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So where's Jay been?


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QUOTE(AssHatSoxFan @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 12:32 PM)
he is on vacation



Vacation should be in quotes. I dont think there's any way he'd be allowed to take time off during a period that includes the NBA Draft, World Cup and crosstown series. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think there's something more going on than him being on vacation.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 12:35 PM)
Vacation should be in quotes. I dont think there's any way he'd be allowed to take time off during a period that includes the NBA Draft, World Cup and crosstown series. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think there's something more going on than him being on vacation.



He's still recovering from his Pride Day "festivities".

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 12:35 PM)
Vacation should be in quotes. I dont think there's any way he'd be allowed to take time off during a period that includes the NBA Draft, World Cup and crosstown series. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think there's something more going on than him being on vacation.

I agree. I think him going on the Score and saying the Sun Times has basically been censoring him got to be too much. Hopefully the Times realizes he's not helping them sell any papers, all he is doing is embarassing them and they let him go.

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Well, it doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to think that something is up. This was in the Daily Herald a few days ago...


Where’s Mariotti? He’s on vacation

By Ted Cox

Daily Herald TV/Radio Columnist

Posted Saturday, July 01, 2006


Jay Mariotti suddenly went on vacation with the renewal of the cross-town rivalry between the Cubs and White Sox on Friday.


The Sun-Times columnist, who has been embroiled in an extended feud of his own with the Sox, took the time of his own volition; it was not imposed by management.


Yet sources say it was part of a conflict between Mariotti and his editors.


Mariotti has been eloquent about his disappointment in management not supporting him in his row with the Sox, which came to a head recently with manager Ozzie Guillen calling him by a sexual slur.


According to sources, Mariotti was also responding to a recent column criticizing him by his Sun-Times colleague Rick Telander.


Mariotti and Telander have clashed before, but Mariotti was apparently not amused by this piece appearing when it did.


It hurt the Sun-Times to be deprived of its star sports columnist for one of the biggest annual sporting events in the city, but it also didn’t help Mariotti’s reputation. The reason for Guillen’s remarks in the first place was that he felt Mariotti was cowardly for not facing the team on the field or in the locker room. Taking time off at this juncture, for whatever reason, doesn’t make Mariotti look any better.

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QUOTE(SoxFanInDallas @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 01:42 PM)
Hopefully he is having a nice relaxing time like Bruce Willis and Ving Rhames did in Pulp Fiction down in the basement of the Pawn Shop! :D




What now?

Well let me tell you

what now. I'm gonna call a couple

pipe-hittin' n*ggers, who'll go to

work on homes here with a pair of

pliers and a blow torch.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 01:35 PM)
He's still recovering from his Pride Day "festivities".


:lolhitting :lol:



QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 03:57 PM)
Who gives a rats ass?




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  • 2 weeks later...

I read in the paper today that his suspension, oops I mean vacation will last "weeks and weeks and weeks".


Just curious, I wonder if "weeks and weeks and weeks" means until the end of October.

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I think whats REALLY happening behind the scenes, is that Jay Mariotti has gotten into a bigger fight with his editors. If you remember, I brought up a while back him being on The Score being interviewed and he brought up a Very Serious Charge, of Censorship by his own paper. He point blank called out the Tribune for basically doing the same thing with their own writer (Paul Sullivan) and mentioned (Which Ive known for years as well as others) that the other paper has been favoring that other team, and now the SunTimes has been wanting him to Watch what he writes. This is a much bigger story than is being credited with (I was lambasted I believe)


It is a very sticky situation, one that BOTH PAPERS will most definitely NOT want being talked about.

Ive been calling out the Trib for years, but you can bet the SunTimes isnt going to fight Mariotti taking some time "off" for a while, to cool off. Ive been in his situation before, and to not have your Editors in your corner is stinging and indictment of a paper with no real direction.

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Their now even really pushing Telander as the top writer for the Sports section, as it is common to see the little preview for his articles on the front page. Odd indeed.


I've noticed that too, good call.


Mariotti is quite well known for being difficult to deal with on an interpersonal level. Big ego, abrasive, always promoting his own self interests. Now of course I have no definitive proof but it's what I heard from a few people who work (and worked, past tense) at the Sun Times. He is not a conciliatory sort of guy, he wants to do things his own way, and doesn't like answering to editors ... about anything.


Also from reading between the lines, again in talking to these people, he is not popular at all with other columnists, beat reporters, etc. not only at his own paper but within the entire Chicago media. He's perceived as a blowhard who doesn't follow the "traditional" path of getting his info for columns, i.e. showing up in person at the ballpark. Which is exactly what he's been criticized about by other media guys and most notoriously Guillen, Harrelson, Reinsdorf and others. Doesn't make him wrong, or a bad guy I suppose, but it opens him up to criticism from many angles.


I am not a newspaper guy, have worked in media a bit, and all I can do is fit a few pieces together. If any employee constantly butts heads with their employer, sooner or later something explodes ... like Mariotti going on a long suspens, oops I mean vacation. There are some highly respected columnists in Chicago sports, funny how they seem to able to live within whatever parameters exist at their respective papers but Mariotti can't.


Sooner or later the finger points at the individual vs. the employer.

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