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Flag burning amendment headed to Senate floor.


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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 12:44 PM)
Beatrice Hall most likely actually took that from Voltaire.


But anyways this amendment died because a minority decided that they were going to stand up for the spirit of the constitution. I do not think this will harm many of the people who voted no, because if you look at where they are from it is mostly democrat strongholds.


Anyways I will never vote for some one who voted yes for this amendment.


Ms. Hall paraphrased Voltaire.




I know it didn't go completely down party lines, but for the possible '08 candidates it did.

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Frist has done more in his life than most people will do in their lives like saving lives, so hearing liberals complaining about him really makes pissed.


So being a doctor gives you immunity from criticism when you make hypocritical, asinine statements? You should have become a doctor, minors.

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 06:10 PM)
Frist has done more in his life than most people will do in their lives like saving lives, so hearing liberals complaining about him really makes pissed.

So now we can't criticize Frist because he is a Doctor?


I like this. This is great. You know, years back, I volunteered as an EMT. I even helped save a life or two, possibly. I guess that means I can do anything I want now, and not be criticized for it. Excellent!

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QUOTE(minors @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 05:53 PM)
Here is what my great senator Frist had to say:

June 27th, 2006 - WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, M.D., (R–Tenn.) today made the following statement after the Senate defeated the Flag Protection Amendment by a vote of 66–34, an increase of 3 supporters since the Senate last considered the issue in 2000. The amendment would give Congress the authority to establish laws prohibiting the physical desecration of the American flag:

“Old Glory lost today. At a time when our armed services are defending America’s freedom in the War on Terror, it’s unfortunate that a minority of my colleagues blocked this amendment. The amendment simply returns to Congress the right to protect the American flag, an authority that existed for 200 years prior to an activist Supreme Court decision in 1989. It’s supported by all 50 state legislatures and countless veterans across the nation. Protecting the symbol of our nation’s freedom is important, and I hope the amendment’s support in the Senate will continue to grow. In the meantime, I hope America rededicates itself to respecting the flag, our symbol of national unity, especially when our troops are wearing that flag as they risk their lives for this great country every day.”

Why is it that Bill Hicks statements are becoming more and more in vogue?


"My daddy died for that flag! Really? I got mine in K-Mart. No bloodshed involved -- hey, it says 'Made in Korea'!"..."No one – and I repeat, no one – has ever died for a flag. See, a flag ... is just a piece of cloth. They may have died for freedom, which includes the freedom to burn the f***in' flag, see. That's freedom."


Talk about pandering to the base with some more non-issues, Mr. Frist. In Johnson vs Texas -- Brennan, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which Marshall, Blackmun, Scalia, and Kennedy joined.


Blackmun being appointed by Nixon as a strong privacy rights conservative, Scalia being an arch-conservative...I'll give you Marshall, Kennedy and Brennan as being left-leaning but it is going to take more than a cliche phrase of "activist judges" to prove that Blackmun and Scalia are liberal activist judges.


Does Frist even do any fact checking or does he just copy/paste his talking points from on high?


The goal of the Constitution and the First Amendment is to protect unpopular speech there, Fristy. From Johnson vs Texas: "If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable."


Every United States flag ever made could be torched but it would not mean a thing because the flag is just a symbol. The ideas in the Constitution can never be incinerated because they are in all of our minds and hearts as something we cherish and revere...well, except for the 66 asshats who voted for the amendment.

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Frist has done more in his life than most people will do in their lives like saving lives, so hearing liberals complaining about him really makes pissed.


Everything seems to make you "really pissed" and provoke a tirade about how you can't be told what to do and liberals are hippie sons of b****es.

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"Protecting the symbol of our nation’s freedom is important."


But what about protecting, you know, the actual FREEDOM the flag supposedly symbolizes and the country used to care about??


Well, that's apparently not all that important.


Frist is a pandering, posturing tool. :headshake

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 08:40 PM)
"Protecting the symbol of our nation’s freedom is important."


But what about protecting, you know, the actual FREEDOM the flag supposedly symbolizes and the country used to care about??


Well, that's apparently not all that important.


Frist is a pandering, posturing tool. :headshake

Post of the year my friend.



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It still is most associated with Voltaire. No one is sure whether or not he actually said it and then she later repeated it, or whether she just was summing up his attitudes toward free speech. Thats why I said she "most likely" got it from Voltaire. Anyways off topic lol




Protecting symbols are important. I mean what if god forbid some one put an american flag on a shirt, and that shirt was then sullied. What would we do as a society, when such an affront happened.



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man, i know i haven't read all of this thread or any of it...but it sure does seem that this amendment only gets thrown out there when the GOP needs a boost...its prolly best it never gets voted into law or they wouldn't have it to fall back on.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 09:02 PM)


It still is most associated with Voltaire. No one is sure whether or not he actually said it and then she later repeated it, or whether she just was summing up his attitudes toward free speech. Thats why I said she "most likely" got it from Voltaire. Anyways off topic lol




Protecting symbols are important. I mean what if god forbid some one put an american flag on a shirt, and that shirt was then sullied. What would we do as a society, when such an affront happened.



Do I hear a "No Back Sweat and Mustard Stains" on flag shirt amendment?!

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QUOTE(bmags @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 10:07 PM)
man, i know i haven't read all of this thread or any of it...but it sure does seem that this amendment only gets thrown out there when the GOP needs a boost...its prolly best it never gets voted into law or they wouldn't have it to fall back on.

Dumbass... When they need a boost, they throw out the $100 'gas rebate'. Only when mf'in Rush Limbaugh...complains...about being treated like a GOP whore...(let that sink in a while)...THEN they whip out the flagburning amendment.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 09:02 PM)
Protecting symbols are important. I mean what if god forbid some one put an american flag on a shirt, and that shirt was then sullied. What would we do as a society, when such an affront happened.




I have a feeling that the first time someone gets arrested for wearing American flag boxer shorts, the GOP may think twice about this amendment.

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QUOTE(illinilaw08 @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 09:31 PM)
Lol at Scalia as an activist judge.


Why is that funny?


Roberts isn't an Activist, and Alito doesn't seem like it, either.


But Scalia and Thomas are absolutely active in enacting their own judicial agenda, and they undeniably have got themselves quite an agenda.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 29, 2006 -> 02:27 AM)
Dumbass... When they need a boost, they throw out the $100 'gas rebate'. Only when mf'in Rush Limbaugh...complains...about being treated like a GOP whore...(let that sink in a while)...THEN they whip out the flagburning amendment.


do you listen to lumbaugh?

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QUOTE(bmags @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 10:54 PM)
do you listen to lumbaugh?

Every once in a while, I can't hit snooze before the "Rush Limbaugh morning update" comes on. Other than that, f*** no. I did, occasionally, for educational purposes only, many many many many years ago. The inanity, the inanity.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 10:09 PM)
Every once in a while, I can't hit snooze before the "Rush Limbaugh morning update" comes on. Other than that, f*** no. I did, occasionally, for educational purposes only, many many many many years ago. The inanity, the inanity.


How can you dismiss a man who has talent on loan from God?


Is it because he has fat on loan from America's beef cattle?


And wives to spare -- or not, considering how often he gets divorced?

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 09:54 PM)
Why is that funny?


Roberts isn't an Activist, and Alito doesn't seem like it, either.


But Scalia and Thomas are absolutely active in enacting their own judicial agenda, and they undeniably have got themselves quite an agenda.


If you read Scalia's opinions he is a pure textualist, he doesn't write based on any political agenda, he writes about what the law and the constitution actually say. Pompous and arrogant in his opinions, absolutely, but activist, I really dont think so.

Edited by illinilaw08
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QUOTE(illinilaw08 @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 10:16 PM)
If you read Scalia's opinions he is a pure textualist, he doesn't write based on any political agenda, he writes about what the law and the constitution actually say. Pompous and arrogant in his opinions, absolutely, but activist, I really dont think so.


I don't even believe that there's a such thing as an Activist Judge, just judges with different interpretations, but if there is, then people like Scalia fit in in my book.


Besides, there are a ton of people who will tell you that Scalia is an activist Judge, and I'm sure I could do the research to bring up a case or two that "back" that idea. I don't care enough to do so, but let's not bulls*** ourselves. There is no such thing as an absolute strict constructionist or of someone without any political agenda.

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QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 10:50 PM)
I have a feeling that the first time someone gets arrested for wearing American flag boxer shorts, the GOP may think twice about this amendment.

That's a liberal fantasia. The amendment says that any flag desecration can be punished, but we all know they won't pass any law that punishes...skid marks...flags in the rain...flags on the ground...flags on tp...only the desecration of flags for political statement, not crass showboat commercialism, is really at risk. Thank America's God.

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Nuke and Minors, do you have a problem with actually burning a flag, or doing anything to an image of our Stars and Stripes?


Do you have a problem with somebody using an American flag napkin to wipe their mouths? Should we punish those who can't control their bladders or shat themselves while wearing some USA boxers?

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 29, 2006 -> 03:26 AM)
That's a liberal fantasia. The amendment says that any flag desecration can be punished, but we all know they won't pass any law that punishes...skid marks...flags in the rain...flags on the ground...flags on tp...only the desecration of flags for political statement, not crass showboat commercialism, is really at risk. Thank America's God.


but its called "over-reaching" and it'll be hard to write a law that will be able to strictly call said acts not illegal, while still being able to enforce its original intent.

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  Gregory Pratt said:
Everything seems to make you "really pissed" and provoke a tirade about how you can't be told what to do and liberals are hippie sons of b****es.




What I should have said is seeing people posting around here thinking Liberals can do nothing wrong and while all Republicans are a bunch of fools that is what pisses me off. Bill Frist is a fine American if you agree with him on this issue or not he is still a great American.


  santo=dorf said:
Nuke and Minors, do you have a problem with actually burning a flag, or doing anything to an image of our Stars and Stripes?


Do you have a problem with somebody using an American flag napkin to wipe their mouths? Should we punish those who can't control their bladders or shat themselves while wearing some USA boxers?



Is a flag and a napkin, boxers the same damn thing? Are you kidding me that has to be the worst analogy I have seen yet. The Flag was first created by Ross in Philly during the rev war and it was meant to be a calling something to be proud of. Some people just don't understand what kind of role history has.

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