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Sheriff Joe's Round them up immigration policy


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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 03:10 PM)
I'd say maybe they get a trial first.

Pssh, who needs trials, the presumption of innocence and lethal injections when you can just have show trials (since we know they're already guilty) followed by taking them out in the back of the courthouse and put a slug in their head. If it can work for the Soviets, it can work for us!

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I'd say maybe they get a trial first.


They have plenty of evidence no doubt about guilt. Guns found in there apartment were the same type of weapon used in the crimes and the forensic evidence links the guns with the crimes this is an open and shut case. They could save the public a lot of money if they just give them the injection right now.

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QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 03:24 PM)
They have plenty of evidence no doubt about guilt. Guns found in there apartment were the same type of weapon used in the crimes and the forensic evidence links the guns with the crimes this is an open and shut case. They could save the public a lot of money if they just give them the injection right now.


Why do you hate the American legal system?

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Why do you hate the American legal system?


I don't hate the system. The evidence is clearly there why do we need to waste the money on these thugs or I guess I could use the liberal thinking that the cops must have planted all the evidence because the cops are so bad and the criminals are so nice. But unfortunately we will have to have a long trial with tons of cost to the taxpayers just so they will be found guilty and end up appealing for 7 to 10 years with another huge bill to taxpayers just so they get the injection anyway.

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QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 03:43 PM)
I don't hate the system. The evidence is clearly there why do we need to waste the money on these thugs or I guess I could use the liberal thinking that the cops must have planted all the evidence because the cops are so bad and the criminals are so nice. But unfortunately we will have to have a long trial with tons of cost to the taxpayers just so they will be found guilty and end up appealing for 7 to 10 years with another huge bill to taxpayers just so they get the injection anyway.


Thankfully, no one who works in anything even closely related to the legal field agrees with you.


Our legal system is predicated on a fair trial and vigorous defense for EVERYONE, even the most vile, disgusting criminals. Otherwise, the State can just decide which cases to railroad. Also, the State will get lazy because they won't have to build a solid case in "obvious" situations. That ain't good for nobody.

Edited by StrangeSox
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Thankfully, no one who works in anything even closely related to the legal field agrees with you.


Our legal system is predicated on a fair trial and vigorous defense for EVERYONE, even the most vile, disgusting criminals. Otherwise, the State can just decide which cases to railroad. Also, the State will get lazy because they won't have to build a solid case in "obvious" situations. That ain't good for nobody.


I was just kidding a Trial is needed I don't agree with all the appeals but yes everyone deserves a trial.

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QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 02:40 PM)
Yes he did what a great job by a great leader


Killers caught

Now it is time for there injections.



Wait a minute. I thought he was a clueless incompetent who was too busy handing out bologna sandwiches and violating the constitution to do his job.



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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 04:49 PM)
Wait a minute. I thought he was a clueless incompetent who was too busy handing out bologna sandwiches and violating the constitution to do his job.



He is a clueless incompetent who was too busy handing out bologna sandwiches and violating the Constitution to do his job.


I'd pin credit for the collar on the work of the Homicide divisions rather than on Joe because, well, they were the ones who did all the work.


From Phoenix News Times:


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Maybe the judge can convince the Disney channel to show the trial? That way they defendants will be able to review the day's proceedings in one of Sheriff Joe's luxury suites. And don't forget the added benefit of having kids learn the American legal system. Edited by farmteam
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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 04:56 PM)
He is a clueless incompetent who was too busy handing out bologna sandwiches and violating the Constitution to do his job.


I'd pin credit for the collar on the work of the Homicide divisions rather than on Joe because, well, they were the ones who did all the work.


From Phoenix News Times:




How is it that you can assign blame to someone in charge when he fails in his duties but assign the credit elsewhere for successes?

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He is a clueless incompetent who was too busy handing out bologna sandwiches and violating the Constitution to do his job.


I'd pin credit for the collar on the work of the Homicide divisions rather than on Joe because, well, they were the ones who did all the work.


From Phoenix News Times:



I would take more points more seriously if used links that were not slewed by liberalism or just the flat hatred of him. Now if used independent sites I would take your point of view more seriously. But posting your views then backing them up with such slanted sites doesn't work for me.

Edited by minors
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QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes he did what a great job by a great leader


Killers caught

Now it is time for there injections.

Good. According to the article, that crap has been going on since May 2005. Where was Joe then? How come you're giving all the credit to him and not the Cops who actually arrested these guys and the sources that provided the information to "there" arrests?


Let's not get to "there" injections just yet. According to the pesky Constitution, they get a trial and if they can not afford one, an evil lawyer SOB will be appointed to represent them.


QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They could save the public a lot of money if they just give them the injection right now.

I think it's already been well established that Joe doesn't give two spiffs about the public's money.


Minors, they have to follow the Constitution, otherwise the evil ACLU will get involved.

Edited by santo=dorf
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Good. According to the article, that crap has been going on since May 2005. Where was Joe then.


Let's not get to "there" injections just yet. According to the pesky Constitution, they get a trial and if they can not afford one, and evil lawyer SOB will be appointed to represent them.



Serial killers are tough to find and most certainly when the crimes are spread over a 50 mile radius. I just really having a hard time understanding the liberal views on this first he is to blame because he didn't get them fast enough then he doesn't deserve any credit because his deputies caught him. They will be convicted to much evidence here maybe they will spare everyone and just confess.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 10:23 PM)
How is it that you can assign blame to someone in charge when he fails in his duties but assign the credit elsewhere for successes?


Because there's no indication in that article that he had anything to do with the arrests.

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Good. According to the article, that crap has been going on since May 2005. Where was Joe then? How come you're giving all the credit to him and not the Cops who actually arrested these guys and the sources that provided the information to "there" arrests?


Let's not get to "there" injections just yet. According to the pesky Constitution, they get a trial and if they can not afford one, an evil lawyer SOB will be appointed to represent them.

I think it's already been well established that Joe doesn't give two spiffs about the public's money.


Minors, they have to follow the Constitution, otherwise the evil ACLU will get involved.



The injections are out of Joe's hands. And one can dream about just giving them an injection but I know it is still 10 years away because of the great ACLU.

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Because there's no indication in that article that he had anything to do with the arrests.



So then how it is his fault for them being on the loose for a year it must have been the stupid homicide dectectives as well. You guys can't have it both ways either he had nothing to do with this thing at all or he deserves all credit/blame

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QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 05:25 PM)
I would take more points more seriously if used links that were not slewed by liberalism or just the flat hatred of him. Now if used independent sites I would take your point of view more seriously. But posting your views then backing them up with such slanted sites doesn't work for me.

How about the The Arizona Conservative being opposed to Arpaio and his jackbooted tactics?



How about the Republicans of Legislative District 22 shunning Arpaio in 2004?


Or the conservative/libertarian Penn Jillette (when he raked Arpaio over the coals in an episode of their Showtime TV show dealing with the war on drugs)


It isn't just liberals that are fed up with his tactics. He's getting disowned by a lot of conservatives. (And I just went for AZ so there could be no "Well, that's what those Left Coast elitist liberals think, not the conservatives of AZ!" talk)


QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 05:36 PM)
So then how it is his fault for them being on the loose for a year it must have been the stupid homicide dectectives as well. You guys can't have it both ways either he had nothing to do with this thing at all or he deserves all credit/blame

Brilliant false dichotomy.


The homicide detectives who did the work should get the credit for making their arrests. Arpaio is good at publicity stunts and dog and pony shows, that's about it. If Arpaio appropriately focused media attention on the execution style murders (funny how execution style murders are seen as so ghastly and obscene, yet executions are cheered by some here -- but that aside) rather than his shortsighted "I'm-a put all these criminals in a tent!" policy or his "Round up all the illegal immigrants so we can all pay $20 for a head of lettuce!" policy, then they may have been captured quicker by getting the public's assistance faster. But instead we had the "Most Pompous Sheriff in the US" parade himself out there for his own glory rather than the protection of his own citizenry that he's supposed to worry about.


These guys getting captured was good policework in spite of the sheriff who wouldn't know good policework if it bit him in the ass.

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How about the The Arizona Conservative being opposed to Arpaio and his jackbooted tactics?



How about the Republicans of Legislative District 22 shunning Arpaio in 2004?


Or the conservative/libertarian Penn Jillette (when he raked Arpaio over the coals in an episode of their Showtime TV show dealing with the war on drugs)


It isn't just liberals that are fed up with his tactics. He's getting disowned by a lot of conservatives. (And I just went for AZ so there could be no "Well, that's what those Left Coast elitist liberals think, not the conservatives of AZ!" talk)


What I have a hard time understanding is why if he is hated by liberals, hated by conservatives and hated by the middle man why does he dominate elections Maricopa County I believe is the 4th biggest county in the US so I am sure good competition is around so why does he win so much and your one site said it would be a 8.0 if he was to beat and make national news, so why if he is so hated why is it so hard to beat him?

Edited by minors
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QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 05:52 PM)
What I have a hard time understanding is why if he is hated by liberals, hated by conservatives and hated by the middle man why does he dominate elections Maricopa County I believe is the 4th biggest county in the US so I am sure good competition is around so why does he win so much and your one site said it would be a 8.0 is he was beat and make national news, so why if he is so hated why is it so hard to beat him?

Simply -- PR and 'truthiness'. He's on TV stump-speaking on local TV, talk shows, TV shows, etc. damn near every day. That's quite a PR machine.


It feels true that his harsh tactics and "no-nonsense" way of dealing with criminals works. However, it's pretty clear that studies have shown little decrease in recitivism. It's also true that his 'tent city' jail is actually for petty criminals -- many of whom haven't gone to trial yet -- meaning he's got mostly non-violent offenders there, not the hardcore, violent so called dregs of society.


There's no evidence to show that his tactics work but it feels good to believe that they do because of his extensive PR campaign. Plus, he's got a cult following in Maricopa County and he pumps political propaganda through the tent jail every day (the Gingrich tapes).


It's a brilliant bait and switch. He pulls out the dog and pony show to amaze you but if you move the curtain aside, the facts show it's just the tiny little man working lots of controls to make himself look so amazing.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 07:00 PM)
Simply -- PR and 'truthiness'. He's on TV stump-speaking on local TV, talk shows, TV shows, etc. damn near every day. That's quite a PR machine.


It's a brilliant bait and switch. He pulls out the dog and pony show to amaze you but if you move the curtain aside, the facts show it's just the tiny little man working lots of controls to make himself look so amazing.


and thats different from 99% of all politicians how?

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QUOTE(minors @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 03:33 PM)
The injections are out of Joe's hands. And one can dream about just giving them an injection but I know it is still 10 years away because of the great ACLU.




I doubt Dale Hausner ever gets Death I really think he is sick he in the last year went off the deep end with the death of his 2 kids when his wife fell asleep at the wheel and he tried pulling them out of the car but was too late, then his wife died of some freak illness and now his only remaining 2 year old daughter is dying of cancer all within the last year. By no means is this any excuse for what he did he deserves to pay for his crimes but I really think a hospital is better for him. Also Arizona has 114 inmates ahead of these guys right now and there is still trial and sentencing and AZ has not executed a person since Bill Clinton was president on November 4th 2000. So if they do get executed it will be at least 15 years if ever.

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I doubt Dale Hausner ever gets Death I really think he is sick he in the last year went off the deep end with the death of his 2 kids when his wife fell asleep at the wheel and he tried pulling them out of the car but was too late, then his wife died of some freak illness and now his only remaining 2 year old daughter is dying of cancer all within the last year. By no means is this any excuse for what he did he deserves to pay for his crimes but I really think a hospital is better for him. Also Arizona has 114 inmates ahead of these guys right now and there is still trial and sentencing and AZ has not executed a person since Bill Clinton was president on November 4th 2000. So if they do get executed it will be at least 15 years if ever.



Oh come on he is not sick, If we keep making these expections no body would be in jail. We need to stop being so soft on criminals and stop coddling these thugs like some people want to do. But I guess if the women who killed her 5 kids used that as an excuse I am sure it work for him as well.

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