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If this team is truly upset, and intends to retaliate, NOTHING would be more fitting than defeating Texas tomorrow.


Personally, I supported retaliation because what happened to Pierzynski was blatant. As I mentioned earlier in the game day thread, this entire system of issuing warnings is terrible. It gives one team an open opportunity to hit the opposing team. That just can't be allowed. Unfortunately, Ozzie removing Tracey after one batter made it sort of obvious our intentions were to hit Blalock. There's probably going to be warnings issued before tomorrow's game.


What we need tomorrow from Buehrle is to pitch inside regardless of warnings. Don't have it affect his game. Also, if we happen to be leading late with a sizable lead, simply bring Jenks into the 9th inning. Let Texas saulk over that for a year.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:54 PM)
I don't understand why Tracey gets in trouble for not doing it, but Montero wasn't asked to? Thornton easily could have come in for relief in the 8th.



Because most likely Tracey was going down when Politte comes off the DL. It was a gut check for a young kid. Ozzie shouldnt of had a s*** fit noticibly over that. Its a tough situation to be put into, to throw at someone you aim behind them and aim for their ass. the ball rises up, and the person backs into it.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:56 PM)
If this team is truly upset, and intends to retaliate, NOTHING would be more fitting than defeating Texas tomorrow.


Personally, I supported retaliation because what happened to Pierzynski was blatant. As I mentioned earlier in the game day thread, this entire system of issuing warnings is terrible. It gives one team an open opportunity to hit the opposing team. That just can't be allowed. Unfortunately, Ozzie removing Tracey after one batter made it sort of obvious our intentions were to hit Blalock. There's probably going to be warnings issued before tomorrow's game.


What we need tomorrow from Buehrle is to pitch inside regardless of warnings. Don't have it affect his game. Also, if we happen to be leading late with a sizable lead, simply bring in Jenks in the 9th inning. Let Texas saulk over that for a year.

perfectly put FT

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QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:58 PM)
sorry if this question seems silly, but ....


What was the reason for Padilla to throw at AJ?


That's what I don't understand.



AJ is a target no matter where he goes and neither the umps, nor his own teammates will do anything to stop it.

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QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:58 PM)
sorry if this question seems silly, but ....


What was the reason for Padilla to throw at AJ?


That's what I don't understand.

thats a great question...my guess is it goes back to when AJ was with the giants and padilla the phillies

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:01 PM)
Anyone think Buehrle retaliates late in tomorrow's game? I think if one of our starters would do it, it's him.



When he is already coming out, sure. I dont want him doing it in the first inning though. All this sets up, is for Buerhle to pitch inside. Run that cutter inside and tie these b****es up.


Hopefully our guys get the f***ing memo on Rhinepecker and hit the ball the other way.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 08:43 PM)
You stand up for your guy based on principle. Let the team pick you up, after you pick up your teammate.


I agree. That's baseball. They've been doing it for years. That's how you play the game just like Crede hussled into 2nd and slid spikes up. (only saw the game in the top of the 8th through) He's playing the game like he's supposed to. I blame the umps for issuing warnings too early. (or tossing guys without issing warnings) This has been going on for a couple years now.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:02 PM)
Anyone think Buehrle retaliates late in tomorrow's game? I think if one of our starters would do it, it's him.


Oh, and we certainly can't let s*** like this happen to AJ over and over. We should hit someone tomorrow, clear the benches, and Thome tears their dickhead manager's head off.



Thats what Im talking about!!!

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:03 PM)
Thats what Im talking about!!!

Have you seen Thome do a high-5? He can rip a man's arm out of it's socket. Imagine what he could do to Showalter's head when he's pissed! :o

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:03 PM)
I hate Showalter more each and every time we play him. He's one guy I wouldn't mind seeing a laser foulball smash in the face.

haha i loved it when ozzie said showwalter was just jealous because ozzie has more money and is better looking

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Listen: Showalter obviously dislikes the White Sox and Ozzie, and it's pretty clear that he ordered Pierzynski thrown at. You know why? Because he wanted to get under our skin. Mission f***ing accomplished. This is avoided if Ozzie doesn't throw a hissy fit like a four-year-old, or if we don't decide to start throwing at the Rangers to prove how big the team's collective dick is. And on top of that, Ozzie completely demoralizes Tracey, who could help us during the season if Politte doesn't get better.


Make a point this way: Win tomorrow, take the series. Texas won't be in the playoffs, and we probably will. Let them feel content on the golf course while we're still playing in late October.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 11:03 PM)
I hate Showalter more each and every time we play him. He's one guy I wouldn't mind seeing a laser foulball smash in the face.

I agree completely, the Rangers are really rising on my dislike list. I never really liked them in the first place (what can I say, I don't like Texas), but each of these times just fans the fire.

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QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 11:58 PM)
Listen: Showalter obviously dislikes the White Sox and Ozzie, and it's pretty clear that he ordered Pierzynski thrown at. You know why? Because he wanted to get under our skin. Mission f***ing accomplished. This is avoided if Ozzie doesn't throw a hissy fit like a four-year-old, or if we don't decide to start throwing at the Rangers to prove how big the team's collective dick is. And on top of that, Ozzie completely demoralizes Tracey, who could help us during the season if Politte doesn't get better.


Make a point this way: Win tomorrow, take the series. Texas won't be in the playoffs, and we probably will. Let them feel content on the golf course while we're still playing in late October.

:notworthy :headbang

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I dont see why everyone is saying Ozzie was wrong to be mad at Tracey. At the moment he is our least valuable guy in the bullpen and was going to be sent down so if it made sense for anyone to beam a player it would be him to do it. And I dont care if your a rookie Tracey has played the game long enough to know what to do in those situations. Also if your a rookie than you better damn well do what the manager tells you to do... especially a rookie who isnt essential to the team. And its not like Tracey is a stranger on beaming people he has done it plenty of times in high A especially if I remember correctly.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:03 PM)
Add Sean Tracey to the Pussing out club.


Nah, not pussing out, not having any control. He tried twice and missed. That's good enough for me, at least it sends the message.



QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:31 PM)
There was an even larger disparity last year. Just win. Winning is the best revenge.


I didn't hear anyone complaining about how the HBPs were handled in the Cleveland series. Anyone speaking up now is being a hypocrite.


Oh, did I miss a pitcher throwing a fastball on the first pitch in two consecutive ABs at the same person? When did that happen?


QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:40 PM)
Ozzie was really classless tonight... It was totally unfair to ask Tracy to bean him... and then take him out afterwards... if he's sent down for this i'm going to lose ALOT of respect for this organization...


LOL. This was the funniest of all of the posts...


QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:44 PM)
I don't see anyone complaining about Joe Crede sliding spikes high into second base in the 9th inning of an 8-run game.


You're right, he should have gone into second like his wife was the shortstop...



QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:54 PM)
I don't think people would be nearly as disappointed if not for two things:


- Ozzie pulling Tracey after not hitting Blalock


- Hawk's completely classless comments.


I had the game on mute on a different TV most of the time, I missed Hawks crap, and I am still pissed about it.


QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 11:58 PM)
Listen: Showalter obviously dislikes the White Sox and Ozzie, and it's pretty clear that he ordered Pierzynski thrown at. You know why? Because he wanted to get under our skin. Mission f***ing accomplished. This is avoided if Ozzie doesn't throw a hissy fit like a four-year-old, or if we don't decide to start throwing at the Rangers to prove how big the team's collective dick is. And on top of that, Ozzie completely demoralizes Tracey, who could help us during the season if Politte doesn't get better.


Make a point this way: Win tomorrow, take the series. Texas won't be in the playoffs, and we probably will. Let them feel content on the golf course while we're still playing in late October.


Yeah, because doing nothing about it seemed to work really well for us before... Winning is the ultimate cure all, but at the sametime, taking 4 innings to even attempt to do anything took us out of the game. That was completely obvious. By not responding at all, it lingered over the game, and took us right out of it. If we respond promptly, we endup on level ground.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 07:04 AM)
Nah, not pussing out, not having any control. He tried twice and missed. That's good enough for me, at least it sends the message.

Evidently its not good enough for Ozzie. The Tribune said Tracey was packing his bags last night. We moan about how other teams throw at the Sox but the Sox get warned. If they thought the guy was throwing at AJP the first time, why didn't Vazquez retaliate right away? There would have been an eye for an eye, and the incident would have been over. I feel for Tracey. He gets demoted for not hitting someone.

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 08:50 AM)
Do warnings carry over from game to game? If not, we have to start throwing at people first.

The umpires could very well issue warnings before the game today to avoid any sort of conflict.

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