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All-Star Selections Thread


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QUOTE(Wolverine31 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 07:38 PM)
LOL @ the Sox fan who said the Tigers would have no starting pitching w/o Verlander. Do you even look at stats? Our "worst" starter has been Kenny Rogers and his whopping 3.72 ERA. I haven't checked the stats lately but that might be leading your starters.


BTW I think Ozzie is even more of a tool for taking all of his players to the game instead of the most deserving players. There's no way guys like Liriano who lead the AL in ERA or Verlander who is third in ERA and has 10 wins did not deserve to go before Ozzie's home team picks.



Mods, isn't this an impeachable offense?

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 08:04 PM)
Anyone hear about Buehrle starting the All-Star game?


On WSI I noticed a thread which suggests it's official. It was posted about 10 minutes ago.


Please say this is wrong. If Ozzie is interested in winning he'll start anyone of Santana, Halladay, or Contrereas before Mark "7 run first inning" Buehrle.



yea, buehrle has no business starting the all-star game.

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QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 08:09 PM)
Yeah because thats so common.

If you're referring to Buehrle giving up 7 first inning runs, it's more common than the other pitchers vying for a starting position. Three in his last 82 starts (stolen from Cheat's blog). Guarantee that's three more seven run innings than Contreras, Santana, and Halladay have had TOGETHER in their last 82 starts.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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I can't say I blame these other fans about being pissed...but...it happens every year. Torre was always the culprit for quite a while. The only problem I have is Buehrle. He is VERY non-deserving of being an All-Star this year...especially after today. Does Mark have a clause in his contract that states he gets a bonus for being on the All-Star team btw? I still think AJ should have been named though.

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QUOTE(Wolverine31 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 07:38 PM)
LOL @ the Sox fan who said the Tigers would have no starting pitching w/o Verlander. Do you even look at stats? Our "worst" starter has been Kenny Rogers and his whopping 3.72 ERA. I haven't checked the stats lately but that might be leading your starters.


BTW I think Ozzie is even more awesome for taking all of his players to the game instead of the most deserving players. There's no way guys like Liriano who lead the AL in ERA or Verlander who is third in ERA and has 10 wins did not deserve to go before Ozzie's home team picks.



Mods, love the fixed version! :lolhitting

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QUOTE(Wanne @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 08:39 PM)
I can't say I blame these other fans about being pissed...but...it happens every year. Torre was always the culprit for quite a while. The only problem I have is Buehrle. He is VERY non-deserving of being an All-Star this year...especially after today. Does Mark have a clause in his contract that states he gets a bonus for being on the All-Star team btw? I still think AJ should have been named though.

Today's performance from Buehrle makes Guillen look foolish. It raised his ERA, what, about half a run? Happened at the worst possible time.

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QUOTE(Wanne @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 08:39 PM)
I can't say I blame these other fans about being pissed...but...it happens every year. Torre was always the culprit for quite a while. The only problem I have is Buehrle. He is VERY non-deserving of being an All-Star this year...especially after today. Does Mark have a clause in his contract that states he gets a bonus for being on the All-Star team btw? I still think AJ should have been named though.

Buehrle was very deserving before today and Guillen already had the picks made.

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QUOTE(Wanne @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 08:39 PM)
I can't say I blame these other fans about being pissed...but...it happens every year. Torre was always the culprit for quite a while. The only problem I have is Buehrle. He is VERY non-deserving of being an All-Star this year...especially after today. Does Mark have a clause in his contract that states he gets a bonus for being on the All-Star team btw? I still think AJ should have been named though.


the all star teams were made up before todays outing, i cant believe ESPN failed to mention this when they went nuts about schilling not making it and buehrle making it....before todays game, when the lineups were set, buerhle had just 1 fewer win, but had a lower ERA, add in to the fact that his team has a better record, and his manager is managing the all star team, i really dont understand why espn complained about schilling not making it other than the fact that hes schilling and plays for boston. Liriano, is another story.

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QUOTE(GoTribe @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 08:34 PM)
I don't care. AJ is having a great year don't get me wrong, but in my book, and many others books, Pronk deserves it..

You guys are 18 games out.


He's been carrying you all year long.




Most underachieving team in baseball.

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QUOTE(Wanne @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 08:45 PM)
Moreso than Jose starting?!?

I'm not talking about starting. Mark definitely doesn't deserve to start and neither does Jose anymore(Johan is the best pitcher in baseball, the end). That being said before the debacle that was today, Mark was definitely an allstar worthy pitcher.

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Just because he had a bad game today, he (Buehrle) doesn't deserve to make the team?


He had 9 wins and a top 5 AL era before today when I remind you the team was already picked.


He doesn't deserve to start, but I don't have a problem with it.


We're talking about one of the top starters in baseball who has been a workhorse and an ace for us for several years now. Not to mention he is a class guy and a winner.


We should celebrate him going and not worry about Liriano or Verlander or any other pitcher who is NOT on the team.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 08:47 PM)
I'm not talking about starting. Mark definitely doesn't deserve to start and neither does Jose anymore(Johan is the best pitcher in baseball, the end). That being said before the debacle that was today, Mark was definitely an allstar worthy pitcher.


Yeah...I see what yer sayin. I guess I look at the staring pitcher of the all-star game as being "the man" at that time of the season...which Mark definately isn't right now. Johan is the best IMO.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 08:53 PM)
Just because he had a bad game today, he (Buehrle) doesn't deserve to make the team?


He had 9 wins and a top 5 AL era before today when I remind you the team was already picked.


He doesn't deserve to start, but I don't have a problem with it.


We're talking about one of the top starters in baseball who has been a workhorse and an ace for us for several years now. Not to mention he is a class guy and a winner.


We should celebrate him going and not worry about Liriano or Verlander or any other pitcher who is NOT on the team.

I know that's not what I'm suggesting. It's because of this afternoon that selecting Buehrle over Schilling or anyone else worthy looks bad. People won't care about when players were picked. They'll look at Buehrle, look at today's boxscore, and wonder -- "how the hell did he make the All-Star team?" Again, his crappy performance happen at a poor time.

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QUOTE(Wolverine31 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 06:38 PM)
LOL @ the Sox fan who said the Tigers would have no starting pitching w/o Verlander. Do you even look at stats? Our "worst" starter has been Kenny Rogers and his whopping 3.72 ERA. I haven't checked the stats lately but that might be leading your starters.



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my dad swears up and down that he heard someone on ESPN say that JD is going to be in the home-run derby, is there any truth to this...I wouldnt mind seeing him in it but not when theres a guy on your team that has what 7 more homers in Jim Thome...how many people are gonna be in it this year.

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QUOTE(2nd_city_saint787 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 10:36 PM)
my dad swears up and down that he heard someone on ESPN say that JD is going to be in the home-run derby, is there any truth to this...I wouldnt mind seeing him in it but not when theres a guy on your team that has what 7 more homers in Jim Thome...how many people are gonna be in it this year.


Jermaine IS in the Home Run Derby.

6 contestants out of the 8 have been confirmed... the final two will be named this week.

I believe if Jim Thome wants in, there will be a spot with his name on it... but I am not sure if he will want to enter another Derby after his last performance.

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QUOTE(2nd_city_saint787 @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 10:36 PM)
my dad swears up and down that he heard someone on ESPN say that JD is going to be in the home-run derby, is there any truth to this...I wouldnt mind seeing him in it but not when theres a guy on your team that has what 7 more homers in Jim Thome...how many people are gonna be in it this year.

Thome already said he will not compete in the Home Run derby even if he is asked to compete.


I'm wondering one thing, with all the people up in arms over the selection of Buehrle has anyone mentioned the slection of Matt Clement by Terry Francona last season? He had a 3.85 ERA at the break.

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