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Ok, let me disect your post, guy, because even though it seems like you guys ripped me a new one, I actually appreciate it. Constructive criticism never hurts, in my mind.


I assume that since you never see us play that you are going strictly by numbers. Those assumptions that you make about West are far from true. I mean, when was the last time you saw him pitch anyway? You cant base everything solely on numbers because for those who actually know anything about the minor leagues and development know that more than just numbers are used to judge a player. For you to write those things about Westy is just plain ignorant. He actually has pitched better than the numbers suggest. Strikeouts for one are over rated and judge absolutely nothing, and his ERA has been plagued by some weak ass runs caused by plays that could have been errors. Lastly you must remember that the season is 5 months long and we havent even played half of it yet.


I almost always go by numbers, the majority of the time. Of course, when you have talents like Webster, Gonzalez, etc. you have to factor the upside and potential that they have. I have never seen Brian West pitch, and I wrote that synopsis/review of him based on his last year in Birmingham, and the beginning of the current year. Since I haven't seen any games, just box scores, your view is most likely true of this year. I would love to know, however, what happened last year for Brian so that his walks increased from 70-71 in 20 less innings pitched. Strikeouts are not overrated whatsoever. The more strikeouts you induce, the less balls are put in play, the less of a chance the batter reaches base. Since you strike out the batter, the percentage of an error happening is greatly reduced, and thus an out is easier to compile. And guys, we know that the season is long. This is by no means the only update we're going to issue. Every month until the end of the season we will update the rankings accordingly.


If you think that you have all the answers then I urge you to travel to all of our affiliates and inflict all your knowledge of the game upon us to make us as good as you think we should be. I mean with all your baseball experience you guys should be coaches in our orgainzation and help us to the perfect pitchers that you feel is necesarry to pitch at the Big LEague level.


Quote myself or Jason or Mark where we said we have all the answers. These are OUR opinions, and you obviously have your own, and we stick by them. We by no means label ourselves as experts, and it is completely farfetched and asinine to assert we should already be in the organization. We're fans, we have the right to our opinion, and more importantly, the right to criticize or show disgust to someone. If you're getting wound up over three kids' views of you, I'd hate to see your reaction when numerous newspapers plaster you for performing sub-parly, if you do so.

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Ok, let me disect your post, guy, because even though it seems like you guys ripped me a new one, I actually appreciate it. Constructive criticism never hurts, in my mind.




I almost always go by numbers, the majority of the time. Of course, when you have talents like Webster, Gonzalez, etc. you have to factor the upside and potential that they have. I have never seen Brian West pitch, and I wrote that synopsis/review of him based on his last year in Birmingham, and the beginning of the current year. Since I haven't seen any games, just box scores, your view is most likely true of this year. I would love to know, however, what happened last year for Brian so that his walks increased from 70-71 in 20 less innings pitched. Strikeouts are not overrated whatsoever. The more strikeouts you induce, the less balls are put in play, the less of a chance the batter reaches base. Since you strike out the batter, the percentage of an error happening is greatly reduced, and thus an out is easier to compile. And guys, we know that the season is long. This is by no means the only update we're going to issue. Every month until the end of the season we will update the rankings accordingly.




Quote myself or Jason or Mark where we said we have all the answers. These are OUR opinions, and you obviously have your own, and we stick by them. We by no means label ourselves as experts, and it is completely farfetched and asinine to assert we should already be in the organization. We're fans, we have the right to our opinion, and more importantly, the right to criticize or show disgust to someone. If you're getting wound up over three kids' views of you, I'd hate to see your reaction when numerous newspapers plaster you for performing sub-parly, if you do so.

Preach it, Cerb.


Like I mentioned before, it's one thing to have 60 Ks in 50 innings but also 45 BBs....and quite another to have 60 Ks in 50 inn and only 15 walks. In the former case, strikeouts are definately "overrated" since they probably had more to do with one's wildness and minor league hitters getting themselves out on pitches that Major leaguers would let go for ball.... while in the latter scenario K's are probably a reflection of one's dominance and potential. Then, combine it with ERA, avg-against and other vital statistics.....and lo and behold if you don't get the whole story, then certainly a big part of it. It's not by accident that as soon as Corwin Malone and Brian West went "bad" last season, their peripherals really reflected that versus their 2001 campaigns.


Stats + scouting reports + seeing pitchers in person = knowing what the f*** we are talking about....Chisoxfn/Cerb never claimed to know the future, nor how piching priblems could be fixed. They just used common sense and argued their points fairly with those who disagreed. What more can you ask?


As far as far as "soft" runs go, maybe Navarro and Todd Ritchie and Jim Parque who all pitched terribly and had BB/K ratios out of whack...could have used the "team defense" as an excuse as well. Would it have made any difference, tho?


Westie doesn't like what was said? Oh, well, might I suggest getting a thicker skin? Or better yet utilizing that live 95-98mph fastball they were bragging about...and getting his breaking stuff over with consistency? How about changing speeds and not tipping his pitches off? Well you get the idea I am sure.

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for the record, let me say that I think Jason and Cerb did some nice work on the listings - of course it is a guess - what separates the 47th player from thre 37th - what Jason and Cerb did was very helpful to me to know our minor league players.


If I correctly read what Bullard is saying, and I cannot find the thread of the rankings where West was included, but I have just re-read two other rankings, the players are commenting on the negativity of - not Jason and Cerb's work which I think has very little negative stuff - but some of the commentary that followed. And it was more interesting to read those threads in the light of what was said in this thread.


I don't think the players posting is a sign of hypersensitivity at all. For what it is worth, I know what it is to be on tv, the radio, the newspaper, and be praised and ripped. No one can say that some comments do not hurt here and there, even when you blow off the rest. It never is fun to criticized in public.


My delight in this is in the fans who have re-acted as if they have been attacked because some players gave their opinions - which is their right, they are posters here too! And they have every right to offer their insights and the hypersensitivity - it seems very clear to me - is in those who feel so outraged that players have offered their comments, and take offense at what they perceive is the slightest criticism of themselves. Yet they feel free to say some pretty tough stuff about others. It does go both ways and everyone has a right to speak!


Molto: my comment about a top 50's poster list is to make the point that you did - these things are all very relative. What makes one better than another is totally subjective. Of course each person feels that their statements are "the truth" and "objective" because no one believes things that they don't think are right! But so often when there are posts that say "so and so is better than so and so and this is a fact" what is lost sight of is the subjectivity in all of this. In those threads there is not even an agreed opinion of what a "prospect" is.

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Westie doesn't like what was said? Oh, well, might I suggest getting a thicker skin?  ... Well you get the idea I am sure.

Maybe the same goes for you? Sometimes it seems that you attack pretty fast when ever you feel that you are insulted - :huh:

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Here is my report of West. To repeat, it is mine; not Jason's, not Mark's, mine. Any criticism and/or death threats should be thrown at me


24. Brian West, 22 - RHP, SP – Birmingham Barons (AA)

2003 (Charlotte-AAA): 1-0, 5.40 ERA, 5.0 INN, 2 K, 2 BB

2003 (Birmingham-AA): 2-4, 5.56 ERA, 45.1 INN, 31 K, 24 BB

2002 (Birmingham-AA): 9-11, 4.34 ERA, 149 INN, 91 K, 71 BB

2001 (Winston-Salem-A): 7-12, 3.46 ERA, 169 INN, 130 K, 70 BB

2000 (Winston-Salem-A): 0-1, 11.37 ERA, 6 INN, 3 K, 6 BB

2000 (Burlington-A): 8-9, 3.78 ERA, 148 INN, 90 K, 73 BB

1999 (Bristol-R): 1-2, 10.50 ERA, 18 INN, 17 K, 14 BB

1999 (Arizona-R): 0-1, 13.50 ERA, 5 INN, 3 K, 2 BB


Brian West’s year in AA Birmingham can be simply described as both good and bad. The good? West improved on limiting the amount of hits he gave up: his Batting Average Against dropped almost 50 points from the previous year to .236. The bad? West’s strikeout total dropped dramatically from 130 in 170 IP two years ago to 91 in 149 IP last year. West has been forced to spend another year in Birmingham, and the results so far have been downright awful. West has yielded 48 hits and 15 walks in only 34 2/3 innings in his second season with the Barons. Unless West makes drastic changes to his approach to pitching, he will most likely fall by the wayside as a non-prospect. Oddly enough, West was actually promoted to AAA Charlotte, but I suspect this was only a fill-in start. As of right now, West does not deserve to be in AAA.

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Maybe the same goes for you?  Sometimes it seems that you attack pretty fast when ever you feel that you are insulted -  :huh:

Not every "overreation" is created equal, V.


Brian is a public figure who needs nerves of steel to deal with criticism (whether warranted or not) from scouts, coaches, management, media and the fans.


Considering that I thought comments about him were very reasonable, his supposed reaction struck me as odd.

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If you are really Bullard, than I have some words of advice.


1) Learn to take negative remarks. The Sox fans on this message board are diehard fans that only want the best for this organization. Their negative remarks should almost be taken as constructive and should be taken with a grain of salt. If you get angry over Sox fans making negative comments, than you are going to be in for a rude awakening if you make it to the big show. You will soon find out that most sports writers rather write negative articles because thats what sells. You are going to receive far worst remarks from big name writers who get paid to do so. My advice is to not read to much into these remarks and don't get worked up over a few fans expressing their opinions.


2) Don't lash out at the people on this board for making assumptions and then you come right back and make assumptions on your own. You assumed that the rankings were based solely on stats, and while I can't speak for the people that created the article, it appears that some of the people on this board have in fact seen you guys play in person, and also use scouting reports from people who are paid to judge and make analysis on propsects. Don't assume that the people on this board are stating their opinions as facts. This is the USA were people are free to express their opinions, negative or positive, my advice is to see the above paragraph in how to react.


3) Just because some people on this board have never played upper level competitive baseball doesn't mean they don't have the right to critique. For example, if you go to a restaraunt and get bad service you complain about the cook, waiter, ect., yet you have probably never worked as a cook, waiter, ect. Does that mean you don't have the right to form your opinions and critique those people because you have never worked those jobs? Of course not, so take it easy on some of the poster. You don't need personal experience in order to formulate an opinion, although it helps. And just for the record I played 2 years of D2 college ball, and thought about trying to walk onto the University of Arizona team after transfering there this past year, although I knew that I had no chance of making it.


4) Learn to appreciate the opportunities you have been given. I am sure that all of you guys had to work extremely hard to get to where you are now, but you are in a privledged situation. For must of us the future holds/already holds a boring 9-5 job that we hate. Most of us would give anything to be given the chance that you have be given. You get to play baseball and get paid to do so. I know that the minors aren't fun, a lot of travel, poor hotels, small towns, ect., but if you ever make it to the majors it is something that you should appreciate and enjoy.


With that said, I wish you guys the best of luck. You guys are the future of this organization and the more prospects that develop into solid major league players the better. If you really are Bullard, I appreciate your opinion from someone currently in the system. Please keep us updated and we encourage you guys to keep posting here. Tell us if the stats are deceiving. For example, if West gives up 5 ER and we assume that he had a bad outing, but the fact is that he was victomized by poor D and some fluke hits tell us. Or if a player goes 0-4 and we assume that he had a bad game, but he was hitting the ball hard and just got unlikely by hitting the ball right at someone then tell us. Its good to hear from you and good luck the rest of the way.

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Not every "overreation" is created equal, V.


Brian is a public figure who needs nerves of steal to deal with criticism (wheteher warranted or not) from scouts, coaches, management and the fans.  Considering that I thought comments about him were very reasonable, his supposed reaction struck me as odd.

That would be nerves of "steel" - and please do not be posting my name or any letter of it - that is reserved for my friends. Maybe if we meet and get to be buds or we IM or email a bunch of times and hit it off and I know personal details about you, it would be different, but those things have not happened. It comes across as condescending to use my name or initial.


I think Bullard was clear that he did not post because of comments about him. He has some general points and some specific points about West.


This is all good because I have learned a great deal about West in the last 2 hours.


And we have wanted the 2003 Sox to play like a team - we saluted the 2000 team for sticking up for one another - we appluaded Colon getting suspended not because he got suspended but because he stuck up for a team mate -


I am thrilled that our minor leaguers have that stick up for one another spirit. It bodes well for the future. :headbang

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Mr. Bullard, et al: Lighten up, please. There were no character assassinations in those reports. They were simply subjective evaluations of players who play for one of the 4-5 Sox affiliates. Were they based partly on raw statistics? Of course they were. That's the way it's been in baseball forever. Stats translate to ability and skill in baseball better than any other sport. Are there deviations from reality? Of course there are, and any intelligent fan (and that is not an oxymoron) recognizes that.


Maybe West had a few tough calls that adversely affected his stats, and maybe Jason didn't know about them. So what? He just said that his hits and walks per innings pitched were a little high to merit promotion to AAA (IN HIS OPINION). The fact that Jason, or me, for that matter, never played professional baseball is irrelevant. Anybody who does play sports professionally is vulnerable to criticism from fans, media and the press, most of whom are a lot more unfair and capricious that Jason was.


Criticism is part of American life. Just ask Sammy and Slick Rick Neuheisel. I'm quite certain that you and West have criticsized others in your lifetimes, too. Sometimes even people who are in another profession.


And lastly, these ratings were put together by people who are pulling for you, and they are read by people who are pulling for you. We are all starving for information about guys like you and West, and I think you know why. No one was trying to ruffle the feathers of our future White Sox players. Jason and his associates were just trying to pass on some arbitrary ratings of players in the system so that we might know a little more. As we read this stuff, we make our own evaluations anyway, which is something that we are entitled to do, even if we never played the game.

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You guys are probably wondering why I am still online right now, but we have been rained out tonight at West. Tenn. So we have a double dip tomorrow and Sunday. So me and Cotts are just checking out all the replies to the post that we started with West. I just want to make it clear that what was written was not solely my opinion but the combined opinions of our trio.


Cerb: Dude we totally appreciate your prospect lists and the guys within the list are all worthy of the slot that they were assigned. The only problem is the commentary that went along with the list. We didnt read all of the list but those we did read ie. West was pretty rough on him. I understand that it appears he has struggled but he has actually been working on a variety of new things ie. new windup, changeup, 2 seamer etc. and so his results have been mixed. He has given up a lot of soft contact early in the count, thus contributing to his low K's and higher hits. by no means has he fallen by the wayside. Dont think that we hate you or anything, we just wanted to get his side of the story on here as well. I guess this is the price I pay for showing my teammates the things you guys write.


cwsox: thanks for the understanding of what we were trying to say and not taking it as a personal hit at any of you guys on this site. I appreciate the fact you understand what being teammates is al about.


Brandofan: Dont take so many things we write so personal. We each have an opinion and we both have stated it. You dont need to trip out. We arent gonna waste any more time with you so.


Lastly, I have introduced this site to a lot of guys on the Barons and some others in the org. and they really enjoy reading what you guys have to say but none of them have enough balls to write.(actually half of them are illiterate retards!)J/k Anyway keep on posting and I'll try to post more as well.



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Bullard, West, Cotts: You have to keep things like this in the proper perspective. These guys, like the rest of us here, are fans. These evaluations and synopsi are impressions based on limited information. There is no way these guys are able to see all the games of all the minor league teams. They are only trying to supply as much information and opinions as possible in order to increase our enjoyment of the board and of being Sox fans (Lord knows we need all we can get in that area.). Keep in mind that they are not professional scouts and what they write will in any way have an effect on whether or not any individual minor leaguer achieves success in the show. To put things in a matter of perspective, I sometimes critcize the moves that Jerry Manuel makes during the games. But do I honestly think that I have a enough baseball knowledge to actually manage a major league team successfully? No. It's that simple. JM and the rest of them have been around the game their entire lives, and have learned the game the world's most knowledgeable instructors and coaches as they went through their careers. For me to honestly think that I could that job better than them would be arrogant and ignorant. So take this prospect list for what it's worth. Some fans trying to make things better for other fans.


Also, I think it would be safe to say that we are all pulling for guys to succeed in your careers.

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You guys are probably wondering why I am still online right now, but we have been rained out tonight at West. Tenn.  So we have a double dip tomorrow and Sunday.  So me and Cotts are just checking out all the replies to the post that we started with West.  I just want to make it clear that what was written was not solely my opinion but the combined opinions of our trio. 

Rain sucks, get em tomorrow! :headbang


Nice thread everyone, ton of respect shown and duely appreciated.

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You guys are probably wondering why I am still online right now, but we have been rained out tonight at West. Tenn.  So we have a double dip tomorrow and Sunday.  So me and Cotts are just checking out all the replies to the post that we started with West.  I just want to make it clear that what was written was not solely my opinion but the combined opinions of our trio. 


Cerb: Dude we totally appreciate your prospect lists and the guys within the list are all worthy of the slot that they were assigned.  The only problem is the commentary that went along with the list.  We didnt read all of the list but those we did read ie. West was pretty rough on him.  I understand that it appears he has struggled but he has actually been working on a variety of new things ie. new windup, changeup, 2 seamer etc.  and so his results have been mixed.  He has given up a lot of soft contact early in the count, thus contributing to his low K's and higher hits.  by no means has he fallen by the wayside.  Dont think that we hate you or anything, we just wanted to get his side of the story on here as well.  I guess this is the price I pay for showing my teammates the things you guys write. 


cwsox: thanks for the understanding of what we were trying to say and not taking it as a personal hit at any of you guys on this site.  I appreciate the fact you understand what being teammates is al about.


Brandofan: Dont take so many things we write so personal.  We each have an opinion and we both have stated it.  You dont need to trip out.  We arent gonna waste any more time with you so.


Lastly,  I have introduced this site to a lot of guys on the Barons and some others in the org. and they really enjoy reading what you guys have to say but none of them have enough balls to write.(actually half of them are illiterate retards!)J/k Anyway keep on posting and I'll try to post more as well.



Thanks for starting this thread, Mr. Bullock. As an athlete who'll never make it to where you guys are (currently playing D-3 hockey), I admire all that you guys down in the minors go through to get to the big leagues. The fact that you guys on the Barons come over here and care what the fans think of you and care what the fans think of your teammates speaks volumes about you guys. I (on behalf of us athletes who don't have the opportunity you do) wish you all good luck on the rest of the season and on your quest to get to the big leagues.

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Cerb: Dude we totally appreciate your prospect lists and the guys within the list are all worthy of the slot that they were assigned.  The only problem is the commentary that went along with the list.  We didnt read all of the list but those we did read ie. West was pretty rough on him.  I understand that it appears he has struggled but he has actually been working on a variety of new things ie. new windup, changeup, 2 seamer etc.  and so his results have been mixed.  He has given up a lot of soft contact early in the count, thus contributing to his low K's and higher hits.  by no means has he fallen by the wayside.  Dont think that we hate you or anything, we just wanted to get his side of the story on here as well.  I guess this is the price I pay for showing my teammates the things you guys write. 



I appreciate the feedback, too. It's good to know some ballplayers are reading my stuff, if they like it or not. In retrospect, I probably gave the most flak to West, but that's the way I am. If someone is struggling, like apparently West is right now, I'm going to say that he is struggling. I'm not going to beat around the bush, I'm going to say that he is struggling. But, just because I say he is struggling and that he doesn't deserve to be in AAA (West could most likely be in AAA, but I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to try new stuff in that ballpark, bleh) doesn't mean I don't respect you guys. Hell, without you guys, I wouldn't be interacting and writing stuff about you. If you see West, throw him a message that if he feels pissed off or anything, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to piss anyone off or anything, I just write what I think, harsh or not. Also, how's the OBP man, Scott Bikowski doing? Oh, and for Cotts, West, Bullard, etc. please get promoted to Charlotte in August; Jason, Mario, and I will be Charlotte, Winston-Salem, and Kannapolis and we'd love to see ya. Birmingham is just out in the middle of nowhere compared to WS, Charlotte, and Kannapolis.

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You guys are probably wondering why I am still online right now, but we have been rained out tonight at West. Tenn.  So we have a double dip tomorrow and Sunday.  So me and Cotts are just checking out all the replies to the post that we started with West.  I just want to make it clear that what was written was not solely my opinion but the combined opinions of our trio. 


Cerb: Dude we totally appreciate your prospect lists and the guys within the list are all worthy of the slot that they were assigned.  The only problem is the commentary that went along with the list.  We didnt read all of the list but those we did read ie. West was pretty rough on him.  I understand that it appears he has struggled but he has actually been working on a variety of new things ie. new windup, changeup, 2 seamer etc.  and so his results have been mixed.  He has given up a lot of soft contact early in the count, thus contributing to his low K's and higher hits.  by no means has he fallen by the wayside.  Dont think that we hate you or anything, we just wanted to get his side of the story on here as well.  I guess this is the price I pay for showing my teammates the things you guys write. 


cwsox: thanks for the understanding of what we were trying to say and not taking it as a personal hit at any of you guys on this site.  I appreciate the fact you understand what being teammates is al about.


Brandofan: Dont take so many things we write so personal.  We each have an opinion and we both have stated it.  You dont need to trip out.  We arent gonna waste any more time with you so.


Lastly,  I have introduced this site to a lot of guys on the Barons and some others in the org. and they really enjoy reading what you guys have to say but none of them have enough balls to write.(actually half of them are illiterate retards!)J/k Anyway keep on posting and I'll try to post more as well.



Thanks for starting this thread, Mr. Bullock. As an athlete who'll never make it to where you guys are (currently playing D-3 hockey), I admire all that you guys down in the minors go through to get to the big leagues. The fact that you guys on the Barons come over here and care what the fans think of you and care what the fans think of your teammates speaks volumes about you guys. I (on behalf of us athletes who don't have the opportunity you do) wish you all good luck on the rest of the season and on your quest to get to the big leagues.

JTC, what school do you play D3 hockey at? After high school I was torn between going to Bryant College(RI) to play D2 football and baseball or going to Babson College(MA) to play D3 hockey. Even though Babson was the better academic school I decided to go to Byrant. When I transfered to the University of Arizona my football and baseball career came to an end, but I ended up playing for the club hockey team there. We finished 6th for D1 club teams and were comparable to most D3 hockey schools. A couple of teammates are leaving to play D3 hockey at Conn College(CT) and Colby(ME) or at least tryout. Just curious which school you play at.

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No player would post on a fan site regarding prospect rankings, period. And if they do, they need to recognize that they are public figures who need to learn how to deal with criticism. Case closed.

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Hey guys great thread. I have really enjoyed reading from a guy in our system. Hey Jim thanks for giving a face to the often brutal critizisms that go on here. And to Neal Cotts, Brian West and all of the rest of your "illiterate" (that was hilarious) teammates join the crowd. We would LOVE to hear your stories and feelings as you go through the season. It would offer such an incredible insight that none of us will probably ever have.


Thanks again!

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Hey guys great thread.  I have really enjoyed reading from a guy in our system.  Hey Jim thanks for giving a face to the often brutal critizisms that go on here.  And to Neal Cotts, Brian West and all of the rest of your "illiterate" (that was hilarious) teammates join the crowd.  We would LOVE to hear your stories and feelings as you go through the season.  It would offer such an incredible insight that none of us will probably ever have.


Thanks again!

ditto :headbang

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If you are really Bullard,

I will vouch that is it Jim Bullard. He's a good guy and I enjoy all comments, whether from fans or players because you get different perspectives.


I think it is good how the players are willing to step up for eachother. It shows commrodory (excuse the spelling) and I am so excited for the future of this organization. Right now its the only thing that really gets me excited.


And like Mario said, were gonna be going down and watching all the games and I can't wait to do so. I'll definately stop by and give a shout out to all of you.


We love hearing from ya guys. Some may be harsh, etc, but know this, WE ARE ALL ROOTING for you to become stars. :headbang

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Hey guys great thread.  I have really enjoyed reading from a guy in our system.  Hey Jim thanks for giving a face to the often brutal critizisms that go on here.  And to Neal Cotts, Brian West and all of the rest of your "illiterate" (that was hilarious) teammates join the crowd.  We would LOVE to hear your stories and feelings as you go through the season.  It would offer such an incredible insight that none of us will probably ever have.


Thanks again!

Agreed. All of them are welcome here. You seem really cool Jim and I'm sure all your team-mates are cool. You guys seem to be a real close knit bunch and thats great to hear.


The only thing I ask is that you guys don't forget eachother when you make it to the show, cause I love watching teams where everyone picks eachother, up etc. Its some of the best baseball ever.


Ya never know, one day I could be in the organization in some way, at least I'm going to try to. :)


Go kick some butt in the double header tomorrow.

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JTC, what school do you play D3 hockey at? After high school I was torn between going to Bryant College(RI) to play D2 football and baseball or going to Babson College(MA) to play D3 hockey. Even though Babson was the better academic school I decided to go to Byrant. When I transfered to the University of Arizona my football and baseball career came to an end, but I ended up playing for the club hockey team there. We finished 6th for D1 club teams and were comparable to most D3 hockey schools. A couple of teammates are leaving to play D3 hockey at Conn College(CT) and Colby(ME) or at least tryout. Just curious which school you play at.

I'm at the Milwaukee School of Engineering... in the lowest of low D-3 conferences, the MCHA. Went to prep school in Indiana (Culver, if you're heard of it... Suter's alma mater). Nothing worth bragging about at all now ('cept that we tied Lake Forest College and swept Buffalo State, the worst team in SUNY). We'll probably be a respectable D-3 team by the '04-'05 season (my junior year), when our new $32 mil. rink is going up....

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and they really enjoy reading what you guys have to say but none of them have enough balls to write.(actually half of them are illiterate retards!)J/k Anyway keep on posting and I'll try to post more as well.





Rock on Jim! :headbang :headbang

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You guys are probably wondering why I am still online right now, but we have been rained out tonight at West. Tenn.  So we have a double dip tomorrow and Sunday.  So me and Cotts are just checking out all the replies to the post that we started with West.  I just want to make it clear that what was written was not solely my opinion but the combined opinions of our trio. 


Cerb: Dude we totally appreciate your prospect lists and the guys within the list are all worthy of the slot that they were assigned.  The only problem is the commentary that went along with the list.  We didnt read all of the list but those we did read ie. West was pretty rough on him.  I understand that it appears he has struggled but he has actually been working on a variety of new things ie. new windup, changeup, 2 seamer etc.  and so his results have been mixed.  He has given up a lot of soft contact early in the count, thus contributing to his low K's and higher hits.  by no means has he fallen by the wayside.  Dont think that we hate you or anything, we just wanted to get his side of the story on here as well.  I guess this is the price I pay for showing my teammates the things you guys write. 


cwsox: thanks for the understanding of what we were trying to say and not taking it as a personal hit at any of you guys on this site.  I appreciate the fact you understand what being teammates is al about.


Brandofan: Dont take so many things we write so personal.  We each have an opinion and we both have stated it.  You dont need to trip out.  We arent gonna waste any more time with you so.


Lastly,  I have introduced this site to a lot of guys on the Barons and some others in the org. and they really enjoy reading what you guys have to say but none of them have enough balls to write.(actually half of them are illiterate retards!)J/k Anyway keep on posting and I'll try to post more as well.



Jim, Neal, and Brian. I'd just like to say great job in B'Ham so far this year. I also feel that we are so fortunate to have three potential future Sox pitchers talking to us on our own site. (Most fans never get that satisfaction.) I hope that all three of you keep posting from wherever you go in your baseball career.


Once again great job so far this season, keep kickin ass! :headbang



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Thanks fellas for checking in, but you have to admit, with Brian repeating AA I expected at least as good a season as last year, not sure that has happened yet. Want to ask Brian, seems like you throw a couple good innings and start getting hit a bit harder, you are a big guy and if you have a heavy sinking fastball have you ever considered switching to the pen.

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