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Hangar18's Chicago NewsMedia Watch Thread


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How do they continue to have more coverage, and have had more than the SOX since Ive been keeping track? Because they are owned by a Media conglomerate. My pointing it out everyday just paints a picture of how absurd the whole thing is




Word of mouth plays a large part, you ignore that and blame it all on the media. That's naivety to the nth degree.


YES. One more Cub article over a SOX article is an insult, considering the White Sox had the 2nd best record in the entire 1990's. Its an insult considering that other team, since 1950, has only THREE 90-win seasons, yet since the 1980's, has outright dominated the White Sox in coverage in both newspapers.

It is an insult, and you should be offended. The fact you arent is troubling. The Tribune since becoming owners of that team, have set out to make sure their team was covered FIRST, covered MOST, and covered OFTEN. What about the other team? They made sure the SOX were covered LAST, covered LESS, covered INFREQUENTLY. Cub positives? PLAY THEM UP. Cub negatives? Bury it, dont talk about it. Instead, Bring up SOX NEGATIVES, Play Those up, talk about things that dont necessarily have anything to do with the team. Talk about the neighborhood, the fans, the crime.


A couple of weeks ago, when that other team was in the midst of one of their losing streaks, a saturday morning show talked for hours on end, moaning and groaning about the woes of that team. Finally, callers started getting thru, saying WHO CARES, lets talk about a team fighting for 1st place, one of best teams in baseball. YOu know what the hosts said? Winning is Boring, nobody wants to talk about the SOX. It was BS, because when I called, the producers tell me thier taking only cub calls.


It is an insult. My pointing out how that other team gets more stories, no matter the fortunes of the SOX

is repulsive. The Media telling the world that those werent all SOX fans at the WS parade, tons of cub fans were there just to watch things is basically a LIE. Zach will say Who Cares, let them say what they want, or Jim saying Hey its a story about the SOX parade, why cant you be happy is everyone missing the point.

I will change this to newspaper watch. More stories = More Coverage. How is it that a team with a miserable record for a Century, can have More Coverage than a Winning Team? More Fans? Incorrect.

They didnt have as many "fans" as they do now. Winning tradition? Laughable. They dont win.

How do they continue to have more coverage, and have had more than the SOX since Ive been keeping track? Because they are owned by a Media conglomerate. My pointing it out everyday just paints a picture of how absurd the whole thing is


You said in this post that Cub negatives are buried, and then you say a sports radio show is talking about all the Cubs negatives.


How many times can you possibly contradict yourself? It's getting laughable. You are so blinded you can't step back and look at things objectively.

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 01:24 PM)
Rick Morrissey, Chicago Tribune. It was a pretty big thread back when it happened, pissed off alot of SOX fans. And you know what? I was in Anaheim few weeks ago, chatting with some Angel fans. Someone casually mentioned that they "heard not a lot of SOX fans were at their own parade".

Trib prints more stories about certain team. Perception is that certain team must be more important.

Brought up the radio show to lay to rest some here who think other SOX fans dont notice this disparity.

The guy that called in and lambasted the hosts was a "lawyer" from burbs somewhere, Marty was his name?

He gave the hosts a reaming, saying Who Cares about the Cubs anymore, they stink, lets talk about a winning team instead, a team that won the World Series. He was mocked by the hosts and dismissed,

I then was angry he was treated like that and tried to call, and they said NO, were talking cub right now.

Point is, the media has simply gotten LAZY. Why try and do some work, when we can just talk about goats and curses and ivy. "Well dont listen anymore". I could do that ........... but then that doesnt solve the problem does it? Fact is, Id love to listen to the radio and hear interesting SOX topics. Were winning and we should dominate the airwaves. What were getting is far from it. The Trib shoving that other team down everyones throats has made sports talk/media in this town a JOKE.


Jason brings up a good point, being in LA, everything was about the LAKERS and DODGERS, but they were WINNING! They should get the coverage and the love. A better comparison would be the Clippers getting TONS of coverage, even though the Lakers just won a NBA Title or something of that nature


So if sports talk radio is a joke to you and you a yearning to discuss the World Champion White Sox, why go there to do so? You had a forum at WSI and you have a forum here where you can talk about the Sox with tons of other Sox fans 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There isn't a topic pertaining to the Sox that hasn't been disected to death on either of the forums. But what do you instead choose to discuss on the forums? The media, seat colors and seat brackets, the media, arguments with Cub fans in bars, the media, things that happen in and around Wrigley field, and some more about the media.

I don't think you really want the sports radio talk shows or the newspapers to talk about the Sox, so much as you want them to ignore the Cubs so you can get a thrill out of being popular and have that to shove in the face of all the Cub fans you encounter while out and about. I also think that you would trade away the current winning that the Sox are enjoying for more media coverage and assurance that the team you follow is more popular. If that is incorrect, then why do you continue to dwell on the popularity of the team in the papers and on the radio when they are defending their first championship in all of our lifetimes? Like Chisoxfan said, the World Series win is enough, who cares about all the rest.


You sound like the Jan Brady to the Cub fan's Marsha. "Cubs, Cubs, Cubs. Why does everyone like them so much and not me? It isn't fair."

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QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 02:24 PM)
Further you are accomplishing exactly the opposite of what you choose to accomplish, you are trying to get people to not buy the Tribune when in fact your rants bring more PR to the Trib. However, I don't think you understand that and I'm tired of explaining it to you.



You call measuring column inches ridiculous? Why is that? Because it doesn't fit with YOUR accepted methodology of determining bias? It's the only way to truly determine how much space each team is given, or aren't you able to connect the dots?


You are also incorrect to suggest that I haven't added to the thread. I disagree with your rants, I think they are inaccurate and dumb, I've said so, and I've told you why. The last I checked, that's the nature of this board.


Also, proof of a bias is you telling us your own personal opinion about the way things are "slanted". You already counted the stories wrong, and you conclude your daily rants with an adjective laden pukefest which clearly shows your own vendetta. You call it "truth" (LOL) and back it up with shady numbers. I call it a blatant bias on YOUR part, driven by your need to validate your own conclusions.


As for the Chicago Sky, your statement saying "front page headline" is misleading and a misrepresentation. They were mentioned on the back page of the sports section, that ain't front page headline.


Oh, and the thread became personal because you did in fact follow Steff down the path. Stop pleading innocence, you contributed to it as well.


Personally, I think you should shut up and quit whining, but that's just my opinion. If you got booted off a website due (at least in part) to this crap, it ought to send you a message. Sadly though, I don't think the dots are connecting.


Keep your personal whims to yourself Jim. THANKS. (I think you should stop complaining about my posts, but I wont say it) I got booted off a website for talking about the Cubs in a forum dedicated to talking about the cubs. Thats like you getting towed from a parking lot that says FREE PARKING.


The Chicago Sky were the lead story in the Tribune for basically a week (front cover of the Tribune sports is ..............well its Front Cover Jim, I gotta tell ya.

Back page? the SunTimes treats the back page as the lead page for their sports ........and well I gott tell ya Jim, its considered "front" page JIM.

"Oh, and the thread became personal because you did in fact follow Steff down that path". You acknowledge a poster getting personal, somehow that was My Fault? I didnt send her a message telling her to try and air some of my personal dirty laundry on a baseball website.


Where did I say IM trying to get people to NOT buy the Tribune? Ive been looking and cant quite find it Jim.

If someone can post a link, id appreciate it. Your getting tired telling me that my crusade to get people to NOT buy the tribune is falling on deaf ears is because PRESTO,

thats not what my "crusade" is all about Jim. Sorry you were confused.


You hold firm to the assertion that column inches determines how much press a team gets?

Why not actual stories? It doesnt fit with my personal agenda because ITS INEFFICIENT JIM.

How hard is that to understand? I think we can assume the more stories a team gets USUALLY means theyre getting more column inches, or you dont want to assume that? Me telling someone glossing over this thread about 96 1/3 inches vs another team only having 10 7/8 inches doesnt have the same effect as

100 stories vs. 30 stories. Or are you going to say what about the European SOX fans, how will they measure this if it isnt done in Metrics?



QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 02:31 PM)
You said in this post that Cub negatives are buried, and then you say a sports radio show is talking about all the Cubs negatives.



2 differences in negativity Jim.

* Underaged Drunk Trixie throws ball at cub player. No sensational headlines or talk of wrigley being dangerous.

* Sports Radio Show. Hosts engage in b****ing about the cubs, the "fans" deserve better, why are they playing so bad, who can we trade, what can we do, this has been going on too long, why does this keep happening to Cubs, when is Lee getting back, lets talk about Wood blah blah blah.


Fan on radio call and say enough, lets talk sox, they say NO SOX because Winning Is Boring (which was the whole point of that conversation, is winning boring, and no wonder were being ignored)


QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 02:24 PM)
Frankly IMO you are so biased on this whole issue and have a big gigantic chip on your shoulder about this newspaper thing that I don't blame the Trib for laughing at you. It is totally warranted IMO, as are the comments from other posters.



What about the posters who find this informative? Are they too somehow less of a SOX fan?

Just because you dont want look Jim ............... doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

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Actually Henry, YOU started the personal s*** by trying to compare my wanting harmony here with "defining personal", whatever the hell that means anyway. I asked you to leave the PERSONAL WSI s*** at the door. YOU chose not to, and I called it out, as well offered a warning. It's a good idea to keep things straight here as you have already seen, folks will quote your previous words in a heart beat to prove your backpedaling.



Another great thing about Soxtalk is the freedom to post ones personal opinions on matters posted. You post it, it's fair game. Don't want to be called on something, don't post. And don't complain about others posting their opinions. It's rude.


As I said earlier, you brought this on yourself. The stat and fact guys here are meticulous with post details. If you screw it up, they will catch it, as they already have.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 04:35 PM)
As I said earlier, you brought this on yourself. The stat and fact guys here are meticulous with post details. If you screw it up, they will catch it, as they already have.



I dont think anyones caught anything. One guy sees numbers transposed (yet simple math would see that they still matched with the previous days totals) and says the whole system is flawed. Another says my calling out the Trib for saying most fans at WS Parade werent really SOX fans, but fans of that other team,

thats why numbers were so high is crazy and I better prove it (like I would make that up)

Yet still another guy who says my system doesnt work, it should be measured in inches, not numbers of stories, so again whole system is flawed.

im dodging bullets here .................. :fight


Id welcome Jim to take his own measurements of the same stories, and would be interesting to see if our numbers Coincide.

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Ya know... your condescending posting is just such a turn off. Fans of the Twins and Indians are recieved better than you have been simply because they can answer simple requests and questions without getting so defensive. You're so bullheaded you can't see past anything you post. It's a real shame because despite your OCD on this media stuff, you are a good person with a passion for the Sox - which is what the fan board are all about.


Hopefully you'll see what you're doing before you're no longer welcome here either.

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Keep your personal whims to yourself Jim. THANKS. (I think you should stop complaining about my posts, but I wont say it) I got booted off a website for talking about the Cubs in a forum dedicated to talking about the cubs. Thats like you getting towed from a parking lot that says FREE PARKING.


The Chicago Sky were the lead story in the Tribune for basically a week (front cover of the Tribune sports is ..............well its Front Cover Jim, I gotta tell ya.

Back page? the SunTimes treats the back page as the lead page for their sports ........and well I gott tell ya Jim, its considered "front" page JIM.

"Oh, and the thread became personal because you did in fact follow Steff down that path". You acknowledge a poster getting personal, somehow that was My Fault? I didnt send her a message telling her to try and air some of my personal dirty laundry on a baseball website.


Where did I say IM trying to get people to NOT buy the Tribune? Ive been looking and cant quite find it Jim.

If someone can post a link, id appreciate it. Your getting tired telling me that my crusade to get people to NOT buy the tribune is falling on deaf ears is because PRESTO,

thats not what my "crusade" is all about Jim. Sorry you were confused.


You hold firm to the assertion that column inches determines how much press a team gets?

Why not actual stories? It doesnt fit with my personal agenda because ITS INEFFICIENT JIM.

How hard is that to understand? I think we can assume the more stories a team gets USUALLY means theyre getting more column inches, or you dont want to assume that? Me telling someone glossing over this thread about 96 1/3 inches vs another team only having 10 7/8 inches doesnt have the same effect as

100 stories vs. 30 stories. Or are you going to say what about the European SOX fans, how will they measure this if it isnt done in Metrics?

2 differences in negativity Jim.

* Underaged Drunk Trixie throws ball at cub player. No sensational headlines or talk of wrigley being dangerous.

* Sports Radio Show. Hosts engage in b****ing about the cubs, the "fans" deserve better, why are they playing so bad, who can we trade, what can we do, this has been going on too long, why does this keep happening to Cubs, when is Lee getting back, lets talk about Wood blah blah blah.


Fan on radio call and say enough, lets talk sox, they say NO SOX because Winning Is Boring (which was the whole point of that conversation, is winning boring, and no wonder were being ignored)

What about the posters who find this informative? Are they too somehow less of a SOX fan?

Just because you dont want look Jim ............... doesnt mean it doesnt exist.



Keep your personal whims to yourself Jim. THANKS. (I think you should stop complaining about my posts, but I wont say it) I got booted off a website for talking about the Cubs in a forum dedicated to talking about the cubs. Thats like you getting towed from a parking lot that says FREE PARKING.


Actually I think my assessments are quite accurate. Unlike yours, when it relates to:


1. The reason you got booted off WSI ... you can't quite seem to figure it out, you are flip flopping like a dolphin, and,


2. Your story counting methods.


Chicago Sky ... only a myopic blowhard could manage to bring the Chicago Sky womens baseketball team into a discussion about baseball newpaper coverage and somehow slant it to being biased against the White Sox. That is truly sad. By the way, if you mean front page, say front page. You already have a problem with terminology, no one can read your mind, no one wants to anyways. You should say "back page" when pertaining to the Sun Times, or "front page of the Trib sports section" so you can be accurate. I know accuracy is not your strong suit, but try to keep up.


Tribune ... your rants against the Tribune, in particular, lead one to believe the Tribune is bad, evil, wrong, ugly, unfair, disgusting, and more. I just wanted you to know that your rants bring more publicity to the Tribune. Plus, when someone on an ongoing idiotic crusade like yourself says all these bad things about something, it leads normal well adjusted people to say, "Hmmm ... that Tribune must be pretty good if this guy hates it. I think I'll subscribe." Sorry if you were confused about what I was saying.


Column inches ... that's how media columnists have measured things for over a century, that's how advertising rates are determined. But according to you, some guy from Pilsen with a hard on against the media, it's inefficient. Oh. It's a more accurate measurement. But again, you know little of accuracy and I am beginning to think you're too lazy to measure, preferring instead to jam your lame brained conspiracy theory down the throats of this website, after you've been booted from another. I, for one, will continue to suggest that you be accurate if you insist on posting this nonsense every day. If you can post it every day, I can be here to insist you do it accurately. Seems to me like there are lots of others who are insisting you be accurate as well, vs. your approach up to now.


Negativity and poor hangar18 not being let onto a sports radio call in show to talk Sox: (bravo to the call screener by the way, they probably know your voice and are tired of it) ... If their call in board is lit up, and they are appealing to their audience at the time, they will run with it. They are not suddenly gonna talk Bulls or Blackhawks or Chicago Sky or White Sox if they have dedicated a segment to a certain topic. It's not an insult, it's a business decision for the radio station. People love to talk about misery. You do it every day, whining about media coverage. But when someone else whines about their pet topic, in this case the Cubs, it's wrong. Yet another double standard by you, congrats, you are racking them up this week.


Your completely mistaken assumption is that because the White Sox are winning, they should dominate the media coverage. Or newspaper coverage, whatever. That's just not the case. The sports talk media will discuss whatever their listeners, in majority, want. They started talking Cubs, and Cub fans apparantly have nothing better to do than listen and call in and complain. They are appealing to their demographic numbers, you know this, but won't acknowledge it because it's not what you personally want to hear. And to make matters worse, you come on here and tell other Sox fans how they should feel about it.


In summary:


1. Please use an accurate way to measure newspaper coverage. # of stories isn't it, sorry.


2. Please quit blaming everyone else for your bumpy road here, you have brought that upon yourself, see Steff's post above this one.


3. Please read zach's post, above Steff's. I think he nails your thought process, you might want to reflect upon it because he is correct.


4. Please be accurate in all your terminology. The woman who threw the ball at Wrigley and almost beaned Jacque Jones was in her mid-20's, not underaged. 26 IIRC. But I guess you can throw labels around (underaged drunk Trixie) but the media can't. Congrats, yet another double standard.

Edited by JimH
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Id welcome Jim to take his own measurements of the same stories, and would be interesting to see if our numbers Coincide.


No thanks, your crusade, not mine. I just hate misinformation like yours being blindly accepted by White Sox fans, just because you say it's true.


Again, measure things accurately, or as zach said, shut up about this.


What about the posters who find this informative? Are they too somehow less of a SOX fan?


Among other things, I see you like putting words in other people's mouths. Do not do that with me.

I never said anyone was less of a Sox fan. Some people have already stated they find your inaccurate schtick informative, they are quite welcome to do so, matters not to me.

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QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 02:13 PM)
:o What?!? Who said that?!? No it doesn't!! Does it?!? s***!!! :o



aaaaw man, does that mean i am going to be like Hangar someday? Im quittin now, thats just not cool.


I am dumber for reading the responses by Hangar in this thread, but everyone else gets an A+ in debate class for the past two days. This thread is freaking hilarious. Even Steff swore, I rarely see that. Of course I rarely set her off like Hangar did.....


:D :lol: :lol:


QUOTE(knightni @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 06:16 PM)
Another member of the 'Cubsessed' group?


I would make him President and slide CTF over to vice....;)

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QUOTE(knightni @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 06:16 PM)


Another member of the 'Cubsessed' group?


QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 06:55 PM)
I would make him President and slide CTF over to vice....;)


I'm curious as to who Hangar and CTF will root for this weekend...

Detroit or Cubs...hmmmm :huh

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 09:14 AM)
Just wanted to say hello to everyone here. Ive been documenting the Chicago Media blatant bias against the World Champion White Sox for a number of years. Its been a hot topic the last couple of years, ESPECIALLY in the last couple of weeks. Most casual fans had no idea the lengths and trouble the Chicago Media goes thru to A: Make the SOX look bad and B: Make that north-side team look great.

From constantly comparing the attendance figures between both parks, hiliting the Good (them) and the Bad (always us), the Media Watch is way to shine a light right back on the people who are supposedly in charge of getting and reporting to us the News. The Internal Affairs of sports if you will.


Some of you may know me from the other website, truth be known, I was BANNED for my Media Watches.

Some there feel that if you Ignore the Problem, It will Go Away. (that never works, history tells us so)

Some there feel it important that Everyone Agree with them or Else. Thats not the case here.

If you dont agree. Hallelujah. Its a Democracy!


Media Attention is very important for a baseball team, especially one in a two team city. That other team

is somehow known the world over, for simply, being BAD? Were the Champions, and were going to make sure the SOX get their due. The Deserve It.



You clearly need to get a life. You are the only one who cares about this. :finger


QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 12:02 PM)
I remember last fall an entire network (FOX) devoted their post-season coverage to our team. :D


We've gotten our due...you need to get over it.


I guess some people hate the Cubs more than they love the Sox



Its ashame when someone loves what they hate more then loving what the like. Maybe he was a Cubs fan pre 2003 and after the Cubs blew the playoffs he converted. Some people just need a life.

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QUOTE(Pods22 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 07:19 AM)
It's a shame when someone loves what they hate more then loving what the like.






I think this train wreck has run it's course.

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I don't have time to wade through all this. Whether you like it or not, whether you like Hangar or not there is significant media bias towards the Cubs in the Chicago market. It's been happening for a long time and the White Sox themselves did a lot to cause it. A number of bonehead decisions were made, and this predates the Reinsdorf era. Now the White Sox are at long last defending World Champions and the worm is starting to turn. I guess people want to focus on that more than the popularity of the lovable blues on the north side.

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QUOTE(Yossarian @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:02 AM)
I don't have time to wade through all this. Whether you like it or not, whether you like Hangar or not there is significant media bias towards the Cubs in the Chicago market. It's been happening for a long time and the White Sox themselves did a lot to cause it. A number of bonehead decisions were made, and this predates the Reinsdorf era. Now the White Sox are at long last defending World Champions and the worm is starting to turn. I guess people want to focus on that more than the popularity of the lovable blues on the north side.



Steff says anyone that notices this must be "sick" or a "Cub" fan.

by the way, Steff busted me on something. I was a huge cub fan up until 2003. I had enough of the lovable losers and decided to get on the Winning Track

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:34 AM)
Steff says anyone that notices this must be "sick" or a "Cub" fan.

by the way, Steff busted me on something. I was a huge cub fan up until 2003. I had enough of the lovable losers and decided to get on the Winning Track


Oh cute.. now you're a liar. :rolly


But for s***s and giggles...


She does? And where does she say this?


Don't bother looking, cause she doesn't. Now you're crossing into some dangerous territory Henry. Don't put words in my mouth or you will be sorry.


I promise.



As well, Steff didn't bust you on anything. Steff didn't even know you more than in passing in 2003 and had no idea you were a Cub fan. Not a big shock though.

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:34 AM)
Steff says anyone that notices this must be "sick" or a "Cub" fan.

by the way, Steff busted me on something. I was a huge cub fan up until 2003. I had enough of the lovable losers and decided to get on the Winning Track


See I told ya a new train was pullig into the station :D

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Chicago NewsMedia Watch 6/14/06


The SOX win a nice game last nite, with the big story being the performance of the bullpen last nite.

The SOX unfortuneately lose ground to the 5th Place Cubs and are now behind by 100 stories.


Despite Winning the World Series in 2005, the White Sox find themselves INEXPLICABLY getting less attention from our 2 major Chicago newspapers, who somehow believe that the 5th Place cubs are worthy of more news coverage than a team that just won the World Series in 2005 AND are currently in 2nd place with one of the top records in baseball.


Chicago Tribune:

4 cub stories

3 sox stories

Chicago SunTimes:

7 cub stories

3 sox stories

Standings as of Wednesday June 14th, 2006

Priviledged, Media Owned, Media Favored, 4th place in 2005 Cubs 578

Underdog, Media Maligned, Media Ignored, WS Champs in 2005 Sox 478

Edited by Hangar18
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QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 05:10 PM)
Actually I think my assessments are quite accurate. Unlike yours, when it relates to:


1. The reason you got booted off WSI ... you can't quite seem to figure it out, you are flip flopping like a dolphin, and,


4. Please be accurate in all your terminology. The woman who threw the ball at Wrigley and almost beaned Jacque Jones was in her mid-20's, not underaged. 26 IIRC. But I guess you can throw labels around (underaged drunk Trixie) but the media can't. Congrats, yet another double standard.


Do you have her information? Please let us know, the Media isnt telling us who she is, id like to know how YOU got her information.



QUOTE(Felix @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:50 AM)
not to help you or anything, but the Cubs are in 5th place, not 4th (you have both mentioned in your post?)



Where? I'll fix it ............

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