. Wanna take a walk with me there someday? 48th & Throop.

:lolhitting If by "discussion" you mean ignoring everything that was said and ranting, good job.


Two people responded on-topic, and you go off on some half-ass diatribe totally unrelated to their posts. Why don't you just title every thread "Iggy wants to be loud again"?


As for the rest -- that is by far the most idiotic summary of my politics that has ever been offered. How you reached that conclusion baffles me. I think, instead of using that cross-streets, I could just ask around to find the asylum.


I do, however, apologize for the "hippie" comment, to hippies everywhere. After giving it some more thought, you strike me as more the unabomber type.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 11:52 AM)
:lolhitting If by "discussion" you mean ignoring everything that was said and ranting, good job.


Two people responded on-topic, and you go off on some half-ass diatribe totally unrelated to their posts. Why don't you just title every thread "Iggy wants to be loud again"?


As for the rest -- that is by far the most idiotic summary of my politics that has ever been offered. How you reached that conclusion baffles me. I think, instead of using that cross-streets, I could just ask around to find the asylum.


I do, however, apologize for the "hippie" comment, to hippies everywhere. After giving it some more thought, you strike me as more the unabomber type.


Again I say. I did not know there were rules that a post must remain on topic. Per this catagory " The Filibuster"

Are you a republican that gets riled up over those bleeding heart liberals? Or are you a democrat upset with the way Bush and company are running the White House? Well this is the forum for you to rant, rave and try to enlighten.


Is that not what I am doing?


So far you have nothing to debate, discuss or add to the rant/rave. I do not see name calling or critique the person posting in the description!!

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i do mind...say i do want to read a book by some radical islamist to try and understand what we are dealing with. I don't know how the gov't will look at that, but i have a right to educate myself on anything without prejudice.

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QUOTE(IggyD @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 01:26 PM)
Again I say. I did not know there were rules that a post must remain on topic. Per this catagory " The Filibuster"

Is that not what I am doing?


So far you have nothing to debate, discuss or add to the rant/rave. I do not see name calling or critique the person posting in the description!!

Lol, you said you were replying to the other two posts and engaging in a discussion. Now at least you're admitting that it had nothing to do with the topic of the thread, nothing to do with the posts you were nominally replying to. And the fact that you didn't back up your characterization of me with fact 1 I'll take as an admission that you're just pulling s*** out your ass. Which is par for the course.


I wouldn't say I have nothing to add. I'm ranting against bats*** crazy conspiracy theorists degrading the quality of debate with their illogical rambling bulls*** nutjob imbecilities. At least that has something to do with the origin of the thread.

Edited by jackie hayes
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QUOTE(IggyD @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 12:59 AM)
I suggest you read "Was the 2004 Election Stolen? in Rolling Stone Magazine". I don't find it very funny or a theory when a Political Party subverts the Constitution and Voting LAWS. It happened. Face it, your party has been hijacked.


Oh, I did not know it was a rule that a person must stick to the topic. I guess YOU only formulate discussion and do not change the topic by trying to berate a person....HUH

Salon.com reply to that article..."Was the 2004 election stolen? No."

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 08:07 PM)
Lol, you said you were replying to the other two posts and engaging in a discussion. Now at least you're admitting that it had nothing to do with the topic of the thread, nothing to do with the posts you were nominally replying to. And the fact that you didn't back up your characterization of me with fact 1 I'll take as an admission that you're just pulling s*** out your ass. Which is par for the course.


I wouldn't say I have nothing to add. I'm ranting against bats*** crazy conspiracy theorists degrading the quality of debate with their illogical rambling bulls*** nutjob imbecilities. At least that has something to do with the origin of the thread.


:cheers haha, damn! nice. i know that i have started some inflamatory threads in the past, but please, iggy, enough with the conspiracy theories that have NO validity whatsoever- we get the point!

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