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Kenny's thoughts on Ozzie and possible consequences


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Its a shame Ozzie's big mouth has put KW in a position to say what he had to say. Its time to STFU, and play baseball. The White Sox as an organization need to ignore Mariotti. It should be team policy. If this policy was in place at the beginning of the season, none of this crap would have happened. Mariotti is just sitting back laughing at the mess he helped create, and he's laughing at how bad he's made the White Sox organization look to others around the country.

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The White Sox as an organization need to ignore Mariotti. It should be team policy.



You role in around in the mud with pigs and you're going to get dirty. Ozzie could have made Mariotti sound like the whiney windbag he is by just taking the high road and saying:


"Jay Mariotti is a coward; I've never seen him come down into my office--the clubhouse--and have the guts to ask me questions straight up. Ask Jay if he ever comes down here. He fears for his safety? Give me a break, that happened over 5 years ago now, and Jurassic Carl's screaming fit, well Carl is a crazy dude but he ain't here anymore." Jay should get his butt down here and get the info straight for the horses mouth."


If Ozzie said that, Mariotti would have looked like a high school gossip, and the White Sox would have come out smelling like roses. Too bad Ozzie still has his "street mentality". He needs to realize he's in the corporate world, not the streets of Caracas.

Edited by chitownsportsfan
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QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 01:16 PM)
You beat me to it.. dumb ass phrase.. lose it already.

It's not going away, people use it everytime Ozzie makes an asinine comment inorder to play it down. I personally think it's great because it just strengthens my Manny Ramirez/Ozzie Guillen comparison.

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QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 01:21 PM)
You role in around in the mud with pigs and you're going to get dirty. Ozzie could have made Mariotti sound like the whiney windbag he is by just taking the high road and saying:


"Jay Mariotti is a coward; I've never seen him come down into my office--the clubhouse--and have the guts to ask me questions straight up. Ask Jay if he ever comes down here. He fears for his safety? Give me a break, that happened over 5 years ago now, and Jurassic Carl's screaming fit, well Carl is a crazy dude but he ain't here anymore." Jay should get his butt down here and get the info straight for the horses mouth."


If Ozzie said that, Mariotti would have looked like a high school gossip, and the White Sox would have come out smelling like roses. Too bad Ozzie still has his "street mentality". He needs to realize he's in the corporate world, not the streets of Caracas.


That would have been fine, but it gives Mariotti free publicity. The White Sox have been in a verbal spat with Mariotti for years, and have basically said what you suggested. As long as he gets the free pub, and knows his column has struck a nerve, he will continue with it. The Sun-Times loves all the attention he's getting now. I wouldn't be surprised if he's up for a raise.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 01:25 PM)
It's not going away, people use it everytime Ozzie makes an asinine comment inorder to play it down. I personally think it's great because it just strengthens my Manny Ramirez/Ozzie Guillen comparison.



There is no comparison, one is a Manager and one is a player. Simple minded people will keep using that statement, come up with somthing original.

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QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 01:28 PM)
There is no comparison, one is a Manager and one is a player. Simple minded people will keep using that statement, come up with somthing original.

There is a comparison at its core, just because one is a manager and one is a player that doesn't mean there's no comparison. You hear very similar thing from both groups of Sox fans:


1.) I don't give a s*** what Manny says or does as long as he's hitting home runs. After all it's just Manny being Manny.


2.) I don't give a s*** what Ozzie says or does as long as the team is winning. After all it's just Ozzie being Ozzie.


I'd say there's a similarity there.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 01:38 PM)
There is a comparison at its core, just because one is a manager and one is a player that doesn't mean there's no comparison. You hear very similar thing from both groups of Sox fans:


1.) I don't give a s*** what Manny says or does as long as he's hitting home runs. After all it's just Manny being Manny.


2.) I don't give a s*** what Ozzie says or does as long as the team is winning. After all it's just Ozzie being Ozzie.


I'd say there's a similarity there.



Still looking for the originality part? This aint Boston!

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I hold nothing back on my rants. Personally , the more I think about it. I don't want Ozzie or Kenny gone. I want to keep a good thing going. I just don't agree with throwing your managers name out there to the hungry east coast bias media. Kenny should know better. Championship teams can easily be broken up because of small stories getting overblown becoming huge national stories. The Media will pick and choose what people around the country get to read and watch about us. If manufactured negativity flows around this team for a long period of time, you get major distractions. I have seen great sports teams in my life time get broken up a couple years too early because of off the field distractions. I am not happy with Ozzie running his mouth, I am not happy with our gm thowing him under the bridge. Because even if he meant it in the nicest of way, you know how espn runs things.

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 01:51 PM)
I hold nothing back on my rants. Personally , the more I think about it. I don't want Ozzie or Kenny gone. I want to keep a good thing going. I just don't agree with throwing your managers name out there to the hungry east coast bias media. Kenny should know better. Championship teams can easily be broken up because of small stories getting overblown becoming huge national stories. The Media will pick and choose what people around the country get to read and watch about us. If manufactured negativity flows around this team for a long period of time, you get major distractions. I have seen great sports teams in my life time get broken up a couple years too early because of off the field distractions. I am not happy with Ozzie running his mouth, I am not happy with our gm thowing him under the bridge. Because even if he meant it in the nicest of way, you know how espn runs things.

Kenny didn't throw Ozzie under the bridge at all, not even close.

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 01:51 PM)
I hold nothing back on my rants. Personally , the more I think about it. I don't want Ozzie or Kenny gone. I want to keep a good thing going. I just don't agree with throwing your managers name out there to the hungry east coast bias media. Kenny should know better. Championship teams can easily be broken up because of small stories getting overblown becoming huge national stories. The Media will pick and choose what people around the country get to read and watch about us. If manufactured negativity flows around this team for a long period of time, you get major distractions. I have seen great sports teams in my life time get broken up a couple years too early because of off the field distractions. I am not happy with Ozzie running his mouth, I am not happy with our gm thowing him under the bridge. Because even if he meant it in the nicest of way, you know how espn runs things.



Nobody's throwing anybody under a bridge. Much as I agree with what Ozzie said, stuff like that is not allowed in todays pussified, politically correct world so KW had to do something to rein in Oz. Would KW really fire Oz the way this team is going? HELL NO! Ozzie is smart enough to know this and takes it for what it's worth.........a token attempt by Williams to make it look like he actually gives a s***. Trust me, he doesn't.

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 06:51 PM)
I hold nothing back on my rants. Personally , the more I think about it. I don't want Ozzie or Kenny gone. I want to keep a good thing going. I just don't agree with throwing your managers name out there to the hungry east coast bias media. Kenny should know better. Championship teams can easily be broken up because of small stories getting overblown becoming huge national stories. The Media will pick and choose what people around the country get to read and watch about us. If manufactured negativity flows around this team for a long period of time, you get major distractions. I have seen great sports teams in my life time get broken up a couple years too early because of off the field distractions. I am not happy with Ozzie running his mouth, I am not happy with our gm thowing him under the bridge. Because even if he meant it in the nicest of way, you know how espn runs things.


Again, I ask this: do you really think KW just went out and said this without consulting with JR and the other execs first? This was not KW throwing Ozzie under the bus. It was an organizational response telling their manager to STFU.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 02:02 PM)
Again, I ask this: do you really think KW just went out and said this without consulting with JR and the other execs first? This was not KW throwing Ozzie under the bus. It was an organizational response telling their manager to STFU.



absolutely fathom. KW and the whitesox needed to respond to this whole thing. I am also certain though can't confirm that they talked to Ozzie about this prior to going public. people around the country need to see the whitesox as an organization that cares. I read in the paper this weekend that Ozzie stayed at the park after the game on friday and met with KW and JR until 1;30am. Then Kenny comes out with this stuff on saturday. This was all planned.

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ozzie has to learn how to calm down adn let things go back to normal, he should just apologize to the gay community and leave it at that. He shouldnt be making hand gestures and not going to the classes


he's lucky that he isnt suspended for longer

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First off, LMAO@Rangercal. Dude is crackin' me up. Second, I'm with Yasny in the thinking that Kenny is just sending a message to Ozzie to tone it down. He's not asking Ozzie to turn into Jerry Manuel. But there's some things you just can't do or say. Kenny is the last person in the world that wants to get rid of Ozzie.

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I cannot fault KW at all here and I love Ozzie.


What KW's trying to do is a pre-emptive strike before Ozzie's comments create such a media firestorm that KW will have no CHOICE but to let him go. Oh, it could happen. People have been canned for far less (as people above mentioned, Jimmy the Greek).


Sure we all want Ozzie to be Ozzie and he says some silly stuff sometimes, but now his mouth is getting him into trouble that could explode beyond the Sox' control, or simple "Ozzie bein' Ozzie" dismissals. What KW is doing is taking it in-house before it gets bigger than the two of them combined, at which point it will be out of their control.


Ozzie has to remember that his locker-room humor and dirty talk should stay in the locker room; he has a habit of publicly saying things (and swearing like a sailor) that causes me to even flinch sometimes. At first it was funny, but then we he moved on from Mariotti to saying things about Houston's manager--which apparently weren't true--you wonder if he's getting a little nuts.


In the end, you are the face and the manager of the World Series Champions. What you do on the field to win is not in question. But there's another part to the job, the public part, and Ozzie needs to start stepping up in that area.


Like I said, I love the guy, but enough is enough.


As for Mariotti and that whole thing--I wish they'd just bury the hatchet and get on with it. This is just getting silly.

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I was tempted to make this a new thread, but since there are quite a few on this topic already, I'll add it here...


Did anyone see Mariano Duncan's comments from the Trib toda?



Read the entire article. Taken as a whole, I have to say I agree with pretty much everything Duncan said. And frankly, I find Ozzie's response to be bizarre and out of control.


I think Ozzie has taken this thing way too far. He's brash, but even being brash, he needs to have SOME control over himself. Some of his defensive comments, such as the ones to Duncan, really do make him look like an a**. And the thing is, he's not. But he's gone past the point of helping the team, or creating us-against-them. He passed that point a while ago. Now he's just flailing out there in the media for all to see.


Learn, Ozzie. I know you can do that. Please, just choose to.

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