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Look who is whining now


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For the record, I'm all in favor of a youth movement. But it will be ugly for a year or two.


We will have Buehrle (back to his usual self), Loaiza, Garland, and Wright for sure in the rotation. I will assume that Rauch will be the #5 guy.


I wish we could keep Bartolo Colon (Carlos Castillo II), but he's our Trump card in a trade in a month, UNLESS THE SOX GO ON A WINNING STREAK.

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I would rather have Mike Cameron on this team right now than freaking crybaby, whiny, hypocrite named paulie.



I think just about all of us would.


cameron plays a nice CF.

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I would rather have Mike Cameron on this team right now than freaking crybaby, whiny, hypocrite named paulie.



Nice signature, what are you like two years old? Like I said before when you can't beat em, smother em with 4 letter words. Way to prove that you can hold an intelligent conversation.

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I would rather have Mike Cameron on this team right now than freaking crybaby, whiny, hypocrite named paulie.



Nice signature, what are you like two years old? Like I said before when you can't beat em, smother em with 4 letter words. Way to prove that you can hold an intelligent conversation.

Gimme a break SS2003


And it was not a signature, just the FACTS :P

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I just think it's weak when ANYONE downs a teammate to the media. I say, NEVER feed the jackals! If you have a problem with a teammate, BE A MAN and confront that teammate. It was weak when PK did it, it's weak when anyone does it.


Fact is, PK's quiet right now cuz he lives in a HUGE glass house. Nobody on this team has the right to talk s*** about anyone else right now. They can't even talk s*** about the TIGERS right now, cuz the Tigers have the season edge on them!


The team as a whole has underachieved miserably, and they need to turn it around AS A TEAM.

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The thing I don't get is everybody seeming to believe that Paulie called out Frank for a lack of performance. If my recollection serves me correctly, Paulie called Frank out because he wasn't acting like a team player. He was b****ing about being benched and was late for stretching (or skipped it) and refused to stay on the bench during a game or something.


I don't recall all the details and frankly (no pun intended) I don't think the details matter. Paulie basically said that he and his teammates thought Frank was being selfish and not thinking about how his actions affected the team. I am paraphrasing of course. Personally, I don't see a problem with Paulie being honest about it, but the problem was it happened right at the All-Star break where the media is magnified.


Yes, PK should have confronted Frank, and maybe he did. I don't know that for sure.


If you have a problem with PK doing what he did, then I think that is fair. I personally do think it was as big of an issue as it was blown up to be, but I respect anyone who disagrees and think PK should have kept his mouth shut. I just think people are making it sound like PK was on a witch hunt or in a power struggle, and I didn't see it that way. I think he was just honest about how he felt Frank was acting.

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The thing I don't get is everybody seeming to believe that Paulie called out Frank for a lack of performance.  If my recollection serves me correctly, Paulie called Frank out because he wasn't acting like a team player.  He was b****ing about being benched and was late for stretching (or skipped it) and refused to stay on the bench during a game or something. 


I don't recall all the details and frankly (no pun intended) I don't think the details matter.  Paulie basically said that he and his teammates thought Frank was being selfish and not thinking about how his actions affected the team.  I am paraphrasing of course.  Personally, I don't see a problem with Paulie being honest about it, but the problem was it happened right at the All-Star break where the media is magnified. 


Yes, PK should have confronted Frank, and maybe he did.  I don't know that for sure.


If you have a problem with PK doing what he did, then I think that is fair.  I personally do think it was as big of an issue as it was blown up to be, but I respect anyone who disagrees and think PK should have kept his mouth shut.  I just think people are making it sound like PK was on a witch hunt or in a power struggle, and I didn't see it that way.  I think he was just honest about how he felt Frank was acting.

Exactly, this whole thread is totally unfair because PKcalled out Frank for refusing to sit in the dugout at times and showing up late for team streching, etc. It had nothing to do with his on the field performance. It was Frank's lack of desire to be a team player, not what he was doing on the field. Frank wasn't being a leader in the clubhouse while he was behaving like this and PK had seen enough. Therefore, this whole argument has no validity whatsoever.

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PK wasn't whining, he sucks right now, and Thomas is ripping the cover off the ball. PK should not be bashed for calling out Thomas last year, he was doing the right thing by calling him out for being a s*** teammate and showing up late for a game and he did not call him out for playing s***ty, PK is overpaid, moreso then anyone on the team....his past performances are worth probably about $5 mill tops. You can never predict something like this happening though.


I think I summed it all up from what I can tell, IMO. If you want me to go into more detail, just let me know.

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The only thing that Paulie screwed up with last year was saying to the media. When you say say he should have confronted Frank man to man, you are right. However, Paulie was man enough to admit, in the press, that he made a mistake. Someone should have gotten on Frank's ass last year, considering the way he was acting. That's been a big problem with the Cubs all these years. No one would say s*** to Sosa. I'm glad we have some guys who will stand up for the team as whole, over any individual.


And yes, Paulie has to keep his mouth shut this year. He is in no position to be calling out anyone. But, I believe he knows that.

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PK made a big mistake when he went to the media and started point fingers in Frank. If he was a teammate and a good frien of Frank, he would get at him and talk to him about the situation. If we dont had that confrontation last year, PK probably would be talking s*** right now and complainting about being benched.

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Sad when a couple of millionaires can't get along. See, money doesn't buy happiness. Shut up and play, if you can't get along with your co-workers find a new career. Take care of your own s*** and it will all work out. Delicate psychy my ass. The boss says stretch you stretch. The boss says take a couple days off and cheer you take a couple days off and cheer.


Let these guys get real jobs for a while and that will bring team harmony.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
The only thing that Paulie screwed up with last year was saying to the media. When you say say he should have confronted Frank man to man, you are right.  However, Paulie was man enough to admit, in the press, that he made a mistake. Someone should have gotten on Frank's ass last year, considering the way he was acting.  That's been a big problem with the Cubs all these years.  No one would say s*** to Sosa.  I'm glad we have some guys who will stand up for the team as whole, over any individual. 


And yes, Paulie has to keep his mouth shut this year.  He is in no position to be calling out anyone.  But, I believe he knows that.

frank is actually one of those type of guys who will stand up for guys in the clubhouse.. just ask crede how frank handled dumbass jimenez when he started shooting off his mouth to the youngster about how he cant hit as well as he could........frank stepped in and with lee behind him shut jimenez up really quick.......... ;) i dont have anything against frank.... he can whine, complain or whatever as long as he keeps doing his job on the field thats all i care about....paulie on the other hand has not performed and should keep his mouth shut as hes been doing lately....... ;) in stead of them bashing on eachother they should be helping eachother for the teams sake......

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