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Kotex Boy Worried About Ozzie


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We're gonna hear about it, so here it is;


Using a baseball as a weapon is dangerous. Watching Ozzie Guillen order a kid pitcher to retaliate with a weapon is frightening. And when that kid pitcher fails to be a goon-on-demand, prompting Guillen to rip into a humiliated Sean Tracey, I am left to ponder three disturbing thoughts about the Blizzard of Oz.


Has he officially lost his mind?


Are his priorities in sufficient order to manage the White Sox to an encore title?


And is he involved in so many rants and raves and headline-grabbing incidents, about two a week these days, that he's burning all of us out -- including his players?


No man who is thinking straight would pull the megalomaniacal b.s. that Guillen did Wednesday night in Texas. There is a time and place for payback, and with the Sox lucky not to have had more players suspended after the Crosstown Smackdown last month, it was senseless and immature of Ozzie to obsess over the fact A.J. Pierzynski -- there's that name again -- was plunked twice on the arm by Rangers pitcher Vicente Padilla. Guillen needed to put this episode on the back burner, take an 8-0 loss like an adult, focus on why the Sox have so many inconsistent pitching outings and direct his energies toward convincing general manager Ken Williams that trades are necessary.


But when his mind is locked in Blizzard mode, Guillen loses all control. He decided it was more important to settle a score, right then and there, while risking more disciplinary action by an amateurish Major League Baseball judicial system kept busy by Chicago's two clubs. There is little doubt Guillen, as reported, ordered Tracey to throw at Hank Blalock in retaliation for Pierzynski's two plunkings. When Tracey went inside twice but didn't draw skin, Guillen's yanking of the pitcher and subsequent dugout harangue proves he had made a demand that wasn't carried out.


I'd like to report that Ozzie gained a little perspective overnight. Incredibly, he was even nuttier Thursday, questioning why Pierzynski didn't charge the mound to fight Padilla and bemoaning how baseball has wimped out over the years. "I will fight. I'd get my butt kicked, but I will fight,'' said Guillen, echoing the commentary of Hawk Harrelson during the game broadcast. Asked why he didn't attack the mound, Pierzynski, of all people, was a voice of reason.


"We're in a pennant race,'' he said. "We are going to need everyone down the stretch.''


A pennant race? Who knew?


Forget that Tracey apparently responded with tears and the need to cover his face with his jersey, not the image you want to see from a big-leaguer. My concern is that Guillen's in-view tantrums and regular rip jobs are beginning to wear thin in his own clubhouse, even after his success last season as a World Series champion skipper. It's not as though Tracey was ignoring Guillen's edict; twice, he clearly backed Blalock off the plate, keeping in mind it isn't easy being a right-handed pitcher trying to plunk a left-handed hitter. Also, Tracey never has been known for his control, and don't think a rookie can wander in and immediately become an expert hit man. Picking on Tracey in full view of the Ballpark at Arlington cameras was a bad moment for Guillen.


Ball can be a deadly weapon




Players lose respect for a manager who hangs a teammate out to dry. No? The Sox camp isn't exactly airtight these days. When the Sun-Times and the Sox' own Web site quoted postgame sources who leaked that Guillen was furious with Tracey for not nailing Blalock -- "Ozzie went nuts. He had the ass, big-time,'' one source was quoted as saying -- it suggests that secrets are being told out of school. Guillen can't be happy about it, especially after inventing some jive story about being mad because Agustin Montero wasn't ready to pitch in the bullpen. He concocted the tale so he could avoid a suspension from on high. Now, there's a fair chance the case will be investigated and Guillen could face punishment, all because of the snitch. And we know how Oz doesn't like snitches, based on his most recent rant about steroids informant Jason Grimsley and how someone should "shoot the [bleep]'' for revealing details and names to federal investigators.


Just once, I'd like to hear Tracey or another pitcher publicly admit he doesn't enjoy hitting a batter in retaliation. But most won't go there, recalling how Shawn Estes was ridiculed by fans and media in 2002 when he pitched behind Roger Clemens instead of hitting him in a New York showdown. Tracey has yet to comment, though maybe he will after being sent to the minors in a move that was in the works as Williams was acquiring reliever David Riske from Boston. A baseball, in case anyone forgot, is round and hard. In 1920, a pitch thrown by a mean sinkerballer named Carl Mays hit Ray Chapman in the temple and fractured his skull, causing blood to gush out of his mouth, nose and ears. He died the next morning. The career of Tony Conigliaro, a gifted Boston outfielder, ended early when he was beaned in 1967. Fortunately, we haven't had similar horror stories of late, which probably means we're due for one.


Imagine the outrage if a player died or his career ended prematurely because he was victimized by a purpose pitch. Does Ozzie ever think about that? If Padilla was throwing intentionally at Pierzynski -- first time, he definitely was; second time, A.J. didn't get out of the way -- he and Rangers manager Buck Showalter should have the same battle with their consciences. Same goes for the menacing Randy Johnson, who was suspended five games Thursday for intentionally throwing at Cleveland's Eduardo Perez.


Using a baseball as a weapon is cowardly. The players shrug it off and say, "That's the game,'' but many of them are too lunkheaded to know better.


No different than other goons




What's the difference between Guillen asking Tracey to be a goon and John Chaney, the former Temple basketball coach, asking a player to be a goon and commit hard fouls? What's the difference between this and the bounty supposedly placed on Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman in 1989 by Eagles coach Buddy Ryan? Don't forget, Ozzie has an ongoing feud with Showalter, who questioned Guillen's knowledge of the rules as a rookie manager and launched a verbal war.


"[showalter] never even smelled a jock in the big leagues,'' Guillen said two years ago. "'Mr. Baseball' never even got a hit in Triple-A. There are so many different things he might be jealous [of] ... I was a better player than him, I've got more money than him and I'm better-looking than him.''


Such is the juvenile rancor that causes grudges to linger and purpose pitches to fly.


Baseball seems on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Players are still using human growth hormone, commissioner Bud Selig is taking out newspaper ads telling fans he cares about steroids and Arizona slugger Luis Gonzalez is upset that a top Diamondbacks executive mentioned there have been "whispers'' about Gonzalez and steroids. Now, we have Guillen prioritizing goonery over common sense.


I'm worried about the man. You should be, too.

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I've never heard "Kotex Boy" used, but it's obvious who that is from the Ozzie-hating tone. "Kotex Boy" fits pretty well, I'd say.


It's amazing that the manpig finds time each day to put down his donut and squeal about how much he hates the White Sox...Except for the two days after they win the whole thing. During those two days, he's a worshipful brown-noser. :lol:

Edited by Contreras' Crew
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QUOTE(Contreras @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 10:09 PM)
I've never heard "Kotex Boy" used, but it's obvious who that is from the Ozzie-hating tone. "Kotex Boy" fits pretty well, I'd say.

It was given to him by David Wells when he arrived in Chicago.

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gee...you would think that in all of baseball history that Ozzie was the first manager to have a pitcher throw at someone. It's not like someone caught Ozzie on tape telling Tracey to 'hit him in the head".


I guarantee you that if the Sox were in first with a 4 or 5 game lead that Kotex-boy would have written a article on how Ozzie is the type of manager to 'stick up for his guys'

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Idiotti said something RIGHT though ............. "Amateurish Major league baseball".

MLB are idiots for dragging this on, and giving Dirtbag Barrett only 10 games and likely reducing it

simply because he "appeals" it. What BullJunk

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QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 08:25 AM)
Word of advice: Don't read his stuff. He wants to make you mad.




who is jay mariotti to question whether Ozzie is the right guy to lead this team to an encore title? that's the dumbest thing i have ever heard.

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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 08:32 AM)
who is jay mariotti to question whether Ozzie is the right guy to lead this team to an encore title? that's the dumbest thing i have ever heard.



A guy with an opinion...? :huh



He's done the exact same thing many here have done. He just has a larger forum to express it.

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As I read that, I kept trying to figure out if the man is more funny than stupid, or more stupid than funny. It's a tossup! :lol: But when you cross funny with stupid, what you get is pathetic.


I will never buy or subscribe to the Sun-Times as long as they carry K-B's column. Thank goodness for the Daily Southtown.

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If Ozzie hadn't said anything, I'll lay you 3 to 1 odds that Mariotti's column today would have been about AJ the Agitator and the fact that Ozzie didn't have any of his pitchers defend his players, he should be fired, it doesn't show the heart and strength a manager needs to, etc.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 10:29 AM)
If Ozzie hadn't said anything, I'll lay you 3 to 1 odds that Mariotti's column today would have been about AJ the Agitator and the fact that Ozzie didn't have any of his pitchers defend his players, he should be fired, it doesn't show the heart and strength a manager needs to, etc.


OR about how AJ is such a pariah in the game that not only does he get hit all the time, but his own teammates don't defend him, and CLEARLY he is the 'clubhouse cancer' that he was called by his teammates on the Giants, and the Sox can't win with that kind of player on the club, and Ozzie needs to do something to get control of his team, and Kenny Williams needs to address the caliber of player he's signing!!!!


Hey, writing this garbage is easy! You mean K-B gets paid for this?!?! I want a piece of that action! :P

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QUOTE(henry wiggins @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 11:14 AM)
OR about how AJ is such a pariah in the game that not only does he get hit all the time, but his own teammates don't defend him, and CLEARLY he is the 'clubhouse cancer' that he was called by his teammates on the Giants, and the Sox can't win with that kind of player on the club, and Ozzie needs to do something to get control of his team, and Kenny Williams needs to address the caliber of player he's signing!!!!


Hey, writing this garbage is easy! You mean K-B gets paid for this?!?! I want a piece of that action! :P




POST OF THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guarantee you what you wrote was what Moronotti had written in the can, but events forced him to change up. The only good thing, is if the SOX can sustain winning over the next few years, and we slowly start to see a change in the medias coverage (I wish), Moronotti will stand out more and more as the lazy writer he is

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I know a lot of you guys won't like this, but I agree completely with Jay's column. I think this whole retailiation crap is stupid. The object is get the guy out, not to knock him on the seat of his pants. If you want to make a statement, then embarass the other team by beating them on the field where it matters most.


Furthermore regarding what Ozzie did, I think it should have been handled differently. If he was gonna yell at him like that he should have done it away from the cameras. Also, the guy is a rookie, don't put him in a situation like that. If Ozzie really wanted to hit Blaylock, he should have had someone in there who would be more likely to do it. Someone who's been around for a while.

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QUOTE(tigerfan @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 11:27 AM)
I know a lot of you guys won't like this, but I agree completely with Jay's column. I think this whole retailiation crap is stupid. The object is get the guy out, not to knock him on the seat of his pants. If you want to make a statement, then embarass the other team by beating them on the field where it matters most.


Furthermore regarding what Ozzie did, I think it should have been handled differently. If he was gonna yell at him like that he should have done it away from the cameras. Also, the guy is a rookie, don't put him in a situation like that. If Ozzie really wanted to hit Blaylock, he should have had someone in there who would be more likely to do it. Someone who's been around for a while.

I do agree with you on both parts, it seemed that Showalter was trying to get under the White Sox' and Ozzie especially's skin by hitting AJ twice. He wanted the Sox to retaliate and get tossed/suspended. The best revenge was with what the team did yesterday, winnning the damn series in a blow out.


Though I will never agree with Marriotti.

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QUOTE(tigerfan @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 11:27 AM)
I know a lot of you guys won't like this, but I agree completely with Jay's column. I think this whole retailiation crap is stupid. The object is get the guy out, not to knock him on the seat of his pants. If you want to make a statement, then embarass the other team by beating them on the field where it matters most.


Furthermore regarding what Ozzie did, I think it should have been handled differently. If he was gonna yell at him like that he should have done it away from the cameras. Also, the guy is a rookie, don't put him in a situation like that. If Ozzie really wanted to hit Blaylock, he should have had someone in there who would be more likely to do it. Someone who's been around for a while.



hey man, you bring up an interesting point, theres nothing wrong with a different well-thought viewpoint.

I too think that deep down, the SOX should be worrying about sweeping the Rangers instead of only taking 3 of 4, retaliating would get the SOX punished by Bud Seligs stupid rules. But his tone in the column is that Ozzie has "lost it" and that we need a new manager now and hes not fit/barks too much is silly. If Jay wouldve said EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID, he wouldnt get the ire of as many SOX fans as he does.

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