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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:33 PM)
You know, I think all your quotes ending up making my point more than yours.


You asked for proof that he constantly flip-flops. I just proved that he's the most wishy-washy worthless f***stain on earth.


Again, you lose, and you look 100% ridiculous defending Jay Mariotti in any way...And stop lumping me in with your beinhg a pussy as far as the Sox are concerned. Again and again you post "We all thought this."


You're full of s***. You don't represent me or what I thought throughout the course of last season. Who the f*** voted for you to speak for all of us? All the doomsday bulls*** you and your buddy Jay thought had nothing to do with me.

Edited by Contreras' Crew
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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:36 PM)

I'm agreeing with you, he's lumping everyone together right there when probably the majority of Sox fans had faith that they'd hold onto the lead last year and not relinquish down the stretch.

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:38 PM)
man, thats right, I forgot about that. People were deemed "less" a SOX fan for thinking we might not make the playoffs last year. Funny thing was, in the SOX WS Video (put out by MLB), there are numerous references to the slide the SOX had, and how they almost didnt make it, how the SOX players themselves thought UHOH, they reference fans being Worried Sick and even have a fan interviewed.


Actually Hangar I never said we weren't going to make it, I just said we'd better do this and this and this and get our s*** together or else... and poof! I was banished to Sox Siberia.


The only thing that gave me hope was... no, no, there is NO way we could come all this way only to choke. That would just be TOO cruel. And besides, curses are for Cubs.


But I remember during the slide having tix to two games against Anaheim (how's that for irony?) and I couldn't even bring myself to go because I was so traumatized.


Oh well, all's well that ends well. This year I'm praying for a Detroit 2nd half swoon and the Sox to go on a Cleveland-like tear 2nd half. We'll see.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:42 PM)
I'm agreeing with you, he's lumping everyone together right there when probably the majority of Sox fans had faith that they'd hold onto the lead last year and not relinquish down the stretch.

haha...when you quoted me, I was trying to figure out how I generalized...especially when I said I can't speak for anyone else.


miscomunicado my sox brethren!! :gosox1:

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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I'm sure if the Sun-Times want, Yahoo will be more than happy to get thm your IP address.


BTW, they could subpoena Jas for your IP here on soxtalk if the Sun-Times' lawyers find it threatening under the Patriot Act.


Also,since this site is subject to google search, anyone can find your blowharded rant here and report you at any time to the police.


Don't be a jackass and sink to Mariotti's level.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:39 AM)
But is everybody going to keep pretending that he hasn't been a vocal Sox fan the past two years?





QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 11:55 AM)
All right, I'll take your word for it. But again: where has he flip-flopped on the Sox over the past two seasons?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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QUOTE(Contreras @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:41 PM)
You asked for proof that he constantly flip-flops. I just proved that he's the most wishy-washy worthless f***stain on earth.


Again, you lose, and you look 100% ridiculous defending Jay Mariotti in any way...And stop lumping me in with your beinhg a pussy as far as the Sox are concerned. Again and again you post "We all thought this."


You're full of s***. You don't represent me or what I thought throughout the course of last season. Who the f*** voted for you to speak for all of us? All the doomsday bulls*** you and your buddy Jay thought had nothing to do with me.


Wow, there's a nice, reasoned, adult response from you CC. Thanks for your helpful input.


When I say "we," I'm referring to me and my group of die-hard Sox fan buddies who go to the games. I don't pretend to speak for you.


Oh and I'm a "pussy" now. LOL! Whatever, dude.


I stand by what I said. So Mariotti flip-flopped over the course of a roller-coaster season. And I'm supposed to join into your irrational, over-the-top hatred of some columnist that you're drooling over.


And let's be clear: if you weren't worried during the September swoon and you're claiming here that you knew all along that what happened was going to happen then it is you, sir, who is full of s***. You want to sit here and sell us the snake oil that even though the TEAM ITSELF was worrying about it, somehow Carnac the Magnificent knew it all along, and anybody who didn't share your gift of clairvoyance is a "pussy" Sox fan?


Have a great day!

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:40 PM)
My point is that he pretty much was writing what most people were thinking along the season.


I will give you this, his "predictions" absolutely suck. Maybe if he stopped making them, he'd have more cred. Because that's where he gets himself in the most trouble as proven here.


Also, as I mentioned, his famous proclamation after the Bulls outlasted the Pacers that the Bulls were too "old and tired" to ever beat Utah. Oops!


Good dicussion though, gents (and ladies)! This was fun.


Now back to shelling the Cards...




You're making an awful lot of generalizations about what Sox fans think, and I'd say most of them are inaccurate. Just because you thought that they were going to suck in 2005 and choke away the lead at the end of the year doesn't mean that everyone else does/did. I'd hope that most of us don't suddenly change our opinions on our management, manager, team, and owner every two weeks or so. He also still finds ways to rip the team when things are going well, especially this year. His writing is annoying and useless and has no real substance.

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QUOTE(Contreras @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:41 PM)
You asked for proof that he constantly flip-flops. I just proved that he's the most wishy-washy worthless f***stain on earth.


Again, you lose, and you look 100% ridiculous defending Jay Mariotti in any way...And stop lumping me in with your beinhg a pussy as far as the Sox are concerned. Again and again you post "We all thought this."


You're full of s***. You don't represent me or what I thought throughout the course of last season. Who the f*** voted for you to speak for all of us? All the doomsday bulls*** you and your buddy Jay thought had nothing to do with me.

Dude...There's a right way and wrong way to do things...


You seem to consistently be on the wrong end...maybe you can switch sides??

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QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:50 PM)
You're making an awful lot of generalizations about what Sox fans think, and I'd say most of them are inaccurate. Just because you thought that they were going to suck in 2005 and choke away the lead at the end of the year doesn't mean that everyone else does/did. I'd hope that most of us don't suddenly change our opinions on our management, manager, team, and owner every two weeks or so. He also still finds ways to rip the team when things are going well, especially this year. His writing is annoying and useless and has no real substance.




Just because we worried about choking in September doesn't mean we "gave up" on the team or questioned the approach of 2005, which I was totally behind. Just because we thought, at the time, as most people did, that we needed to acquire a bat in August or whenever it was doesn't make us heretics or "pussy" Sox fans. We thought it, most sportswriters thought it and you know what? It turned out that neither went that way.


Most, you would think, would file that under "pleasant surprise"--I'll take it--but instead now all of a sudden if you dare questioned at any point in 2005 what was going on, you're not worthy? Pfft. That's CUB FAN bulls***, going along, not asking questions, being blindly faithful.


It had a happy ending and that's all that matters. And that' WHY you don't see me being overly critical of the 2006 Sox because KW and Ozzie PROVED that they know what they're doing. So I'm loathe to question some of their moves.


But it is amazing to me how some so-called "real" Sox fans here are frontin like they knew all along that a WS victory was imminent and they never questioned anything during the season at any point and any of us who did are just "pussies." Bulls***.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:40 PM)
You're a season ticket holder? :wub: Can we talk? ;)


Ah, loved for my White Sox tickets ... I totally understand! :D


I had a really contentious relationship, at work, with this one attorney until I found out he is a 3rd-generation Sox fan and has PRIMO season seats, and he found out that I am a huge fan; suddenly we became quite cordial! Good Sox will improve any relationship. :lol:

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:50 PM)
And let's be clear: if you weren't worried during the September swoon and you're claiming here that you knew all along that what happened was going to happen then it is you, sir, who is full of s***. You want to sit here and sell us the snake oil that even though the TEAM ITSELF was worrying about it, somehow Carnac the Magnificent knew it all along, and anybody who didn't share your gift of clairvoyance is a "pussy" Sox fan?


Have a great day!


No, I wasn't worried about the swoon, and most would say that I'm a pretty intelligent baseball fan. We had a massive lead, and at no time did we lose it. In fact, the closest they ever got was a game and a half, which means at no time could we have lost the lead in a single day. Cleveland had to play .700 ball to catch up to that point, and that simply wasn't going to hold up forever. Was I somewhat concerned? Yes. But I wasn't going to jump off the ledge while we still had the lead, unlike a lot of people. It's called having a little faith in your team instead of whining about how things aren't going your way and assuming the worst.

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QUOTE(zach61 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 05:24 PM)
From what I remember about Ditka, he brought the attention to the team. From what I'm seeing with Ozzie, he takes the attention off of the team.


You let me down, superzach. :D


Some quotes from "In Life, First You Kick Ass".


Looking back at all of those clippings from 1985, I can see that we were like a three-ring circus. There was something going on every day. I didn't read the papers back then, so I had no idea how nuts things were. But I know I tried to deflect some of the attention onto me, because I didn't want the players under any pressure except to go out and play. If the press thought I was an asshole, fine. Didn't bother me. I was on a mission from the moment I took the job.


Like I said, I didn't read the papers, but sometimes people told me what was going on. It was nothing new for me. The good guys were still good guys, and the assholes were still assholes. I mean, Tribune columnist Bernie Lincicome was still a jerk, what can I tell you? Writers started bugging me just to see what kind of response they'd get. Sometimes I didn't handle it very well, but there are times when there isn't a good answer at all. Do you still cheat on your wife? I mean, help me out here.


I'm not defending my behavior. Could I have handled things better in my career, like when I jumped all over Avellini or Harbaugh or yelled at reporters? Sure. But I handled it the way I knew how, and that's why I can't go back and apologize to anybody. McMahon called me Sybil, I've heard. Well, screw it - I didn't care what anybody said about me. I've always maintained that if your job isn't important to you, then don't do it. And my Bears job meant everything to me. I cared about what people said about my team, not me. It bothered me when I heard writers were writing bad stuff about the guys. I always felt like I was defending the entire history of the franchise.
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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:56 PM)
There were plenty of people here who didn't think this team would choke last september.


Fair enough, nobody's disputing that. Guess what? Neither did I. But I certainly WORRIED ABOUT IT, and I openly mock anybody who claims that they didn't experience any anxiety during The Swoon.


Because if you didn't, how could you be a Sox fan?


QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:57 PM)
Instead of whining about how things aren't going your way and assuming the worst.


Nice straw man.


Can we move on now?

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:56 PM)


Just because we worried about choking in September doesn't mean we "gave up" on the team or questioned the approach of 2005, which I was totally behind. Just because we thought, at the time, as most people did, that we needed to acquire a bat in August or whenever it was doesn't make us heretics or "pussy" Sox fans. We thought it, most sportswriters thought it and you know what? It turned out that neither went that way.


Most, you would think, would file that under "pleasant surprise"--I'll take it--but instead now all of a sudden if you dare questioned at any point in 2005 what was going on, you're not worthy? Pfft. That's CUB FAN bulls***, going along, not asking questions, being blindly faithful.


It had a happy ending and that's all that matters. And that' WHY you don't see me being overly critical of the 2006 Sox because KW and Ozzie PROVED that they know what they're doing. So I'm loathe to question some of their moves.


But it is amazing to me how some so-called "real" Sox fans here are frontin like they knew all along that a WS victory was imminent and they never questioned anything during the season at any point and any of us who did are just "pussies." Bulls***.


Way to put words in my mouth. :headshake


There's a difference between knowing what will happen and having some faith in your team. That's not Cub-like because in their case it's almost always un-justified. Over the course of the year the Sox earned my trust, and I'm not going to start flipping out because they're going through a rough patch. Other years I might gripe, but not the last two. You apparently decided to fear the worst. That's your perogative, but that's a crappy attitude to have toward your team when things are going well, and I couldn't do it. It makes watching the team more painful and trying then it has to be.


You had doubts, others didn't. I can live with that. But don't support this bloated gas-bag for pontificating about whatever he feels like saying on a given day.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 12:56 PM)
There were plenty of people here who didn't think this team would choke last september.




And there were PLENTY of people who thought we would "choke" last September. It was real

and thats the way things went down. Sox fans are used to disappointment. To say Im less a SOX fan because we were playing badly in September is NONSENSICAL. Just as if I were to say all those who were confident were all Dreamers and less a SOX fan would be just as NONSENSICAL.

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QUOTE(Chip Z @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 01:10 PM)
what the hell is a straw man? some type of scarecrow?

Straw man

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A straw man argument is a rhetorical technique based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "set up a straw man" or "set up a straw-man argument" is to create a position that is easy to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent. A straw-man argument can be a successful rhetorical technique (that is, it may succeed in persuading people) but it is in fact misleading, since the argument actually presented by the opponent has not been refuted.


Its name is derived from the use of straw men in combat training (see [1]). It is occasionally called a straw dog fallacy [2] or a scarecrow argument.

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QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 01:05 PM)
Way to put words in my mouth. :headshake


There's a difference between knowing what will happen and having some faith in your team. That's not Cub-like because in their case it's almost always un-justified. Over the course of the year the Sox earned my trust, and I'm not going to start flipping out because they're going through a rough patch. Other years I might gripe, but not the last two. You apparently decided to fear the worst. That's your perogative, but that's a crappy attitude to have toward your team when things are going well, and I couldn't do it. It makes watching the team more painful and trying then it has to be.


You had doubts, others didn't. I can live with that. But don't support this bloated gas-bag for pontificating about whatever he feels like saying on a given day.


You're in no position to question my attitude towards the Sox, pal. I had plenty of faith in the Sox or I wouldn't have been there as many times as I was last year, and the year before, and this year.


Nobody said we (ME AND MY FRIENDS) were "flipping out" when they would "go through a rough patch." You said that, as you built your straw man.


Like I said, if you are such a super-fan and weren't concerned at all during The Swoon, then I wonder how much of a fan you really are, because anybody with their heart in the Sox was hating that period.


Cubs-like faith and never questioning moves/management is why they are destined to lose forever. Sox fans, as we--yes WE--all know, will be the first to question, demand and speak out when they think management is not doing the right thing. My God, son--have you never been to a game? A good chunk of the conversation you'll overhear is fans giving their take on how this should be done, how that should be done... even when we're WINNING. That's what's great about Sox fans; none of this love-goggle, we-love-you-no-matter-what mindless dedication.


Make sense?

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