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Chicago NewsMedia Watch 6/16/06


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The Tribune today makes sure to throw Comcast "under the bus" today, heh heh regarding Comcast missing the big "story" after the game between Ozz and rookie Sean Tracey.

The SunTimes is the big story in my eyes today. They give the SOX 7 stories, with every sportswriter on staff contributing ....... and the Sox are on the Road!!!! Awesome. But whats more important to note,

is all of the stories today reflect something actually of interest to Sox fans, and not fluff. Fluff is fine, dont get me wrong, the SOX surely dont get enough of that. But there are actual angles by all of the writers today ......people are WORKING. How about that huh? The Sox make a big dent today, awesome.


Chicago Tribune:

3 cub stories

6 sox stories

Chicago SunTimes:

3 cub stories

7 sox stories

Standings as of Friday June 16th, 2006

Priviledged, Media Owned, Media Favored, 4th Place in 2005 Cubs 590

Underdog, Media UnderCovered, World Series Champs in 05 Sox 498

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 09:14 AM)
The Tribune today makes sure to throw Comcast "under the bus" today, heh heh regarding Comcast missing the big "story" after the game between Ozz and rookie Sean Tracey.

The SunTimes is the big story in my eyes today. They give the SOX 7 stories, with every sportswriter on staff contributing ....... and the Sox are on the Road!!!! Awesome. But whats more important to note,

is all of the stories today reflect something actually of interest to Sox fans, and not fluff. Fluff is fine, dont get me wrong, the SOX surely dont get enough of that. But there are actual angles by all of the writers today ......people are WORKING. How about that huh? The Sox make a big dent today, awesome.


Chicago Tribune:

3 cub stories

6 sox stories

Chicago SunTimes:

3 cub stories

7 sox stories

Standings as of Friday June 16th, 2006

Priviledged, Media Owned, Media Favored, 4th Place in 2005 Cubs 590

Underdog, Media UnderCovered, World Series Champs in 05 Sox 498


Good job getting into what the Stories are about. That's just as important, if not more so, than the number of stories.

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QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 09:34 AM)
Good job getting into what the Stories are about. That's just as important, if not more so, than the number of stories.



Thanks Ribbie. you guys can also feel free to sound off on what you thought on todays columnists

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 09:38 AM)
Thanks Ribbie. you guys can also feel free to sound off on what you thought on todays columnists


I think what we are getting at is that the only the "number" of stories doesn't paint an accurate picture of Sox coverage. What does paint a more accurate portrait is the content (positive or negative), the size of articles, color pictures as opposed to no picutres, etc...


Look at Sunday's 10-8 loss for instance. If someone would just look at the score, they would think "Oh the Sox lost in a slugfest". But if you go deeper into it, explore the box score, the content if you will, you's see the Sox put up an amazing 6 runs in the 9th and had the tying run at the plate! That's a great comeback and paints a different picture of the game. You then would understand their energy going into Texas and winning three out of four from a tough home team. It wouldn't seem like such a negative loss, after all.


I think Hangar you should take more of these details into account when doing your media watches.

I, personally, don't care about media coverage that much. But I think if you're going to do it...do it well.


Edited by RibbieRubarb
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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 09:14 AM)
The Tribune today makes sure to throw Comcast "under the bus" today, heh heh regarding Comcast missing the big "story" after the game between Ozz and rookie Sean Tracey.

The SunTimes is the big story in my eyes today. They give the SOX 7 stories, with every sportswriter on staff contributing ....... and the Sox are on the Road!!!! Awesome. But whats more important to note,

is all of the stories today reflect something actually of interest to Sox fans, and not fluff. Fluff is fine, dont get me wrong, the SOX surely dont get enough of that. But there are actual angles by all of the writers today ......people are WORKING. How about that huh? The Sox make a big dent today, awesome.


Chicago Tribune:

3 cub stories

6 sox stories

Chicago SunTimes:

3 cub stories

7 sox stories

Standings as of Friday June 16th, 2006

Priviledged, Media Owned, Media Favored, 4th Place in 2005 Cubs 590

Underdog, Media UnderCovered, World Series Champs in 05 Sox 498



Finally. At least a little something about one of the stories. I don't buy the trib, so I have no idea or care what they print. Unless the story is posted, I don't read it. Everytime they call and try to sell a subscription, I tell them until they sell their baseball team, I won't contribute in any way to them. I won't even give them the hit on their web page to encourage them. Now tell us why these stories are bad for the Sox. Isn't your whole theory that the media is making the Sox look bad and keeping fans from wanting to see the Sox?

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 11:07 AM)
The main story on the Des Moines Register website is about a cement truck crash.



hey, I've been to Des Moines, its not a bad town! lol Believe it or not, there are a surprising amount of white sox fans there, my bf met a few last time he was there

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