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Tribune boasts Cell Phone as Breakthrough Technology


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QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:23 PM)
No, and I've been here 2 days and I've seen more pointless Hangar bashing than I ever did at WSI. Grow up people.


It's about the stupid excuses the media makes to cover the Cubs constantly. Everything they do is a "huge" story. Cell phones in the dugout? Big deal. Ozzie could call the bullpen on his US Cellular phone and call it "new technology". It's the same thing. (sarcasm-->)But you won't hear that because the Sox have no fans and the southside is full of gang bangers and there aren't enough bars around the park. (



note how only 1 person has commented on the use of a Cell Phone in baseball and how its use might change the way communication works (felix). Im not sure what the other comments are supposed to be in favor of them? are they breakthrough? Not really? Crains Business thinks this is a big deal too, not sure why,

its a CELL PHONE, theres nothing new about it

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 02:33 PM)
its a CELL PHONE, theres nothing new about it

Its new to the ballpark though, and thats what they are getting at. Teams don't use cell phone to call the bullpen.. they never have. Since the Cubs did it for the first time, its going to be considered 'revolutionary technology', which is what the article refers to it as.

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 06:33 PM)
note how only 1 person has commented on the use of a Cell Phone in baseball and how its use might change the way communication works (felix). Im not sure what the other comments are supposed to be in favor of them? are they breakthrough? Not really? Crains Business thinks this is a big deal too, not sure why,

its a CELL PHONE, theres nothing new about it

Hangar, do you care what kind of undershirt Ozzie Guillen wears during Sox games? Neither do I. However, this did not stop the media running countless stories on it last year.


Fact is, the media will pick up these semi-interesting tidbits and make them bigger than they actually are. It happens.

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QUOTE(Felix @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 11:36 AM)
Its new to the ballpark though, and thats what they are getting at. Teams don't use cell phone to call the bullpen.. they never have. Since the Cubs did it for the first time, its going to be considered 'revolutionary technology', which is what the article refers to it as.


Only the Tribune would write something that stupid. It's a f***ing phone... and there's already a land line from the dugout to the bullpen. One uses wires and the other doesn't. Big f***ing deal.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 02:37 PM)
Hangar, do you care what kind of undershirt Ozzie Guillen wears during Sox games?

Chicago Fire jersey? :P


QUOTE(WCSox @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 02:38 PM)
Only the Tribune would write something that stupid. It's a f***ing phone... and there's already a land line from the dugout to the bullpen. One uses wires and the other doesn't. Big f***ing deal.

And its fine that you feel that way, but its still a story because its the first time it was done by a team.

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:33 PM)
note how only 1 person has commented on the use of a Cell Phone in baseball and how its use might change the way communication works (felix). Im not sure what the other comments are supposed to be in favor of them? are they breakthrough? Not really? Crains Business thinks this is a big deal too, not sure why,

its a CELL PHONE, theres nothing new about it


Hangar, people aren't upset about the topic. They are upset that you started a thread with a laughably vague title and lead post, failing to cite any sort of article backing up your claim about people going nuts on it.


You want a comment on the topic? Here is one. Its a stupid idea if they don't use an internal, proprietary system with some sort of encryption. Why? Its called a scanner. Most cell phones and wireless devices operate in specific freq ranges, often the 800- and 900- trunk bands. These bands can be listened in on, and detected for proximity, by easy-to-find police/fire scanners and other such technology. So, the communications could be intercepted, if another team wanted to do that. Football had that problem at one point I believe, and changed their systems to accomodate.

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I heard them make fun of this on the radio yesterday and kind of slam the Cubs and the Tribune for trying to make a big deal out of it. I didn't listen long enough to hear if any of you called up to attack them also.


Seriously, you folks and your endless attacks on Hangar are getting ridiculous. I have no idea what he did on that other site, as I don't visit it ever, but this is one long personal attack and the ones coming across poorly are the attackers, and not Hangar. This is in the eyes of a person who does not know all the ugly things. But I have yet to see him start "s***" with any of you, but you all continuously go after him. This is a message board, and a great amount of the crap posted here are personal opinions. I know he is posting "facts" and many of you question his idea of "facts", but you come across like he is attacking your family history. It's really ridiculous. I bet I could back the KKK in that thread in the Filibuster and get less flack than Hangar gets.


For the record, I think the "revolutionary" idea of the cell phones (is it cell phone use or is it that annoying Nextel chirping "walkie-talkie" crap?) is a bit of a joke. I don't know why it is being talked about in as many places as it is.


Also for the record, aluminum bats aren't used I believe because of the danger that comes with them. I know they are used in college, but does anybody really want to be on the recieving end of a Barry Bonds/Frank Thomas line drive to third? Or in the stands as one of those shoot off the bat right on a baseline? We see injuries often enough in the stands and MLB knows the injuries would escalate with the aluminum used.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:43 PM)
Hangar, people aren't upset about the topic. They are upset that you started a thread with a laughably vague title and lead post, failing to cite any sort of article backing up your claim about people going nuts on it.


You want a comment on the topic? Here is one. Its a stupid idea if they don't use an internal, proprietary system with some sort of encryption. Why? Its called a scanner. Most cell phones and wireless devices operate in specific freq ranges, often the 800- and 900- trunk bands. These bands can be listened in on, and detected for proximity, by easy-to-find police/fire scanners and other such technology. So, the communications could be intercepted, if another team wanted to do that. Football had that problem at one point I believe, and changed their systems to accomodate.


it'd be cool. like at a race but instead of listening to the driver/crew chief/spotter chatter you'd be listening to manager/bullpen chatter. how exciting!



this is revolutionary to baseball so it's somewhat a big deal in baseball's little world. since it's done everywhere else in the real world though it's not that big an issue in the scheme of things. if people want to talk about it let them. it's interesting for a minute or two...

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QUOTE(Felix @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 11:39 AM)
And its fine that you feel that way, but its still a story because its the first time it was done by a team.


Yet another reason to not read that piece-of-trash publication. :D

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 12:55 PM)
Is this really breakthrough technology? Im kind of curious, because it seems lots of people have this now


Yes. Read the whole article about how the security is different and also that MLB is pushing this cause it's gonna create revenue from Motorola. The article also states that wrigley was the last stadium to put in lights, but will be the first to go wireless, so it's just a marketing thing. Motorola is based in Schaumburg, so it would make sense to do it in the Chicago area and since the Sox are US Cellular, maybe Motorola didn't want to seem like they were promoting US Cellular over some of the other companies. And whether you like it or not, wrigley is more famous than US Cellular is. You are fighting your battle the wrong way. You should be trying to fill up US Cellular and then the media will pay attention to the Sox. The media won't change overnight, so the Sox will need to win for a few yrs, build their fan base back up, and then they will get more coverage than the cubs. Ray, fill the park and the media will come.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:48 PM)
Seriously, you folks and your endless attacks on Hangar are getting ridiculous. I have no idea what he did on that other site, as I don't visit it ever, but this is one long personal attack and the ones coming across poorly are the attackers, and not Hangar. This is in the eyes of a person who does not know all the ugly things. But I have yet to see him start "s***" with any of you, but you all continuously go after him. This is a message board, and a great amount of the crap posted here are personal opinions. I know he is posting "facts" and many of you question his idea of "facts", but you come across like he is attacking your family history. It's really ridiculous. I bet I could back the KKK in that thread in the Filibuster and get less flack than Hangar gets.


I cant agree more. I've been mostly a lurker at that other website and really enjoyed the hangar 18 media watches, and I think he most definitely points out on a regular basis just how much favoritism the cubs get compared to the white sox. I am good friends with someone who works for the white sox, and they very much know who he is, and they love the fact that he was doing what he was doing. I think they even contacted him to tell him this. I didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing over there and think the moderators over there treated him very poorly, as well as other posters. I heard that he is here and all I see is a great deal of bickering and fighting for absolutely nothing. I think if some of these posters met him, they'd see he is one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet, not to mention the biggest sox fan. My boyfriend and I saw him tailgating in the lots one time last season, and we introduced ourselves to him. He went out of his way to introduce us to some other posters who were with him and invited me to "please post more" and made us feel really welcome. He is definitely a white sox fan and for some of the people treating him the way they are over here is ignorant and really uncalled for. I was floored that the moderators over at wsi treated him like garbage and banned him like they did, but I'm really floored that it is happening here with some of the posters.


Some of you really need to get a clue and realize we are all sox fans, and I hate the cubs as much as some of you too. I am not cubsessed or whatever that term is supposed to be. I really hope the media watches continue

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 02:58 PM)
I'm not a supporter, I just find it ridiculous how much he seems to piss off certain people.




I don't think he pissed (and I use that term loosely) anyone off until he refused to look at what they were looking at and questioned his methods. Mike even asked him to explain his logic. You get what you give...

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No, some of you were down his throat with the first replies. The replies in his threads were ugly right off the bat. No chance for people un-familiar with his stuff to decide for ourselves. Hell, your using his real name in your very first reply to him said all I needed to know.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 03:02 PM)
I don't think he pissed (and I use that term loosely) anyone off until he refused to look at what they were looking at and questioned his methods. Mike even asked him to explain his logic. You get what you give...




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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 03:08 PM)
No, some of you were down his throat with the first replies. The replies in his threads were ugly right off the bat. No chance for people un-familiar with his stuff to decide for ourselves. Hell, your using his real name in your very first reply to him said all I needed to know.




Alrighty then.. :rolly

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 03:08 PM)
Hell, your using his real name in your very first reply to him said all I needed to know.



Henry's first string of posts here were inviting folks to a LA tailgate. In that post, and since, Jason and Henry both used Henry's real name. If yer gonna start.. might as well start at the top!! ;)



QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 03:12 PM)
Back at ya slick.





Sure hope this thread is going to get locked and edited for the off topic bulls***.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 03:21 PM)
Which means post no. 3 would get to go. Damn, somebody dragged this off-topic pretty quick. My first post did go onto topic and covered a few things mentioned.



You bet your ass I did. With no link or direction it was some random bulls***. I call 'em as I see 'em. :santabye

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 03:08 PM)
No, some of you were down his throat with the first replies. The replies in his threads were ugly right off the bat. No chance for people un-familiar with his stuff to decide for ourselves. Hell, your using his real name in your very first reply to him said all I needed to know.


So true...


But, personally, I'm torn since the silly drama is kinda entertaining on a slow day. :(

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Who the hell cares? It's f***ing Wrigley, if you really want to get somebody warm in the bullpen, you can yell "HEY DEMPSTER, GET WARM" from the dugout steps since the bullpen is so close.


And as for the media, the Cubs are a suckfest so they need SOMETHING that isn't negative to talk about, so who cares about the media?

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:08 PM)
I didnt think it was that big a deal, but apparently, the media are running wild with this the last couple of days. If they start letting outfielders wear wireless headphones ...............



You dont think anything is a big deal when it comes to the media...now if this is something you discovered it would be the biggest thing since the World Series.

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