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Whats Everyone's Favorite Sox Team?


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Since thus far we've all been drastically dissapointed, I was thinking we could all remenice (Sp?) about our favorite Sox teams.


My favorite one would probably be 2000, although I also loved the early 90's Sox. Watching Frank and arguing with my friends when trading ball cards whether Griffey or Frank was better was always fun. They also had Rock Raines, One Dog (Lance Johnson), and of course Robin Ventura.


And of course my fav pitcher, Black Jack McDowell.

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1977, 1983, 1990, 1994, 2000


1990 Was a great team came outta no where and won 90. Regretfully oakland won 102 that year. Great Pitching staff with BlackJack The Little Bulldog and Melido. Agressive team on the Basepaths. If the wild Card would have existed then the sox would have won it.


1994 Solid Team. Frank And Julio Franco were good and put up good numbers.


2000 was fun, i Luved those comeback wins.


1983 started like this year, the trade that brout us Julio Cruz spaked the team that never looked back, Grat Pitching. Hoyt, Bannister, Burns, Dot and Koosman


1977 Great Power Year for the Sox. Pitching Staff sucked

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Personal favorites in my lifetime are in order 64, 83, 90, 59 and 00.

The best Sox team in my lifetime was IMO 83, better than pennant winner of 59. They just forgot to hit in the playoffs and were unfortunate in playing the last really good Oriole team in that long run of successful teams they started having in the early 60's.

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77; I just got my drivers license and could go to games. Absolutley rockin'. Veeck made it a party, the players looked to be having fun.


2000 Whatta surprise. Seemed like I woke up one day and we were winning.


2003 I'm going to remember these f***s for a very long time.


Great post, thank you. And good timing since we just one a game.

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Personal favorites in my lifetime are in order 64, 83, 90, 59 and 00.

The best Sox team in my lifetime was IMO 83, better than pennant winner of 59. They just forgot to hit in the playoffs and were unfortunate in playing the last really good Oriole team in that long run of successful teams they started having in the early 60's.

Were you alive for the '64 team? Don't know much about that team.

You said your favs in your lifetime was the '64 team and then said the best Sox team in your life time was the '83 team..Did you see all these teams in person? just curious :)

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favorite team: 1906


2nd favorite: 1917


1971 - coming back from a dreadful year before, we thought it would be ours in a few tears


1977 - they were fun to watch


1983 - of course


1993-94 - 94 was such a good team


2000 - that was fun


I guess all standard answers

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Personal favorites in my lifetime are in order 64, 83, 90, 59 and 00.

The best Sox team in my lifetime was IMO 83, better than pennant winner of 59. They just forgot to hit in the playoffs and were unfortunate in playing the last really good Oriole team in that long run of successful teams they started having in the early 60's.

Were you alive for the '64 team? Don't know much about that team.

You said your favs in your lifetime was the '64 team and then said the best Sox team in your life time was the '83 team..Did you see all these teams in person? just curious :)

I started rooting for the Sox in 57 at age six. I attended games at the old ball park from 58-85. Since then I've seen them on occasion at home or on the road. I've been to the new Comiskey but not to the Cell. LOL. From 51-64 the Sox and Yanks had one of the best rivalries in MLB. Unfortunately, the Yanks won most of the big games. In 64 the Sox finished a game behind the Yanks and the Orioles were a game behind them. It was a down to the wire pennant race. In the NL the race wasn't decided until the last game with the Cards sneaking in, after the worst choke job I ever saw, by the Phillies who had a 61/2 game lead with 12 to play. The 64 Sox had great pitching with Gary Peters at 20-9 and Juan Pizarro at 19-9. Both lefthanders and both fireballers. Joel Horlen was 13-9 with a 1.88 ERA, the most underrated Sox starter ever IMO. The 83 team was I believe 49-47 and then just got red hot finishing 99-63. The bats just died against Baltimore and there was the nightmare 4th game and the infamous Jerry Dybzinski running us out of a rally. It's been a roller coaster ride rooting for this team. It's incurable. This year is by far the bitterest of all so far. I bought the hype. At my age I should have known better.

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1994- strike team. I am convinced if we held off Cleveland, which was gaining on us as the strike loomed, we would have gone to the series. We may not have won the series since Atlanta was such a smoking hot team, but we would have gotten there.

Not only might the Sox have gone to the Series that year...but Frank had a legimate shot at the triple crown. :(


But I'd have to go with 2000 since I'm only 22 and it's the best Sox team that I can really remember (1993 was a good year, but I was only 12 at the time, so I don't remember it very well).

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1979 - Kevin Bell and Harry Chappas were awesome. Disco records were blown up.


1976 - Bicentennial fever with Bucky Dent.


1980 - Rockin in the new decade with Jim Morrison at 2B. Lamar Johnson visited my little league and my mom asked him why the Sox couldn't beat the lowly Mariners. His response......"Stop picking on us lady".

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1979 - Kevin Bell and Harry Chappas were awesome. Disco records were blown up.


1976 - Bicentennial fever with Bucky Dent.


1980 - Rockin in the new decade with Jim Morrison at 2B. Lamar Johnson visited my little league and my mom asked him why the Sox couldn't beat the lowly Mariners. His response......"Stop picking on us lady".

My man Harry Chapas! He was going to be the next Freddie Patek.

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Mine was probably the 1972 Sox, with some of my all-time favorite Sox players:


Dick Allen

Bill Melton

Jorge Orta

Rich Gossage

Terry Forster

Wilbur Wood

Jay Johnstone

Carlos May


I can still remember going to REAL Comiskey and smelling the cigar smoke ( second-hand smoke will KILL ya, kids ) and watching games from that little fence area in the left field wall - good times.... :)


That team finished in 2nd place, with a record of 87 and 67.

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This a great post.


I loved the '67 Sox, as I have so eloquently said before. The pitching staff led by Horlen, Peters & John and the relief corp, which was simply oustanding, Locker, Wood, Wilhelm and McMahon. That pitching staff was really something and I think the team ERA was the lowest in baseball history, if I remember right. The offense sucked, but we still had guys like Pete Ward, Tommie Agee and Don Buford. Walt (No-Neck) Williams came up that year and we saw trades bring Rocky Colavito and Ken Boyer. I remember Boyer was out with a pulled hamstring and was sent up to pinch hit in a game and he couldn't even run to first. He got a hit off the wall and drove in two runs for a win and had to hobble to first almost getting thrown out. That team battled. Of course there was Eddie (The Brat) Stanky running the club and he just kept picking on the big powerhouse clubs. He always had something to say and was great press.


I liked the '77 Sox and to hear the Na-Na song after a Sox win at Comiskey was awesome. You always thought they could come back no matter how far down they were. If they had the '67 pitching staff I think they could have been undefeated.


'83 was fun as was the 1990 team that we first saw the likes of Thomas and Ozzie Guillen. Can't forget 93, 94 and '00 also.

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Mine was probably the 1972 Sox, with some of my all-time favorite Sox players:


Dick Allen

Bill Melton

Jorge Orta

Rich Gossage

Terry Forster

Wilbur Wood

Jay Johnstone

Carlos May


I can still remember going to REAL Comiskey and smelling the cigar smoke ( second-hand smoke will KILL ya, kids ) and watching games from that little fence area in the left field wall - good times.... :)


That team finished in 2nd place, with a record of 87 and 67.

Wasn't that the year that Wilburrrr pitched both games of a double header? I think it was against Detroit.

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Mine was probably the 1972 Sox, with some of my all-time favorite Sox players:


Dick Allen

Bill Melton

Jorge Orta

Rich Gossage

Terry Forster

Wilbur Wood

Jay Johnstone

Carlos May


I can still remember going to REAL Comiskey and smelling the cigar smoke ( second-hand smoke will KILL ya, kids ) and watching games from that little fence area in the left field wall - good times.... :)


That team finished in 2nd place, with a record of 87 and 67.

Wasn't that the year that Wilburrrr pitched both games of a double header? I think it was against Detroit.

Yes, I think it was. But, if I am not mistaken I think he finished game one, which was either a suspended tie game from earlier and then started game two, or something like that.


The post on the 72 Sox was right on too. I loved that Dick Allen. We got him from LA for Tommy John.

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My favorite sox team was easily the 1983 team. Once they got on a roll, that team was unbelievable. To this day, I still think they were the best team in baseball that season. I went to the last playoff game, and still remember the feeling of them losing.

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My favorite sox team was easily the 1983 team.  Once they got on a roll, that team was unbelievable.  To this day, I still think they were the best team in baseball that season.  I went to the last playoff game, and still remember the feeling of them losing.

Who could forget Lamar Hoyt. I think Greg Maddux must have cloned himself to be like Hoyt.

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That rotation was fantastic.  Its amazing the team fell apart the next season.

Trying to remember the starting four: Hoyt, Dotson, Bannister and Britt Burns. Bob James was the RP. I think Burns pitched the last game of the playoffs and the Sox-Blue Jays were 0-0 after 9. Burns stayed in and gave up 3 runs in the 10th. Announcer was commenting about how Burns had pitched his heart out and said something like, "Hold your head up young man because you pitched one heckuva game." Burns had his career cut short because of a degenerative hip condition.

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