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I stole someone's idea about Kotex-Boy referring to Frank as the big skirt and expounded upon it a little more. So if it is wrong to call someone a f@# because of the connotations that go with it, why is it not wrong to use a term that obviously points to transvestites and/or women as lesser people as an insult? Isn't the usage of both terms basically the same, as they were meant to serve as a demeaning insult by holding up another group of people as being lesser than another?


So when does Jay resign his position because of his obvious hatred of women and/or transvestites in his columns through the years?


Also, does someone have the Guillen email address?

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 27, 2006 -> 09:47 AM)
I stole someone's idea about Kotex-Boy referring to Frank as the big skirt and expounded upon it a little more. So if it is wrong to call someone a f@# because of the connotations that go with it, why is it not wrong to use a term that obviously points to transvestites and/or women as lesser people as an insult? Isn't the usage of both terms basically the same, as they were meant to serve as a demeaning insult by holding up another group of people as being lesser than another?


So when does Jay resign his position because of his obvious hatred of women and/or transvestites in his columns through the years?


Also, does someone have the Guillen email address?


I thought it was ozzieguillen13@hotmail.com. Not 100% sure. southsider, please mention the fact that he basically also labeled all Sox fans as "White trash" after the William Ligue incident. How come that was never brought up?

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So this is your site?




QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 27, 2006 -> 09:47 AM)
I stole someone's idea about Kotex-Boy referring to Frank as the big skirt and expounded upon it a little more. So if it is wrong to call someone a f@# because of the connotations that go with it, why is it not wrong to use a term that obviously points to transvestites and/or women as lesser people as an insult? Isn't the usage of both terms basically the same, as they were meant to serve as a demeaning insult by holding up another group of people as being lesser than another?


So when does Jay resign his position because of his obvious hatred of women and/or transvestites in his columns through the years?


Also, does someone have the Guillen email address?

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Also being featured in today's Trib is this blog...



Ozzie Guillen has a new Web site to bookmark. Hawk Harrelson does too.


It's called jaythejoke.com, and it skewers Jay Mariotti, the self-described tough-guy Sun-Times columnist who won't visit the White Sox's clubhouse out of fear for his personal safety.



The blog launched in April and picked up steam last week after deadspin.com called it "indispensable" in its roundup of the Mariotti-Guillen feud.


Now the site is averaging more than 1,000 hits per day, according to sitemeter.com.


Lakeview resident and Cubs fan Matt Lynch had two goals in mind when he co-founded the blog.


"We wanted to have an intelligent voice out there to dispute some of the laughable things Jay writes in his columns," Lynch said.


And the second: Find something on which Cubs and Sox fans can agree.


To that end, the blog says it's "dedicated to uniting Cubs fans and Sox fans through a common hatred of Jay Mariotti."


Visitors enter the site by clicking on Mariotti's "smug face" and then are treated to clever reviews and mockeries of Mariotti's latest column.


Monday's entry, though, addressed a passionate defense of Mariotti that ran in the letters section of Sunday's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.


Under the headline, "Mariotti often treated unfairly by fans, media," the letter ended this way: "Jay has been a lone voice in the Chicago media for 15 years now ... Jay's strength is his courage of conviction. Sadly, some in Chicago interpret this quality as audacious. How do I know all this? I'm Jay's father.—Geno Mariotti, Butler (Penn.)."


Courage of conviction?


No way jaythejoke.com could leave that line alone. It offered a link to a column by the Tribune's Eric Zorn that detailed some of Mariotti's "convictions" regarding the 2005 Sox. From a June 7 Mariotti column: "I can safely say the Sox won't win a World Series as long as [Jerry Reinsdorf] owns them."


Of course they won't.


Meanwhile, a defiant Mariotti, appearing Monday on WTTW-Ch. 11's "Chicago Tonight," called himself "a pariah of the Sox" but insisted he has been fair to the team.


"When they're doing well, no one writes it better than I do," he told anchor Phil Ponce.


Mariotti also remained critical of his own newspaper, saying the Sun-Times has not done enough to protect him from the Sox. But he did not indicate a desire to leave the paper.


Asked whether he will outlast Guillen in Chicago, Mariotti replied: "I've been here 15 years. I'll be here as long as I want to."


He can dance


ESPN didn't know how to handle the Guillen-Mariotti controversy during its Sunday night telecast of the Astros-Sox game.


The confusion started before the game when play-by-play man Jon Miller referred to Guillen as "Ozzie Smith." Later Miller did it again before trying to recover: "As Ozzie Smith, or Ozzie Guillen, keeps telling us ... and Ozzie Smith would say the same thing ..."


During an extensive retelling of the week's events, neither Miller nor analyst Joe Morgan uttered Mariotti's name, referring to him as "the columnist" or "the writer."



Were Miller and Morgan trying to avoid giving Mariotti any more publicity? Too late for that, considering ESPN lets him yell each day on "Around the Horn."


Then, during a live interview with Guillen from the dugout, neither Miller nor Morgan asked him about the controversy—not even one of those softball questions about whether the incident has become a distraction for his team. Strange.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 27, 2006 -> 09:47 AM)
I stole someone's idea about Kotex-Boy referring to Frank as the big skirt and expounded upon it a little more. So if it is wrong to call someone a f@# because of the connotations that go with it, why is it not wrong to use a term that obviously points to transvestites and/or women as lesser people as an insult? Isn't the usage of both terms basically the same, as they were meant to serve as a demeaning insult by holding up another group of people as being lesser than another?


So when does Jay resign his position because of his obvious hatred of women and/or transvestites in his columns through the years?


Also, does someone have the Guillen email address?


He is a hypocrite. I think him calling Frank 'the Big Skirt' and Latroy Hawkins 'Latoya' can be seen as worse since he's obviously trying to compare them to women, and in the process showing women in a negative light. Ozzie's has a legit difference due to alternate meanings, misinterpretation from another country, and what I think is obvious that Ozzie didn't mean to form a comparison to the gay community, but had the bad choice of words.


I am thinking of finding out who the big womens' rights groups in the Chi are and emailing them about it.

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