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HS Senior rips his own graduating class.


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I got elected to my LSC, ripped the school and Administration all through my campaign, pledged not to be their lapdog as a slap to a bunch of people, and when I got elected, I resigned. I resigned because I was outnumbered on the LSC, and didn't really want to be on it. I just had some things to say, and some fun to have.

Edited by Gregory Pratt
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Ya kid, you can say the same thing about almost every f***ing school in the U.S. that has students cheating, athletes skipping classwork and getting a free ride, and kids smoking and drinking in the bathrooms.. :rolly


Seems like a full born nerd to me. Just be happy that you didn't participate in it, and most importantly you GRADUATED. Let those other kids be bums.-

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"Kyle's speech was a sophomoric attempt to voice his personal feelings. It was not intended to help the senior class, offer guidance or instill nostalgia, and it distracted from the dignity of the commencement ceremony," Libby wrote in an op-ed to her local newspaper, the Sarasota Herald Tribune."


Yeah, and the rampant drug use, cheating and douchebaggery you and your friends participated in was totally dignified, right? GMAFB. And he did offer guidance -- he called them all out on being f***ing idiots.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 11:19 PM)
I am overwhelmed by the profundity of your well-reasoned post.




to the people who are telling this kid to get over it...i remind you that the US was 18th in math scores, the best way to change that is to remove the drug use and prominant cheating in high schools. Higher level public schools are more halfway houses than institutions of learning.


I applaud this kid.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 05:46 PM)
"Kyle's speech was a sophomoric attempt to voice his personal feelings. It was not intended to help the senior class, offer guidance or instill nostalgia, and it distracted from the dignity of the commencement ceremony," Libby wrote in an op-ed to her local newspaper, the Sarasota Herald Tribune."


Yeah, and the rampant drug use, cheating and douchebaggery you and your friends participated in was totally dignified, right? GMAFB. And he did offer guidance -- he called them all out on being f***ing idiots.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Plus the quote calling it 'sophomoric' is pretty hilarious. Sophomoric? Ohhhh, she called you a sophomore, what an insult! I hate class board members, they are really the worst. A lot of them just act squeaky clean when they actually aren't.

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QUOTE(bmags @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 08:53 PM)
...i remind you that the US was 18th in math scores, the best way to change that is to remove the drug use and prominant cheating in high schools.



that or actually teach them math rather than have a bunch of worthless "diversity" classes.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 10:14 PM)
that or actually teach them math rather than have a bunch of worthless "diversity" classes.










Amen to that one.

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this kid is a f***tard. look at him for christsakes. if your gonna make a public call out to a certain group, at least make it funny. ill bet half the student population would like to kick this kids sorry ass. just look out for yourself and dont worry about other people because they have absolutly no bearing on what you do, thats what high schools all about. this kid comes off as one of those nerdy, loner types and probably figured this was his golden opportunity to have all eyes on him. the student council broad is nuts too.


i actually did something similar to what this kid did at my HS graduation but not thru a speech, just having a little fun and my diploma was withheld. comming from experience, i wouldve told the kid, its your last day, give em what they want and be done with it. you got your diploma, everyone goes home happy and you start your post-HS life easy as that. just my $0.02

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 10:14 PM)
that or actually teach them math rather than have a bunch of worthless "diversity" classes.

Says John Stossel and the let's protect the rich kids via privatized school system mouthpieces that you parrot. Really, when you have no idea what the f*** you're talking about, you should really stay quiet instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt that you're not intelligent about the topic.


/is a teacher

//knows you're bulls***ting and is calling you on it

///loves slashies

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QUOTE(bmags @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 08:53 PM)


to the people who are telling this kid to get over it...i remind you that the US was 18th in math scores, the best way to change that is to remove the drug use and prominant cheating in high schools. Higher level public schools are more halfway houses than institutions of learning.


I applaud this kid.

I agree with you. This year I had an excellent Pre-Cal/Calc I teacher and she laid the groundwork for a strict class at the beginning of the year and made cheating basically impossible. I learned by far the most I've ever learned in any class this year because of her.


For those of you that say this happens in all High Schools in America, you are right. But that doesn't make it right. My High School was selected as one of the 40 best High Schools in the United States last year, and I have always felt that my school is screwed up and there is rampant drug and alcohol use.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 11, 2006 -> 11:22 PM)
Says John Stossel and the let's protect the rich kids via privatized school system mouthpieces that you parrot. Really, when you have no idea what the f*** you're talking about, you should really stay quiet instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt that you're not intelligent about the topic.


/is a teacher

//knows you're bulls***ting and is calling you on it

///loves slashies



/guarantees he's forgotten more about mathematics than you'll ever know

//graduated from the University of Illinois with Master of Science in computer science (top 5 cs program in the country, lots of math)

///also loves slashes




QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 12:42 AM)
Ya, that kid has no friends.



haha, totally

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 01:51 AM)
/guarantees he's forgotten more about mathematics than you'll ever know

//graduated from the University of Illinois with Master of Science in computer science (top 5 cs program in the country, lots of math)

///also loves slashes

haha, totally

Graduating from a school that doesn't deal with educational policy does not make you an expert on educational policy. Just because you went to school doesn't make you an expert about schools.


I'm still waiting to see how your Masters in CS has any bearing on your claim that there are tons of diversity classes in mathematics in high school. If it doesn't have any bearing on the topic then you've got another baseless claim out there because I'm waiting for some evidence that classes don't teach math.


I've sat in on plenty of math courses and know numerous teachers in IL that teach a variety of subjects (math included) that would greatly differ with your rash babbling about 'diversity classes' and the non-teaching of math. But who needs to have facts when you have right wing tinged babbling about public schools? Right Mr. Genius?

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Our educational system has been on the decline for decades. This kid pointed out several of the reasons why in front of the only educational system to which he had access. You guys calling this kid a loser and a nerd, well I have news for you. He's going to be the one raking in the big bucks and getting the trophy wife because he considered his education important. The ones that skate through school doing just enough to get by, spending the bulk of your time being popular, being jocks or heads and trying to score the hot babes are the ones that will end up being losers. Take it to bank.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 08:29 AM)
Our educational system has been on the decline for decades. This kid pointed out several of the reasons why in front of the only educational system to which he had access. You guys calling this kid a loser and a nerd, well I have news for you. He's going to be the one raking in the big bucks and getting the trophy wife because he considered his education important. The ones that skate through school doing just enough to get by, spending the bulk of your time being popular, being jocks or heads and trying to score the hot babes are the ones that will end up being losers. Take it to bank.

Hm. Are you sure? I mean, are you sure it won't be the ones calling him a f***tard (whatever the hell that is) and saying that high school is all about the 'me' and the now? Aren't they the cool kids 4eva?!


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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 08:29 AM)
Our educational system has been on the decline for decades. This kid pointed out several of the reasons why in front of the only educational system to which he had access. You guys calling this kid a loser and a nerd, well I have news for you. He's going to be the one raking in the big bucks and getting the trophy wife because he considered his education important. The ones that skate through school doing just enough to get by, spending the bulk of your time being popular, being jocks or heads and trying to score the hot babes are the ones that will end up being losers. Take it to bank.


I think Yas just said I ended up a loser. :fight ;)

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