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I was noticing that the off-topic board has been a little slow lately, then I noticed Sideshowapu is not here. Anyone know where he is? The political discussions are really lacking in his absense.

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I am by no means sure but he may be a little bit discouraged.  The last posts of his that I saw were about Iraq's WMD.  No one seemed to respond, probably because they didn't agree.


I agree with Apu though, where are the WMD!

I am really starting to think that the CIA misled Bush, much like they tried to do with Kennedy during the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missle Crisis. I think someone in the Rumsfeld group of Hawks really pushed this and made it bigger than it actually was. Right now it is just a feeling, but I will be interested to see how it develops.

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I just cannot be lead to believe that the war was for helping the people of Iraq. There are countries that have populations that are so much more worse off than Iraq.


***The War in Iraq did definitely affect some of the Iraqi public positively.

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I am really starting to think that the CIA misled Bush,

then you might have missed the reports that Bush kept sending CIA reports back to the CIA (and NSA) with the insructions to make the reports match what Bush had pre determined to do. The only person who misled anyone is Bush tricking the American people, and using Colin Powel to lie to lie to the UN. The NPR site would have this info, broadcast last Saturday, I believe.

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Are the United States receiving any oil benefits since the war.  Like lowered gas prices?

Not yet. It takes at least 6 months from the day oil is drilled before it hits a gas station as gasoline. They have to go through the refining and transport before it is usuable.

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I am really starting to think that the CIA misled Bush,

then you might have missed the reports that Bush kept sending CIA reports back to the CIA (and NSA) with the insructions to make the reports match what Bush had pre determined to do. The only person who misled anyone is Bush tricking the American people, and using Colin Powel to lie to lie to the UN. The NPR site would have this info, broadcast last Saturday, I believe.

Is there a link to the story?

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I was in Chicago since Thursday visiting some friends of mine and going to the United for Peace and Justice conference. I just got back last night from all of that.


The CIA told Bush that they had no evidence that there were WMD's in Iraq or that Al Qaeda had ties to Iraq. Yet, Bush claimed they did.


I don't know if anybody saw the Daily Show when they showed footage from CNN when they had Iraqi oil engineers getting the oil to start pumping and the US guy was happier than any of them. It was amazing and funny that the US is happier than the Iraqi people themselves about the oil beginning to pump. And like Tom Tomorrow has said "The reason for the war was the freedom of the Iraqi people...unless we find the WMD and then that was the reason again."


And, KipWellsFan, they didn't respond because they know they're not correct. They backed an administration who says "The facts about their WMD will come." Now this may just be my common sense kicking in but WOULDN'T YOU WANT INDISPUTABLE FACTS BEFORE YOU WENT AND KILLED OVER 100 AMERICANS AND THOUSANDS OF IRAQIS?

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I am really starting to think that the CIA misled Bush,

then you might have missed the reports that Bush kept sending CIA reports back to the CIA (and NSA) with the insructions to make the reports match what Bush had pre determined to do. The only person who misled anyone is Bush tricking the American people, and using Colin Powel to lie to lie to the UN. The NPR site would have this info, broadcast last Saturday, I believe.

Is there a link to the story?

from a different source that NPR - but really, last night on tv and radio and in the written media this story is everywhere --


Bush makes claims with no intelligence......................................... support


not sure that this one totally adresses the white house sending back to the intelliegnce agencies to revsie their reports, but NPR is at npr,org and you should be able to find it

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I am really starting to think that the CIA misled Bush,

then you might have missed the reports that Bush kept sending CIA reports back to the CIA (and NSA) with the insructions to make the reports match what Bush had pre determined to do. The only person who misled anyone is Bush tricking the American people, and using Colin Powel to lie to lie to the UN. The NPR site would have this info, broadcast last Saturday, I believe.

Is there a link to the story?

from a different source that NPR - but really, last night on tv and radio and in the written media this story is everywhere --


Bush makes claims with no intelligence......................................... support


not sure that this one totally adresses the white house sending back to the intelliegnce agencies to revsie their reports, but NPR is at npr,org and you should be able to find it



Now this is exactly what I have seen. Everything that I have seen either has Rumsfeld or Chaney attached to it. I don't know if this was to cover the President, or to dupe him. But the more I see the more I think Bush was played for a patsy by the Hawks in his administration.

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