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Look who is whining now


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''It [was] kind of a little disheartening not being in there, but I can't really doing anything about it other than I could have done something before to prevent it,'' said Konerko, batting .194 with one hit in his last 32 at-bats. ''Now I try not to put too much into it. It's just some games. Just because it's where I live and where I'm from also, I can't make it more than what it is. It's just six games.'''


Also read as ....wah wah.....big bad Jerry did not let me play where I came from.....wah wah....but that is fine......wah wah......I am a leader and that is what leaders are supposed to do.....wah wah.......

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Paulie is getting a leason in what it takes to be in the majors. Frank as Frank is one of the best in baseball, along with very few that can lead as hitters, not just home run hitters.


3-4 with 2 RBI and a homer

1-2 with 2 walks and a run scored




1-4 Homer, 2 RBI, 3 K's, 6 left on.

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Said Konerko, who's battling a 1-for-32 slump: "Whatever's best for the team, I'm game for. I know it sounds [like a] cliche, but I just work here."

Way to leave out the end of the quote.


You know for someone who complains about Frank being "misunderstood", you think you would have more class than to take half of a quote from an article.

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All I'm gonna say is that the Sox are either going to win as a team or lose as a team. All of this "in-fighting" among us as to who whines and doesn't isn't going to help anything. We need PK to start hitting, and we also need Frank to keep this pace up. Frank at 1B and PK at DH for a while sounds great to me.


And for those who said Frank sounds "reluctant" about playing 1B, he's not. All he's doing is saying that it's just a temporary thing because he realizes that he wouldn't be there if PK wasn't hitting .194. He doesn't want to ruffle any feathers, and he's trying to be as good of a teammate as he can possibly be.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
''It [was] kind of a little disheartening not being in there, but I can't really doing anything about it other than I could have done something before to prevent it,'' said Konerko, batting .194 with one hit in his last 32 at-bats. ''Now I try not to put too much into it. It's just some games. Just because it's where I live and where I'm from also, I can't make it more than what it is. It's just six games.'''


Also read as ....wah wah.....big bad Jerry did not let me play where I came from.....wah wah....but that is fine......wah wah......I am a leader and that is what leaders are supposed to do.....wah wah.......

thats it.. trade the bastard right away before he infects the rest of the clubhouse..........i cant stand it when grown men whine and cry............sissys......... :headbang

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''It [was] kind of a little disheartening not being in there, but I can't really doing anything about it other than I could have done something before to prevent it,'' said Konerko, batting .194 with one hit in his last 32 at-bats. ''Now I try not to put too much into it. It's just some games. Just because it's where I live and where I'm from also, I can't make it more than what it is. It's just six games.'''


Also read as ....wah wah.....big bad Jerry did not let me play where I came from.....wah wah....but that is fine......wah wah......I am a leader and that is what leaders are supposed to do.....wah wah.......

thats it.. trade the bastard right away before he infects the rest of the clubhouse..........i cant stand it when grown men whine and cry............sissys......... :headbang

Who would be left? Maybe Colon since he can't hardly speak English? :huh:

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All I'm gonna say is that the Sox are either going to win as a team or lose as a team.  All of this "in-fighting" among us as to who whines and doesn't isn't going to help anything.

I recall some very good Oakland teams that seemed to hate each other. They won nicely. ANd on the hockey front the last Stanley Cup appearance by the Hawks was with a super wacko Mike Keenan pulling more strings than a puppeteer. I hope PK gets so pissed off he goes 3 for 4 with 5 RBIs and then Frank is so pissed he follows with 4 for 4 and 5 RBIs.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

4 for 4 lol........and 3 for 4......lmao thats stretching it a bit isnt it...........i dont care how pissed they get..........dont see that happening with this team............loll lol lol lol....... :D :lol:

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Said Konerko, who's battling a 1-for-32 slump: "Whatever's best for the team, I'm game for. I know it sounds [like a] cliche, but I just work here."

Way to leave out the end of the quote.


You know for someone who complains about Frank being "misunderstood", you think you would have more class than to take half of a quote from an article.

I read that part of the quote too, but it seemed so "cliche" that it was obvious the pathetic leader was trying to back track when he realized he was doing the same thing he had the nerve to challenge Frank for last year.


Hopefully, this slump puts some humility in him. He will obviously pull out of this slump at some time (well, he cannot get any worse now can he?)......hopefully then he will learn to shut is trap when he is doing well instead of telling the world how everyone else is a baby for not getting to play

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Said Konerko, who's battling a 1-for-32 slump: "Whatever's best for the team, I'm game for. I know it sounds [like a] cliche, but I just work here."

Way to leave out the end of the quote.


You know for someone who complains about Frank being "misunderstood", you think you would have more class than to take half of a quote from an article.

I read that part of the quote too, but it seemed so "cliche" that it was obvious the pathetic leader was trying to back track when he realized he was doing the same thing he had the nerve to challenge Frank for last year.


Hopefully, this slump puts some humility in him. He will obviously pull out of this slump at some time (well, he cannot get any worse now can he?)......hopefully then he will learn to shut is trap when he is doing well instead of telling the world how everyone else is a baby for not getting to play

Can't say that I disagree with you.


A slice of humble pie for PK. :) Now, it's time for him to wake the f*** up and earn his money.

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hopefully then he will learn to shut is trap when he is doing well instead of telling the world how everyone else is a baby for not getting to play


Well, no one acts like baby for not getting to play except for Frank Thomas so as long as FT stops his whining over every little thing that doesn't go his way, PK won't have to step up and tell him to act like an adult.

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Said Konerko, who's battling a 1-for-32 slump: "Whatever's best for the team, I'm game for. I know it sounds [like a] cliche, but I just work here."

Way to leave out the end of the quote.


You know for someone who complains about Frank being "misunderstood", you think you would have more class than to take half of a quote from an article.

I read that part of the quote too, but it seemed so "cliche" that it was obvious the pathetic leader was trying to back track when he realized he was doing the same thing he had the nerve to challenge Frank for last year.


Hopefully, this slump puts some humility in him. He will obviously pull out of this slump at some time (well, he cannot get any worse now can he?)......hopefully then he will learn to shut is trap when he is doing well instead of telling the world how everyone else is a baby for not getting to play

My point is that people complain about how Frank is percieved yet when they get the chance to jump on Paul Konerko, they purposefully pull a quote out and show it in the worst possible light, leaving out a key part. You read into it and got an intrepretation of it, that you didn't like so you left it out. Why the double standard? Why would you do the EXACT SAMETHING to Konerko, that is so wrong to do to Frank? To me that is hypocratical, and it makes the arguement that Frank is misunderstood all the more lame, because you are PURPOSEFULLY doing it to Konerko to make Thomas look better.

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When I first read the quote, the whole quote BTW, I never had the thought cross my mind that he was whining. I mean come on, a reporter asks you how you feel about being benched and your are supposed to be enthusiastic about. He implied that id he'd been more productive that he's be playing, and whatever's best for the team is ok with him. What else could he have possibly said?

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I thought Frank's attitude this year has been great since reading that column by Couch in the Sun Times where it talked about Frank being friendly again.

I root for Frank. It's especially nice when he's not making selfish quotes as in the past.


Paulie is just sucking pure and simple.

I still like him but when's he gonna hit.

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When I first read the quote, the whole quote BTW, I never had the thought cross my mind that he was whining.  I mean come on, a reporter asks you how you feel about being benched and your are supposed to be enthusiastic about.  He implied that id he'd been more productive that he's be playing, and whatever's best for the team is ok with him.  What else could he have possibly said?

Great point, but when the same question is asked to Frank and when he gives the same answer, some folks call it whining


And guess what, Frank has NEVER in his life called out a player if a player is doing badly in front of the media....he has way more class than the piece of s*** named paul konerko.


Yet, paul did that last year when Frank was struggling (way to maintain leadership jag bag paul)......Frank has more class than to call him out this year


Paul wants to be a leader, but ot be a leader you have to perform....Frank has done that forever....unlike paulie

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Great point, but when the same question is asked to Frank and when he gives the same answer, some folks call it whining


And guess what, Frank has NEVER in his life called out a player if a player is doing badly in front of the media....he has way more class than the piece of s*** named paul konerko.


Yet, paul did that last year when Frank was struggling (way to maintain leadership jag bag paul)......Frank has more class than to call him out this year


Paul wants to be a leader, but ot be a leader you have to perform....Frank has done that forever....unlike paulie


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Great point, but when the same question is asked to Frank and when he gives the same answer, some folks call it whining


And guess what, Frank has NEVER in his life called out a player if a player is doing badly in front of the media....he has way more class than the piece of s*** named paul konerko.


Yet, paul did that last year when Frank was struggling (way to maintain leadership jag bag paul)......Frank has more class than to call him out this year


Paul wants to be a leader, but ot be a leader you have to perform....Frank has done that forever....unlike paulie

Couldn't be anything to do with the fact that Frank is to worried about Frank to notice his other teammates...

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Great point, but when the same question is asked to Frank and when he gives the same answer, some folks call it whining


And guess what, Frank has NEVER in his life called out a player if a player is doing badly in front of the media....he has way more class than the piece of s*** named paul konerko.


Yet, paul did that last year when Frank was struggling (way to maintain leadership jag bag paul)......Frank has more class than to call him out this year


Paul wants to be a leader, but ot be a leader you have to perform....Frank has done that forever....unlike paulie

Couldn't be anything to do with the fact that Frank is to worried about Frank to notice his other teammates...

You didn't need the green for that reply...

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And guess what, Frank has NEVER in his life called out a player if a player is doing badly in front of the media....he has way more class than the piece of s*** named paul konerko.


Yet, paul did that last year when Frank was struggling (way to maintain leadership jag bag paul)......Frank has more class than to call him out this year


As I said in a different thread about this very same topic, Konerko didn't call Frank out because he was struggling. He called him out because Frank was being a piss-poor teammate. If you're going to rag on Konerko, at least find something FACTUAL to say instead of twisting things around. Other than him struggling, which everyone is doing, there's nothing you can say about PK so you have to resort to lying.


We all want Konerko to start hitting, no doubt, but at least he has enough class, UNLIKE FRANK THOMAS, to not point the finger at everyone else for his struggles. He's not blaming the umpires or the other pitchers.


There may be a "piece of s***" person on this team.....but it ain't Paul Konerko.

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let me try and take both sides of the argument here.I've never viewed Frank as a whiner,though a lot of other people who are predispositioned to dislike him anyway,say he does.I don't think Frank deserves the title.But having seen the quote by Paulie-I don't think he's whining either.The guy is as frustrated as we are and can't fix it if he ain't playing.


Both guys are competitors-much to their credit.I just think that the press is constantly looking for stories where there aren't necessarily any.I just take Paulie's response as it is and there's no reason to read anything into it.He said what he said-it's not a Frank vs Paulie thing.It's ok to like both guys.Let's hope they both can play up to their potential and forget either one ever struggled.




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He called him out because Frank was being a piss-poor teammate. If you're going to rag on Konerko, at least find something FACTUAL to say instead of twisting things around.


You need to revist your history from last year. Paul is a hgypocrite. Last year started when Frank got f***ED by Manuel who didn't have any respect for what Frank had done for this organization and benched him withouot ANY notice. You just don't do that to a guy who has earned his stipes as Frank had done.


That quote is Konerko at his crybaby best. He hasn't earned his stripes like Frank had. He was whining because he didn't get to play in front of his mommy. Poor Paulie.

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