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glavine on the phillies

Cy Young Porzio

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Now why couldnt we go out there and get a guy like glavine since he can actually pitch. Instead he goes to the crap phillies which i despise because i hate all philadelphia teams. I'm waiting for a big move to be made because i just have a gut feling there wil be one, but it looks like we are missing one of our best opportunitites.


PS: by saying glavine can actually pitch i dont mean the sox had poor pitching because they dont but glavine is one of the few good pitchers out there in free agency and i didnt want this to go the wrong way

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Originally posted by Cy Young Porzio

Now why couldnt we go out there and get a guy like glavine since he can actually pitch. Instead he goes to the crap phillies which i despise because i hate all philadelphia teams. I'm waiting for a big move to be made because i just have a gut feling there wil be one, but it looks like we are missing one of our best opportunitites.


PS: by saying glavine can actually pitch i dont mean the sox had poor pitching because they dont but glavine is one of the few good pitchers out there in free agency and i didnt want this to go the wrong way


Now there's a post that would make sense beside Glavine signed with Philli. I didnt hear anything about that yet.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Gary, you and I are about the only optimistic people here that think JR will actually loosen up his purse strings and spend money. He's cheaper then me and you, who always complain about who will pay the tip when we watch the Bears games on Sundays.


Wait till you're a Sox fan for a few more years as you watch JR rebuild every 4 years and lie to the fans. You'll learn to expect very little from him.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Gary, you and I are about the only optimistic people here that think JR will actually loosen up his purse strings and spend money. He's cheaper then me and you, who always complain about who will pay the tip when we watch the Bears games on Sundays.


I'm not even going to try.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

actually its been rumored that glavine and maddux and thome are all going to be in phillie today and tomorrow to talk ...... the phillies have opened up the purse strings to open up their new park this year and want to make sure they have a productive team on the field to fill those seats with..........they are the only team thus far whos talked about spending big for the upcoming season.....should be interesting huh.........

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ha... your right..thomes legs will fall off in a freak sliding incident and both arms of glavine and maddux will either fall off or require extensive surgery..... either way they will never be here..... were not in the spend mode just rebuild with the kids year after year...........when you hit stardome then your outta here.........

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Damn, we'd be destined for the Series.  Then again, Thome would probably hurt his back as would Maddux and Glavine would get hit.


Considering Glavine was a big shooter for the Union, Jerry Reinsdorf wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire. Let alone sign him.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Umm, last I looked free agency hadn't started yet so Glavine is still a free agent, simply that.  I didn't even know he could talk to other teams.


I have read that the Mets are going to make a push at Glavine and are going to try and get Lee Mazoni.


Saw in the Scum Times today that Leo Mazone ain't goin' nowhere.

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