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Ozzie has some words for Mariotti


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QUOTE(J-MAN @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 09:19 AM)
You guys must all be tons of fun to be around. I'm up to here with everybody being so **** sensitive and almost everyhing someone says offends someone or something.

So calling people racial slurs or derogatory comments is fun?

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I know I"ll come off like an elistist asshole here, but when I was in college--a small private liberal arts college in the midwest--there were just certain words you could not say on campus without being completly ostracized from your peers and professors. As a result, I learned to change my language, and I also feel I became a better person as well.


Ozzie might have grown up in the rough streets of Venezeula, and I might have grown up in the fair hills of my "elitist" college, but that doesn't give him an excuse to use words that are just unacceptable if we (this country and its citizens) are going to have any sort of meaningful dialogue on serious social issues such as homosexuality, violence against women (and men) and racism.


Slurs take us all backwards in time on these issues; they provoke anger, hate, and distrust.


Ozzie needs to apoligize.


Alright, flame away.

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I really don't have a strong opinion on this either way, mostly cause I'm not easily offended, and the word "***" has gotten to the point where it isn't necessarily in reference to homosexuals. But I will say that Ozzie should still know by now that its a word that'll get you into some heat when used in public, especially if you're a public person. Its not the first time he's done this, so he cant plead ignorance on this one.


I hardly find it "disgraceful" and I wouldn't come close to comparing it to John Rocker. But no matter what the conotation, its a word that some find offensive. And while I personally don't find it offensive, I respect the probably large group of people who do.


While I love Ozzie and his free-speaking personality, it would be best that he found a better choice of words.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 02:23 PM)
J-Man.. if you hang out with folks that can't hold a conversation without using offensive comments, might be time to get some new friends. :huh

No one said conversations center around racial slurs but I will bet you can't walk donw the street or watch

TV or exist in our society today without hearing a lot worse language and terms used.


If you have that thin a skin your life is going to be miserable.

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QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 09:34 AM)
I know I"ll come off like an elistist asshole here, but when I was in college--a small private liberal arts college in the midwest--there were just certain words you could not say on campus without being completly ostracized from your peers and professors. As a result, I learned to change my language, and I also feel I became a better person as well.


Ozzie might have grown up in the rough streets of Venezeula, and I might have grown up in the fair hills of my "elitist" college, but that doesn't give him an excuse to use words that are just unacceptable if we (this country and its citizens) are going to have any sort of meaningful dialogue on serious social issues such as homosexuality, violence against women (and men) and racism.


Slurs take us all backwards in time on these issues; they provoke anger, hate, and distrust.


Ozzie needs to apoligize.


Alright, flame away.


IMO, not elitist at all. I think this is pretty much how most folks who aren't MLB managers with a rep to speak their mind act.

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What's worse, calling someone a *** in a media session or questioning in a column if someone "has lost his mind", "has his priorities in the right place", "is burning all of us out -- including his players", a coward, juvenille, and "priortizing goonery over common sense" ?

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Ozzie Guillen has always struck me as the kind of guy who would take a s*** and throw it at someone. Like a chimp.


As long as we keep winning ballgames, I can accept the fact that he's got the self-control of a five year old. He's not going to change that facet of his personality, although I wish he would.

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QUOTE(J-MAN @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 09:36 AM)
No one said conversations center around racial slurs but I will bet you can't walk donw the street or watch

TV or exist in our society today without hearing a lot worse language and terms used.



I hang with an extremely diverse crowd from every race and age brackets that range from 19 all the way up to late 50's on a regular basis, and I can walk anywhere and not here such bulls***. Perhaps it's the educational and respect level that's the difference.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 09:40 AM)
Ozzie has control of his clubhouse. I don't care what he says. I'm insensitive, so sue me.



Kinda the same here. This stuff does not effect me so I really don't care. At most it makes folks look at Oz differently. When people say to me "your manager is a racist asshole" like it somehow has something to do with me, I just shrug my shoulders.

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Ozzie Guillen has always struck me as the kind of guy who would take a s*** and throw it at someone. Like a chimp.


Yep, it's his defense mechanism, and it's getting tired pretty quickly. I love Ozzie as a ballplayer, as a manager, and mostly as a person. But this s*** throwing and disregard for basic respect and decency is really dissapointing.

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QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 09:44 AM)
Yep, it's his defense mechanism, and it's getting tired pretty quickly. I love Ozzie as a ballplayer, as a manager, and mostly as a person. But this s*** throwing and disregard for basic respect and decency is really dissapointing.


I wouldn't want Ozzie to change who he is, mostly because I love his candidness. But a little sensitivity training wouldn't hurt. At the very least, Ozzie in sensitivity training classes would make one hell of a reality TV show.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 09:38 AM)
As long as we keep winning ballgames, I can accept the fact that he's got the self-control of a five year old. He's not going to change that facet of his personality, although I wish he would.

Which is why concerning ourselves with his comments is unreasonable.


Personally, it's difficult to become aggrivated towards an individual with no regard to accountability.


I suggest everyone make their assessment of Guillen now as an insensitive, blathering, often incoherent manager who'll continue to offend everyone possible. When it happens again you'll know what to expect. No one will be crying over their keyboard, comparing him to John Rocker.

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QUOTE(henry wiggins @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 09:19 AM)
Maybe I'm over-thinking this, but I'm pretty sure Ozzie is capable of NOT saying something when he wants to. Reading the Playboy interview of him, I got the sense that he knows full well how certain of his speech patterns offend certain people, primarily the media. Last year he got into a s***storm for calling a friend of his a couple of similar names, so he isn't naive about how his remarks get taken.


IMO this was Ozzie deliberately playing the media, getting the energy going, and IMO he is totally doing it for his ballclub. You think that one single person on the field or in the clubhouse in the Sox organization is annoyed with Ozzie for calling JM what he did? Not bloody likely!


This is Ozzie mobilizing his team and banding them together against an opponent -- the news media. I say good for Ozzie. He knows the psychology of athletes. This is gonna work. :cheers


(That same blowhard columnist said last week that Ozzie's players lost respect for him when they saw him rip Tracey in the dugout. Gee, they have a funny way of showing it -- winning every game since then?!?! ROTFLMAFAO!)



Maybe, but if he's bright enough to 'play' the media, you'd think he'd be bright enough to realize that he could easily clown Mariotti or whoever, without using the name calling.

Eh, whatever. If you can't have the perfect manager, I'd rather have a guy who maybe runs his mouth too much and wins, than a Mr. PC who loses. :huh

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I suggest everyone make their assessment of Guillen now as an insensitive, blathering, often incoherent manager who'll continue to offend everyone possible. When it happens again you'll know what to expect. No one will be crying over their keyboard, comparing him to John Rocker.


That's silly logic. In essense, what you've said is that since Ozzie is a known loose cannon, we should not be offended when he continues to be a loose cannon.


Forget that this incident is of a totally different degree of being a "loose cannon" and just think about that. It's a silly way to go about judging people.


"Oh, person "X" has a history of saying stupid s***, so we should just expect it when he says more stupid s*** and better yet, we should just ignore it."


I wish how that's how things worked, because frankly, I've got lots of flaws as well, and I'd be damn better off if everyone just kept on ignoring them because they expect it out of me.

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Ozzie is a hell of a manager, and sometimes he's funny. However, he's also a senseless asshole of a person often times with no sense of reality. These are all facts I knew before this statement, and you simply can't say what Ozzie said, even if it's about a guy we all hate in Marriotti.


I have learned to seperate Ozzie the manager (GREAT), with Ozzie the person (not so great...). And the sooner everybody else does, the better, although I'd like to see Kenny tell Ozzie to tone it down just a little bit here.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 10:27 AM)
Ozzie is a hell of a manager, and sometimes he's funny. However, he's also a senseless asshole of a person often times with no sense of reality. These are all facts I knew before this statement, and you simply can't say what Ozzie said, even if it's about a guy we all hate in Marriotti.


I have learned to seperate Ozzie the manager (GREAT), with Ozzie the person (not so great...). And the sooner everybody else does, the better, although I'd like to see Kenny tell Ozzie to tone it down just a little bit here.



Would it not be more accurate to say it's Oz the manager with the s***ty mouth...? Since that's the only role most of us have been privy to see?

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QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 02:35 PM)
I really don't have a strong opinion on this either way, mostly cause I'm not easily offended, and the word "***" has gotten to the point where it isn't necessarily in reference to homosexuals. But I will say that Ozzie should still know by now that its a word that'll get you into some heat when used in public, especially if you're a public person. Its not the first time he's done this, so he cant plead ignorance on this one.


I hardly find it "disgraceful" and I wouldn't come close to comparing it to John Rocker. But no matter what the conotation, its a word that some find offensive. And while I personally don't find it offensive, I respect the probably large group of people who do.


While I love Ozzie and his free-speaking personality, it would be best that he found a better choice of words.

Thank you - Couldn't say it better!

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 10:30 AM)
Would it not be more accurate to say it's Oz the manager with the s***ty mouth...? Since that's the only role most of us have been privy to see?


That would probably be more accurate actually. I can't say a man I've never met is an asshole (but he strikes me as one), however I can and will say he just has a s***ty mouth. I love his honesty and lack of political correctness, however he needs some sensitivity training. It's almost like in Happy Gilmore where the PR lady tells him he can have fun, but he has to use common sense and not be a total dumbass.

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QUOTE(lukeman89 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 10:26 AM)
will ozzie be disciplined for this?

Its possible he would be fined IMO. Ozzie is a very immature man. I think its safe to say that. His act flies because the White Sox are winning. If the Sox were playing like the other team in town, the act would have gotten old long ago. That said, and while I cringe everytime Ozzie defends his mistakes by talking about what he said or does means in Venezuela, he's not in Venezuela, things are different here, he took the bait by a guy trying to get a reaction just like this. Marriotti won, and will continue to pull strings to get these types of reactions. If calling Marriotti a "***" gets people in an uproar, how come that song with Sting and the guy from Dire Straits, using the words "little f*****" didn't produce protests? I would imagine at least 95% of the guys on this board have called people ***s in their life, knowing damn well the object of their name calling was straight. I can see where calling Marriotti a *** is an insult to ***s everywhere. Ozzie shouldn't pop off, but he did. There's really nothing that can be done about it now.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 06:29 AM)
[*]F.a.g.g.o.t (epithet) or f.a.g, a generally pejorative term for a gay man, or for men who are judged to be "unmanly", weak or effeminate


I think that was the meaning that Ozzie meant to convey. In locker room-speak, "f.a.g." is most often an attack at one's manhood, not a term used to denigrate homosexuals. Also keep in mind that the Hispanic culture isn't exactly the most tolerant of homsexuals.


That said, Ozzie was still out of line for using that term. He knows that it's not acceptable and he's also playing right into Moronotti's hands.


BTW, it was oh-so-surprising to see the media hacks take the ultra-PC stance. I'll bet that every single one of them has used that word (and the N-word) before. f***ing hypocrites...


QUOTE(J-MAN @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 07:19 AM)
You guys must all be tons of fun to be around. I'm up to here with everybody being so **** sensitive and almost everyhing someone says offends someone or something.


I am Polish and the terms pollock doesn't really offend me and enjoy a good joke as much as the next guy.


Polska Kuchnia! :cheers

Edited by WCSox
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After reading the article, when Ozzie used that word, he said he meant it in the terms Venezualens mean it: as a coward (since Mariotti will not meet with Guillen man to man), not as a disparaging name for a homosexual. It seems like the columnist has a big problem with the word itself for some reason: "Until he said '[deleted] ***.' Not in public. Not in private. We don't say that."

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