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Ok, I understand the tv draw of the Yanks and Red Sux, but every darned week that the Ranger are not on in Dallas, they play the Yanks or Red Sux. This week, with the a rematch of the World Series going on the same time, and one of those teams only 4 hours away, FOX in its infinate wisdome decides to show the Red Sux vs. Phillies in Dallas instead of Houston vs. CSW.


At least ESPN got it right for the Sunday Evening Game. (WOW, that was hard to do....give props to ESPN)

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QUOTE(zygoat @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 01:26 PM)
that isnt even going to be that good of a game


i like rowand but the phillies are mediocre at best and the red sox's lineup will eat them alive


the game's f***in over, bro

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