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Look who is whining now


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You need to revist your history from last year. Paul is a hgypocrite. Last year started when Frank got f***ED by Manuel who didn't have any respect for what Frank had done for this organization and benched him withouot ANY notice. You just don't do that to a guy who has earned his stipes as Frank had done.


That quote is Konerko at his crybaby best. He hasn't earned his stripes like Frank had. He was whining because he didn't get to play in front of his mommy. Poor Paulie.

So Konerko is a hypocrate because Jerry Manuel benched him? What are you talking about? What is the connection between Manuel benching Thomas, and Konerko? :huh:

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The connection is Paulie called out Frank last year for whining about his benching. Frank had every reason to b****. He earned the right over ten years to play everyday if he so desires. Paul has earned nothing yet. He has no track record. He's whining because he's benched and that's what got him all over Frank last year. We should have never wasted the nearly 8 mill per on this loser.

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The connection is Paulie called out Frank last year for whining about his benching. Frank had every reason to b****. He earned the right over ten years to play everyday if he so desires. Paul has earned nothing yet. He has no track record. He's whining because he's benched and that's what got him all over Frank last year. We should have never wasted the nearly 8 mill per on this loser.

That might be the lamest arguement yet. You have the right to suck if you preform well for some amount of time? My God do you see how that sounds? Frank has the right to do whatever he wants even if it hurts the team, as he did all last year, up until September, but since Konerko only has 3 good years in he doesn't. By that logic we should have brought back Harold Baines over Maggs, Jose Canseco over Carlos Lee etc., all because they have a "track record".

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Great point, but when the same question is asked to Frank and when he gives the same answer, some folks call it whining


And guess what, Frank has NEVER in his life called out a player if a player is doing badly in front of the media....he has way more class than the piece of s*** named paul konerko.


Yet, paul did that last year when Frank was struggling (way to maintain leadership jag bag paul)......Frank has more class than to call him out this year


Paul wants to be a leader, but ot be a leader you have to perform....Frank has done that forever....unlike paulie


You guys have already forgotten about Frank's first day of spring training tirade where he ripped apart Manuel, Williams, and Konerko? Konerko he ripped over something that he thought had been settled in July of the previous year! It was only 3 1/2 months ago. Well I guess you are half right Frank didn't call him out because he wasn't playing well, he called him out because of something that was almost a year old, and was supposedly already forgiven.

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I don't know if you all have noticed (and I know you have), but Konerko hasn't done JACK since he was basically told to "shut up" last year. I can only assume that he was trying to be a team leader by calling Frank out last year, but all I can say is - who the hell is Paul Konerko to call anyone out?


When he wins 2 MVP awards, hits .320 lifetime, hits .357 in a year, or drives in 100 runs for a 7 year period - then and only then can he open his mouth.


If Frank Thomas wanted to take the low road, he could rip Paulie a new asscrack for how crappy HE'S performing this year. Konerko and Buehrle are neck-in-neck in the race for "The 2003 White Sox Biggest Disappointment of the Year."

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Konerko and Buehrle are neck-in-neck in the race for "The 2003 White Sox Biggest Disappointment of the Year."

The only disappointing thing about Buehrle is the piss poor run support we're giving him.

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who the hell is Paul Konerko to call anyone out?


He's a teammate, and anyone on the team can call out someone else for acting like an immature child. It doesn't matter how well they're hitting then or in the past. Konerko is a TEAM player.

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I don't know if you all have noticed (and I know you have), but Konerko hasn't done JACK since he was basically told to "shut up" last year.  I can only assume that he was trying to be a team leader by calling Frank out last year, but all I can say is - who the hell is Paul Konerko to call anyone out?


When he wins 2 MVP awards, hits .320 lifetime, hits .357 in a year, or drives in 100 runs for a 7 year period - then and only then can he open his mouth. 


If Frank Thomas wanted to take the low road, he could rip Paulie a new asscrack for how crappy HE'S performing this year.  Konerko and Buehrle are neck-in-neck in the race for "The 2003 White Sox Biggest Disappointment of the Year."

I gotcha, the ends justifies the means. You realize then every person who uses Frank's field numbers to justify his clubhouse behavior, loses all rights to every criticize anything that Sammy Sosa ever does. Because basically it is the exact same arguement. Sammy has earned the right to be an asshole way more than Frank ever has because he has bigger offensive numbers.

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PK is a idiot. Lats year he said that BS about Frank because he was playing well and was on the All Star Game. Frank never said nothing about PK during last year. PK´s numbers all falled to earth after the AS break and right now he is so quiet.


Frank is a me first player, no doubt about it and he was a stupid guy last year when he complained about being benched without noticed. JM is the manager and the manager doesnt need to explain all he does to his players. If Frank is benched today, JM doesnt need to explain to him why he was benched or it will begin a clubhouse without any respect to the manager´s decisions.

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Frank brings things on HIMSELF and he has no one to blame but HIMSELF for the way the public views him, not Paul Konerko, Jerry Manuel or anyone else for that matter. Why are we even having this discussion and yes, you are exactly right, PK is a TEAM player unlike Frank Thomas who is more concerned with his personal accomplishments and money than producing a White Sox winner. I am tired of hearing about Frank's career achievements, that was the 1990's, this is a new era and I'll be glad when he is gone so I can stop hearing about him and his "MVP" seasons. Give me a damn break.

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It seems to me that last year, Paul Konerko looked at his stats and then looked at Frank's, and he came up with the notion that "It's MY team now. Out with the old, and in with the new."


You don't hear much from Kong anymore, do you?




You and I discussed this on another forum last year - players should keep things in house - you don't go to the media to b**** and whine. If Paulie was such a "team player," then he would have confronted Frank man-to-man and discussed his feelings instead of running to the lights like a moth.

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I agree that Frank brings crap on himself - he has the Spiro Agnew "Foot-In-Mouth Disease."


And Frank leads the team in HR's and is in the top 3 in RBI's.


You will get your wish about Frank Thomas leaving after this year - the White Sox are going to go on a Youth Movement.

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It seems to me that last year, Paul Konerko looked at his stats and then looked at Frank's, and he came up with the notion that "It's MY team now.  Out with the old, and in with the new."


You don't hear much from Kong anymore, do you?




You and I discussed this on another forum last year - players should keep things in house - you don't go to the media to b**** and whine.  If Paulie was such a "team player," then he would have confronted Frank man-to-man and discussed his feelings instead of running to the lights like a moth.

Who is more responsible for garnering media attention? Frank or Konerko?


If I remember correctly, Frank b****ed about his contract to the media last year, refused to speak to the media, then b****ed about being benched.


Konerko is indeed having a terrible year, but he is still a class act as a MAN unlike the Skirt who refuses to speak to the media and pouts like a baby.

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You and I discussed this on another forum last year - players should keep things in house - you don't go to the media to b**** and whine.  If Paulie was such a "team player," then he would have confronted Frank man-to-man and discussed his feelings instead of running to the lights like a moth.

He should have done what Kent and Bond all did last year, they had a bruhaha on bench. :bringit PK :bringit Big Hurt

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I agree that Frank brings crap on himself - he has the Spiro Agnew "Foot-In-Mouth Disease." 


And Frank leads the team in HR's and is in the top 3 in RBI's. 


You will get your wish about Frank Thomas leaving after this year - the White Sox are going to go on a Youth Movement.

Good, then we won't be having this conversation.

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I agree that PK shouldn't have spoken to the media about it. But you act as if he goes looking for the reporters to give them a sound byte. They go up to him and ask him the questions. Sure he shouldn't have answered but he did and he even admitted it was wrong. Hopefully he learned his lesson. It's crazy that you guys keep calling him the "moth" when it's the reporters who go looking for him. Forgive PK for having a personality and talking with them instead of going on a ridiculous annual boycott every year.


By the way, what's going on with WorldCrossing? Is it every going to come back up? I've gone to the alternate site and can read but can't post there for some reason.

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It seems to me that last year, Paul Konerko looked at his stats and then looked at Frank's, and he came up with the notion that "It's MY team now.  Out with the old, and in with the new."


You don't hear much from Kong anymore, do you?




You and I discussed this on another forum last year - players should keep things in house - you don't go to the media to b**** and whine.  If Paulie was such a "team player," then he would have confronted Frank man-to-man and discussed his feelings instead of running to the lights like a moth.

lol. Wow, now you are going to read Pauly's mind? I guess he put some Machevavellian plot together to over throw the evil Thomas empire and his weapons of clubhouse destruction. But according to you all Frank has to do is look at his numbers and say "I have earned the right to do whatever I want to, the UN will surely have to back me."



To use stats to justify how one handles himself in the clubhouse is wrong. How you hit has nothing to do with anything else, other than how you preform between the lines. That is it.

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Worldcrossing is having the same problem Kenny is having - the upgrade is taking a lot longer than expected. :)




Well, all the Frank detractors will be happy after this year, like I said earlier. And then next year we'll have Konerko hitting .250 at 1B, if he's lucky. Plus, we'll have Miles at 2B, Jimenez at SS, Crede at 3B, Borchard in CF, Olivo at C, and Rowand in LF, with C Lee as DH. If you thought we had trouble scoring runs THIS year, oh, just wait.


And for the record, EVERY team has a malcontent who loves to stick his foot in his mouth. Ours is Frank. As long as he hits, I don't care if he says a stupid thing every hour. I seem to remember the A's and Yankees dealing with Reggie Jackson's big mouth, and I also seem to remember the Indians and WHITE SOX dealing with Albert Belle's miserable ass as well. We should trade for Mark Grace - that way between him and Kong, we'd have the nicest interviewed players in baseball history.

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We should trade for Mark Grace - that way between him and Kong, we'd have the nicest interviewed players in baseball history.


Now you're talking. With Frank out of the way, Paulie can DH and Mark Grace can play first. He was always one of the best defensive first basemen in the game. :bringit

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