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Official Ozzie/Mariotti Thread


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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:31 AM)
Don't misquote Ozzie he said "f***in f.a.g"


Mariotti is an asshole and he knows it and gets paid well for it. You defending him is ridiculous, as he probably wouldn't even defend himself in an honest moment with friends. He knows he goes to the extreme to sell papers. He gets people talking at all costs. He's right along the lines of Skip Bayless.


Boy, you really didn't read what I wrote, did you?


How's that knee? Don't sprain it from jerkin' so fast...

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:33 AM)
Pfft. Sheep. Right.


No, I'm the guy who actually reads him. And again I say: prove that Mariotti is so anti-Sox.


If he's full of s***, he's full of s*** and I'll say it when he is (and he is sometimes). But excuse me if I don't get in line to drink to Kool-Aid here.


If he were that much of a Sox-bashing jagoff, I would have stopped reading him long ago.

Really, Chip? I'm one of the biggest, loyal Sox fans in the world so obviously you don't know what you're talking about.


Try coming up with something better than a lame straw man.


He bashes everyone equally. We don't hate him just for being against the Sox. He switches sides on a topic at the drop of a hat, and he does it all to get people to read him. I read him for a long time before I stopped. He plays both sides.


Hell, if you watched Around the Horn yesterday, you would've seen that even the other reporters think very little of him. They know his game.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:34 AM)
Immune to critcism? Have you read some of the s*** thrown around here at various Sox personalities? C'mon. Get real. Mariotti's a tool of the lowest order.


Ya know? I give up. I try and present an objective look at this and the pile-on begins because how dare I not jump on the bandwagon where Mariotti is the anti-Christ when it comes to the Sox.


You're right: Ozzie was totally right to say what he said, Ozzie never does anything inappropriate or unbecoming for a World Series champ, Mariotti is simply lying 100% of the time and I am a traitor and an impostor for even suggesting otherwise.


And of course I know nothing about what I'm saying, seeing that I read the column every day.


God knows what you people think of Bill Simmons.


Anyway, you guys win. I'm a traitor, a sheep and a lunatic and not only probably Mariotti himself trolling, but probably a Cubs fan, too. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I have WMDs to top it all off.


Carry on. Forget I even posted.



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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:35 AM)
He bashes everyone equally. We don't hate him just for being against the Sox. He switches sides on a topic at the drop of a hat, and he does it all to get people to read him. I read him for a long time before I stopped. He plays both sides.


Hell, if you watched Around the Horn yesterday, you would've seen that even the other reporters think very little of him. They know his game.


Well hell: at least you acknowledge one of my points about bashing equally. But is everybody going to keep pretending that he hasn't been a vocal Sox fan the past two years?


I concede though that I never watch him on TV and for all I know he comes off like a total a-hole. I only know him from print.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:34 AM)
Boy, you really didn't read what I wrote, did you?


How's that knee? Don't sprain it from jerkin' so fast...




LV, A lot of the Mariotti/Reinsdorf animosity also got fueled back in 1994, during the Strike.

In the days leading up to the strike, Jay Mariotti did some of the best writing hes EVER done,

lambasting the Owners and uncle Jerry almost daily. He accused him of ringleading the whole fiasco

(something which other owners have privately admitted) and had his own interests at heart.

Reinsdorf was FURIOUS, and of course the whole strike thing happened and fans were furious at the owners, but in particular here in Chicago, SOX fans were livid because most believed the angle Jay was going with, and it wasnt that far-fetched, so did other writers.


So theyve been 'feuding' since then ............................

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QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:03 AM)
Good for you Gregory Pratt, and what are you doing? Following me around?


Take your own advice.


Knock it off! We are getting sick and tired of this crap and it will come to a halt one way or another. You choose how it comes to a stop.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:37 AM)
Anyway, you guys win. I'm a traitor, a sheep and a lunatic and not only probably Mariotti himself trolling, but probably a Cubs fan, too. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I have WMDs to top it all off.



Sonofab****.... I knew it!!






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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:28 AM)
Well I knew that I'd get blowback for not crucifying Mariotti--and would you guys remember I did NOT say that he is never wrong--but it certainly is a mystery to me.


That mystery is that, like I said, I read the guy every column (mostly) out of habit and I'm at a loss where everybody's claiming he's been so unfair to the Sox the past couple of years. Hell, there's been more than a few that I've read where he was right-on about us and especially in talking about how we're the "real" baseball team in Chicago. He called KW a genius GM for his offseason deals. Yada, yada.


I guess I really don't know what you guys want out of a columnist. Where has he ever been so unfair to the Sox?


Read Eric Zorn's blog about Mariotti that I believe Steff put there for you. He takes no responsibility for anything he says. He writes merely based on emotion rather than thought and reason. He steals ideas from other people. He makes his points by yelling louder than anyone else (by grabbing at any attention he can possibly get), and he provides nothing new or relevant to world of sports. I've said all of these things before, and I can't believe anyone reads his garbage. If you enjoy it, then have fun with that, but obviously people around here aren't going to agree.


Quite frankly, if Ozzie said this stuff about anyone else, I think he would have to face disciplinary action. Fans generally don't like Mariotti and they don't care what's said about him.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:33 AM)
Really, Chip? I'm one of the biggest, loyal Sox fans in the world so obviously you don't know what you're talking about.


Try coming up with something better than a lame straw man.

Wow I just met the biggest sox fan!

As far as Mariotti goes, he is not a good writer, he steals and plagurizes most of his columns from other sources. He could be the biggest white sox homer in the world and it wouldn't change the fact he is a talentless hack.

BTW can I get your autograph or something I am still in awe that the biggest sox fan has quoted me :D

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:34 AM)
LV, your saying that today Mariotti has a point and he does. Im with you on that. He has mostly been negative towards the SOX and saved all of his Rah-Rah articles for that other team. Of course, the SOX noticed this and privately told him they didnt appreciate it. Now mind you, some of the Negative articles about the SOX were Excellent and Timely, but then writing a piece saying AJ deserved getting punched?

Ridiculous. I want a columnist to just tell the truth, and his many Ligue references have hurt the fanbase perception.


Good points, Hangar!


I dispute that he's been mostly negative--geez have you guys read him the past two years? Apparently not. And he has SAVAGED the Cubs while talking the Sox up non-stop.


But you raise a good point about the AJ column--now THAT was bulls***.


And that's my point: yes, he's full of s*** sometimes. Especially on that one. But just not all of the time, as he is portrayed here.


It's not that I want to defend the guy up and down, it's just that I have a distaste for irrational extremism.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:30 AM)
Okay, I'll give you that--he was over-the-top in that if he's characterizing all Sox fans as that type. But that incident was a black-eye on our park and our team. Especially since there were two.


I'm starting to wonder though: are we immune to criticism? Is that what we think here?



I'm one of the first poeple to criticise the Sox when it is called for, hell I've called Ozzie childish about 10 times over the past week but I really can't stand Jay, it has nothing to do with constant criticism because warranted critiqueing is something that I actually enjoy seeing but when I see someone throwing about unwarranted rippage and flip flopping it gets on my nerves.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 10:02 AM)
I realize I'm risking the wrath of the entire board and Soxdom in general by not jumping on the Mariotti/Mornotti/whatever bashing-bandwagon, but there's a few things to be pointed out here, IMO.

What do you expect LV, you know before hand the reaction you would get when you post it.

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The FACTS on the Jay vs the Sox fight...






Mariotti also has an on-going feud with Chicago White Sox television announcer Ken "Hawk" Harrelson. After a White Sox game in the late 1990s, Harrelson entered the press box to confront Mariotti about a column he had written. The two exchanged words and have been feuding ever since. In a separate more recent exchange, Mariotti complained that Harrelson had intentionally bumped into him during a White Sox road game. Witnesses stated that Marriotti threatened to sue Harrelson.



Mariotti also has a beef with Jerry Reinsdorf, owner of the Bulls and White Sox, as he is highly critical of him. In June 2005, Mariotti threatened to sue Reinsdorf because Reinsdorf was angry at comments Mariotti wrote about how the contract negotations on an extension for Scott Skiles, head coach of the Chicago Bulls were handled. Mariotti said, "If he has a problem with my piece, he can contact my lawyer. I might just have my lawyer contact him first. That's how true this story is. I'm a professional."[1]


Mariotti found himself in yet another dispute in June 2006, this time with White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen. Mariotti had been critical of the way Guillen had handled his relief pitchers in a prior game. Guillen said in reference to Mariotti: "What a piece of s*** he is, f****** ***."[2].


Mariotti's alleged arrogance has often angered listeners but has garnered him fans as well.

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QUOTE(Chip Z @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:42 AM)
Wow I just met the biggest sox fan!

As far as Mariotti goes, he is not a good writer, he steals and plagurizes most of his columns from other sources. He could be the biggest white sox homer in the world and it wouldn't change the fact he is a talentless hack.

BTW can I get your autograph or something I am still in awe that the biggest sox fan has quoted me :D


Nice straw man, Chip. I didn't say "I AM THE BIGGEST SOX FAN" and you know it.


If you need to keep this going by being disingenuous like that, then why should we waste each other's time?

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:37 AM)
Ya know? I give up. I try and present an objective look at this and the pile-on begins because how dare I not jump on the bandwagon where Mariotti is the anti-Christ when it comes to the Sox.


You're right: Ozzie was totally right to say what he said, Ozzie never does anything inappropriate or unbecoming for a World Series champ, Mariotti is simply lying 100% of the time and I am a traitor and an impostor for even suggesting otherwise.


And of course I know nothing about what I'm saying, seeing that I read the column every day.


God knows what you people think of Bill Simmons.


Anyway, you guys win. I'm a traitor, a sheep and a lunatic and not only probably Mariotti himself trolling, but probably a Cubs fan, too. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I have WMDs to top it all off.


Carry on. Forget I even posted.




You're not the only one that reads this slimeball regularly. If he's talking about baseball, I read it. I happen to have a complete and totally 100% different opinion than you about this tool. You expressed yours, then get upset when I express mine. I never said Ozzie was guilt free. I just know that Mariotti is nothing more than a low class s*** stirrer.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:33 AM)
Pfft. Sheep. Right.


No, I'm the guy who actually reads him. And again I say: prove that Mariotti is so anti-Sox.


If he's full of s***, he's full of s*** and I'll say it when he is (and he is sometimes). But excuse me if I don't get in line to drink to Kool-Aid here.


If he were that much of a Sox-bashing jagoff, I would have stopped reading him long ago.

Really, Chip? I'm one of the biggest, loyal Sox fans in the world so obviously you don't know what you're talking about.


Try coming up with something better than a lame straw man.



The problem with Mariotti is that he DOESN'T take a stand. To use your example, yes, he heralded Kenny for the trades he made this offseason, but if something goes wrong, like Thome gets hurt or Vazquez pitches poorly (knocking on wood), then he is THE FIRST to say, "What the hell was (insert pithy Kenny Williams nickname here) thinking about getting a guy that is prone to injury or gave up 84 homeruns last year."


That's what's unfair. You don't have to pick a side and stick with it, but he writes like he's Randi Rhoades one week and Ann Coulter the next.


He's not a reporter, he's an op/ed columnist. If he could say that to me and to the White Sox, he may be better off.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:37 AM)
Ya know? I give up. I try and present an objective look at this and the pile-on begins because how dare I not jump on the bandwagon where Mariotti is the anti-Christ when it comes to the Sox.


You're right: Ozzie was totally right to say what he said, Ozzie never does anything inappropriate or unbecoming for a World Series champ, Mariotti is simply lying 100% of the time and I am a traitor and an impostor for even suggesting otherwise.


And of course I know nothing about what I'm saying, seeing that I read the column every day.


God knows what you people think of Bill Simmons.


Anyway, you guys win. I'm a traitor, a sheep and a lunatic and not only probably Mariotti himself trolling, but probably a Cubs fan, too. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I have WMDs to top it all off.


Carry on. Forget I even posted.





Look I will agree with you. Mariotti is not anti-Sox. He isn't anti-anyone. But he isn't pro-sox or pro-anyone, either.


He is the worst kind of columnist...one without an opinion. If you read Eric Zorn's peice or if you, as you say you do, read him on a constant basis you will see the truth. He is a windsock. He will move his opinion which ever way the wind is blowing. He writes in extemes and forgets the comments he made in earlier columns that contridict his new ones.


It's either doomsday or paradise for the teams or players he writes about.


He is a schizophrenic writer whose main purpose is to push buttons, mostly through negative connotations.


He is a poor columnist. Plain and simple.

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QUOTE(Mike @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:43 AM)
What do you expect LV, you know before hand the reaction you would get when you post it.


Yeah, but I thought people would be a little more rational and objective.


Not surprisingly, I've already been straw-manned a couple of times and of course now I'm not a "real" Sox fan, because I don't hate some freakin sports columnists as much as I'm "supposed" to.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:33 AM)
Pfft. Sheep. Right.


No, I'm the guy who actually reads him. And again I say: prove that Mariotti is so anti-Sox.


If he's full of s***, he's full of s*** and I'll say it when he is (and he is sometimes). But excuse me if I don't get in line to drink to Kool-Aid here.


If he were that much of a Sox-bashing jagoff, I would have stopped reading him long ago.

Really, Chip? I'm one of the biggest, loyal Sox fans in the world so obviously you don't know what you're talking about.


Try coming up with something better than a lame straw man.


First off, Mariotti routinely insults Hawk in his columns. Yes they dont like each other, but show some professionalism there Jay. Second, Mariotti writes about whatever is hot at the time, instead of coming up with his own ideas. Just read the Zorn blog and see all the inconsistencies from his reporting last year. He's a shock jock, the Max Mercy of sports journalism. Since the World Series he has been more positive, but looking at what he has written since then does not give an accurate sample size of the writing he does. He hates the Sox more than he hates the other teams in the city, but he bashes every franchise in the city.


My biggest problem with Mariotti is that the best sports columnists make you appreciate the sport more, not get on a holier than thou pedestal ripping every single team in the city. Mariotti = Skip Bayless.

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I am no JM fan, but I am tired of OG talking just to hear himself talk about NON on the field baseball related issues...a no comment from him on certain subjects would be nice from time to time.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 04:44 PM)
Nice straw man, Chip. I didn't say "I AM THE BIGGEST SOX FAN" and you know it.


If you need to keep this going by being disingenuous like that, then why should we waste each other's time?

Did you just recently learn what 'straw man' means? You have used it at least 2 or three times so far. just checking.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:46 AM)
Yeah, but I thought people would be a little more rational and objective.


Not surprisingly, I've already been straw-manned a couple of times and of course now I'm not a "real" Sox fan, because I don't hate some freakin sports columnists as much as I'm "supposed" to.



heh heh, ive been called a cub fan by some here, dont worry. You brought up a good point

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