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QUOTE(Linnwood @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 05:47 PM)
I caught just the last part of it, but he seemed "moved"

awesome avatar fyi

Yeah, I saw her face and I couldn't stop laughing. Sox Fan in Pink Hat FTW!!!!!!!


GO AJ GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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WOOOOOOO WE KICK ASS>. Screw the rest of the country, AJ is in! YES!


this is the last time I'm gonna post this..




so now that the voting is over can someone name that song?


song on the radio that I've heard at sox games before and I wanted to add it to my sox cd... All I remember is the chorus sounded like they said "can't stop the heart" and a few ohs and yeahs somewhere in there. or something like that.. sorry, off topic

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 05:56 PM)
On the Twins' MLB.com forum, some of the people are saying that NL fans and players voted for AJ because they felt they had a better chance of winning with him on the team than they did with Liriano on it.


Haha, it's funny to see people trying to make excuses.

Yeah sure. It was us vs the world, but the NL fans did us a favor. Lol!

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I'm guessing the vote was fairly close from these comments......


Balloting ended at 6 p.m. ET Thursday in the Monster 2006 All-Star Final Vote, and those are the two survivors after a 94-hour process that resulted in a record 18.6 million votes overall, a lot of inspired campaigning and the closest overall competition in the five years of this last-chance selection process.


Garciaparra, the Dodgers' first baseman, fills the 32nd and final roster spot for the National League team with a Final Vote record of more than 4 million votes. Pierzynski, the White Sox catcher, rounds out the AL squad with 3.6 million votes. Their leagues will meet in the 77th All-Star Game on July 11 at PNC Park in Pittsburgh, and both of those key members of likely postseason contenders will hope to help their respective leagues try to win World Series home-field advantage.




If just 60% of the people voted for one of the American league players, thats about 11.5 million votes and Liriano would most likely have had 3 million+ as well with the other 3 dividing approximately 5-6 million votes.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 05:56 PM)
On the Twins' MLB.com forum, some of the people are saying that NL fans and players voted for AJ because they felt they had a better chance of winning with him on the team than they did with Liriano on it.


Haha, it's funny to see people trying to make excuses.


That is one of the lamest excuses I've ever heard.

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