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Rude Red Shirt Employees at Sox Games?


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I have had a mixed experience with these employees this weekend and find they are in two camps


1) Very courteous and try to make the game a better experience (helped my sister w/ directions let her take the elevator vs. walking all the way around the stadium when trying to meet my parents)


2) Rude/Useless, could care less about you and arrogant (think security at the airport types)


now if we could have more of the #1 personalities and less #2 that would be great. Anyone else have good/bad experiences...


I wish I would have got both of their names so I could make reports on both with one getting rewarded and #2 getting kicked to the curb.


That being said the old ladies at the cubs games who watch the sections are straight up evil, they make them sound like angels in the trib, but when I went there with a friend in great seat those ladies were grabbing 4 year olds by the ears and dragging them out of the seats they moved up to in a 13 inning game where all the Cubs fans left (shocker).

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For all the games I have been to I don't think I have ever had any experience with them......Back in the day when I could get my 6 dollar monday/tuesday ticket and go down to box I don't think there was any of the red shirts to bother me. Recently I only encounter them when they scan my ticket or look at it so I can get on the lower deck.

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Me and my buddy were standing in the tunnel in the upper deck, not going to our seats because it was in the middle of the inning. The guy told us we can't stand there. I told him I'm going to because it's the middle of the inning. Between innings I'll move. He let me stay, but that's probably only because he was about 17 and a lot smaller than me.


I thought I heard that some sports venues ENCOURAGE you to stay in the concourse/tunnels until there is a break in the action?

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QUOTE(chiguy79 @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 03:33 PM)
I have had a mixed experience with these employees this weekend and find they are in two camps


1) Very courteous and try to make the game a better experience (helped my sister w/ directions let her take the elevator vs. walking all the way around the stadium when trying to meet my parents)


2) Rude/Useless, could care less about you and arrogant (think security at the airport types)


now if we could have more of the #1 personalities and less #2 that would be great. Anyone else have good/bad experiences...


I wish I would have got both of their names so I could make reports on both with one getting rewarded and #2 getting kicked to the curb.


That being said the old ladies at the cubs games who watch the sections are straight up evil, they make them sound like angels in the trib, but when I went there with a friend in great seat those ladies were grabbing 4 year olds by the ears and dragging them out of the seats they moved up to in a 13 inning game where all the Cubs fans left (shocker).


Well, most people in any situation will fall into one of the two camps mentioned. That is just the nature of any workplace or, well, any social situation. You are actually suprised to find such a disparity?


I will say this, if you feel strongly enough either way, you really should seek out management to either compliment or reprove said employees. Those kids make about $6.50 an hour and if they go out of their way to make your experience significantly better, I really do think they deserve some acknowledgement. At Wrigley Field, the section chiefs would wear a light blue shirt and often times carried a two-way radio. I no longer know if this is the case. However, these compliments usually did go notcied as the employee would be rewarded with a Wrigley Field gift card of sorts. I can't speak to the situation at USCF.


QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 03:39 PM)
I thought I heard that some sports venues ENCOURAGE you to stay in the concourse/tunnels until there is a break in the action?


Welcome to the Chicago Stadium.


If you got up before a whistle, you were greeted with a broken nose. Naturally, this was a code created by and enforced by the fans. Hell, to this day I don't know if it was a written rule. But, that was how it went.

Edited by AddisonStSox
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QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 03:39 PM)
Me and my buddy were standing in the tunnel in the upper deck, not going to our seats because it was in the middle of the inning. The guy told us we can't stand there. I told him I'm going to because it's the middle of the inning. Between innings I'll move. He let me stay, but that's probably only because he was about 17 and a lot smaller than me.


I thought I heard that some sports venues ENCOURAGE you to stay in the concourse/tunnels until there is a break in the action?

this is the only bad thing i really have to say about the employees at the game.


It only happened once, but one day i was hanging out int he tunnel of a UD section, waiting for a stop in play to go back to my seat, the usher told me i couldn't stand there, and didn't really enjoy my explanation.


But besides that, and that is a pretty little thing, I've never had any complaints.

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I actually had my first bad experience with someone working at the cell last wednesday.


my dad drove in from rockford to meet me at the game, he's a cards fan. it took him 3.5 hours through traffic and another half to park, and he got there in the 2nd inning with our boys already whooping up on the cards.


i then hailed the beerman to get him and myself a brew. i asked for an mgd and a lite and passed 20 down the row, he gave me a lite, and change for one beer, and started to leave. i asked him if he planned on giving me the mgd, and he yelled back, "next time ask for two." and i said, "um, i did, but ok" then he proceeded to keep yelling, "if you want two ask for two" (which I did at the beginning.) Until finally the whole section had to yell at the f***er that i, in fact, did order two DIFFERENT beers and then they all told him to shut the f*** up.



however, i dont see this as the rule, but rather, the exception to the rule. 99% of cell employees are very kind, helpful, and attentive.

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I was at yesterdays game.

I was in the last row in right field with my family. I decided to stand up and actually stand in the handicap section that is roped off only 2 handicapped ppl in that section.I was talking with them also . I was crouched over talking to my sister when the SEAT NAZI guy came by and said let me see your ticket. I explained to him I was sitting next to my sister but needed to stand up and stretch. He proceeded to b**** at me and say you are not allowed to stand there. I was like well this is my seat here and im just chatting with these fine ppl. He was like you better sit in your seat or else. I was like WTF!!


its the damn 12th inning !! Let me be!! LOL!! some ppl I swear

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I met my brother at a game. He was sitting in sec. 119 on the wrong side of the aisle. The lady in the red shirt was just standing in the aisle blocking our view. When my brother asked her if she could move, very politely I may add, she said she's doing her job, and wouldn't budge. My brother asked her if her job was to block the view of the paying customers, she said she knew how to do her job, and then wanted to check his ticket. It really was bizarre. She finally moved.

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The people in the red shirts generally dont give a s*** about the game IMO. I have been feuding with them for several years until last year when I finally complained about their treatment of season ticket holders. The rude usher no longer works my section from what I can see. She was the worst.

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All of the red shirted employees at the cell are a bunch of deuchebags. But the worst kind of people are the security guards, who are so strict with autographs or getting foul balls its not even funny.


One time, this f*** head in the bullpen took the ball out of an elderly man's hands when he caught it and gave it to a kid. And the elderly man told him he'd give the kid the ball anyway. However, he was promptly ejected.


In the 300 level, they used to let me up to the kids deck to get to my seat and now they won't let me up. I was courteous to the two women before they got all b****y at me, and was like "That must be new policy or something. Tell your boss that you guys are the two finest employees I've ever met. SARCASM!"


f***ers, I hate most of those cell workers, though I'm friends with a few beer men.

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I've had some bad experiences with the red-shirted folk as well. One that comes to mind was on Easter Sunday during the rain delays my wife and I went up to the concourse to get out of the rain and she was sitting down on one of those shoe-shine things eating some nachos. Keep in mind my wife was 7 months pregnant at the time....the red-shirt lady said she couldn't sit there and demanded my wife get up and stand to eat her nachos. I snapped at her and asked her if she could see she was pregnant and she said "I am doing my job", she walked away and my wife sat back down.

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the only problem I ever had was about six years ago


I was only about ten years old, and I couldn't handle my sun-soaked seats for a long period of time, so my dad would take me to the tunnel for a couple of innings so I could recover in the shade.


after we had done this for a couple of games the person said we couldn't stand there during innings, and when my dad told them why we were there, they still made us leave :huh



note: at the cubs game I know exactly what you mean about those b****y 100 year old women. once my normal seating where in the 3rd row and the cubs were getting killed in the 9nth inning so I moved to the first row and the lady made me go back

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If only these employees would lift a finger to enforce the smoking regulations, I'd be a happier fan. People smoke on the concourse all the time and I have yet to see anyone even asked (by a Sox employee) to stop smoking where smoking is prohibited.

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The only bad experiences I have had are with the parking nazis. One time we were parking, and the lady directing traffic was pretty much right in front of our car (If we had moved up a few feet we would have hit her) and the other parking girl starts screaming at us to move. I have never had a nice parking person, they just seem to be mean and meaner.

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They only get paid $7.25 an hour until after our first 30 events. Then it's $7.50. Anyway, even if you don't know their name, if you know the section they were working in and what day it was, they'll be able to reward/tell that employee off. I agree, some of them are asshats while the others are pretty decent.

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I don't remember if these guys had red shirts, but I had crappy experience with the fast pitch people.


I got to the fast pitch area and it was like the 7th inning. I stood in line for about 4 minutes before the group of people infront of me finished so I was next. The guy said they were closed. I told him I had already been in line, but he said no their closed. I told him 3 pitches wouldn't take too long to throw especially since I had already been in line. He just looked at me and so NO were closed. I was so mad since I was already in line and he couldn't let me throw 3 pitches. It isn't like he would be introuble if he would have, he was just being a lazy asshole.

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I was at a game last year where this obnoxius Cubs fan was sitting in the front row of the bleachers actively rooting against the White Sox and giving us hell when we lost. A few fans got into it with this guy, and security ejected all the fans who were fighting except for the Cubs fan. And no one called for security, either.

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was only about ten years old, and I couldn't handle my sun-soaked seats for a long period of time, so my dad would take me to the tunnel for a couple of innings so I could recover in the shade.

after we had done this for a couple of games the person said we couldn't stand there during innings, and when my dad told them why we were there, they still made us leave

This story and the one about the man's pregnant wife have amazed me.

People can be such jerks!!! Cmon people, what has happened to civility?

Some people make me shake my head sometimes. Do unto others is the mantra everybody should live by.

My gosh.

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I know this is about rude people, but I thought I interject a nice story here for a change. When my buddy and I went to the Tigers/D'Rays game about a week or so ago now, I found this really great section right down in the left field corner, that was more or less standing room only. Plenty of room to stretch out and stuff. So I convinced my friend to move down there with me. Shortly after we got there, this usher came over, and asked if these were our seats. We figured we were busted. But actually the guy was cool about it, he talked to us off and on the rest of the night and everything. Just wanted to show the better side of ushers.

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QUOTE(greg775 @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 10:47 PM)
This story and the one about the man's pregnant wife have amazed me.

People can be such jerks!!! Cmon people, what has happened to civility?

Some people make me shake my head sometimes. Do unto others is the mantra everybody should live by.

My gosh.


Me too, but people in service positions have s***ty jobs.

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QUOTE(Drew @ Jun 27, 2006 -> 03:21 AM)
Me too, but people in service positions have s***ty jobs.


Especially when dealing with people who think they are owed the world and get attitudes about anything and everything. Many of the stories in this thread are exactly why I would hope to never go back to working in a retail enviornment. Just because you pay for a ticket, doesn't mean you own the park.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 27, 2006 -> 07:17 AM)
Especially when dealing with people who think they are owed the world and get attitudes about anything and everything. Many of the stories in this thread are exactly why I would hope to never go back to working in a retail enviornment. Just because you pay for a ticket, doesn't mean you own the park.




Ding, ding, ding...


Save for val - which I would have complained about, I see business as usual for the ushers.

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