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The latest craze in abortion law...


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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 13, 2006 -> 11:59 PM)
As for support, you obviously wouldn't have the father paying more support because the mother doesn't have to feed & clothe the child yet.


True, but there are most often added health care costs during pregnancy that I believe should be accounted for if it is an alimony situation.

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What time are you speaking of? The time after we die that we may or may not come face to face with a God that may or may not exist?



But why would a person want to kill there own child? It is murder in the worst sense. And you keep on thinking that way about the lord.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:27 PM)
But why would a person want to kill there own child? It is murder in the worst sense. And you keep on thinking that way about the lord.


Damn, The Lord doesn't even rate capital letters anymore.


The entire nation has lost its way. :headshake




Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:27 PM)
But why would a person want to kill there own child? It is murder in the worst sense. And you keep on thinking that way about the lord.


The problem is where does it become human life? Is it at the point of viability? Where it can reasonably be expected to survive and continue development independent of the mother? Is it at the end of the 9th week, when the embryo becomes a fetus? Is it at the point of fertilization, when four cells become a blastocyst?


The problem with abortion lies with a lack of consensus about when a human becomes a sentient being and when it's not. Once we as a society can determine that time frame responsibly, can we settle the abortion issue.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes right again. Adoption is such a good option why kill a child when there is such a good alternative that works out well for the mother as well as the child. I just don't see how this could be a choice only if the mothers life is in danger or maybe in the case rape or incest. The only other reasons to get an abortion is to serve selfish purposes and will judged accordingly when the time comes.

I'm not 100% sure of the adoption process, but how exactly to parents get to decide what type of child they want and how long does it take to get one? I can't imagine there's much demand for an underweight crack baby.


Would you as a republican be in favor of allowing gay couples to adopt a child?


There's one for conservatives to ponder for awhile;



Gay couples adopting :whichway abortion

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:14 PM)
I'm not 100% sure of the adoption process, but how exactly to parents get to decide what type of child they want and how long does it take to get one? I can't imagine there's much demand for an underweight crack baby.


Would you as a republican be in favor of allowing gay couples to adopt a child?


There's one for conservatives to ponder for awhile;

Gay couples adopting :whichway abortion



In a nut shell if you want something specific, you place an "order".. and you wait, and wait, and wait - which comes after you have been raked over the coals by a few agencies, your life is investigated all the way back to that 0.05 bubble gum you stole, and all your friends, family, and co-workers have been questioned. It took friends of ours 3 years to get a white girl, and after that 11 weeks to get an african american boy. And there is a poster here that waited quite a while as well. And then once you find what you want, that doesn't mean anything because the birth mother or father can back out of the "deal" for up to (iirc - please don't hold me to this) 48 hours. It's an insane process. I would be in favor of a child being adopted by ANYONE that can give them a good home - gay or straight regardless of their political affiliation or religious beliefs. There are just too many children out there who need homes.

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Notice how Nuke and minors completely abstain from trying to define what an unborn child is to them. Is it a blastula or a fetus? Is a third trimester fetus different from a second? What if its organs aren't fully developed like every single fetus (ever)? What if a miscarriage occurs after the embryo is formed? What if the woman goes into septic shock? What if the woman is raped? What if the woman is raped by a family member? It's still life isn't it?

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Notice how Nuke and minors completely abstain from trying to define what an unborn child is to them. Is it a blastula or a fetus? Is a third trimester fetus different from a second? What if its organs aren't fully developed like every single fetus (ever)? What if a miscarriage occurs after the embryo is formed? What if the woman goes into septic shock? What if the woman is raped? What if the woman is raped by a family member? It's still life isn't it?



A CHILD IS A CHILD there it doesnt matter to me how far along it is. So that is why I abstain. If the women is raped yes it is still murder and family same goes for a family member and anytime the mothers life in jeopardy then it isn't It becomes a life saving procedure. Now why are people like Cerbaho, Heads, Lowercase, Rex and the liberals against the Death Penalty that kills thugs but yet gleefully defend abortion or "right to choose"? A killers life is more worth saving that an innocent helpless baby?

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:44 PM)
A CHILD IS A CHILD there it doesnt matter to me how far along it is. So that is why I abstain. If the women is raped yes it is still murder and family same goes for a family member and anytime the mothers life in jeopardy then it isn't It becomes a life saving procedure. Now why are people like Cerbaho, Heads, Lowercase, Rex and the liberals against the Death Penalty that kills thugs but yet gleefully defend abortion or "right to choose"? A killers life is more worth saving that an innocent helpless baby?



While I think abortion is a terrible thing, I also believe the government does not have the right to tell a women what she can and can't do with there bodies.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 12:44 AM)
A CHILD IS A CHILD there it doesnt matter to me how far along it is. So that is why I abstain. If the women is raped yes it is still murder and family same goes for a family member and anytime the mothers life in jeopardy then it isn't It becomes a life saving procedure.



minors, I get your point. But I do hope you understand that there are many situations - many not even known - where a woman may be confronted with interrupting her pregnancy for reasons other than a risk to either life. It's not cut and dry and I hope that if you are even in such a situation you have an open mind.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 12:44 AM)
A CHILD IS A CHILD there it doesnt matter to me how far along it is. So that is why I abstain. If the women is raped yes it is still murder and family same goes for a family member and anytime the mothers life in jeopardy then it isn't It becomes a life saving procedure. Now why are people like Cerbaho, Heads, Lowercase, Rex and the liberals against the Death Penalty that kills thugs but yet gleefully defend abortion or "right to choose"? A killers life is more worth saving that an innocent helpless baby?



Thats one thing about leftists that disgusts me more than anything else. They go on and on calling executions state sponsored murder but killing babies is perfectly acceptable to them.




Just out of curiosity Id like to know how many babies are murdered via abortion versus how many criminals are executed. Methinks that innocent children are getting slaughtered at a much higher rate.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 12:44 AM)
A CHILD IS A CHILD there it doesnt matter to me how far along it is. So that is why I abstain. If the women is raped yes it is still murder and family same goes for a family member and anytime the mothers life in jeopardy then it isn't It becomes a life saving procedure. Now why are people like Cerbaho, Heads, Lowercase, Rex and the liberals against the Death Penalty that kills thugs but yet gleefully defend abortion or "right to choose"? A killers life is more worth saving that an innocent helpless baby?

I can respect the view that life begins at conception. I don't really agree with it, but I can certainly see the logic.


What I have never understood is the exception for rape. Rape is a terrible thing, but if you believe life begins at conception, then how can you justify mitigating the effect of a rape with the murder of an innocent? I'm sorry but there is absolutely no logic in that. If life begins at conception, then NO abortion should ever be legal.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 01:44 AM)
A CHILD IS A CHILD there it doesnt matter to me how far along it is. So that is why I abstain. If the women is raped yes it is still murder and family same goes for a family member and anytime the mothers life in jeopardy then it isn't It becomes a life saving procedure. Now why are people like Cerbaho, Heads, Lowercase, Rex and the liberals against the Death Penalty that kills thugs but yet gleefully defend abortion or "right to choose"? A killers life is more worth saving that an innocent helpless baby?


Where in this thread did I say that I agree with abortion? The truth is that I don't know at what point human life becomes a human being. I hate the idea of abortion myself, but I think this is a policy decision that is more public health than politics, and ultimately should be left up to public health officials to decide what a safe, ethical policy should be.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 09:05 AM)
Where in this thread did I say that I agree with abortion? The truth is that I don't know at what point human life becomes a human being. I hate the idea of abortion myself, but I think this is a policy decision that is more public health than politics, and ultimately should be left up to public health officials to decide what a safe, ethical policy should be.


The health exceptings I can rationalize. The abortion for birth control and less than desirable babies really bothers me.




Since abortion was legalized in 1973, estimates are that some 50 million of them have been performed in the U.S. Of that number, relatively few have been owing to fetal defects, compared with lifestyle concerns, according to a 2004 Alan Guttmacher Institute study
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The 'when does life begin' question is a distraction, and a silly exercise, even when caveats of viability etc., are thrown in. When should a dividing mass of diploid cells be considered a human being is slightly more relevant, and certainly lots of legal arguments on both sides hang on it.


The two aspects I regularly interject into this argument are, first, that the notion that there are scores of people who get abortions as casually as they would get a pedicure is a fanciful one. Almost to a person on the pro-choice side of the arguments here, people say they find the thought of terminating a pregnancy repugnant and theat they would nevver do it if they were in that position. I count myself in that group. It is not something the majority of women opting for do lightly and without a lot of conscience searching.


Second, I'll reiterate a little quip that is neither here nor there, just food for thought. Greater than 50% of all pregnancies end in spontaneous termination – natural abortion, if you will. In most of these cases, the woman doesn't even kbow she was pregnant. All of you who are so completely intractable in your stance that human life begins at conception with no exceptions have got to be royally cheesed off at that wacky God, who is numerically the single biggest baby killer of all and murders tens of millions of unborn babies a year.


Then again, who are we to question teh Ineffable Plan®. After all, maybe the 50+% of babies God is smiting in the womb were going to be the gay ones? We all know how how God can't stands the ***s.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 09:16 AM)
The health exceptings I can rationalize. The abortion for birth control and less than desirable babies really bothers me.



You mean folks who aren't ready to be parents and not children with severe developmental issues, correct?

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 09:28 AM)
You mean folks who aren't ready to be parents and not children with severe developmental issues, correct?


I am definately referring to kids who are aborted with simple defects.


Many aren't even severe issues.


Another four babies were aborted because they had extra digits or webbed fingers, according to the same story. In 2002 a baby was aborted at 28 weeks because of a cleft palate. Last year, a 6-month-old fetus was aborted when ultrasound revealed that part of a foot was missing, according to the Times.
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