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Man, this is awesome. We should all be proud of ourselves.


Way to go AJ!!!



Sox All-Star #7.



Our voting power is amazing.

Edited by robinventura23
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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 06:11 PM)
Since the game has such significance for the Sox if they return to the series, I kind of was hoping Liriano would get it. He's lights out and Oz could use that kind of pitching. Then again, I voted several times for AJ.




If the AL loses, it won't be because Liriano wasn't there.

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 05:12 PM)
If the AL loses, it won't be because Liriano wasn't there.


I know that Kenny Rogers isnt particularly intimidating, but seeing that the last 4 innings the AL will throw, Ryan, Jenks, Papelbon and Rivera (or at least thats what oz suggested) I just dont see how they lose. And I really dont think Tom Glavine is any more intimidating. The only thing that scares me is that Zito can be such a s*** pitcher in his first inning of work.

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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 06:11 PM)
Since the game has such significance for the Sox if they return to the series, I kind of was hoping Liriano would get it. He's lights out and Oz could use that kind of pitching. Then again, I voted several times for AJ.




You know, I think it's overrated nonsense to say that Liriano is lights out, therefore we substantially increase our chances of winning the game. It's not as if there's a shortage of quality pitching on the team, Mark Redman aside.

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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 06:11 PM)
Since the game has such significance for the Sox if they return to the series, I kind of was hoping Liriano would get it. He's lights out and Oz could use that kind of pitching. Then again, I voted several times for AJ.



Liriano would not have played if he made the team I can gaurantee you that.

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Punch That


Congratulations to AJ Pierzynski and all White Sox fans on becoming the final All-Star today after holding off a late surge by Minnesota's Francisco Liriano.


The announcement was made over the ballpark intercom at the same time ESPN announced the news nationally.


AJ was congratulated by teammates and media members while manager Ozzie Guillen just rolled his eyes.


AJ has several thank yous prepared to go out, but we cannot say enough about the support and time and effort devoted by thousands and thousands of White Sox fans around the world.


You are now 2-for-2 in elections -- in fine Chicago tradition. My guess is we won't be getting a third chance anytime soon unless we win this thing again.


You all should be proud tonight. Sox Pride.


It will be fun to see AJ's reception from our fans ...






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He wouldn't have made it without soxtalk, of that I am sure. Next year, we should team up with a messageboard for another team and do an NL trade. If you guys were like me, there wasn't anyone in particular you were DYING to see ont he NL team. I voted for Capuano but it was close. If we could make a deal with a messageboard for a team like the Brewers where we agree to vote for the other team's guy, we'd win by even more!

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 06:19 PM)
A few things:


Does anyone else think Ozzie purposely took Redman to drive home the point that not all teams should have representatives?


Is Glavine starting for the NL?


Does anyone have that picture of Barrett punching AJ that says "Frustration" and looks like a poster?


No I don't think that was the reason. Out of 7 spots though, 4 had to be pitchers. That means if he takes Grudz then one of the hitters he chose couldn't go and it would be a pitcher instead. I believe Glavine would start the all-star game but he pitches on Sunday so Garner has to decide if he is willing to use his starter for only one inning. Carpenter and Schmidt are also going on Sunday leading me to bet on Carlos Zambrano (starting on Friday) to be the starter. Just a hunch

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