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Frank Thomas

Rex Hudler

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Anyone who saw the games this weekend should have noticed that Frank was killing inside fastballs. Obviously he has decided to adjust rather than whine more. Good choice Frank!


Watching Frank mashing is much more fun than reading his whining comments.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Anyone who saw the games this weekend should have noticed that Frank was killing inside fastballs.  Obviously he has decided to adjust rather than whine more.  Good choice Frank!


Watching Frank mashing is much more fun than reading his whining comments.

well i didnt see these games but i have noticed frank has been standing so far back in the box again, hes like on the very back corner and not doing his usual open footed stance... it was driving me nuts.....i hope he has found his groove these past few games now cause i hate to have to yell at him each and every at bat as to where he should be standing and how.......lol.... ;)

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Anyone who saw the games this weekend should have noticed that Frank was killing inside fastballs.  Obviously he has decided to adjust rather than whine more.  Good choice Frank!


Watching Frank mashing is much more fun than reading his whining comments.

well i didnt see these games but i have noticed frank has been standing so far back in the box again, hes like on the very back corner and not doing his usual open footed stance... it was driving me nuts.....i hope he has found his groove these past few games now cause i hate to have to yell at him each and every at bat as to where he should be standing and how.......lol.... ;)

If he does he can really lead by example and maybe inspire this bunch. Hey a hot streak and where back in it. But when i MEAN hot streak is winning like 16 outta 20 something like that

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Guest hotsoxchick1
That's odd, in all these years I've never read any of Frank's 'whining comments'.

holy s***... corg.........how the hell are ya......what the heck took ya so long to come over to the good side????........

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I read here a lot, just haven't posted here much.

see how you are.....always the lurker never the participant.....dont you get bored with the troll kiddos at mlb???? i did and ill tell ya my blood pressure is alot lower now........you should stay here......mho

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That's odd, in all these years I've never read any of Frank's 'whining comments'.

You must not read a lot, huh?


The specific "whining" I was referring to, was when Manuel commented in general that maybe some of the hitters needed to make some adjustments. Frank responded the next day about getting pitches too tough to hit and not getting many pitches to hit. He said all pitchers did was throw him inside all the time. He seemed to say that the pitchers needed to adjust, not him.

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Guest Ncorgbl
You must not read a lot, huh? 


The specific "whining" I was referring to, was when Manuel commented in general that maybe some of the hitters needed to make some adjustments.  Frank responded the next day about getting pitches too tough to hit and not getting many pitches to hit.  He said all pitchers did was throw him inside all the time. He seemed to say that the pitchers needed to adjust, not him.

Oh, I read plenty. If I'm not mistaken that was when Thomas SAID they were pitching him inside and it was tough to hit, but he had to deal with it, then went on a tear. If that's 'whining' to you, fine, but it sounded like an adult that was frustrated to me, and one who was determined to beat it, and he did.

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Guest Ncorgbl
see how you are.....always the lurker never the participant.....dont you get bored with the troll kiddos at mlb???? i did and ill tell ya my blood pressure is alot lower now........you should stay here......mho

MLB shut off ALL HTML, no sigs or anything. The cUBBIES are livid! LOL! sat46 said he'd quit if it's permanent. I'll find out from Alterity if it is tomorrow, he told me about the meeting to shut it off.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
MLB shut off ALL HTML, no sigs or anything. The cUBBIES are livid! LOL! sat46 said he'd quit if it's permanent. I'll find out from Alterity if it is tomorrow, he told me about the meeting to shut it off.

i wish sat would come over here.. geez us he can get used to the format ......once he plays with it.. its so peaceful over here he would love it...........poor alterity i sure do miss him.........tell him i say hey when you talk again.......... :D

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You must not read a lot, huh? 


The specific "whining" I was referring to, was when Manuel commented in general that maybe some of the hitters needed to make some adjustments.  Frank responded the next day about getting pitches too tough to hit and not getting many pitches to hit.  He said all pitchers did was throw him inside all the time. He seemed to say that the pitchers needed to adjust, not him.

Oh, I read plenty. If I'm not mistaken that was when Thomas SAID they were pitching him inside and it was tough to hit, but he had to deal with it, then went on a tear. If that's 'whining' to you, fine, but it sounded like an adult that was frustrated to me, and one who was determined to beat it, and he did.

Everyone I know took it as whining.


And that is just one instance. Frank is a well-known whiner.

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That's odd, in all these years I've never read any of Frank's 'whining comments'.

neither have I -


and you need to be here -


you talked to Alterity? I should be in touch - the MLB boards are crashing fast in terms of any value - wish he were back moderating - email me what he is doing, it will stay with me -


the decision to quit all the html happened when I was in Chicago I guess - what was the problem they think they are correcting?


By the way, after the Overnight, I love JR - anyone whose organization puts on an event like that deserves praise - everyone that I spoke with there was just enthralled by the magic of it all - kind of Ravinia, laying on the grass and all enjoying some incredible group experiences - the kid was just as psuched about it all after we spent the afternoon with my father and driving 4 hours as he was when it was happening - what an experience. Wow.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Will do, and already did! Passed along your comments Friday. Nite!

which comments were those????? am i talkin in my sleep again???lol..... :o

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It is amazing how themedia has brainwashed so many fans into making Frank look like a whiner


Frank has EARNED the right to speak his mind....unlike the moron Paul Konerko who talked a lot last year and now one cannot even hear a peep from him when his sorry ass cannot hit more than once every 32 at bats


The freaking idiots who called paul a leader are no where to be heard from either.


Frank Thomas has EVERY RIGHT to not come to the bench if he in unfairly benched like he was last year

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It is amazing how themedia has brainwashed so many fans into making Frank look like a whiner


Frank has EARNED the right to speak his mind....unlike the moron Paul Konerko who talked a lot last year and now one cannot even hear a peep from him when his sorry ass cannot hit more than once every 32 at bats


The freaking idiots who called paul a leader are no where to be heard from either.


Frank Thomas has EVERY RIGHT to not come to the bench if he in unfairly benched like he was last year

Talking about blind to reality. Frank has been an whiner and an individual caring only about himself for years. He's a cancer in the clubhouse (although for the most part has seemed better this year) and always has been.


No one will speak up about Frank because of how well he has hit, but the media did not create Frank's image. He has no one to blame for that but himself. If you can't see the ego and individualism in Frank, you are blind to anything outside of the world of silver and black.

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Frank Thomas has EVERY RIGHT to not come to the bench if he in unfairly benched like he was last year


That comment is as assinine as it gets. Frank has NO right to do as he pleases. He is an employee and a teammate. Again, it is all about Frank. f*** Frank and his attitude. If he couldn't hit, he wouldn't even be worth talking about, and he barely is at that.

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I always find it ironic (and funny) when people whine about Frank Thomas whining. Frank may not have the greatest personality in the world, but scrutinizing everything he says and taking everything as negatively as possible does nothing but make the situation worse. Maybe the "clubhouse cancer" just needs to be left alone. Many say that he doesn't deserve special treatment, so stop giving it to him by looking for "cancer quotes."

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I always find it ironic (and funny) when people whine about Frank Thomas whining.  Frank may not have the greatest personality in the world, but scrutinizing everything he says and taking everything as negatively as possible does nothing but make the situation worse.  Maybe the "clubhouse cancer" just needs to be left alone.  Many say that he doesn't deserve special treatment,  so stop giving it to him by looking for "cancer quotes."

I don't have to "look" for anything from Frank. He periodically puts it right out there for all to see. Part of his problem is he doesn't understand how he is perceived and he continues to make comments to fuel it. No one need search or look for things to call Frank out on.


This thread started with me complimenting him on making necessary adjustments. But I refuse to sit by and read all the people who see Fank as untouchable. He is, a whiny egomaniac and has been one for years. If you want to applaud his production, then fine, do so. But do be so blind to reality to think Frank hasn't created his own bed.


In Frank's world, everything is about him first and the team second. In the papers, Frank's teammates will support him. Privately, they will back up the selfishness I am referring to.

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I don't have to "look" for anything from Frank.  He periodically puts it right out there for all to see.  Part of his problem is he doesn't understand how he is perceived and he continues to make comments to fuel it.  No one need search or look for things to call Frank out on.


This thread started with me complimenting him on making necessary adjustments.  But I refuse to sit by and read all the people who see Fank as untouchable.  He is, a whiny egomaniac and has been one for years.  If you want to applaud his production, then fine, do so.  But do be so blind to reality to think Frank hasn't created his own bed. 


In Frank's world, everything is about him first and the team second.  In the papers, Frank's teammates will support him.  Privately, they will back up the selfishness I am referring to.

oh yea... big frank is a dickhead... no doubt....... still, it is nice to see him hit near his career avg.


keep it up, you big asshole :headbang

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I don't have to "look" for anything from Frank.  He periodically puts it right out there for all to see.  Part of his problem is he doesn't understand how he is perceived and he continues to make comments to fuel it.  No one need search or look for things to call Frank out on.


This thread started with me complimenting him on making necessary adjustments.  But I refuse to sit by and read all the people who see Fank as untouchable.  He is, a whiny egomaniac and has been one for years.  If you want to applaud his production, then fine, do so.  But do be so blind to reality to think Frank hasn't created his own bed. 


In Frank's world, everything is about him first and the team second.  In the papers, Frank's teammates will support him.  Privately, they will back up the selfishness I am referring to.

Oh Boy!! I really like you Rex, you're one of many many reasons I basically stick to this board and have left the others. Just warning you though in cyber friendship. This topic has literally gone nuclear on other boards with pro Frank and anti Frank people going at each other.

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I don't have to "look" for anything from Frank.  He periodically puts it right out there for all to see.  Part of his problem is he doesn't understand how he is perceived and he continues to make comments to fuel it.  No one need search or look for things to call Frank out on.


This thread started with me complimenting him on making necessary adjustments.  But I refuse to sit by and read all the people who see Fank as untouchable.  He is, a whiny egomaniac and has been one for years.  If you want to applaud his production, then fine, do so.  But do be so blind to reality to think Frank hasn't created his own bed. 


In Frank's world, everything is about him first and the team second.  In the papers, Frank's teammates will support him.  Privately, they will back up the selfishness I am referring to.

Oh Boy!! I really like you Rex, you're one of many many reasons I basically stick to this board and have left the others. Just warning you though in cyber friendship. This topic has literally gone nuclear on other boards with pro Frank and anti Frank people going at each other.

The fact is the truth hurts. People don't want to believe their superstars are human. It is a fact that Chicago has 2 of the biggest egotistical superstar baseball players in all of MLB. Just like people didn't want to be believe that Michael Jordan could be betting hundreds of thousands of dollars on golf and such, while carrying on affairs, but it happened.

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Frank is one of the only players in baseball that when he comes to the plate I'll drop everything and watch. I am a huge fan of his when he steps into the batter's box. Outside the box his "game" drops off terribly. It saddens me when Shammy can be "the most popular man in baseball" and Frank doesn't come close. The fact that there are so many passionate anti-Frank fans out there means something. There are so many lesser players with better PR.

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